
142 lines
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title: Mac OS X
head_inline: "<style> .blue { color: blue; } </style>"
This guide is based on **macOS High Sierra 10.13.3**.
{: .blue}
### Installing Homebrew
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
### Getting MongoDB
Install MongoDB with Package Manager.
$ brew install mongodb
Run MongoDB server.
$ mkdir -p ./data/db
$ mongod --dbpath ./data/db
### Setting up TUN device (No persistent after rebooting)
Install TUN/TAP driver
- You can download it from [](
Configure the TUN device.
$ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias netmask
$ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias netmask
$ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias netmask
$ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias netmask
Enable IP forwarding & Masquerading
$ sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
$ sudo sh -c "echo 'nat on {en0} from to any -> {en0}' > /etc/pf.anchors/org.nextepc"
$ sudo pfctl -e -f /etc/pf.anchors/org.nextepc
**Tip:** The script provided in [$GIT_REPO/support/network/]({{ site.github_username }}/nextepc/blob/master/support/network/ makes it easy to configure the TUN device as follows:
`$ sudo ./support/network/`
{: .notice--info}
### Building NextEPC
Install the depedencies for building the source code.
$ brew install autoconf automake libtool gnu-sed mongo-c-driver libusrsctp gnutls libgcrypt libidn libyaml pkg-config
Git clone with `--recursive` option.
➜ open5gs git clone --recursive{{ site.github_username }}/nextepc
To compile with autotools:
➜ open5gs cd nextepc
➜ nextepc git:(master) ✗ autoreconf -iv
➜ nextepc git:(master) ✗ ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/install
➜ nextepc git:(master) ✗ make -j `nproc`
**Note:** On MAC OS X, the compilation check is not supported at this point.
{: .notice--danger}
You need to perform **the installation process**.
➜ nextepc git:(master) ✗ make install
Check whether the installation is correct.
**Note:** This should require *sudo* due to access `/dev/tun0`.
{: .notice--danger}
acetcom@nextepc:~/nextepc$ sudo ./test/testcomplex
s1setup_test : SUCCESS
attach_test : SUCCESS
volte_test : SUCCESS
handover_test : SUCCESS
All tests passed.
**Tip:** You can also check the result of `./test/testcomplex` with a tool that captures packets. If you are running `wireshark`, select the `loopback` interface and set FILTER to `s1ap || gtpv2 || diameter || gtp`. You can see the virtually created packets. [[testcomplex.pcapng]]({{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pcapng/testcomplex.pcapng)
{: .notice--info}
For developers, it provides `nextepc-epcd` daemon that includes both *MME*, *SGW*, *PGW*, *HSS*, and *PCRF*.
**Note:** This should require *sudo* due to access `/dev/tun0`.
{: .notice--danger}
acetcom@nextepc:~/nextepc$ sudo ./nextepc-epcd
04/06 23:13:03.367: [core] INFO: NextEPC daemon start (main.c:169)
PID[6404]: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/nextepc/install/var/run/nextepc-epcd/pid'
File Logging: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/nextepc/install/var/log/nextepc/nextepc.log'
MongoDB URI: 'mongodb://localhost/nextepc'
Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/nextepc/install/etc/nextepc/nextepc.conf'
04/06 23:13:03.369: [core] INFO: PCRF try to initialize (epc.c:37)
### Building WebUI of NextEPC
[Node.js]( is required to build WebUI of NextEPC
$ brew install node
Install the dependencies to run WebUI
➜ nextepc git:(master)cd webui
➜ webui git:(master) ✗ npm install
The WebUI runs as an [npm]( script.
➜ webui git:(master) ✗ npm run dev