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v2.0.1 - Stablize Open5GS packages 2020-09-05 19:48:00 -0400
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Status Update

An issue with MME has been reported in issues #472. To solve this problem, I freeze the code for the time being and changed the process to terminate if any problems are found including ogs_expect().

Here's what I know about this issue: There seems to be a problem with mme-init.c under version 1.3.0. I found that the eventloop is implemented incorrectly, and I am suspecting that this is related to current mme's infinite loop.

Anyway, if you need it for the experiment, please send the related log. And if necessary, I will provide a release package to catch this bug.

For troubleshooting


Bug Fixed

Download -- v2.0.1.tar.gz {: .notice--info}