bitbake: Switch to bitbake-dev version (bitbake master upstream)

Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
This commit is contained in:
Richard Purdie 2010-01-20 18:46:02 +00:00
parent 1bfd6edef9
commit 22c29d8651
83 changed files with 1398 additions and 13821 deletions

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
Tim Ansell <>
Phil Blundell <>
Seb Frankengul <>
Holger Freyther <>
Marcin Juszkiewicz <>
Chris Larson <>
Ulrich Luckas <>
Mickey Lauer <>
Richard Purdie <>
Holger Schurig <>

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@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

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@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
Changes in Bitbake 1.9.x:
- Add PE (Package Epoch) support from Philipp Zabel (pH5)
- Treat python functions the same as shell functions for logging
- Use TMPDIR/anonfunc as a __anonfunc temp directory (T)
- Catch truncated cache file errors
- Allow operations other than assignment on flag variables
- Add code to handle inter-task dependencies
- Fix cache errors when generation dotGraphs
- Make sure __inherit_cache is updated before calling include() (from Michael Krelin)
- Fix bug when target was in ASSUME_PROVIDED (#2236)
- Raise ParseError for filenames with multiple underscores instead of infinitely looping (#2062)
- Fix invalid regexp in BBMASK error handling (missing import) (#1124)
- Promote certain warnings from debug to note 2 level
- Update manual
- Correctly redirect stdin when forking
- If parsing errors are found, exit, too many users miss the errors
- Remove supriours PREFERRED_PROVIDER warnings
- svn fetcher: Add _buildsvncommand function
- Improve certain error messages
- Rewrite svn fetcher to make adding extra operations easier
as part of future SRCDATE="now" fixes
(requires new FETCHCMD_svn definition in bitbake.conf)
- Change SVNDIR layout to be more unique (fixes #2644 and #2624)
- Add ConfigParsed Event after configuration parsing is complete
- Add SRCREV support for svn fetcher
- data.emit_var() - only call getVar if we need the variable
- Stop generating the A variable (seems to be legacy code)
- Make sure intertask depends get processed correcting in recursive depends
- Add pn-PN to overrides when evaluating PREFERRED_VERSION
- Improve the progress indicator by skipping tasks that have
already run before starting the build rather than during it
- Add profiling option (-P)
- Add BB_SRCREV_POLICY variable (clear or cache) to control SRCREV cache
- Add SRCREV_FORMAT support
- Fix local fetcher's localpath return values
- Apply OVERRIDES before performing immediate expansions
- Allow the -b -e option combination to take regular expressions
- Fix handling of variables with expansion in the name using _append/_prepend
e.g. RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_append_xyz = "abc"
- Add plain message function to bb.msg
- Sort the list of providers before processing so dependency problems are
reproducible rather than effectively random
- Fix/improve bitbake -s output
- Add locking for fetchers so only one tries to fetch a given file at a given time
- Fix int(0)/None confusion in which causes random gaps in dependency chains
- Expand data in addtasks
- Print the list of missing DEPENDS,RDEPENDS for the "No buildable providers available for required...."
error message.
- Rework add_task to be more efficient (6% speedup, 7% number of function calls reduction)
- Sort digraph output to make builds more reproducible
- Split expandKeys into two for loops to benefit from the expand_cache (12% speedup)
- Fix idepends handling to avoid dependency errors
- Clear the terminal TOSTOP flag if set (and warn the user)
- Fix regression from r653 and make SRCDATE/CVSDATE work for packages again
- Fix a bug in bb.decodeurl where decoded to host="" (#1530)
- Warn about malformed PREFERRED_PROVIDERS (#1072)
- Add support for BB_NICE_LEVEL option (#1627)
- Psyco is used only on x86 as there is no support for other architectures.
- Sort initial providers list by default preference (#1145, #2024)
- Improve provider sorting so prefered versions have preference over latest versions (#768)
- Detect builds of tasks with overlapping providers and warn (will become a fatal error) (#1359)
- Add MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST variable to allow known safe multiple providers to be listed
- Handle paths in svn fetcher module parameter
- Support the syntax "export VARIABLE"
- Add bzr fetcher
- Add support for cleaning directories before a task in the form:
do_taskname[cleandirs] = "dir"
- bzr fetcher tweaks from Robert Schuster (#2913)
- Add mercurial (hg) fetcher from Robert Schuster (#2913)
- Don't add duplicates to BBPATH
- Fix preferred_version return values (
- Fix 'depends' flag splitting
- Fix unexport handling (#3135)
- Add bb.copyfile function similar to bb.movefile (and improve movefile error reporting)
- Allow multiple options for deptask flag
- Use git-fetch instead of git-pull removing any need for merges when
fetching (we don't care about the index). Fixes fetch errors.
- Add BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS option, set to 0 to make git fetches
faster at the expense of not creating mirror tarballs.
- SRCREV handling updates, improvements and fixes from Poky
- Add bb.utils.lockfile() and bb.utils.unlockfile() from Poky
- Add support for task selfstamp and lockfiles flags
- Disable task number acceleration since it can allow the tasks to run
out of sequence
- Improve runqueue code comments
- Add task scheduler abstraction and some example schedulers
- Improve circular dependency chain debugging code and user feedback
- Don't give a stacktrace for invalid tasks, have a user friendly message (#3431)
- Add support for "-e target" (#3432)
- Fix shell showdata command (#3259)
- Fix shell data updating problems (#1880)
- Properly raise errors for invalid source URI protocols
- Change the wget fetcher failure handling to avoid lockfile problems
- Add support for branches in git fetcher (Otavio Salvador, Michael Lauer)
- Make taskdata and runqueue errors more user friendly
- Add norecurse and fullpath options to cvs fetcher
- Fix exit code for build failures in --continue mode
- Fix git branch tags fetching
- Change parseConfigurationFile so it works on real data, not a copy
- Handle 'base' inherit and all other INHERITs from parseConfigurationFile
instead of BBHandler
- Fix getVarFlags bug in data_smart
- Optmise cache handling by more quickly detecting an invalid cache, only
saving the cache when its changed, moving the cache validity check into
the parsing loop and factoring some getVar calls outside a for loop
- Cooker: Remove a debug message from the parsing loop to lower overhead
- Convert exec_task to use getVarFlags
- Update shell to use cooker.buildFile
- Add StampUpdate event
- Convert -b option to use taskdata/runqueue
- Remove digraph and switch to new stamp checking code. exec_task no longer
honours dependencies
- Make fetcher timestamp updating non-fatal when permissions don't allow
- Add BB_SCHEDULER variable/option ("completion" or "speed") controlling
the way bitbake schedules tasks
- Add BB_STAMP_POLICY variable/option ("perfile" or "full") controlling
how extensively stamps are looked at for validity
- When handling build target failures make sure idepends are checked and
failed where needed. Fixes --continue mode crashes.
- Fix -f (force) in conjunction with -b
- Fix problems with recrdeptask handling where some idepends weren't handled
- Handle exit codes correctly (from pH5)
- Work around refs/HEAD issues with git over http (#3410)
- Add proxy support to the CVS fetcher (from Cyril Chemparathy)
- Improve runfetchcmd so errors are seen and various GIT variables are exported
- Add ability to fetchers to check URL validity without downloading
- Improve runtime PREFERRED_PROVIDERS warning message
- Add BB_STAMP_WHITELIST option which contains a list of stamps to ignore when
checking stamp dependencies and using a BB_STAMP_POLICY of "whitelist"
- No longer weight providers on the basis of a package being "already staged". This
leads to builds being non-deterministic.
- Flush stdout/stderr before forking to fix duplicate console output
- Make sure recrdeps tasks include all inter-task dependencies of a given fn
- Add bb.runqueue.check_stamp_fn() for use by packaged-staging
- Add PERSISTENT_DIR to store the PersistData in a persistent
directory != the cache dir.
- Add md5 and sha256 checksum generation functions to
- Correctly handle '-' characters in class names (#2958)
- Make sure expandKeys has been called on the data dictonary before running tasks
- Correctly add a task override in the form task-TASKNAME.
- Revert the '-' character fix in class names since it breaks things
- When a regexp fails to compile for PACKAGES_DYNAMIC, print a more useful error (#4444)
- Allow to checkout CVS by Date and Time. Just add HHmm to the SRCDATE.
- Move prunedir function to and add explode_dep_versions function
- Raise an exception if SRCREV == 'INVALID'
- Fix hg fetcher username/password handling and fix crash
- Fix PACKAGES_DYNAMIC handling of packages with '++' in the name
- Rename __depends to __base_depends after configuration parsing so we don't
recheck the validity of the config files time after time
- Add better environmental variable handling. By default it will now only pass certain
whitelisted variables into the data store. If BB_PRESERVE_ENV is set bitbake will use
all variable from the environment. If BB_ENV_WHITELIST is set, that whitelist will be
used instead of the internal bitbake one. Alternatively, BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE can be used
to extend the internal whitelist.
- Perforce fetcher fix to use commandline options instead of being overriden by the environment
- bb.utils.prunedir can cope with symlinks to directoriees without exceptions
- use @rev when doing a svn checkout
- Add osc fetcher (from Joshua Lock in Poky)
- When SRCREV autorevisioning for a recipe is in use, don't cache the recipe
- Add tryaltconfigs option to control whether bitbake trys using alternative providers
to fulfil failed dependencies. It defaults to off, changing the default since this
behaviour confuses many users and isn't often useful.
- Improve lock file function error handling
- Add username handling to the git fetcher (Robert Bragg)
- Add support for HTTP_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY_IGNORE variables to the wget fetcher
- Export more variables to the fetcher commands to allow ssh checkouts and checkouts through
proxies to work better. (from Poky)
- Also allow user and pswd options in SRC_URIs globally (from Poky)
- Improve proxy handling when using mirrors (from Poky)
- Add bb.utils.prune_suffix function
- Fix hg checkouts of specific revisions (from Poky)
- Fix wget fetching of urls with parameters specified (from Poky)
- Add username handling to git fetcher (from Poky)
- Set HOME environmental variable when running fetcher commands (from Poky)
- Make sure allowed variables inherited from the environment are exported again (from Poky)
- When running a stage task in bbshell, run populate_staging, not the stage task (from Poky)
- Fix + character escaping from PACKAGES_DYNAMIC (thanks Otavio Salvador)
- Addition of BBCLASSEXTEND support for allowing one recipe to provide multiple targets (from Poky)
Changes in Bitbake 1.8.0:
- Release 1.7.x as a stable series
Changes in BitBake 1.7.x:
- Major updates of the dependency handling and execution
of tasks. Code from bin/bitbake replaced with
- New task execution code supports multithreading with a simplistic
threading algorithm controlled by BB_NUMBER_THREADS
- Change of the SVN Fetcher to keep the checkout around
courtsey of Paul Sokolovsky (#1367)
- PATH fix to bbimage (#1108)
- Allow debug domains to be specified on the commandline (-l)
- Allow 'interactive' tasks
- Logging message improvements
- Drop now uneeded BUILD_ALL_DEPS variable
- Add support for wildcards to -b option
- Major overhaul of the fetchers making a large amount of code common
including mirroring code
- Fetchers now touch md5 stamps upon access (to show activity)
- Fix -f force option when used without -b (long standing bug)
- Add expand_cache to, caching expanded data (speedup)
- Allow version field in DEPENDS (ignored for now)
- Add abort flag support to the shell
- Make inherit fail if the class doesn't exist (#1478)
- Fix data.emit_env() to expand keynames as well as values
- Add ssh fetcher
- Add perforce fetcher
- Make PREFERRED_PROVIDER_foobar defaults to foobar if available
- Share the parser's mtime_cache, reducing the number of stat syscalls
- Compile all anonfuncs at once!
*** Anonfuncs must now use common spacing format ***
- Memorise the list of handlers in __BBHANDLERS and tasks in __BBTASKS
This removes 2 million function calls resulting in a 5-10% speedup
- Add manpage
- Update generateDotGraph to use taskData/runQueue improving accuracy
and also adding a task dependency graph
- Fix/standardise on GPLv2 licence
- Move most functionality from bin/bitbake to and split into
separate funcitons
- CVS fetcher: Added support for non-default port
- Add BBINCLUDELOGS_LINES, the number of lines to read from any logfile
- Drop shebangs from lib/bb scripts
Changes in Bitbake 1.6.0:
- Better msg handling
- COW dict implementation from Tim Ansell (mithro) leading
to better performance
- Speed up of -s
Changes in Bitbake 1.4.4:
- SRCDATE now handling courtsey Justin Patrin
- #1017 fix to work with rm_work
Changes in BitBake 1.4.2:
- Send logs to instead of
fixes #856
- Copy the internal bitbake data before building the
dependency graph. This fixes nano not having a
virtual/libc dependency
- Allow multiple TARBALL_STASH entries
- Cache, check if the directory exists before changing
into it
- git speedup cloning by not doing a checkout
- allow to have spaces in filenames (.conf, .bb, .bbclass)
Changes in BitBake 1.4.0:
- Fix to check both RDEPENDS and RDEPENDS_${PN}
- Fix a RDEPENDS parsing bug in utils:explode_deps()
- Update git fetcher behaviour to match git changes
- ASSUME_PROVIDED allowed to include runtime packages
- git fetcher cleanup and efficency improvements
- Change the format of the cache
- Update usermanual to document the Fetchers
- Major changes to caching with a new strategy
giving a major performance increase when reparsing
with few data changes
Changes in BitBake 1.3.3:
- Create a new Fetcher module to ease the
development of new Fetchers.
Issue #438 fixed by
- Make the Subversion fetcher honor the SRC Date
Issue #555 fixed by
- Expand PREFERRED_PROVIDER properly
Issue #436 fixed by
- Typo fix for Issue #531 by Philipp Zabel for the
BitBake Shell
- Introduce a new special variable SRCDATE as
a generic naming to replace CVSDATE.
- Introduce a new keyword 'required'. In contrast
to 'include' parsing will fail if a to be included
file can not be found.
- Remove hardcoding of the STAMP directory. Patch
courtsey pHilipp Zabel
- Track the RDEPENDS of each package (
- Introduce BUILD_ALL_DEPS to build all RDEPENDS. E.g
this is used by the OpenEmbedded Meta Packages.
Changes in BitBake 1.3.2:
- reintegration of into BitBake
- bbread is gone, use bitbake -e
- lots of shell updates and bugfixes
- Introduction of the .= and =. operator
- Sort variables, keys and groups in bitdoc
- Fix regression in the handling of BBCOLLECTIONS
- Update the bitbake usermanual
Changes in BitBake 1.3.0:
- add bitbake interactive shell (bitbake -i)
- refactor bitbake utility in OO style
- kill default arguments in methods in the module
- kill default arguments in methods in the bb.fetch module
- the http/https/ftp fetcher will fail if the to be
downloaded file was not found in DL_DIR (this is needed
to avoid unpacking the sourceforge mirror page)
- Switch to a cow like data instance for persistent and non
persisting mode (called
- Changed the callback of bb.make.collect_bbfiles to carry
additional parameters
- Drastically reduced the amount of needed RAM by not holding
each data instance in memory when using a cache/persistent
Changes in BitBake 1.2.1:
The 1.2.1 release is meant as a intermediate release to lay the
ground for more radical changes. The most notable changes are:
- Do not hardcode {}, use instead if you want to
get a instance of a data class
- is a factory and the old methods are delegates
- Do not use deepcopy use instead.
- Removed default arguments in bb.fetch

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
# Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH
# Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Purdie
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import sys, os, getopt, re, time, optparse, xmlrpclib
sys.path.insert(0,os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), 'lib'))
import bb
from bb import cooker
from bb import ui
__version__ = "1.9.0"
if sys.hexversion < 0x020500F0:
print "Sorry, python 2.5 or later is required for this version of bitbake"
# BBOptions
class BBConfiguration( object ):
Manages build options and configurations for one run
def __init__( self, options ):
for key, val in options.__dict__.items():
setattr( self, key, val )
def print_exception(exc, value, tb):
Print the exception to stderr, only showing the traceback if bitbake
debugging is enabled.
if not bb.msg.debug_level['default']:
tb = None
sys.__excepthook__(exc, value, tb)
# main
def main():
return_value = 0
pythonver = sys.version_info
if pythonver[0] < 2 or (pythonver[0] == 2 and pythonver[1] < 5):
print "Sorry, bitbake needs python 2.5 or later."
parser = optparse.OptionParser( version = "BitBake Build Tool Core version %s, %%prog version %s" % ( bb.__version__, __version__ ),
usage = """%prog [options] [package ...]
Executes the specified task (default is 'build') for a given set of BitBake files.
It expects that BBFILES is defined, which is a space separated list of files to
be executed. BBFILES does support wildcards.
Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory.""" )
parser.add_option( "-b", "--buildfile", help = "execute the task against this .bb file, rather than a package from BBFILES.",
action = "store", dest = "buildfile", default = None )
parser.add_option( "-k", "--continue", help = "continue as much as possible after an error. While the target that failed, and those that depend on it, cannot be remade, the other dependencies of these targets can be processed all the same.",
action = "store_false", dest = "abort", default = True )
parser.add_option( "-a", "--tryaltconfigs", help = "continue with builds by trying to use alternative providers where possible.",
action = "store_true", dest = "tryaltconfigs", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-f", "--force", help = "force run of specified cmd, regardless of stamp status",
action = "store_true", dest = "force", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-i", "--interactive", help = "drop into the interactive mode also called the BitBake shell.",
action = "store_true", dest = "interactive", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-c", "--cmd", help = "Specify task to execute. Note that this only executes the specified task for the providee and the packages it depends on, i.e. 'compile' does not implicitly call stage for the dependencies (IOW: use only if you know what you are doing). Depending on the base.bbclass a listtasks tasks is defined and will show available tasks",
action = "store", dest = "cmd" )
parser.add_option( "-r", "--read", help = "read the specified file before bitbake.conf",
action = "append", dest = "file", default = [] )
parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", help = "output more chit-chat to the terminal",
action = "store_true", dest = "verbose", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-D", "--debug", help = "Increase the debug level. You can specify this more than once.",
action = "count", dest="debug", default = 0)
parser.add_option( "-n", "--dry-run", help = "don't execute, just go through the motions",
action = "store_true", dest = "dry_run", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-p", "--parse-only", help = "quit after parsing the BB files (developers only)",
action = "store_true", dest = "parse_only", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-d", "--disable-psyco", help = "disable using the psyco just-in-time compiler (not recommended)",
action = "store_true", dest = "disable_psyco", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-s", "--show-versions", help = "show current and preferred versions of all packages",
action = "store_true", dest = "show_versions", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-e", "--environment", help = "show the global or per-package environment (this is what used to be bbread)",
action = "store_true", dest = "show_environment", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-g", "--graphviz", help = "emit the dependency trees of the specified packages in the dot syntax",
action = "store_true", dest = "dot_graph", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-I", "--ignore-deps", help = """Assume these dependencies don't exist and are already provided (equivalent to ASSUME_PROVIDED). Useful to make dependency graphs more appealing""",
action = "append", dest = "extra_assume_provided", default = [] )
parser.add_option( "-l", "--log-domains", help = """Show debug logging for the specified logging domains""",
action = "append", dest = "debug_domains", default = [] )
parser.add_option( "-P", "--profile", help = "profile the command and print a report",
action = "store_true", dest = "profile", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-u", "--ui", help = "userinterface to use",
action = "store", dest = "ui")
parser.add_option( "", "--revisions-changed", help = "Set the exit code depending on whether upstream floating revisions have changed or not",
action = "store_true", dest = "revisions_changed", default = False )
options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)
configuration = BBConfiguration(options)
configuration.pkgs_to_build = []
#server = bb.server.xmlrpc
server = bb.server.none
# Save a logfile for cooker into the current working directory. When the
# server is daemonized this logfile will be truncated.
cooker_logfile = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), "cooker.log")
cooker = bb.cooker.BBCooker(configuration, server)
# Clear away any spurious environment variables. But don't wipe the
# environment totally. This is necessary to ensure the correct operation
# of the UIs (e.g. for DISPLAY, etc.)
serverinfo = server.BitbakeServerInfo(cooker.server)
server.BitBakeServerFork(serverinfo, cooker.serve, cooker_logfile)
del cooker
sys.excepthook = print_exception
# Setup a connection to the server (cooker)
serverConnection = server.BitBakeServerConnection(serverinfo)
# Launch the UI
if configuration.ui:
ui = configuration.ui
ui = "knotty"
# Dynamically load the UI based on the ui name. Although we
# suggest a fixed set this allows you to have flexibility in which
# ones are available.
exec "from bb.ui import " + ui
exec "return_value = " + ui + ".init(serverConnection.connection,"
except ImportError:
print "FATAL: Invalid user interface '%s' specified. " % ui
print "Valid interfaces are 'ncurses', 'depexp' or the default, 'knotty'."
except Exception, e:
print "FATAL: Unable to start to '%s' UI: %s." % (configuration.ui, e.message)
return return_value
if __name__ == "__main__":
ret = main()

View File

@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import optparse, os, sys
# bitbake
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), 'lib'))
import bb
import bb.parse
from string import split, join
__version__ = "0.0.2"
class HTMLFormatter:
Simple class to help to generate some sort of HTML files. It is
quite inferior solution compared to docbook, gtkdoc, doxygen but it
should work for now.
We've a global introduction site (index.html) and then one site for
the list of keys (alphabetical sorted) and one for the list of groups,
one site for each key with links to the relations and groups.
def replace(self, text, *pairs):
From pydoc... almost identical at least
while pairs:
(a,b) = pairs[0]
text = join(split(text, a), b)
pairs = pairs[1:]
return text
def escape(self, text):
Escape string to be conform HTML
return self.replace(text,
('&', '&amp;'),
('<', '&lt;' ),
('>', '&gt;' ) )
def createNavigator(self):
Create the navgiator
return """<table class="navigation" width="100%" summary="Navigation header" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<tr valign="middle">
<td><a accesskey="g" href="index.html">Home</a></td>
<td><a accesskey="n" href="all_groups.html">Groups</a></td>
<td><a accesskey="u" href="all_keys.html">Keys</a></td>
def relatedKeys(self, item):
Create HTML to link to foreign keys
if len(item.related()) == 0:
return ""
txt = "<p><b>See also:</b><br>"
txts = []
for it in item.related():
txts.append("""<a href="key%(it)s.html">%(it)s</a>""" % vars() )
return txt + ",".join(txts)
def groups(self,item):
Create HTML to link to related groups
if len(item.groups()) == 0:
return ""
txt = "<p><b>See also:</b><br>"
txts = []
for group in item.groups():
txts.append( """<a href="group%s.html">%s</a> """ % (group,group) )
return txt + ",".join(txts)
def createKeySite(self,item):
Create a site for a key. It contains the header/navigator, a heading,
the description, links to related keys and to the groups.
return """<!doctype html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>Key %s</title></head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
<h2><span class="refentrytitle">%s</span></h2>
<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
<h2>Related Keys</h2>
<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
""" % (, self.createNavigator(),,
self.escape(item.description()), self.relatedKeys(item), self.groups(item))
def createGroupsSite(self, doc):
Create the Group Overview site
groups = ""
sorted_groups = doc.groups()
for group in sorted_groups:
groups += """<a href="group%s.html">%s</a><br>""" % (group, group)
return """<!doctype html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>Group overview</title></head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
<h2>Available Groups</h2>
""" % (self.createNavigator(), groups)
def createIndex(self):
Create the index file
return """<!doctype html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>Bitbake Documentation</title></head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
<h2>Documentation Entrance</h2>
<a href="all_groups.html">All available groups</a><br>
<a href="all_keys.html">All available keys</a><br>
""" % self.createNavigator()
def createKeysSite(self, doc):
Create Overview of all avilable keys
keys = ""
sorted_keys = doc.doc_keys()
for key in sorted_keys:
keys += """<a href="key%s.html">%s</a><br>""" % (key, key)
return """<!doctype html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>Key overview</title></head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
<h2>Available Keys</h2>
""" % (self.createNavigator(), keys)
def createGroupSite(self, gr, items, _description = None):
Create a site for a group:
Group the name of the group, items contain the name of the keys
inside this group
groups = ""
description = ""
# create a section with the group descriptions
if _description:
description += "<h2 Description of Grozp %s</h2>" % gr
description += _description
items.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(,
for group in items:
groups += """<a href="key%s.html">%s</a><br>""" % (,
return """<!doctype html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>Group %s</title></head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
<h2>Keys in Group %s</h2>
<pre class="synopsis">
""" % (gr, self.createNavigator(), description, gr, groups)
def createCSS(self):
Create the CSS file
return """.synopsis, .classsynopsis
background: #eeeeee;
border: solid 1px #aaaaaa;
padding: 0.5em;
background: #eeeeff;
border: solid 1px #aaaaff;
padding: 0.5em;
padding: 4px;
margin-left: 3em;
.variablelist td:first-child
vertical-align: top;
background: #ffeeee;
border: solid 1px #ffaaaa;
margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
.navigation a
color: #770000;
.navigation a:visited
color: #550000;
.navigation .title
font-size: 200%;
margin-top: 2em;
float: left;
padding: 10px;
} img
border-style: none;
clear: both;
text-decoration: none;
text-decoration: underline;
color: #FF0000;
class DocumentationItem:
A class to hold information about a configuration
item. It contains the key name, description, a list of related names,
and the group this item is contained in.
def __init__(self):
self._groups = []
self._related = []
self._name = ""
self._desc = ""
def groups(self):
return self._groups
def name(self):
return self._name
def description(self):
return self._desc
def related(self):
return self._related
def setName(self, name):
self._name = name
def setDescription(self, desc):
self._desc = desc
def addGroup(self, group):
def addRelation(self,relation):
def sort(self):
class Documentation:
Holds the documentation... with mappings from key to items...
def __init__(self):
self.__keys = {}
self.__groups = {}
def insert_doc_item(self, item):
Insert the Doc Item into the internal list
of representation
self.__keys[] = item
for group in item.groups():
if not group in self.__groups:
self.__groups[group] = []
def doc_item(self, key):
Return the DocumentationInstance describing the key
return self.__keys[key]
except KeyError:
return None
def doc_keys(self):
Return the documented KEYS (names)
return self.__keys.keys()
def groups(self):
Return the names of available groups
return self.__groups.keys()
def group_content(self,group_name):
Return a list of keys/names that are in a specefic
group or the empty list
return self.__groups[group_name]
except KeyError:
return []
def parse_cmdline(args):
Parse the CMD line and return the result as a n-tuple
parser = optparse.OptionParser( version = "Bitbake Documentation Tool Core version %s, %%prog version %s" % (bb.__version__,__version__))
usage = """%prog [options]
Create a set of html pages (documentation) for a bitbake.conf....
# Add the needed options
parser.add_option( "-c", "--config", help = "Use the specified configuration file as source",
action = "store", dest = "config", default = os.path.join("conf", "documentation.conf") )
parser.add_option( "-o", "--output", help = "Output directory for html files",
action = "store", dest = "output", default = "html/" )
parser.add_option( "-D", "--debug", help = "Increase the debug level",
action = "count", dest = "debug", default = 0 )
parser.add_option( "-v","--verbose", help = "output more chit-char to the terminal",
action = "store_true", dest = "verbose", default = False )
options, args = parser.parse_args( sys.argv )
if options.debug:
return options.config, options.output
def main():
The main Method
(config_file,output_dir) = parse_cmdline( sys.argv )
# right to let us load the file now
documentation = bb.parse.handle( config_file, )
except IOError:
bb.fatal( "Unable to open %s" % config_file )
except bb.parse.ParseError:
bb.fatal( "Unable to parse %s" % config_file )
if isinstance(documentation, dict):
documentation = documentation[""]
# Assuming we've the file loaded now, we will initialize the 'tree'
doc = Documentation()
# defined states
state_begin = 0
state_see = 1
state_group = 2
for key in
data =, "doc", documentation)
if not data:
# The Documentation now starts
doc_ins = DocumentationItem()
tokens = data.split(' ')
state = state_begin
string= ""
for token in tokens:
token = token.strip(',')
if not state == state_see and token == "@see":
state = state_see
elif not state == state_group and token == "@group":
state = state_group
if state == state_begin:
string += " %s" % token
elif state == state_see:
elif state == state_group:
# set the description
# let us create the HTML now
# Let us create the sites now. We do it in the following order
# Start with the index.html. It will point to sites explaining all
# keys and groups
html_slave = HTMLFormatter()
f = file('style.css', 'w')
print >> f, html_slave.createCSS()
f = file('index.html', 'w')
print >> f, html_slave.createIndex()
f = file('all_groups.html', 'w')
print >> f, html_slave.createGroupsSite(doc)
f = file('all_keys.html', 'w')
print >> f, html_slave.createKeysSite(doc)
# now for each group create the site
for group in doc.groups():
f = file('group%s.html' % group, 'w')
print >> f, html_slave.createGroupSite(group, doc.group_content(group))
# now for the keys
for key in doc.doc_keys():
f = file('key%s.html' % doc.doc_item(key).name(), 'w')
print >> f, html_slave.createKeySite(doc.doc_item(key))
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# This is a copy on write dictionary and set which abuses classes to try and be nice and fast.
# Copyright (C) 2006 Tim Amsell
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#Please Note:
# Be careful when using mutable types (ie Dict and Lists) - operations involving these are SLOW.
# Assign a file to __warn__ to get warnings about slow operations.
import copy
import types
types.ImmutableTypes = tuple([ \
types.BooleanType, \
types.ComplexType, \
types.FloatType, \
types.IntType, \
types.LongType, \
types.NoneType, \
types.TupleType, \
frozenset] + \
MUTABLE = "__mutable__"
class COWMeta(type):
class COWDictMeta(COWMeta):
__warn__ = False
__hasmutable__ = False
__marker__ = tuple()
def __str__(cls):
# FIXME: I have magic numbers!
return "<COWDict Level: %i Current Keys: %i>" % (cls.__count__, len(cls.__dict__) - 3)
__repr__ = __str__
def cow(cls):
class C(cls):
__count__ = cls.__count__ + 1
return C
copy = cow
__call__ = cow
def __setitem__(cls, key, value):
if not isinstance(value, types.ImmutableTypes):
if not isinstance(value, COWMeta):
cls.__hasmutable__ = True
key += MUTABLE
setattr(cls, key, value)
def __getmutable__(cls, key, readonly=False):
nkey = key + MUTABLE
return cls.__dict__[nkey]
except KeyError:
value = getattr(cls, nkey)
if readonly:
return value
if not cls.__warn__ is False and not isinstance(value, COWMeta):
print >> cls.__warn__, "Warning: Doing a copy because %s is a mutable type." % key
value = value.copy()
except AttributeError, e:
value = copy.copy(value)
setattr(cls, nkey, value)
return value
__getmarker__ = []
def __getreadonly__(cls, key, default=__getmarker__):
Get a value (even if mutable) which you promise not to change.
return cls.__getitem__(key, default, True)
def __getitem__(cls, key, default=__getmarker__, readonly=False):
value = getattr(cls, key)
except AttributeError:
value = cls.__getmutable__(key, readonly)
# This is for values which have been deleted
if value is cls.__marker__:
raise AttributeError("key %s does not exist." % key)
return value
except AttributeError, e:
if not default is cls.__getmarker__:
return default
raise KeyError(str(e))
def __delitem__(cls, key):
cls.__setitem__(key, cls.__marker__)
def __revertitem__(cls, key):
if not cls.__dict__.has_key(key):
key += MUTABLE
delattr(cls, key)
def has_key(cls, key):
value = cls.__getreadonly__(key, cls.__marker__)
if value is cls.__marker__:
return False
return True
def iter(cls, type, readonly=False):
for key in dir(cls):
if key.startswith("__"):
if key.endswith(MUTABLE):
key = key[:-len(MUTABLE)]
if type == "keys":
yield key
if readonly:
value = cls.__getreadonly__(key)
value = cls[key]
except KeyError:
if type == "values":
yield value
if type == "items":
yield (key, value)
raise StopIteration()
def iterkeys(cls):
return cls.iter("keys")
def itervalues(cls, readonly=False):
if not cls.__warn__ is False and cls.__hasmutable__ and readonly is False:
print >> cls.__warn__, "Warning: If you arn't going to change any of the values call with True."
return cls.iter("values", readonly)
def iteritems(cls, readonly=False):
if not cls.__warn__ is False and cls.__hasmutable__ and readonly is False:
print >> cls.__warn__, "Warning: If you arn't going to change any of the values call with True."
return cls.iter("items", readonly)
class COWSetMeta(COWDictMeta):
def __str__(cls):
# FIXME: I have magic numbers!
return "<COWSet Level: %i Current Keys: %i>" % (cls.__count__, len(cls.__dict__) -3)
__repr__ = __str__
def cow(cls):
class C(cls):
__count__ = cls.__count__ + 1
return C
def add(cls, value):
COWDictMeta.__setitem__(cls, repr(hash(value)), value)
def remove(cls, value):
COWDictMeta.__delitem__(cls, repr(hash(value)))
def __in__(cls, value):
return COWDictMeta.has_key(repr(hash(value)))
def iterkeys(cls):
raise TypeError("sets don't have keys")
def iteritems(cls):
raise TypeError("sets don't have 'items'")
# These are the actual classes you use!
class COWDictBase(object):
__metaclass__ = COWDictMeta
__count__ = 0
class COWSetBase(object):
__metaclass__ = COWSetMeta
__count__ = 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
COWDictBase.__warn__ = sys.stderr
a = COWDictBase()
print "a", a
a['a'] = 'a'
a['b'] = 'b'
a['dict'] = {}
b = a.copy()
print "b", b
b['c'] = 'b'
print "a", a
for x in a.iteritems():
print x
print "--"
print "b", b
for x in b.iteritems():
print x
b['dict']['a'] = 'b'
b['a'] = 'c'
print "a", a
for x in a.iteritems():
print x
print "--"
print "b", b
for x in b.iteritems():
print x
except KeyError, e:
print "Okay!"
a['set'] = COWSetBase()
print "a", a
for x in a['set'].itervalues():
print x
print "--"
print "b", b
for x in b['set'].itervalues():
print x
print "a", a
for x in a['set'].itervalues():
print x
print "--"
print "b", b
for x in b['set'].itervalues():
print x
a['set2'] = set()
print "a", a
for x in a.iteritems():
print x
print "--"
print "b", b
for x in b.iteritems(readonly=True):
print x
del b['b']
print b['b']
except KeyError:
print "Yay! deleted key raises error"
if b.has_key('b'):
print "Boo!"
print "Yay - has_key with delete works!"
print "a", a
for x in a.iteritems():
print x
print "--"
print "b", b
for x in b.iteritems(readonly=True):
print x
print "a", a
for x in a.iteritems():
print x
print "--"
print "b", b
for x in b.iteritems(readonly=True):
print x
print "a", a
for x in a.iteritems():
print x
print "--"
print "b", b
for x in b.iteritems(readonly=True):
print x

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# BitBake 'Build' implementation
# Core code for function execution and task handling in the
# BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Based on Gentoo's
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
from bb import data, event, mkdirhier, utils
import bb, os, sys
# When we execute a python function we'd like certain things
# in all namespaces, hence we add them to __builtins__
# If we do not do this and use the exec globals, they will
# not be available to subfunctions.
__builtins__['bb'] = bb
__builtins__['os'] = os
# events
class FuncFailed(Exception):
Executed function failed
First parameter a message
Second paramter is a logfile (optional)
class EventException(Exception):
"""Exception which is associated with an Event."""
def __init__(self, msg, event):
self.args = msg, event
class TaskBase(event.Event):
"""Base class for task events"""
def __init__(self, t, d ):
self._task = t
self._package ="PF", d, 1)
self._message = "package %s: task %s: %s" % ("PF", d, 1), t, bb.event.getName(self)[4:])
def getTask(self):
return self._task
def setTask(self, task):
self._task = task
task = property(getTask, setTask, None, "task property")
class TaskStarted(TaskBase):
"""Task execution started"""
class TaskSucceeded(TaskBase):
"""Task execution completed"""
class TaskFailed(TaskBase):
"""Task execution failed"""
def __init__(self, msg, logfile, t, d ):
self.logfile = logfile
self.msg = msg
TaskBase.__init__(self, t, d)
class InvalidTask(TaskBase):
"""Invalid Task"""
# functions
def exec_func(func, d, dirs = None):
"""Execute an BB 'function'"""
body = data.getVar(func, d)
if not body:
flags = data.getVarFlags(func, d)
for item in ['deps', 'check', 'interactive', 'python', 'cleandirs', 'dirs', 'lockfiles', 'fakeroot']:
if not item in flags:
flags[item] = None
ispython = flags['python']
cleandirs = (data.expand(flags['cleandirs'], d) or "").split()
for cdir in cleandirs:
os.system("rm -rf %s" % cdir)
if dirs:
dirs = data.expand(dirs, d)
dirs = (data.expand(flags['dirs'], d) or "").split()
for adir in dirs:
if len(dirs) > 0:
adir = dirs[-1]
adir = data.getVar('B', d, 1)
# Save current directory
prevdir = os.getcwd()
except OSError:
prevdir = data.getVar('TOPDIR', d, True)
# Setup logfiles
t = data.getVar('T', d, 1)
if not t:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Build, "T not set")
# Gross hack, FIXME
import random
logfile = "%s/log.%s.%s.%s" % (t, func, str(os.getpid()),random.random())
runfile = "%s/run.%s.%s" % (t, func, str(os.getpid()))
# Change to correct directory (if specified)
if adir and os.access(adir, os.F_OK):
# Handle logfiles
si = file('/dev/null', 'r')
if bb.msg.debug_level['default'] > 0 or ispython:
so = os.popen("tee \"%s\"" % logfile, "w")
so = file(logfile, 'w')
except OSError, e:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "opening log file: %s" % e)
se = so
# Dup the existing fds so we dont lose them
osi = [os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()), sys.stdin.fileno()]
oso = [os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()), sys.stdout.fileno()]
ose = [os.dup(sys.stderr.fileno()), sys.stderr.fileno()]
# Replace those fds with our own
os.dup2(si.fileno(), osi[1])
os.dup2(so.fileno(), oso[1])
os.dup2(se.fileno(), ose[1])
locks = []
lockfiles = (data.expand(flags['lockfiles'], d) or "").split()
for lock in lockfiles:
# Run the function
if ispython:
exec_func_python(func, d, runfile, logfile)
exec_func_shell(func, d, runfile, logfile, flags)
# Restore original directory
# Unlock any lockfiles
for lock in locks:
# Restore the backup fds
os.dup2(osi[0], osi[1])
os.dup2(oso[0], oso[1])
os.dup2(ose[0], ose[1])
# Close our logs
if os.path.exists(logfile) and os.path.getsize(logfile) == 0:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Zero size logfile %s, removing" % logfile)
# Close the backup fds
def exec_func_python(func, d, runfile, logfile):
"""Execute a python BB 'function'"""
import re, os
bbfile ='FILE', d, 1)
tmp = "def " + func + "():\n%s" % data.getVar(func, d)
tmp += '\n' + func + '()'
f = open(runfile, "w")
comp = utils.better_compile(tmp, func, bbfile)
g = {} # globals
g['d'] = d
utils.better_exec(comp, g, tmp, bbfile)
(t,value,tb) = sys.exc_info()
if t in [bb.parse.SkipPackage,]:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Function %s failed" % func)
raise FuncFailed("function %s failed" % func, logfile)
def exec_func_shell(func, d, runfile, logfile, flags):
"""Execute a shell BB 'function' Returns true if execution was successful.
For this, it creates a bash shell script in the tmp dectory, writes the local
data into it and finally executes. The output of the shell will end in a log file and stdout.
Note on directory behavior. The 'dirs' varflag should contain a list
of the directories you need created prior to execution. The last
item in the list is where we will chdir/cd to.
deps = flags['deps']
check = flags['check']
if check in globals():
if globals()[check](func, deps):
f = open(runfile, "w")
f.write("#!/bin/sh -e\n")
if bb.msg.debug_level['default'] > 0: f.write("set -x\n")
data.emit_env(f, d)
f.write("cd %s\n" % os.getcwd())
if func: f.write("%s\n" % func)
os.chmod(runfile, 0775)
if not func:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Function not specified")
raise FuncFailed("Function not specified for exec_func_shell")
# execute function
if flags['fakeroot']:
maybe_fakeroot = "PATH=\"%s\" fakeroot " %"PATH", d, 1)
maybe_fakeroot = ''
lang_environment = "LC_ALL=C "
ret = os.system('%s%ssh -e %s' % (lang_environment, maybe_fakeroot, runfile))
if ret == 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Function %s failed" % func)
raise FuncFailed("function %s failed" % func, logfile)
def exec_task(task, d):
"""Execute an BB 'task'
The primary difference between executing a task versus executing
a function is that a task exists in the task digraph, and therefore
has dependencies amongst other tasks."""
# Check whther this is a valid task
if not data.getVarFlag(task, 'task', d):
raise EventException("No such task", InvalidTask(task, d))
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Executing task %s" % task)
old_overrides = data.getVar('OVERRIDES', d, 0)
localdata = data.createCopy(d)
data.setVar('OVERRIDES', 'task-%s:%s' % (task[3:], old_overrides), localdata)
data.expandKeys(localdata), localdata), localdata)
exec_func(task, localdata), localdata), localdata)
except FuncFailed, message:
# Try to extract the optional logfile
(msg, logfile) = message
logfile = None
msg = message
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Task failed: %s" % message )
failedevent = TaskFailed(msg, logfile, task, d), d)
raise EventException("Function failed in task: %s" % message, failedevent)
# make stamp, or cause event and raise exception
if not data.getVarFlag(task, 'nostamp', d) and not data.getVarFlag(task, 'selfstamp', d):
make_stamp(task, d)
def extract_stamp(d, fn):
Extracts stamp format which is either a data dictonary (fn unset)
or a dataCache entry (fn set).
if fn:
return d.stamp[fn]
return data.getVar('STAMP', d, 1)
def stamp_internal(task, d, file_name):
Internal stamp helper function
Removes any stamp for the given task
Makes sure the stamp directory exists
Returns the stamp path+filename
stamp = extract_stamp(d, file_name)
if not stamp:
stamp = "%s.%s" % (stamp, task)
# Remove the file and recreate to force timestamp
# change on broken NFS filesystems
if os.access(stamp, os.F_OK):
return stamp
def make_stamp(task, d, file_name = None):
Creates/updates a stamp for a given task
(d can be a data dict or dataCache)
stamp = stamp_internal(task, d, file_name)
if stamp:
f = open(stamp, "w")
def del_stamp(task, d, file_name = None):
Removes a stamp for a given task
(d can be a data dict or dataCache)
stamp_internal(task, d, file_name)
def add_tasks(tasklist, d):
task_deps = data.getVar('_task_deps', d)
if not task_deps:
task_deps = {}
if not 'tasks' in task_deps:
task_deps['tasks'] = []
if not 'parents' in task_deps:
task_deps['parents'] = {}
for task in tasklist:
task = data.expand(task, d)
data.setVarFlag(task, 'task', 1, d)
if not task in task_deps['tasks']:
flags = data.getVarFlags(task, d)
def getTask(name):
if not name in task_deps:
task_deps[name] = {}
if name in flags:
deptask = data.expand(flags[name], d)
task_deps[name][task] = deptask
task_deps['parents'][task] = []
for dep in flags['deps']:
dep = data.expand(dep, d)
# don't assume holding a reference
data.setVar('_task_deps', task_deps, d)
def remove_task(task, kill, d):
"""Remove an BB 'task'.
If kill is 1, also remove tasks that depend on this task."""
data.delVarFlag(task, 'task', d)

View File

@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# BitBake 'Event' implementation
# Caching of bitbake variables before task execution
# Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Purdie
# but small sections based on code from bin/bitbake:
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
# Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os, re
import bb.utils
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Importing cPickle failed. Falling back to a very slow implementation.")
__cache_version__ = "130"
class Cache:
BitBake Cache implementation
def __init__(self, cooker):
self.cachedir ="CACHE",, True)
self.clean = {}
self.checked = {}
self.depends_cache = {} = None
self.data_fn = None
self.cacheclean = True
if self.cachedir in [None, '']:
self.has_cache = False
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Not using a cache. Set CACHE = <directory> to enable.")
self.has_cache = True
self.cachefile = os.path.join(self.cachedir,"bb_cache.dat")
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Using cache in '%s'" % self.cachedir)
os.stat( self.cachedir )
except OSError:
bb.mkdirhier( self.cachedir )
# If any of's dependencies are newer than the
# cache there isn't even any point in loading it...
newest_mtime = 0
deps ="__depends",, True)
for f,old_mtime in deps:
if old_mtime > newest_mtime:
newest_mtime = old_mtime
if bb.parse.cached_mtime_noerror(self.cachefile) >= newest_mtime:
p = pickle.Unpickler(file(self.cachefile, "rb"))
self.depends_cache, version_data = p.load()
if version_data['CACHE_VER'] != __cache_version__:
raise ValueError, 'Cache Version Mismatch'
if version_data['BITBAKE_VER'] != bb.__version__:
raise ValueError, 'Bitbake Version Mismatch'
except EOFError:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Truncated cache found, rebuilding...")
self.depends_cache = {}
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Invalid cache found, rebuilding...")
self.depends_cache = {}
os.stat( self.cachefile )
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Out of date cache found, rebuilding...")
except OSError:
def getVar(self, var, fn, exp = 0):
Gets the value of a variable
(similar to getVar in the data class)
There are two scenarios:
1. We have cached data - serve from depends_cache[fn]
2. We're learning what data to cache - serve from data
backend but add a copy of the data to the cache.
if fn in self.clean:
return self.depends_cache[fn][var]
if not fn in self.depends_cache:
self.depends_cache[fn] = {}
if fn != self.data_fn:
# We're trying to access data in the cache which doesn't exist
# yet setData hasn't been called to setup the right access. Very bad.
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Parsing error data_fn %s and fn %s don't match" % (self.data_fn, fn))
self.cacheclean = False
result =,, exp)
self.depends_cache[fn][var] = result
return result
def setData(self, virtualfn, fn, data):
Called to prime bb_cache ready to learn which variables to cache.
Will be followed by calls to self.getVar which aren't cached
but can be fulfilled from
self.data_fn = virtualfn = data
# Make sure __depends makes the depends_cache
# If we're a virtual class we need to make sure all our depends are appended
# to the depends of fn.
depends = self.getVar("__depends", virtualfn, True) or []
if "__depends" not in self.depends_cache[fn] or not self.depends_cache[fn]["__depends"]:
self.depends_cache[fn]["__depends"] = depends
for dep in depends:
if dep not in self.depends_cache[fn]["__depends"]:
# Make sure BBCLASSEXTEND always makes the cache too
self.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', virtualfn, True)
self.depends_cache[virtualfn]["CACHETIMESTAMP"] = bb.parse.cached_mtime(fn)
def virtualfn2realfn(self, virtualfn):
Convert a virtual file name to a real one + the associated subclass keyword
fn = virtualfn
cls = ""
if virtualfn.startswith('virtual:'):
cls = virtualfn.split(':', 2)[1]
fn = virtualfn.replace('virtual:' + cls + ':', '')
#bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "virtualfn2realfn %s to %s %s" % (virtualfn, fn, cls))
return (fn, cls)
def realfn2virtual(self, realfn, cls):
Convert a real filename + the associated subclass keyword to a virtual filename
if cls == "":
#bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "realfn2virtual %s and '%s' to %s" % (realfn, cls, realfn))
return realfn
#bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "realfn2virtual %s and %s to %s" % (realfn, cls, "virtual:" + cls + ":" + realfn))
return "virtual:" + cls + ":" + realfn
def loadDataFull(self, virtualfn, cfgData):
Return a complete set of data for fn.
To do this, we need to parse the file.
(fn, cls) = self.virtualfn2realfn(virtualfn)
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Parsing %s (full)" % fn)
bb_data = self.load_bbfile(fn, cfgData)
return bb_data[cls]
def loadData(self, fn, cfgData, cacheData):
Load a subset of data for fn.
If the cached data is valid we do nothing,
To do this, we need to parse the file and set the system
to record the variables accessed.
Return the cache status and whether the file was skipped when parsed
skipped = 0
virtuals = 0
if fn not in self.checked:
if self.cacheValid(fn):
multi = self.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', fn, True)
for cls in (multi or "").split() + [""]:
virtualfn = self.realfn2virtual(fn, cls)
if self.depends_cache[virtualfn]["__SKIPPED"]:
skipped += 1
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Skipping %s" % virtualfn)
self.handle_data(virtualfn, cacheData)
virtuals += 1
return True, skipped, virtuals
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Parsing %s" % fn)
bb_data = self.load_bbfile(fn, cfgData)
for data in bb_data:
virtualfn = self.realfn2virtual(fn, data)
self.setData(virtualfn, fn, bb_data[data])
if self.getVar("__SKIPPED", virtualfn, True):
skipped += 1
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Skipping %s" % virtualfn)
self.handle_data(virtualfn, cacheData)
virtuals += 1
return False, skipped, virtuals
def cacheValid(self, fn):
Is the cache valid for fn?
Fast version, no timestamps checked.
# Is cache enabled?
if not self.has_cache:
return False
if fn in self.clean:
return True
return False
def cacheValidUpdate(self, fn):
Is the cache valid for fn?
Make thorough (slower) checks including timestamps.
# Is cache enabled?
if not self.has_cache:
return False
self.checked[fn] = ""
# Pretend we're clean so getVar works
self.clean[fn] = ""
# File isn't in depends_cache
if not fn in self.depends_cache:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Cache: %s is not cached" % fn)
return False
mtime = bb.parse.cached_mtime_noerror(fn)
# Check file still exists
if mtime == 0:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Cache: %s not longer exists" % fn)
return False
# Check the file's timestamp
if mtime != self.getVar("CACHETIMESTAMP", fn, True):
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Cache: %s changed" % fn)
return False
# Check dependencies are still valid
depends = self.getVar("__depends", fn, True)
if depends:
for f,old_mtime in depends:
fmtime = bb.parse.cached_mtime_noerror(f)
# Check if file still exists
if old_mtime != 0 and fmtime == 0:
return False
if (fmtime != old_mtime):
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Cache: %s's dependency %s changed" % (fn, f))
return False
#bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Depends Cache: %s is clean" % fn)
if not fn in self.clean:
self.clean[fn] = ""
# Mark extended class data as clean too
multi = self.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', fn, True)
for cls in (multi or "").split():
virtualfn = self.realfn2virtual(fn, cls)
self.clean[virtualfn] = ""
return True
def remove(self, fn):
Remove a fn from the cache
Called from the parser in error cases
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Removing %s from cache" % fn)
if fn in self.depends_cache:
del self.depends_cache[fn]
if fn in self.clean:
del self.clean[fn]
def sync(self):
Save the cache
Called from the parser when complete (or exiting)
import copy
if not self.has_cache:
if self.cacheclean:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Cache is clean, not saving.")
version_data = {}
version_data['CACHE_VER'] = __cache_version__
version_data['BITBAKE_VER'] = bb.__version__
cache_data = copy.deepcopy(self.depends_cache)
for fn in self.depends_cache:
if '__BB_DONT_CACHE' in self.depends_cache[fn] and self.depends_cache[fn]['__BB_DONT_CACHE']:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Not caching %s, marked as not cacheable" % fn)
del cache_data[fn]
elif 'PV' in self.depends_cache[fn] and 'SRCREVINACTION' in self.depends_cache[fn]['PV']:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Not caching %s as it had SRCREVINACTION in PV. Please report this bug" % fn)
del cache_data[fn]
p = pickle.Pickler(file(self.cachefile, "wb" ), -1 )
p.dump([cache_data, version_data])
def mtime(self, cachefile):
return bb.parse.cached_mtime_noerror(cachefile)
def handle_data(self, file_name, cacheData):
Save data we need into the cache
pn = self.getVar('PN', file_name, True)
pe = self.getVar('PE', file_name, True) or "0"
pv = self.getVar('PV', file_name, True)
bb.note("Found SRCREVINACTION in PV (%s) or %s. Please report this bug." % (pv, file_name))
pr = self.getVar('PR', file_name, True)
dp = int(self.getVar('DEFAULT_PREFERENCE', file_name, True) or "0")
depends = bb.utils.explode_deps(self.getVar("DEPENDS", file_name, True) or "")
packages = (self.getVar('PACKAGES', file_name, True) or "").split()
packages_dynamic = (self.getVar('PACKAGES_DYNAMIC', file_name, True) or "").split()
rprovides = (self.getVar("RPROVIDES", file_name, True) or "").split()
cacheData.task_deps[file_name] = self.getVar("_task_deps", file_name, True)
# build PackageName to FileName lookup table
if pn not in cacheData.pkg_pn:
cacheData.pkg_pn[pn] = []
cacheData.stamp[file_name] = self.getVar('STAMP', file_name, True)
# build FileName to PackageName lookup table
cacheData.pkg_fn[file_name] = pn
cacheData.pkg_pepvpr[file_name] = (pe,pv,pr)
cacheData.pkg_dp[file_name] = dp
provides = [pn]
for provide in (self.getVar("PROVIDES", file_name, True) or "").split():
if provide not in provides:
# Build forward and reverse provider hashes
# Forward: virtual -> [filenames]
# Reverse: PN -> [virtuals]
if pn not in cacheData.pn_provides:
cacheData.pn_provides[pn] = []
cacheData.fn_provides[file_name] = provides
for provide in provides:
if provide not in cacheData.providers:
cacheData.providers[provide] = []
if not provide in cacheData.pn_provides[pn]:
cacheData.deps[file_name] = []
for dep in depends:
if not dep in cacheData.deps[file_name]:
if not dep in cacheData.all_depends:
# Build reverse hash for PACKAGES, so runtime dependencies
# can be be resolved (RDEPENDS, RRECOMMENDS etc.)
for package in packages:
if not package in cacheData.packages:
cacheData.packages[package] = []
rprovides += (self.getVar("RPROVIDES_%s" % package, file_name, 1) or "").split()
for package in packages_dynamic:
if not package in cacheData.packages_dynamic:
cacheData.packages_dynamic[package] = []
for rprovide in rprovides:
if not rprovide in cacheData.rproviders:
cacheData.rproviders[rprovide] = []
# Build hash of runtime depends and rececommends
if not file_name in cacheData.rundeps:
cacheData.rundeps[file_name] = {}
if not file_name in cacheData.runrecs:
cacheData.runrecs[file_name] = {}
rdepends = self.getVar('RDEPENDS', file_name, True) or ""
rrecommends = self.getVar('RRECOMMENDS', file_name, True) or ""
for package in packages + [pn]:
if not package in cacheData.rundeps[file_name]:
cacheData.rundeps[file_name][package] = []
if not package in cacheData.runrecs[file_name]:
cacheData.runrecs[file_name][package] = []
cacheData.rundeps[file_name][package] = rdepends + " " + (self.getVar("RDEPENDS_%s" % package, file_name, True) or "")
cacheData.runrecs[file_name][package] = rrecommends + " " + (self.getVar("RRECOMMENDS_%s" % package, file_name, True) or "")
# Collect files we may need for possible world-dep
# calculations
if not self.getVar('BROKEN', file_name, True) and not self.getVar('EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD', file_name, True):
# Touch this to make sure its in the cache
self.getVar('__BB_DONT_CACHE', file_name, True)
self.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', file_name, True)
def load_bbfile( self, bbfile , config):
Load and parse one .bb build file
Return the data and whether parsing resulted in the file being skipped
import bb
from bb import utils, data, parse, debug, event, fatal
# expand tmpdir to include this topdir
data.setVar('TMPDIR', data.getVar('TMPDIR', config, 1) or "", config)
bbfile_loc = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(bbfile))
oldpath = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
if bb.parse.cached_mtime_noerror(bbfile_loc):
bb_data = data.init_db(config)
bb_data = parse.handle(bbfile, bb_data) # read .bb data
return bb_data
def init(cooker):
The Objective: Cache the minimum amount of data possible yet get to the
stage of building packages (i.e. tryBuild) without reparsing any .bb files.
To do this, we intercept getVar calls and only cache the variables we see
being accessed. We rely on the cache getVar calls being made for all
variables bitbake might need to use to reach this stage. For each cached
file we need to track:
* Its mtime
* The mtimes of all its dependencies
* Whether it caused a parse.SkipPackage exception
Files causing parsing errors are evicted from the cache.
return Cache(cooker)
# CacheData
class CacheData:
The data structures we compile from the cached data
def __init__(self):
Direct cache variables
(from Cache.handle_data)
self.providers = {}
self.rproviders = {}
self.packages = {}
self.packages_dynamic = {}
self.possible_world = []
self.pkg_pn = {}
self.pkg_fn = {}
self.pkg_pepvpr = {}
self.pkg_dp = {}
self.pn_provides = {}
self.fn_provides = {}
self.all_depends = []
self.deps = {}
self.rundeps = {}
self.runrecs = {}
self.task_queues = {}
self.task_deps = {}
self.stamp = {}
self.preferred = {}
Indirect Cache variables
(set elsewhere)
self.ignored_dependencies = []
self.world_target = set()
self.bbfile_priority = {}
self.bbfile_config_priorities = []

View File

@ -1,978 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
# Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH
# Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Richard Purdie
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import sys, os, getopt, glob, copy, os.path, re, time
import bb
from bb import utils, data, parse, event, cache, providers, taskdata, runqueue
from bb import command
import bb.server.xmlrpc
import itertools, sre_constants
class MultipleMatches(Exception):
Exception raised when multiple file matches are found
class ParsingErrorsFound(Exception):
Exception raised when parsing errors are found
class NothingToBuild(Exception):
Exception raised when there is nothing to build
# Different states cooker can be in
cookerClean = 1
cookerParsing = 2
cookerParsed = 3
# Different action states the cooker can be in
cookerRun = 1 # Cooker is running normally
cookerShutdown = 2 # Active tasks should be brought to a controlled stop
cookerStop = 3 # Stop, now!
# BBCooker
class BBCooker:
Manages one bitbake build run
def __init__(self, configuration, server):
self.status = None
self.cache = None
self.bb_cache = None
self.server = server.BitBakeServer(self)
self.configuration = configuration
if self.configuration.verbose:
if self.configuration.debug:
if self.configuration.debug_domains:
bb.msg.set_debug_domains(self.configuration.debug_domains) =
for f in self.configuration.file:
self.parseConfigurationFile( f )
self.parseConfigurationFile( os.path.join( "conf", "bitbake.conf" ) )
if not self.configuration.cmd:
self.configuration.cmd ="BB_DEFAULT_TASK",, True) or "build"
bbpkgs ='BBPKGS',, True)
if bbpkgs and len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) == 0:
# Special updated configuration we use for firing events
self.configuration.event_data =
# TOSTOP must not be set or our children will hang when they output
fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
if os.isatty(fd):
import termios
tcattr = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
if tcattr[3] & termios.TOSTOP:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Build, "The terminal had the TOSTOP bit set, clearing...")
tcattr[3] = tcattr[3] & ~termios.TOSTOP
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, tcattr)
self.command = bb.command.Command(self)
self.cookerState = cookerClean
self.cookerAction = cookerRun
def parseConfiguration(self):
# Change nice level if we're asked to
nice ="BB_NICE_LEVEL",, True)
if nice:
curnice = os.nice(0)
nice = int(nice) - curnice
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Renice to %s " % os.nice(nice))
def parseCommandLine(self):
# Parse any commandline into actions
if self.configuration.show_environment:
self.commandlineAction = None
if 'world' in self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
bb.error("'world' is not a valid target for --environment.")
elif len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 1:
bb.error("Only one target can be used with the --environment option.")
elif self.configuration.buildfile and len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 0:
bb.error("No target should be used with the --environment and --buildfile options.")
elif len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 0:
self.commandlineAction = ["showEnvironmentTarget", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build]
self.commandlineAction = ["showEnvironment", self.configuration.buildfile]
elif self.configuration.buildfile is not None:
self.commandlineAction = ["buildFile", self.configuration.buildfile, self.configuration.cmd]
elif self.configuration.revisions_changed:
self.commandlineAction = ["compareRevisions"]
elif self.configuration.show_versions:
self.commandlineAction = ["showVersions"]
elif self.configuration.parse_only:
self.commandlineAction = ["parseFiles"]
# FIXME - implement
#elif self.configuration.interactive:
# self.interactiveMode()
elif self.configuration.dot_graph:
if self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
self.commandlineAction = ["generateDotGraph", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build, self.configuration.cmd]
self.commandlineAction = None
bb.error("Please specify a package name for dependency graph generation.")
if self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
self.commandlineAction = ["buildTargets", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build, self.configuration.cmd]
self.commandlineAction = None
bb.error("Nothing to do. Use 'bitbake world' to build everything, or run 'bitbake --help' for usage information.")
def runCommands(self, server, data, abort):
Run any queued asynchronous command
This is done by the idle handler so it runs in true context rather than
tied to any UI.
return self.command.runAsyncCommand()
def tryBuildPackage(self, fn, item, task, the_data):
Build one task of a package, optionally build following task depends
if not self.configuration.dry_run:'do_%s' % task, the_data)
return True
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "task stack execution failed")
except, e:
event = e.args[1]
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "%s event exception, aborting" % bb.event.getName(event))
def tryBuild(self, fn, task):
Build a provider and its dependencies.
build_depends is a list of previous build dependencies (not runtime)
If build_depends is empty, we're dealing with a runtime depends
the_data = self.bb_cache.loadDataFull(fn,
item = self.status.pkg_fn[fn]
#if'do_%s' % self.configuration.cmd, the_data):
# return True
return self.tryBuildPackage(fn, item, task, the_data)
def showVersions(self):
# Need files parsed
pkg_pn = self.status.pkg_pn
preferred_versions = {}
latest_versions = {}
# Sort by priority
for pn in pkg_pn.keys():
(last_ver,last_file,pref_ver,pref_file) = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn,, self.status)
preferred_versions[pn] = (pref_ver, pref_file)
latest_versions[pn] = (last_ver, last_file)
pkg_list = pkg_pn.keys()
bb.msg.plain("%-35s %25s %25s" % ("Package Name", "Latest Version", "Preferred Version"))
bb.msg.plain("%-35s %25s %25s\n" % ("============", "==============", "================="))
for p in pkg_list:
pref = preferred_versions[p]
latest = latest_versions[p]
prefstr = pref[0][0] + ":" + pref[0][1] + '-' + pref[0][2]
lateststr = latest[0][0] + ":" + latest[0][1] + "-" + latest[0][2]
if pref == latest:
prefstr = ""
bb.msg.plain("%-35s %25s %25s" % (p, lateststr, prefstr))
def compareRevisions(self):
ret = bb.fetch.fetcher_compare_revisons(, self.configuration.event_data)
def showEnvironment(self, buildfile = None, pkgs_to_build = []):
Show the outer or per-package environment
fn = None
envdata = None
if buildfile:
self.cb = None
self.bb_cache = bb.cache.init(self)
fn = self.matchFile(buildfile)
elif len(pkgs_to_build) == 1:
localdata = data.createCopy(
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, pkgs_to_build[0])
taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
targetid = taskdata.getbuild_id(pkgs_to_build[0])
fnid = taskdata.build_targets[targetid][0]
fn = taskdata.fn_index[fnid]
envdata =
if fn:
envdata = self.bb_cache.loadDataFull(fn,
except IOError, e:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to read %s: %s" % (fn, e))
except Exception, e:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "%s" % e)
class dummywrite:
def __init__(self):
self.writebuf = ""
def write(self, output):
self.writebuf = self.writebuf + output
# emit variables and shell functions
wb = dummywrite()
data.emit_env(wb, envdata, True)
except Exception, e:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "%s" % e)
# emit the metadata which isnt valid shell
for e in envdata.keys():
if data.getVarFlag( e, 'python', envdata ):
bb.msg.plain("\npython %s () {\n%s}\n" % (e, data.getVar(e, envdata, 1)))
def generateDepTreeData(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
Create a dependency tree of pkgs_to_build, returning the data.
# Need files parsed
# If we are told to do the None task then query the default task
if (task == None):
task = self.configuration.cmd
pkgs_to_build = self.checkPackages(pkgs_to_build)
localdata = data.createCopy(
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
runlist = []
for k in pkgs_to_build:
taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k)
runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % task])
taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
seen_fnids = []
depend_tree = {}
depend_tree["depends"] = {}
depend_tree["tdepends"] = {}
depend_tree["pn"] = {}
depend_tree["rdepends-pn"] = {}
depend_tree["packages"] = {}
depend_tree["rdepends-pkg"] = {}
depend_tree["rrecs-pkg"] = {}
for task in range(len(rq.runq_fnid)):
taskname = rq.runq_task[task]
fnid = rq.runq_fnid[task]
fn = taskdata.fn_index[fnid]
pn = self.status.pkg_fn[fn]
version = "%s:%s-%s" % self.status.pkg_pepvpr[fn]
if pn not in depend_tree["pn"]:
depend_tree["pn"][pn] = {}
depend_tree["pn"][pn]["filename"] = fn
depend_tree["pn"][pn]["version"] = version
for dep in rq.runq_depends[task]:
depfn = taskdata.fn_index[rq.runq_fnid[dep]]
deppn = self.status.pkg_fn[depfn]
dotname = "%s.%s" % (pn, rq.runq_task[task])
if not dotname in depend_tree["tdepends"]:
depend_tree["tdepends"][dotname] = []
depend_tree["tdepends"][dotname].append("%s.%s" % (deppn, rq.runq_task[dep]))
if fnid not in seen_fnids:
packages = []
depend_tree["depends"][pn] = []
for dep in taskdata.depids[fnid]:
depend_tree["rdepends-pn"][pn] = []
for rdep in taskdata.rdepids[fnid]:
rdepends = self.status.rundeps[fn]
for package in rdepends:
depend_tree["rdepends-pkg"][package] = []
for rdepend in rdepends[package]:
rrecs = self.status.runrecs[fn]
for package in rrecs:
depend_tree["rrecs-pkg"][package] = []
for rdepend in rrecs[package]:
if not package in packages:
for package in packages:
if package not in depend_tree["packages"]:
depend_tree["packages"][package] = {}
depend_tree["packages"][package]["pn"] = pn
depend_tree["packages"][package]["filename"] = fn
depend_tree["packages"][package]["version"] = version
return depend_tree
def generateDepTreeEvent(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
Create a task dependency graph of pkgs_to_build.
Generate an event with the result
depgraph = self.generateDepTreeData(pkgs_to_build, task),
def generateDotGraphFiles(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
Create a task dependency graph of pkgs_to_build.
Save the result to a set of .dot files.
depgraph = self.generateDepTreeData(pkgs_to_build, task)
# Prints a flattened form of package-depends below where subpackages of a package are merged into the main pn
depends_file = file('', 'w' )
print >> depends_file, "digraph depends {"
for pn in depgraph["pn"]:
fn = depgraph["pn"][pn]["filename"]
version = depgraph["pn"][pn]["version"]
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, version, fn)
for pn in depgraph["depends"]:
for depend in depgraph["depends"][pn]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (pn, depend)
for pn in depgraph["rdepends-pn"]:
for rdepend in depgraph["rdepends-pn"][pn]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (pn, rdepend)
print >> depends_file, "}"
bb.msg.plain("PN dependencies saved to ''")
depends_file = file('', 'w' )
print >> depends_file, "digraph depends {"
for package in depgraph["packages"]:
pn = depgraph["packages"][package]["pn"]
fn = depgraph["packages"][package]["filename"]
version = depgraph["packages"][package]["version"]
if package == pn:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, version, fn)
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s(%s) %s\\n%s"]' % (package, package, pn, version, fn)
for depend in depgraph["depends"][pn]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (package, depend)
for package in depgraph["rdepends-pkg"]:
for rdepend in depgraph["rdepends-pkg"][package]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend)
for package in depgraph["rrecs-pkg"]:
for rdepend in depgraph["rrecs-pkg"][package]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend)
print >> depends_file, "}"
bb.msg.plain("Package dependencies saved to ''")
tdepends_file = file('', 'w' )
print >> tdepends_file, "digraph depends {"
for task in depgraph["tdepends"]:
(pn, taskname) = task.rsplit(".", 1)
fn = depgraph["pn"][pn]["filename"]
version = depgraph["pn"][pn]["version"]
print >> tdepends_file, '"%s.%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s\\n%s"]' % (pn, taskname, pn, taskname, version, fn)
for dep in depgraph["tdepends"][task]:
print >> tdepends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (task, dep)
print >> tdepends_file, "}"
bb.msg.plain("Task dependencies saved to ''")
def buildDepgraph( self ):
all_depends = self.status.all_depends
pn_provides = self.status.pn_provides
localdata = data.createCopy(
def calc_bbfile_priority(filename):
for (regex, pri) in self.status.bbfile_config_priorities:
if regex.match(filename):
return pri
return 0
for p in ('PREFERRED_PROVIDERS', localdata, 1) or "").split():
(providee, provider) = p.split(':')
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Malformed option in PREFERRED_PROVIDERS variable: %s" % p)
if providee in self.status.preferred and self.status.preferred[providee] != provider:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "conflicting preferences for %s: both %s and %s specified" % (providee, provider, self.status.preferred[providee]))
self.status.preferred[providee] = provider
# Calculate priorities for each file
for p in self.status.pkg_fn.keys():
self.status.bbfile_priority[p] = calc_bbfile_priority(p)
def buildWorldTargetList(self):
Build package list for "bitbake world"
all_depends = self.status.all_depends
pn_provides = self.status.pn_provides
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "collating packages for \"world\"")
for f in self.status.possible_world:
terminal = True
pn = self.status.pkg_fn[f]
for p in pn_provides[pn]:
if p.startswith('virtual/'):
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "World build skipping %s due to %s provider starting with virtual/" % (f, p))
terminal = False
for pf in self.status.providers[p]:
if self.status.pkg_fn[pf] != pn:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "World build skipping %s due to both us and %s providing %s" % (f, pf, p))
terminal = False
if terminal:
# drop reference count now
self.status.possible_world = None
self.status.all_depends = None
def interactiveMode( self ):
"""Drop off into a shell"""
from bb import shell
except ImportError, details:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Sorry, shell not available (%s)" % details )
shell.start( self )
def parseConfigurationFile( self, afile ):
try: = bb.parse.handle( afile, )
# Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
inherits = ["base"] + ('INHERIT',, True ) or "").split()
for inherit in inherits: = bb.parse.handle(os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % inherit),, True )
# Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
# We register any handlers we've found so far here...
for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', or []:
except IOError, e:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Error when parsing %s: %s" % (afile, str(e)))
except bb.parse.ParseError, details:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to parse %s (%s)" % (afile, details) )
def handleCollections( self, collections ):
"""Handle collections"""
if collections:
collection_list = collections.split()
for c in collection_list:
regex ="BBFILE_PATTERN_%s" % c,, 1)
if regex == None:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BBFILE_PATTERN_%s not defined" % c)
priority ="BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s" % c,, 1)
if priority == None:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s not defined" % c)
cre = re.compile(regex)
except re.error:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BBFILE_PATTERN_%s \"%s\" is not a valid regular expression" % (c, regex))
pri = int(priority)
self.status.bbfile_config_priorities.append((cre, pri))
except ValueError:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "invalid value for BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s: \"%s\"" % (c, priority))
def buildSetVars(self):
Setup any variables needed before starting a build
if not"BUILDNAME","BUILDNAME", os.popen('date +%Y%m%d%H%M').readline().strip(),"BUILDSTART", time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()),
def matchFiles(self, buildfile):
Find the .bb files which match the expression in 'buildfile'.
bf = os.path.abspath(buildfile)
return [bf]
except OSError:
(filelist, masked) = self.collect_bbfiles()
regexp = re.compile(buildfile)
matches = []
for f in filelist:
if and os.path.isfile(f):
bf = f
return matches
def matchFile(self, buildfile):
Find the .bb file which matches the expression in 'buildfile'.
Raise an error if multiple files
matches = self.matchFiles(buildfile)
if len(matches) != 1:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to match %s (%s matches found):" % (buildfile, len(matches)))
for f in matches:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, " %s" % f)
raise MultipleMatches
return matches[0]
def buildFile(self, buildfile, task):
Build the file matching regexp buildfile
# Parse the configuration here. We need to do it explicitly here since
# buildFile() doesn't use the cache
# If we are told to do the None task then query the default task
if (task == None):
task = self.configuration.cmd
fn = self.matchFile(buildfile)
# Load data into the cache for fn and parse the loaded cache data
self.bb_cache = bb.cache.init(self)
self.status = bb.cache.CacheData()
self.bb_cache.loadData(fn,, self.status)
# Tweak some variables
item = self.bb_cache.getVar('PN', fn, True)
self.status.ignored_dependencies = set()
self.status.bbfile_priority[fn] = 1
# Remove external dependencies
self.status.task_deps[fn]['depends'] = {}
self.status.deps[fn] = []
self.status.rundeps[fn] = []
self.status.runrecs[fn] = []
# Remove stamp for target if force mode active
if self.configuration.force:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Remove stamp %s, %s" % (task, fn))'do_%s' % task, self.status, fn)
# Setup taskdata structure
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
taskdata.add_provider(, self.status, item)
buildname ="BUILDNAME",, [item]), self.configuration.event_data)
# Execute the runqueue
runlist = [[item, "do_%s" % task]]
rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
def buildFileIdle(server, rq, abort):
if abort or self.cookerAction == cookerStop:
elif self.cookerAction == cookerShutdown:
failures = 0
retval = rq.execute_runqueue()
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
for fnid in fnids:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid])
failures = failures + 1
retval = False
if not retval:
self.command.finishAsyncCommand(), item, failures), self.configuration.event_data)
return False
return 0.5
self.server.register_idle_function(buildFileIdle, rq)
def buildTargets(self, targets, task):
Attempt to build the targets specified
# Need files parsed
# If we are told to do the NULL task then query the default task
if (task == None):
task = self.configuration.cmd
targets = self.checkPackages(targets)
def buildTargetsIdle(server, rq, abort):
if abort or self.cookerAction == cookerStop:
elif self.cookerAction == cookerShutdown:
failures = 0
retval = rq.execute_runqueue()
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
for fnid in fnids:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid])
failures = failures + 1
retval = False
if not retval:
self.command.finishAsyncCommand(), targets, failures), self.configuration.event_data)
return None
return 0.5
buildname ="BUILDNAME",, targets), self.configuration.event_data)
localdata = data.createCopy(
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
runlist = []
for k in targets:
taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k)
runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % task])
taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
self.server.register_idle_function(buildTargetsIdle, rq)
def updateCache(self):
if self.cookerState == cookerParsed:
if self.cookerState != cookerParsing:
self.parseConfiguration ()
# Import Psyco if available and not disabled
import platform
if platform.machine() in ['i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686']:
if not self.configuration.disable_psyco:
import psyco
except ImportError:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Psyco JIT Compiler ( not available. Install it to increase performance.")
psyco.bind( CookerParser.parse_next )
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "You have disabled Psyco. This decreases performance.")
self.status = bb.cache.CacheData()
ignore ="ASSUME_PROVIDED",, 1) or ""
self.status.ignored_dependencies = set(ignore.split())
for dep in self.configuration.extra_assume_provided:
self.handleCollections("BBFILE_COLLECTIONS",, 1) )
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "collecting .bb files")
(filelist, masked) = self.collect_bbfiles()"__depends", "__base_depends",
self.parser = CookerParser(self, filelist, masked)
self.cookerState = cookerParsing
if not self.parser.parse_next():
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "parsing complete")
self.cookerState = cookerParsed
return None
return True
def checkPackages(self, pkgs_to_build):
if len(pkgs_to_build) == 0:
raise NothingToBuild
if 'world' in pkgs_to_build:
for t in self.status.world_target:
return pkgs_to_build
def get_bbfiles( self, path = os.getcwd() ):
"""Get list of default .bb files by reading out the current directory"""
contents = os.listdir(path)
bbfiles = []
for f in contents:
(root, ext) = os.path.splitext(f)
if ext == ".bb":
return bbfiles
def find_bbfiles( self, path ):
"""Find all the .bb files in a directory"""
from os.path import join
found = []
for dir, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for ignored in ('SCCS', 'CVS', '.svn'):
if ignored in dirs:
found += [join(dir,f) for f in files if f.endswith('.bb')]
return found
def collect_bbfiles( self ):
"""Collect all available .bb build files"""
parsed, cached, skipped, masked = 0, 0, 0, 0
self.bb_cache = bb.cache.init(self)
files = (data.getVar( "BBFILES",, 1 ) or "").split()
data.setVar("BBFILES", " ".join(files),
if not len(files):
files = self.get_bbfiles()
if not len(files):
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "no files to build.")
newfiles = []
for f in files:
if os.path.isdir(f):
dirfiles = self.find_bbfiles(f)
if dirfiles:
newfiles += dirfiles
globbed = glob.glob(f)
if not globbed and os.path.exists(f):
globbed = [f]
newfiles += globbed
bbmask ='BBMASK',, 1)
if not bbmask:
return (newfiles, 0)
bbmask_compiled = re.compile(bbmask)
except sre_constants.error:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "BBMASK is not a valid regular expression.")
finalfiles = []
for f in newfiles:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "skipping masked file %s" % f)
masked += 1
return (finalfiles, masked)
def serve(self):
# Empty the environment. The environment will be populated as
# necessary from the data store.
if self.configuration.profile:
import cProfile as profile
import profile
profile.runctx("self.server.serve_forever()", globals(), locals(), "profile.log")
# Redirect stdout to capture profile information
pout = open('profile.log.processed', 'w')
so = sys.stdout.fileno()
os.dup2(pout.fileno(), so)
import pstats
p = pstats.Stats('profile.log')
os.dup2(so, pout.fileno())
self.server.serve_forever(), self.configuration.event_data)
class CookerExit(bb.event.Event):
Notify clients of the Cooker shutdown
def __init__(self):
class CookerParser:
def __init__(self, cooker, filelist, masked):
# Internal data
self.filelist = filelist
self.cooker = cooker
# Accounting statistics
self.parsed = 0
self.cached = 0
self.error = 0
self.masked = masked = len(filelist)
self.skipped = 0
self.virtuals = 0
# Pointer to the next file to parse
self.pointer = 0
def parse_next(self):
if self.pointer < len(self.filelist):
f = self.filelist[self.pointer]
cooker = self.cooker
fromCache, skipped, virtuals = cooker.bb_cache.loadData(f,, cooker.status)
if fromCache:
self.cached += 1
self.parsed += 1
self.skipped += skipped
self.virtuals += virtuals
except IOError, e:
self.error += 1
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "opening %s: %s" % (f, e))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception, e:
self.error += 1
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "%s while parsing %s" % (e, f))
finally:, self.parsed, self.skipped, self.masked, self.virtuals, self.error,, cooker.configuration.event_data)
self.pointer += 1
if self.pointer >=
if self.error > 0:
raise ParsingErrorsFound
return False
return True

View File

@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Data' implementations
Functions for interacting with the data structure used by the
BitBake build tools.
The expandData and update_data are the most expensive
operations. At night the cookie monster came by and
suggested 'give me cookies on setting the variables and
things will work out'. Taking this suggestion into account
applying the skills from the not yet passed 'Entwurf und
Analyse von Algorithmen' lecture and the cookie
monster seems to be right. We will track setVar more carefully
to have faster update_data and expandKeys operations.
This is a treade-off between speed and memory again but
the speed is more critical here.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import sys, os, re, types
if sys.argv[0][-5:] == "pydoc":
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1]))
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
from bb import data_smart
import bb
_dict_type = data_smart.DataSmart
def init():
return _dict_type()
def init_db(parent = None):
if parent:
return parent.createCopy()
return _dict_type()
def createCopy(source):
"""Link the source set to the destination
If one does not find the value in the destination set,
search will go on to the source set to get the value.
Value from source are copy-on-write. i.e. any try to
modify one of them will end up putting the modified value
in the destination set.
return source.createCopy()
def initVar(var, d):
"""Non-destructive var init for data structure"""
def setVar(var, value, d):
"""Set a variable to a given value
>>> d = init()
>>> setVar('TEST', 'testcontents', d)
>>> print getVar('TEST', d)
def getVar(var, d, exp = 0):
"""Gets the value of a variable
>>> d = init()
>>> setVar('TEST', 'testcontents', d)
>>> print getVar('TEST', d)
return d.getVar(var,exp)
def renameVar(key, newkey, d):
"""Renames a variable from key to newkey
>>> d = init()
>>> setVar('TEST', 'testcontents', d)
>>> renameVar('TEST', 'TEST2', d)
>>> print getVar('TEST2', d)
d.renameVar(key, newkey)
def delVar(var, d):
"""Removes a variable from the data set
>>> d = init()
>>> setVar('TEST', 'testcontents', d)
>>> print getVar('TEST', d)
>>> delVar('TEST', d)
>>> print getVar('TEST', d)
def setVarFlag(var, flag, flagvalue, d):
"""Set a flag for a given variable to a given value
>>> d = init()
>>> setVarFlag('TEST', 'python', 1, d)
>>> print getVarFlag('TEST', 'python', d)
def getVarFlag(var, flag, d):
"""Gets given flag from given var
>>> d = init()
>>> setVarFlag('TEST', 'python', 1, d)
>>> print getVarFlag('TEST', 'python', d)
return d.getVarFlag(var,flag)
def delVarFlag(var, flag, d):
"""Removes a given flag from the variable's flags
>>> d = init()
>>> setVarFlag('TEST', 'testflag', 1, d)
>>> print getVarFlag('TEST', 'testflag', d)
>>> delVarFlag('TEST', 'testflag', d)
>>> print getVarFlag('TEST', 'testflag', d)
def setVarFlags(var, flags, d):
"""Set the flags for a given variable
setVarFlags will not clear previous
flags. Think of this method as
>>> d = init()
>>> myflags = {}
>>> myflags['test'] = 'blah'
>>> setVarFlags('TEST', myflags, d)
>>> print getVarFlag('TEST', 'test', d)
def getVarFlags(var, d):
"""Gets a variable's flags
>>> d = init()
>>> setVarFlag('TEST', 'test', 'blah', d)
>>> print getVarFlags('TEST', d)['test']
return d.getVarFlags(var)
def delVarFlags(var, d):
"""Removes a variable's flags
>>> data = init()
>>> setVarFlag('TEST', 'testflag', 1, data)
>>> print getVarFlag('TEST', 'testflag', data)
>>> delVarFlags('TEST', data)
>>> print getVarFlags('TEST', data)
def keys(d):
"""Return a list of keys in d
>>> d = init()
>>> setVar('TEST', 1, d)
>>> setVar('MOO' , 2, d)
>>> setVarFlag('TEST', 'test', 1, d)
>>> keys(d)
['TEST', 'MOO']
return d.keys()
def getData(d):
"""Returns the data object used"""
return d
def setData(newData, d):
"""Sets the data object to the supplied value"""
d = newData
## Cookie Monsters' query functions
def _get_override_vars(d, override):
Get the Names of Variables that have a specific
override. This function returns a iterable
Set or an empty list
return []
def _get_var_flags_triple(d):
return []
__expand_var_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${[^{}]+}")
__expand_python_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${@.+?}")
def expand(s, d, varname = None):
"""Variable expansion using the data store.
Standard expansion:
>>> d = init()
>>> setVar('A', 'sshd', d)
>>> print expand('/usr/bin/${A}', d)
Python expansion:
>>> d = init()
>>> print expand('result: ${@37 * 72}', d)
result: 2664
Shell expansion:
>>> d = init()
>>> print expand('${TARGET_MOO}', d)
>>> setVar('TARGET_MOO', 'yupp', d)
>>> print expand('${TARGET_MOO}',d)
>>> setVar('SRC_URI', 'http://somebug.${TARGET_MOO}', d)
>>> delVar('TARGET_MOO', d)
>>> print expand('${SRC_URI}', d)
return d.expand(s, varname)
def expandKeys(alterdata, readdata = None):
if readdata == None:
readdata = alterdata
todolist = {}
for key in keys(alterdata):
if not '${' in key:
ekey = expand(key, readdata)
if key == ekey:
todolist[key] = ekey
# These two for loops are split for performance to maximise the
# usefulness of the expand cache
for key in todolist:
ekey = todolist[key]
renameVar(key, ekey, alterdata)
def expandData(alterdata, readdata = None):
"""For each variable in alterdata, expand it, and update the var contents.
Replacements use data from readdata.
>>> a=init()
>>> b=init()
>>> setVar("dlmsg", "dl_dir is ${DL_DIR}", a)
>>> setVar("DL_DIR", "/path/to/whatever", b)
>>> expandData(a, b)
>>> print getVar("dlmsg", a)
dl_dir is /path/to/whatever
if readdata == None:
readdata = alterdata
for key in keys(alterdata):
val = getVar(key, alterdata)
if type(val) is not types.StringType:
expanded = expand(val, readdata)
# print "key is %s, val is %s, expanded is %s" % (key, val, expanded)
if val != expanded:
setVar(key, expanded, alterdata)
def inheritFromOS(d):
"""Inherit variables from the environment."""
for s in os.environ.keys():
setVar(s, os.environ[s], d)
setVarFlag(s, "export", True, d)
except TypeError:
def emit_var(var, o=sys.__stdout__, d = init(), all=False):
"""Emit a variable to be sourced by a shell."""
if getVarFlag(var, "python", d):
return 0
export = getVarFlag(var, "export", d)
unexport = getVarFlag(var, "unexport", d)
func = getVarFlag(var, "func", d)
if not all and not export and not unexport and not func:
return 0
if all:
oval = getVar(var, d, 0)
val = getVar(var, d, 1)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
excname = str(sys.exc_info()[0])
if excname == "":
o.write('# expansion of %s threw %s\n' % (var, excname))
return 0
if all:
o.write('# %s=%s\n' % (var, oval))
if type(val) is not types.StringType:
return 0
if (var.find("-") != -1 or var.find(".") != -1 or var.find('{') != -1 or var.find('}') != -1 or var.find('+') != -1) and not all:
return 0
varExpanded = expand(var, d)
if unexport:
o.write('unset %s\n' % varExpanded)
return 1
if not val:
return 0
if func:
# NOTE: should probably check for unbalanced {} within the var
o.write("%s() {\n%s\n}\n" % (varExpanded, val))
return 1
if export:
o.write('export ')
# if we're going to output this within doublequotes,
# to a shell, we need to escape the quotes in the var
alter = re.sub('"', '\\"', val.strip())
o.write('%s="%s"\n' % (varExpanded, alter))
return 1
def emit_env(o=sys.__stdout__, d = init(), all=False):
"""Emits all items in the data store in a format such that it can be sourced by a shell."""
env = keys(d)
for e in env:
if getVarFlag(e, "func", d):
emit_var(e, o, d, all) and o.write('\n')
for e in env:
if not getVarFlag(e, "func", d):
emit_var(e, o, d) and o.write('\n')
def update_data(d):
"""Modifies the environment vars according to local overrides and commands.
Appending to a variable:
>>> d = init()
>>> setVar('TEST', 'this is a', d)
>>> setVar('TEST_append', ' test', d)
>>> setVar('TEST_append', ' of the emergency broadcast system.', d)
>>> update_data(d)
>>> print getVar('TEST', d)
this is a test of the emergency broadcast system.
Prepending to a variable:
>>> setVar('TEST', 'virtual/libc', d)
>>> setVar('TEST_prepend', 'virtual/tmake ', d)
>>> setVar('TEST_prepend', 'virtual/patcher ', d)
>>> update_data(d)
>>> print getVar('TEST', d)
virtual/patcher virtual/tmake virtual/libc
>>> setVar('TEST_arm', 'target', d)
>>> setVar('TEST_ramses', 'machine', d)
>>> setVar('TEST_local', 'local', d)
>>> setVar('OVERRIDES', 'arm', d)
>>> setVar('TEST', 'original', d)
>>> update_data(d)
>>> print getVar('TEST', d)
>>> setVar('OVERRIDES', 'arm:ramses:local', d)
>>> setVar('TEST', 'original', d)
>>> update_data(d)
>>> print getVar('TEST', d)
>>> e = d.createCopy()
>>> setVar('TEST_foo', 'foo', e)
>>> update_data(e)
>>> print getVar('TEST', e)
>>> setVar('OVERRIDES', 'arm:ramses:local:foo', e)
>>> update_data(e)
>>> print getVar('TEST', e)
>>> f = d.createCopy()
>>> setVar('TEST_moo', 'something', f)
>>> setVar('OVERRIDES', 'moo:arm:ramses:local:foo', e)
>>> update_data(e)
>>> print getVar('TEST', e)
>>> h = init()
>>> setVar('SRC_URI', 'file://;patch=1 ', h)
>>> g = h.createCopy()
>>> setVar('SRC_URI_append_arm', 'file://;patch=1', g)
>>> setVar('OVERRIDES', 'arm:moo', g)
>>> update_data(g)
>>> print getVar('SRC_URI', g)
file://;patch=1 file://;patch=1
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Data, "update_data()")
# now ask the cookie monster for help
#print "Cookie Monster"
#print "Append/Prepend %s" % d._special_values
#print "Overrides %s" % d._seen_overrides
overrides = (getVar('OVERRIDES', d, 1) or "").split(':') or []
# Well let us see what breaks here. We used to iterate
# over each variable and apply the override and then
# do the line expanding.
# If we have bad luck - which we will have - the keys
# where in some order that is so important for this
# method which we don't have anymore.
# Anyway we will fix that and write test cases this
# time.
# First we apply all overrides
# Then we will handle _append and _prepend
for o in overrides:
# calculate '_'+override
l = len(o)+1
# see if one should even try
if not d._seen_overrides.has_key(o):
vars = d._seen_overrides[o]
for var in vars:
name = var[:-l]
d[name] = d[var]
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Data, "Untracked delVar")
# now on to the appends and prepends
if d._special_values.has_key('_append'):
appends = d._special_values['_append'] or []
for append in appends:
for (a, o) in getVarFlag(append, '_append', d) or []:
# maybe the OVERRIDE was not yet added so keep the append
if (o and o in overrides) or not o:
delVarFlag(append, '_append', d)
if o and not o in overrides:
sval = getVar(append,d) or ""
setVar(append, sval, d)
if d._special_values.has_key('_prepend'):
prepends = d._special_values['_prepend'] or []
for prepend in prepends:
for (a, o) in getVarFlag(prepend, '_prepend', d) or []:
# maybe the OVERRIDE was not yet added so keep the prepend
if (o and o in overrides) or not o:
delVarFlag(prepend, '_prepend', d)
if o and not o in overrides:
sval = a + (getVar(prepend,d) or "")
setVar(prepend, sval, d)
def inherits_class(klass, d):
val = getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
if os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % klass) in val:
return True
return False
def _test():
"""Start a doctest run on this module"""
import doctest
import bb
from bb import data
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake Smart Dictionary Implementation
Functions for interacting with the data structure used by the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Seb Frankengul
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Copyright (C) 2005 Uli Luckas
# Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import copy, os, re, sys, time, types
import bb
from bb import utils, methodpool
from COW import COWDictBase
from new import classobj
__setvar_keyword__ = ["_append","_prepend"]
__setvar_regexp__ = re.compile('(?P<base>.*?)(?P<keyword>_append|_prepend)(_(?P<add>.*))?')
__expand_var_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${[^{}]+}")
__expand_python_regexp__ = re.compile(r"\${@.+?}")
class DataSmart:
def __init__(self, special = COWDictBase.copy(), seen = COWDictBase.copy() ):
self.dict = {}
# cookie monster tribute
self._special_values = special
self._seen_overrides = seen
self.expand_cache = {}
def expand(self,s, varname):
def var_sub(match):
key =[2:-1]
if varname and key:
if varname == key:
raise Exception("variable %s references itself!" % varname)
var = self.getVar(key, 1)
if var is not None:
return var
def python_sub(match):
import bb
code =[3:-1]
locals()['d'] = self
s = eval(code)
if type(s) == types.IntType: s = str(s)
return s
if type(s) is not types.StringType: # sanity check
return s
if varname and varname in self.expand_cache:
return self.expand_cache[varname]
while s.find('${') != -1:
olds = s
s = __expand_var_regexp__.sub(var_sub, s)
s = __expand_python_regexp__.sub(python_sub, s)
if s == olds: break
if type(s) is not types.StringType: # sanity check
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Data, 'expansion of %s returned non-string %s' % (olds, s))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Data, "%s:%s while evaluating:\n%s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], s))
if varname:
self.expand_cache[varname] = s
return s
def initVar(self, var):
self.expand_cache = {}
if not var in self.dict:
self.dict[var] = {}
def _findVar(self,var):
_dest = self.dict
while (_dest and var not in _dest):
if not "_data" in _dest:
_dest = None
_dest = _dest["_data"]
if _dest and var in _dest:
return _dest[var]
return None
def _makeShadowCopy(self, var):
if var in self.dict:
local_var = self._findVar(var)
if local_var:
self.dict[var] = copy.copy(local_var)
def setVar(self,var,value):
self.expand_cache = {}
match = __setvar_regexp__.match(var)
if match and"keyword") in __setvar_keyword__:
base ='base')
keyword ="keyword")
override ='add')
l = self.getVarFlag(base, keyword) or []
l.append([value, override])
self.setVarFlag(base, keyword, l)
# todo make sure keyword is not __doc__ or __module__
# pay the cookie monster
self._special_values[keyword].add( base )
self._special_values[keyword] = set()
self._special_values[keyword].add( base )
if not var in self.dict:
# more cookies for the cookie monster
if '_' in var:
override = var[var.rfind('_')+1:]
if not self._seen_overrides.has_key(override):
self._seen_overrides[override] = set()
self._seen_overrides[override].add( var )
# setting var
self.dict[var]["content"] = value
def getVar(self,var,exp):
value = self.getVarFlag(var,"content")
if exp and value:
return self.expand(value,var)
return value
def renameVar(self, key, newkey):
Rename the variable key to newkey
val = self.getVar(key, 0)
if val is not None:
self.setVar(newkey, val)
for i in ('_append', '_prepend'):
src = self.getVarFlag(key, i)
if src is None:
dest = self.getVarFlag(newkey, i) or []
self.setVarFlag(newkey, i, dest)
if self._special_values.has_key(i) and key in self._special_values[i]:
def delVar(self,var):
self.expand_cache = {}
self.dict[var] = {}
def setVarFlag(self,var,flag,flagvalue):
if not var in self.dict:
self.dict[var][flag] = flagvalue
def getVarFlag(self,var,flag):
local_var = self._findVar(var)
if local_var:
if flag in local_var:
return copy.copy(local_var[flag])
return None
def delVarFlag(self,var,flag):
local_var = self._findVar(var)
if not local_var:
if not var in self.dict:
if var in self.dict and flag in self.dict[var]:
del self.dict[var][flag]
def setVarFlags(self,var,flags):
if not var in self.dict:
for i in flags.keys():
if i == "content":
self.dict[var][i] = flags[i]
def getVarFlags(self,var):
local_var = self._findVar(var)
flags = {}
if local_var:
for i in local_var.keys():
if i == "content":
flags[i] = local_var[i]
if len(flags) == 0:
return None
return flags
def delVarFlags(self,var):
if not var in self.dict:
if var in self.dict:
content = None
# try to save the content
if "content" in self.dict[var]:
content = self.dict[var]["content"]
self.dict[var] = {}
self.dict[var]["content"] = content
del self.dict[var]
def createCopy(self):
Create a copy of self by setting _data to self
# we really want this to be a DataSmart...
data = DataSmart(seen=self._seen_overrides.copy(), special=self._special_values.copy())
data.dict["_data"] = self.dict
return data
# Dictionary Methods
def keys(self):
def _keys(d, mykey):
if "_data" in d:
for key in d.keys():
if key != "_data":
mykey[key] = None
keytab = {}
return keytab.keys()
def __getitem__(self,item):
#print "Warning deprecated"
return self.getVar(item, False)
def __setitem__(self,var,data):
#print "Warning deprecated"

View File

@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Event' implementation
Classes and functions for manipulating 'events' in the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os, re
import bb.utils
import pickle
# This is the pid for which we should generate the event. This is set when
# the runqueue forks off.
worker_pid = 0
worker_pipe = None
class Event:
"""Base class for events"""
def __init__(self): = worker_pid
NotHandled = 0
Handled = 1
Registered = 10
AlreadyRegistered = 14
# Internal
_handlers = {}
_ui_handlers = {}
_ui_handler_seq = 0
def fire(event, d):
"""Fire off an Event"""
if worker_pid != 0:
worker_fire(event, d)
for handler in _handlers:
h = _handlers[handler] = d
if type(h).__name__ == "code":
errors = []
for h in _ui_handlers:
#print "Sending event %s" % event
# We use pickle here since it better handles object instances
# which xmlrpc's marshaller does not. Events *must* be serializable
# by pickle.
for h in errors:
del _ui_handlers[h]
def worker_fire(event, d):
data = "<event>" + pickle.dumps(event) + "</event>"
if os.write(worker_pipe, data) != len (data):
print "Error sending event to server (short write)"
def fire_from_worker(event, d):
if not event.startswith("<event>") or not event.endswith("</event>"):
print "Error, not an event"
event = pickle.loads(event[7:-8]), d)
def register(name, handler):
"""Register an Event handler"""
# already registered
if name in _handlers:
return AlreadyRegistered
if handler is not None:
# handle string containing python code
if type(handler).__name__ == "str":
tmp = "def tmpHandler(e):\n%s" % handler
comp = bb.utils.better_compile(tmp, "tmpHandler(e)", "bb.event._registerCode")
_handlers[name] = comp
_handlers[name] = handler
return Registered
def remove(name, handler):
"""Remove an Event handler"""
def register_UIHhandler(handler):
bb.event._ui_handler_seq = bb.event._ui_handler_seq + 1
_ui_handlers[_ui_handler_seq] = handler
return _ui_handler_seq
def unregister_UIHhandler(handlerNum):
if handlerNum in _ui_handlers:
del _ui_handlers[handlerNum]
def getName(e):
"""Returns the name of a class or class instance"""
if getattr(e, "__name__", None) == None:
return e.__class__.__name__
return e.__name__
class ConfigParsed(Event):
"""Configuration Parsing Complete"""
class RecipeParsed(Event):
""" Recipe Parsing Complete """
def __init__(self, fn):
self.fn = fn
class StampUpdate(Event):
"""Trigger for any adjustment of the stamp files to happen"""
def __init__(self, targets, stampfns):
self._targets = targets
self._stampfns = stampfns
def getStampPrefix(self):
return self._stampfns
def getTargets(self):
return self._targets
stampPrefix = property(getStampPrefix)
targets = property(getTargets)
class BuildBase(Event):
"""Base class for bbmake run events"""
def __init__(self, n, p, failures = 0):
self._name = n
self._pkgs = p
self._failures = failures
def getPkgs(self):
return self._pkgs
def setPkgs(self, pkgs):
self._pkgs = pkgs
def getName(self):
return self._name
def setName(self, name):
self._name = name
def getCfg(self):
def setCfg(self, cfg): = cfg
def getFailures(self):
Return the number of failed packages
return self._failures
pkgs = property(getPkgs, setPkgs, None, "pkgs property")
name = property(getName, setName, None, "name property")
cfg = property(getCfg, setCfg, None, "cfg property")
class BuildStarted(BuildBase):
"""bbmake build run started"""
class BuildCompleted(BuildBase):
"""bbmake build run completed"""
class NoProvider(Event):
"""No Provider for an Event"""
def __init__(self, item, runtime=False):
self._item = item
self._runtime = runtime
def getItem(self):
return self._item
def isRuntime(self):
return self._runtime
class MultipleProviders(Event):
"""Multiple Providers"""
def __init__(self, item, candidates, runtime = False):
self._item = item
self._candidates = candidates
self._is_runtime = runtime
def isRuntime(self):
Is this a runtime issue?
return self._is_runtime
def getItem(self):
The name for the to be build item
return self._item
def getCandidates(self):
Get the possible Candidates for a PROVIDER.
return self._candidates
class ParseProgress(Event):
Parsing Progress Event
def __init__(self, cached, parsed, skipped, masked, virtuals, errors, total):
self.cached = cached
self.parsed = parsed
self.skipped = skipped
self.virtuals = virtuals
self.masked = masked
self.errors = errors
self.sofar = cached + parsed = total
class DepTreeGenerated(Event):
Event when a dependency tree has been generated
def __init__(self, depgraph):
self._depgraph = depgraph

View File

@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os, re
import bb
from bb import data
from bb import persist_data
class FetchError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a download fails"""
class NoMethodError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when there is no method to obtain a supplied url or set of urls"""
class MissingParameterError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a fetch method is missing a critical parameter in the url"""
class ParameterError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a url cannot be proccessed due to invalid parameters."""
class MD5SumError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a MD5SUM of a file does not match the expected one"""
class InvalidSRCREV(Exception):
"""Exception raised when an invalid SRCREV is encountered"""
def uri_replace(uri, uri_find, uri_replace, d):
# bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "uri_replace: operating on %s" % uri)
if not uri or not uri_find or not uri_replace:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "uri_replace: passed an undefined value, not replacing")
uri_decoded = list(bb.decodeurl(uri))
uri_find_decoded = list(bb.decodeurl(uri_find))
uri_replace_decoded = list(bb.decodeurl(uri_replace))
result_decoded = ['','','','','',{}]
for i in uri_find_decoded:
loc = uri_find_decoded.index(i)
result_decoded[loc] = uri_decoded[loc]
import types
if type(i) == types.StringType:
if (re.match(i, uri_decoded[loc])):
result_decoded[loc] = re.sub(i, uri_replace_decoded[loc], uri_decoded[loc])
if uri_find_decoded.index(i) == 2:
if d:
localfn = bb.fetch.localpath(uri, d)
if localfn:
result_decoded[loc] = os.path.dirname(result_decoded[loc]) + "/" + os.path.basename(bb.fetch.localpath(uri, d))
# bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "uri_replace: matching %s against %s and replacing with %s" % (i, uri_decoded[loc], uri_replace_decoded[loc]))
# bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "uri_replace: no match")
return uri
# else:
# for j in i.keys():
# FIXME: apply replacements against options
return bb.encodeurl(result_decoded)
methods = []
urldata_cache = {}
saved_headrevs = {}
def fetcher_init(d):
Called to initilize the fetchers once the configuration data is known
Calls before this must not hit the cache.
pd = persist_data.PersistData(d)
# When to drop SCM head revisions controled by user policy
srcrev_policy ='BB_SRCREV_POLICY', d, 1) or "clear"
if srcrev_policy == "cache":
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Keeping SRCREV cache due to cache policy of: %s" % srcrev_policy)
elif srcrev_policy == "clear":
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Clearing SRCREV cache due to cache policy of: %s" % srcrev_policy)
bb.fetch.saved_headrevs = pd.getKeyValues("BB_URI_HEADREVS")
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Invalid SRCREV cache policy of: %s" % srcrev_policy)
for m in methods:
if hasattr(m, "init"):
# Make sure our domains exist
def fetcher_compare_revisons(d):
Compare the revisions in the persistant cache with current values and
return true/false on whether they've changed.
pd = persist_data.PersistData(d)
data = pd.getKeyValues("BB_URI_HEADREVS")
data2 = bb.fetch.saved_headrevs
changed = False
for key in data:
if key not in data2 or data2[key] != data[key]:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s changed" % key)
changed = True
return True
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s did not change" % key)
return False
# Function call order is usually:
# 1. init
# 2. go
# 3. localpaths
# localpath can be called at any time
def init(urls, d, setup = True):
urldata = {}
fn ='FILE', d, 1)
if fn in urldata_cache:
urldata = urldata_cache[fn]
for url in urls:
if url not in urldata:
urldata[url] = FetchData(url, d)
if setup:
for url in urldata:
if not urldata[url].setup:
urldata_cache[fn] = urldata
return urldata
def go(d, urls = None):
Fetch all urls
init must have previously been called
if not urls:
urls = d.getVar("SRC_URI", 1).split()
urldata = init(urls, d, True)
for u in urls:
ud = urldata[u]
m = ud.method
if ud.localfile:
if not m.forcefetch(u, ud, d) and os.path.exists(ud.md5):
# File already present along with md5 stamp file
# Touch md5 file to show activity
os.utime(ud.md5, None)
# Errors aren't fatal here
lf = bb.utils.lockfile(ud.lockfile)
if not m.forcefetch(u, ud, d) and os.path.exists(ud.md5):
# If someone else fetched this before we got the lock,
# notice and don't try again
os.utime(ud.md5, None)
# Errors aren't fatal here
m.go(u, ud, d)
if ud.localfile:
if not m.forcefetch(u, ud, d):
Fetch.write_md5sum(u, ud, d)
def checkstatus(d):
Check all urls exist upstream
init must have previously been called
urldata = init([], d, True)
for u in urldata:
ud = urldata[u]
m = ud.method
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Testing URL %s" % u)
ret = m.checkstatus(u, ud, d)
if not ret:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "URL %s doesn't work" % u)
def localpaths(d):
Return a list of the local filenames, assuming successful fetch
local = []
urldata = init([], d, True)
for u in urldata:
ud = urldata[u]
return local
srcrev_internal_call = False
def get_srcrev(d):
Return the version string for the current package
(usually to be used as PV)
Most packages usually only have one SCM so we just pass on the call.
In the multi SCM case, we build a value based on SRCREV_FORMAT which must
have been set.
# Ugly code alert. localpath in the fetchers will try to evaluate SRCREV which
# could translate into a call to here. If it does, we need to catch this
# and provide some way so it knows get_srcrev is active instead of being
# some number etc. hence the srcrev_internal_call tracking and the magic
# "SRCREVINACTION" return value.
# Neater solutions welcome!
if bb.fetch.srcrev_internal_call:
scms = []
# Only call setup_localpath on URIs which suppports_srcrev()
urldata = init('SRC_URI', d, 1).split(), d, False)
for u in urldata:
ud = urldata[u]
if ud.method.suppports_srcrev():
if not ud.setup:
if len(scms) == 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "SRCREV was used yet no valid SCM was found in SRC_URI")
raise ParameterError'__BB_DONT_CACHE','1', d)
if len(scms) == 1:
return urldata[scms[0]].method.sortable_revision(scms[0], urldata[scms[0]], d)
# Mutiple SCMs are in SRC_URI so we resort to SRCREV_FORMAT
format ='SRCREV_FORMAT', d, 1)
if not format:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "The SRCREV_FORMAT variable must be set when multiple SCMs are used.")
raise ParameterError
for scm in scms:
if 'name' in urldata[scm].parm:
name = urldata[scm].parm["name"]
rev = urldata[scm].method.sortable_revision(scm, urldata[scm], d)
format = format.replace(name, rev)
return format
def localpath(url, d, cache = True):
Called from the parser with cache=False since the cache isn't ready
at this point. Also called from classed in OE e.g. patch.bbclass
ud = init([url], d)
if ud[url].method:
return ud[url].localpath
return url
def runfetchcmd(cmd, d, quiet = False):
Run cmd returning the command output
Raise an error if interrupted or cmd fails
Optionally echo command output to stdout
# Need to export PATH as binary could be in metadata paths
# rather than host provided
# Also include some other variables.
# FIXME: Should really include all export varaiables?
exportvars = ['PATH', 'GIT_PROXY_COMMAND', 'GIT_PROXY_HOST', 'GIT_PROXY_PORT', 'GIT_CONFIG', 'http_proxy', 'ftp_proxy', 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK', 'SSH_AGENT_PID', 'HOME']
for var in exportvars:
val = data.getVar(var, d, True)
if val:
cmd = 'export ' + var + '=%s; %s' % (val, cmd)
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % cmd)
# redirect stderr to stdout
stdout_handle = os.popen(cmd + " 2>&1", "r")
output = ""
while 1:
line = stdout_handle.readline()
if not line:
if not quiet:
print line,
output += line
status = stdout_handle.close() or 0
signal = status >> 8
exitstatus = status & 0xff
if signal:
raise FetchError("Fetch command %s failed with signal %s, output:\n%s" % (cmd, signal, output))
elif status != 0:
raise FetchError("Fetch command %s failed with exit code %s, output:\n%s" % (cmd, status, output))
return output
class FetchData(object):
A class which represents the fetcher state for a given URI.
def __init__(self, url, d):
self.localfile = ""
(self.type,, self.path, self.user, self.pswd, self.parm) = bb.decodeurl(data.expand(url, d)) = Fetch.getSRCDate(self, d)
self.url = url
if not self.user and "user" in self.parm:
self.user = self.parm["user"]
if not self.pswd and "pswd" in self.parm:
self.pswd = self.parm["pswd"]
self.setup = False
for m in methods:
if m.supports(url, self, d):
self.method = m
raise NoMethodError("Missing implementation for url %s" % url)
def setup_localpath(self, d):
self.setup = True
if "localpath" in self.parm:
# if user sets localpath for file, use it instead.
self.localpath = self.parm["localpath"]
bb.fetch.srcrev_internal_call = True
self.localpath = self.method.localpath(self.url, self, d)
bb.fetch.srcrev_internal_call = False
# We have to clear data's internal caches since the cached value of SRCREV is now wrong.
# Horrible..."ISHOULDNEVEREXIST", d)
self.md5 = self.localpath + '.md5'
self.lockfile = self.localpath + '.lock'
class Fetch(object):
"""Base class for 'fetch'ing data"""
def __init__(self, urls = []):
self.urls = []
def supports(self, url, urldata, d):
Check to see if this fetch class supports a given url.
return 0
def localpath(self, url, urldata, d):
Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
Can also setup variables in urldata for use in go (saving code duplication
and duplicate code execution)
return url
def setUrls(self, urls):
self.__urls = urls
def getUrls(self):
return self.__urls
urls = property(getUrls, setUrls, None, "Urls property")
def forcefetch(self, url, urldata, d):
Force a fetch, even if localpath exists?
return False
def suppports_srcrev(self):
The fetcher supports auto source revisions (SRCREV)
return False
def go(self, url, urldata, d):
Fetch urls
Assumes localpath was called first
raise NoMethodError("Missing implementation for url")
def checkstatus(self, url, urldata, d):
Check the status of a URL
Assumes localpath was called first
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "URL %s could not be checked for status since no method exists." % url)
return True
def getSRCDate(urldata, d):
Return the SRC Date for the component
d the module
if "srcdate" in urldata.parm:
return urldata.parm['srcdate']
pn = data.getVar("PN", d, 1)
if pn:
return data.getVar("SRCDATE_%s" % pn, d, 1) or data.getVar("CVSDATE_%s" % pn, d, 1) or data.getVar("SRCDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("CVSDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("DATE", d, 1)
return data.getVar("SRCDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("CVSDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("DATE", d, 1)
getSRCDate = staticmethod(getSRCDate)
def srcrev_internal_helper(ud, d):
a) a source revision if specified
b) True if auto srcrev is in action
c) False otherwise
if 'rev' in ud.parm:
return ud.parm['rev']
if 'tag' in ud.parm:
return ud.parm['tag']
rev = None
if 'name' in ud.parm:
pn = data.getVar("PN", d, 1)
rev = data.getVar("SRCREV_pn-" + pn + "_" + ud.parm['name'], d, 1)
if not rev:
rev = data.getVar("SRCREV", d, 1)
if rev == "INVALID":
raise InvalidSRCREV("Please set SRCREV to a valid value")
if not rev:
return False
return True
return rev
srcrev_internal_helper = staticmethod(srcrev_internal_helper)
def localcount_internal_helper(ud, d):
a) a locked localcount if specified
b) None otherwise
localcount= None
if 'name' in ud.parm:
pn = data.getVar("PN", d, 1)
localcount = data.getVar("LOCALCOUNT_" + ud.parm['name'], d, 1)
if not localcount:
localcount = data.getVar("LOCALCOUNT", d, 1)
return localcount
localcount_internal_helper = staticmethod(localcount_internal_helper)
def try_mirror(d, tarfn):
Try to use a mirrored version of the sources. We do this
to avoid massive loads on foreign cvs and svn servers.
This method will be used by the different fetcher
d Is a instance
tarfn is the name of the tarball
tarpath = os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, 1), tarfn)
if os.access(tarpath, os.R_OK):
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists, skipping checkout." % tarfn)
return True
pn = data.getVar('PN', d, True)
src_tarball_stash = None
if pn:
src_tarball_stash = (data.getVar('SRC_TARBALL_STASH_%s' % pn, d, True) or data.getVar('CVS_TARBALL_STASH_%s' % pn, d, True) or data.getVar('SRC_TARBALL_STASH', d, True) or data.getVar('CVS_TARBALL_STASH', d, True) or "").split()
ld = d.createCopy()
for stash in src_tarball_stash:
url = stash + tarfn
ud = FetchData(url, ld)
except bb.fetch.NoMethodError:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "No method for %s" % url)
ud.method.go(url, ud, ld)
return True
except (bb.fetch.MissingParameterError,
import sys
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Tarball stash fetch failure: %s" % value)
return False
try_mirror = staticmethod(try_mirror)
def verify_md5sum(ud, got_sum):
Verify the md5sum we wanted with the one we got
wanted_sum = None
if 'md5sum' in ud.parm:
wanted_sum = ud.parm['md5sum']
if not wanted_sum:
return True
return wanted_sum == got_sum
verify_md5sum = staticmethod(verify_md5sum)
def write_md5sum(url, ud, d):
md5data = bb.utils.md5_file(ud.localpath)
# verify the md5sum
if not Fetch.verify_md5sum(ud, md5data):
raise MD5SumError(url)
md5out = file(ud.md5, 'w')
write_md5sum = staticmethod(write_md5sum)
def latest_revision(self, url, ud, d):
Look in the cache for the latest revision, if not present ask the SCM.
if not hasattr(self, "_latest_revision"):
raise ParameterError
pd = persist_data.PersistData(d)
key = self.generate_revision_key(url, ud, d)
rev = pd.getValue("BB_URI_HEADREVS", key)
if rev != None:
return str(rev)
rev = self._latest_revision(url, ud, d)
pd.setValue("BB_URI_HEADREVS", key, rev)
return rev
def sortable_revision(self, url, ud, d):
if hasattr(self, "_sortable_revision"):
return self._sortable_revision(url, ud, d)
pd = persist_data.PersistData(d)
key = self.generate_revision_key(url, ud, d)
latest_rev = self._build_revision(url, ud, d)
last_rev = pd.getValue("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT", key + "_rev")
uselocalcount ="BB_LOCALCOUNT_OVERRIDE", d, True) or False
count = None
if uselocalcount:
count = Fetch.localcount_internal_helper(ud, d)
if count is None:
count = pd.getValue("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT", key + "_count")
if last_rev == latest_rev:
return str(count + "+" + latest_rev)
buildindex_provided = hasattr(self, "_sortable_buildindex")
if buildindex_provided:
count = self._sortable_buildindex(url, ud, d, latest_rev)
if count is None:
count = "0"
elif uselocalcount or buildindex_provided:
count = str(count)
count = str(int(count) + 1)
pd.setValue("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT", key + "_rev", latest_rev)
pd.setValue("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT", key + "_count", count)
return str(count + "+" + latest_rev)
def generate_revision_key(self, url, ud, d):
key = self._revision_key(url, ud, d)
return "%s-%s" % (key,"PN", d, True) or "")
import cvs
import git
import local
import svn
import wget
import svk
import ssh
import perforce
import bzr
import hg
import osc

View File

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
BitBake 'Fetch' implementation for bzr.
# Copyright (C) 2007 Ross Burton
# Copyright (C) 2007 Richard Purdie
# Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
# BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os
import sys
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
from bb.fetch import runfetchcmd
class Bzr(Fetch):
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
return ud.type in ['bzr']
def localpath (self, url, ud, d):
# Create paths to bzr checkouts
relpath = ud.path
if relpath.startswith('/'):
# Remove leading slash as os.path.join can't cope
relpath = relpath[1:]
ud.pkgdir = os.path.join(data.expand('${BZRDIR}', d),, relpath)
revision = Fetch.srcrev_internal_helper(ud, d)
if revision is True:
ud.revision = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d)
elif revision:
ud.revision = revision
if not ud.revision:
ud.revision = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d)
ud.localfile = data.expand('bzr_%s_%s_%s.tar.gz' % (, ud.path.replace('/', '.'), ud.revision), d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
def _buildbzrcommand(self, ud, d, command):
Build up an bzr commandline based on ud
command is "fetch", "update", "revno"
basecmd = data.expand('${FETCHCMD_bzr}', d)
proto = "http"
if "proto" in ud.parm:
proto = ud.parm["proto"]
bzrroot = + ud.path
options = []
if command is "revno":
bzrcmd = "%s revno %s %s://%s" % (basecmd, " ".join(options), proto, bzrroot)
if ud.revision:
options.append("-r %s" % ud.revision)
if command is "fetch":
bzrcmd = "%s co %s %s://%s" % (basecmd, " ".join(options), proto, bzrroot)
elif command is "update":
bzrcmd = "%s pull %s --overwrite" % (basecmd, " ".join(options))
raise FetchError("Invalid bzr command %s" % command)
return bzrcmd
def go(self, loc, ud, d):
"""Fetch url"""
# try to use the tarball stash
if Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.localfile):
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists or was mirrored, skipping bzr checkout." % ud.localpath)
if os.access(os.path.join(ud.pkgdir, os.path.basename(ud.pkgdir), '.bzr'), os.R_OK):
bzrcmd = self._buildbzrcommand(ud, d, "update")
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "BZR Update %s" % loc)
os.chdir(os.path.join (ud.pkgdir, os.path.basename(ud.path)))
runfetchcmd(bzrcmd, d)
os.system("rm -rf %s" % os.path.join(ud.pkgdir, os.path.basename(ud.pkgdir)))
bzrcmd = self._buildbzrcommand(ud, d, "fetch")
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "BZR Checkout %s" % loc)
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % bzrcmd)
runfetchcmd(bzrcmd, d)
# tar them up to a defined filename
runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, os.path.basename(ud.pkgdir)), d)
t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
except OSError:
raise t, v, tb
def suppports_srcrev(self):
return True
def _revision_key(self, url, ud, d):
Return a unique key for the url
return "bzr:" + ud.pkgdir
def _latest_revision(self, url, ud, d):
Return the latest upstream revision number
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "BZR fetcher hitting network for %s" % url)
output = runfetchcmd(self._buildbzrcommand(ud, d, "revno"), d, True)
return output.strip()
def _sortable_revision(self, url, ud, d):
Return a sortable revision number which in our case is the revision number
return self._build_revision(url, ud, d)
def _build_revision(self, url, ud, d):
return ud.revision

View File

@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
from bb.fetch import MissingParameterError
class Cvs(Fetch):
Class to fetch a module or modules from cvs repositories
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with cvs.
return ud.type in ['cvs']
def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
if not "module" in ud.parm:
raise MissingParameterError("cvs method needs a 'module' parameter")
ud.module = ud.parm["module"]
ud.tag = ""
if 'tag' in ud.parm:
ud.tag = ud.parm['tag']
# Override the default date in certain cases
if 'date' in ud.parm: = ud.parm['date']
elif ud.tag: = ""
norecurse = ''
if 'norecurse' in ud.parm:
norecurse = '_norecurse'
fullpath = ''
if 'fullpath' in ud.parm:
fullpath = '_fullpath'
ud.localfile = data.expand('%s_%s_%s_%s%s%s.tar.gz' % (ud.module.replace('/', '.'),, ud.tag,, norecurse, fullpath), d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
def forcefetch(self, url, ud, d):
if ( == "now"):
return True
return False
def go(self, loc, ud, d):
# try to use the tarball stash
if not self.forcefetch(loc, ud, d) and Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.localfile):
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists or was mirrored, skipping cvs checkout." % ud.localpath)
method = "pserver"
if "method" in ud.parm:
method = ud.parm["method"]
localdir = ud.module
if "localdir" in ud.parm:
localdir = ud.parm["localdir"]
cvs_port = ""
if "port" in ud.parm:
cvs_port = ud.parm["port"]
cvs_rsh = None
if method == "ext":
if "rsh" in ud.parm:
cvs_rsh = ud.parm["rsh"]
if method == "dir":
cvsroot = ud.path
cvsroot = ":" + method
cvsproxyhost = data.getVar('CVS_PROXY_HOST', d, True)
if cvsproxyhost:
cvsroot += ";proxy=" + cvsproxyhost
cvsproxyport = data.getVar('CVS_PROXY_PORT', d, True)
if cvsproxyport:
cvsroot += ";proxyport=" + cvsproxyport
cvsroot += ":" + ud.user
if ud.pswd:
cvsroot += ":" + ud.pswd
cvsroot += "@" + + ":" + cvs_port + ud.path
options = []
if 'norecurse' in ud.parm:
# treat YYYYMMDDHHMM specially for CVS
if len( == 12:
options.append("-D \"%s %s:%s UTC\"" % ([0:8],[8:10],[10:12]))
options.append("-D \"%s UTC\"" %
if ud.tag:
options.append("-r %s" % ud.tag)
localdata = data.createCopy(d)
data.setVar('OVERRIDES', "cvs:%s" % data.getVar('OVERRIDES', localdata), localdata)
data.setVar('CVSROOT', cvsroot, localdata)
data.setVar('CVSCOOPTS', " ".join(options), localdata)
data.setVar('CVSMODULE', ud.module, localdata)
cvscmd = data.getVar('FETCHCOMMAND', localdata, 1)
cvsupdatecmd = data.getVar('UPDATECOMMAND', localdata, 1)
if cvs_rsh:
cvscmd = "CVS_RSH=\"%s\" %s" % (cvs_rsh, cvscmd)
cvsupdatecmd = "CVS_RSH=\"%s\" %s" % (cvs_rsh, cvsupdatecmd)
# create module directory
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch: checking for module directory")
pkg = data.expand('${PN}', d)
pkgdir = os.path.join(data.expand('${CVSDIR}', localdata), pkg)
moddir = os.path.join(pkgdir,localdir)
if os.access(os.path.join(moddir,'CVS'), os.R_OK):
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Update " + loc)
# update sources there
myret = os.system(cvsupdatecmd)
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch " + loc)
# check out sources there
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % cvscmd)
myret = os.system(cvscmd)
if myret != 0 or not os.access(moddir, os.R_OK):
except OSError:
raise FetchError(ud.module)
# tar them up to a defined filename
if 'fullpath' in ud.parm:
myret = os.system("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, localdir))
myret = os.system("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, os.path.basename(moddir)))
if myret != 0:
except OSError:
raise FetchError(ud.module)

View File

@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' git implementation
#Copyright (C) 2005 Richard Purdie
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import runfetchcmd
class Git(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch a module or modules from git repositories"""
def init(self, d):
# Only enable _sortable revision if the key is set
self._sortable_buildindex = self._sortable_buildindex_disabled
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with git.
return ud.type in ['git']
def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
if 'protocol' in ud.parm:
ud.proto = ud.parm['protocol']
elif not
ud.proto = 'file'
ud.proto = "rsync"
ud.branch = ud.parm.get("branch", "master")
gitsrcname = '%s%s' % (, ud.path.replace('/', '.'))
ud.mirrortarball = 'git_%s.tar.gz' % (gitsrcname)
ud.clonedir = os.path.join(data.expand('${GITDIR}', d), gitsrcname)
tag = Fetch.srcrev_internal_helper(ud, d)
if tag is True:
ud.tag = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d)
elif tag:
ud.tag = tag
if not ud.tag or ud.tag == "master":
ud.tag = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d)
subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "")
if subdir != "":
if subdir.endswith("/"):
subdir = subdir[:-1]
subdirpath = os.path.join(ud.path, subdir);
subdirpath = ud.path;
if 'fullclone' in ud.parm:
ud.localfile = ud.mirrortarball
ud.localfile = data.expand('git_%s%s_%s.tar.gz' % (, subdirpath.replace('/', '.'), ud.tag), d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
def go(self, loc, ud, d):
"""Fetch url"""
if Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.localfile):
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists (or was stashed). Skipping git checkout." % ud.localpath)
if ud.user:
username = ud.user + '@'
username = ""
repofile = os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, 1), ud.mirrortarball)
coname = '%s' % (ud.tag)
codir = os.path.join(ud.clonedir, coname)
if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir):
if Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.mirrortarball):
runfetchcmd("tar -xzf %s" % (repofile), d)
runfetchcmd("git clone -n %s://%s%s%s %s" % (ud.proto, username,, ud.path, ud.clonedir), d)
# Remove all but the .git directory
if not self._contains_ref(ud.tag, d):
runfetchcmd("rm * -Rf", d)
runfetchcmd("git fetch %s://%s%s%s %s" % (ud.proto, username,, ud.path, ud.branch), d)
runfetchcmd("git fetch --tags %s://%s%s%s" % (ud.proto, username,, ud.path), d)
runfetchcmd("git prune-packed", d)
runfetchcmd("git pack-redundant --all | xargs -r rm", d)
mirror_tarballs = data.getVar("BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS", d, True)
if mirror_tarballs != "0" or 'fullclone' in ud.parm:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Creating tarball of git repository")
runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (repofile, os.path.join(".", ".git", "*") ), d)
if 'fullclone' in ud.parm:
if os.path.exists(codir):
subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "")
if subdir != "":
if subdir.endswith("/"):
subdirbase = os.path.basename(subdir[:-1])
subdirbase = os.path.basename(subdir)
subdirbase = ""
if subdir != "":
readpathspec = ":%s" % (subdir)
codir = os.path.join(codir, "git")
coprefix = os.path.join(codir, subdirbase, "")
readpathspec = ""
coprefix = os.path.join(codir, "git", "")
runfetchcmd("git read-tree %s%s" % (ud.tag, readpathspec), d)
runfetchcmd("git checkout-index -q -f --prefix=%s -a" % (coprefix), d)
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Creating tarball of git checkout")
runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, os.path.join(".", "*") ), d)
def suppports_srcrev(self):
return True
def _contains_ref(self, tag, d):
output = runfetchcmd("git log --pretty=oneline -n 1 %s -- 2> /dev/null | wc -l" % tag, d, quiet=True)
return output.split()[0] != "0"
def _revision_key(self, url, ud, d):
Return a unique key for the url
return "git:" + + ud.path.replace('/', '.')
def _latest_revision(self, url, ud, d):
Compute the HEAD revision for the url
if ud.user:
username = ud.user + '@'
username = ""
cmd = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s %s" % (ud.proto, username,, ud.path, ud.branch)
output = runfetchcmd(cmd, d, True)
if not output:
raise bb.fetch.FetchError("Fetch command %s gave empty output\n" % (cmd))
return output.split()[0]
def _build_revision(self, url, ud, d):
return ud.tag
def _sortable_buildindex_disabled(self, url, ud, d, rev):
Return a suitable buildindex for the revision specified. This is done by counting revisions
using "git rev-list" which may or may not work in different circumstances.
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Check if we have the rev already
if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir):
print "no repo"
self.go(None, ud, d)
if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir):
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "GIT repository for %s doesn't exist in %s, cannot get sortable buildnumber, using old value" % (url, ud.clonedir))
return None
if not self._contains_ref(rev, d):
self.go(None, ud, d)
output = runfetchcmd("git rev-list %s -- 2> /dev/null | wc -l" % rev, d, quiet=True)
buildindex = "%s" % output.split()[0]
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "GIT repository for %s in %s is returning %s revisions in rev-list before %s" % (url, repodir, buildindex, rev))
return buildindex

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@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementation for mercurial DRCS (hg).
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2004 Marcin Juszkiewicz
# Copyright (C) 2007 Robert Schuster
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os
import sys
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
from bb.fetch import MissingParameterError
from bb.fetch import runfetchcmd
class Hg(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch a from mercurial repositories"""
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with mercurial.
return ud.type in ['hg']
def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
if not "module" in ud.parm:
raise MissingParameterError("hg method needs a 'module' parameter")
ud.module = ud.parm["module"]
# Create paths to mercurial checkouts
relpath = ud.path
if relpath.startswith('/'):
# Remove leading slash as os.path.join can't cope
relpath = relpath[1:]
ud.pkgdir = os.path.join(data.expand('${HGDIR}', d),, relpath)
ud.moddir = os.path.join(ud.pkgdir, ud.module)
if 'rev' in ud.parm:
ud.revision = ud.parm['rev']
tag = Fetch.srcrev_internal_helper(ud, d)
if tag is True:
ud.revision = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d)
elif tag:
ud.revision = tag
ud.revision = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d)
ud.localfile = data.expand('%s_%s_%s_%s.tar.gz' % (ud.module.replace('/', '.'),, ud.path.replace('/', '.'), ud.revision), d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
def _buildhgcommand(self, ud, d, command):
Build up an hg commandline based on ud
command is "fetch", "update", "info"
basecmd = data.expand('${FETCHCMD_hg}', d)
proto = "http"
if "proto" in ud.parm:
proto = ud.parm["proto"]
host =
if proto == "file":
host = "/" = "localhost"
if not ud.user:
hgroot = host + ud.path
hgroot = ud.user + "@" + host + ud.path
if command is "info":
return "%s identify -i %s://%s/%s" % (basecmd, proto, hgroot, ud.module)
options = [];
if ud.revision:
options.append("-r %s" % ud.revision)
if command is "fetch":
cmd = "%s clone %s %s://%s/%s %s" % (basecmd, " ".join(options), proto, hgroot, ud.module, ud.module)
elif command is "pull":
# do not pass options list; limiting pull to rev causes the local
# repo not to contain it and immediately following "update" command
# will crash
cmd = "%s pull" % (basecmd)
elif command is "update":
cmd = "%s update -C %s" % (basecmd, " ".join(options))
raise FetchError("Invalid hg command %s" % command)
return cmd
def go(self, loc, ud, d):
"""Fetch url"""
# try to use the tarball stash
if Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.localfile):
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists or was mirrored, skipping hg checkout." % ud.localpath)
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch: checking for module directory '" + ud.moddir + "'")
if os.access(os.path.join(ud.moddir, '.hg'), os.R_OK):
updatecmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "pull")
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Update " + loc)
# update sources there
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % updatecmd)
runfetchcmd(updatecmd, d)
fetchcmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "fetch")
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch " + loc)
# check out sources there
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % fetchcmd)
runfetchcmd(fetchcmd, d)
# Even when we clone (fetch), we still need to update as hg's clone
# won't checkout the specified revision if its on a branch
updatecmd = self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "update")
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % updatecmd)
runfetchcmd(updatecmd, d)
runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, ud.module), d)
t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
except OSError:
raise t, v, tb
def suppports_srcrev(self):
return True
def _latest_revision(self, url, ud, d):
Compute tip revision for the url
output = runfetchcmd(self._buildhgcommand(ud, d, "info"), d)
return output.strip()
def _build_revision(self, url, ud, d):
return ud.revision
def _revision_key(self, url, ud, d):
Return a unique key for the url
return "hg:" + ud.moddir

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
class Local(Fetch):
def supports(self, url, urldata, d):
Check to see if a given url represents a local fetch.
return urldata.type in ['file']
def localpath(self, url, urldata, d):
Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
path = url.split("://")[1]
path = path.split(";")[0]
newpath = path
if path[0] != "/":
filespath = data.getVar('FILESPATH', d, 1)
if filespath:
newpath = bb.which(filespath, path)
if not newpath:
filesdir = data.getVar('FILESDIR', d, 1)
if filesdir:
newpath = os.path.join(filesdir, path)
# We don't set localfile as for this fetcher the file is already local!
return newpath
def go(self, url, urldata, d):
"""Fetch urls (no-op for Local method)"""
# no need to fetch local files, we'll deal with them in place.
return 1
def checkstatus(self, url, urldata, d):
Check the status of the url
if urldata.localpath.find("*") != -1:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "URL %s looks like a glob and was therefore not checked." % url)
return True
if os.path.exists(urldata.localpath):
return True
return False

View File

@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
Bitbake "Fetch" implementation for osc (Opensuse build service client).
Based on the svn "Fetch" implementation.
import os
import sys
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
from bb.fetch import MissingParameterError
from bb.fetch import runfetchcmd
class Osc(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch a module or modules from Opensuse build server
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with osc.
return ud.type in ['osc']
def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
if not "module" in ud.parm:
raise MissingParameterError("osc method needs a 'module' parameter.")
ud.module = ud.parm["module"]
# Create paths to osc checkouts
relpath = ud.path
if relpath.startswith('/'):
# Remove leading slash as os.path.join can't cope
relpath = relpath[1:]
ud.pkgdir = os.path.join(data.expand('${OSCDIR}', d),
ud.moddir = os.path.join(ud.pkgdir, relpath, ud.module)
if 'rev' in ud.parm:
ud.revision = ud.parm['rev']
pv = data.getVar("PV", d, 0)
rev = Fetch.srcrev_internal_helper(ud, d)
if rev and rev != True:
ud.revision = rev
ud.revision = ""
ud.localfile = data.expand('%s_%s_%s.tar.gz' % (ud.module.replace('/', '.'), ud.path.replace('/', '.'), ud.revision), d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
def _buildosccommand(self, ud, d, command):
Build up an ocs commandline based on ud
command is "fetch", "update", "info"
basecmd = data.expand('${FETCHCMD_osc}', d)
proto = "ocs"
if "proto" in ud.parm:
proto = ud.parm["proto"]
options = []
config = "-c %s" % self.generate_config(ud, d)
if ud.revision:
options.append("-r %s" % ud.revision)
coroot = ud.path
if coroot.startswith('/'):
# Remove leading slash as os.path.join can't cope
coroot= coroot[1:]
if command is "fetch":
osccmd = "%s %s co %s/%s %s" % (basecmd, config, coroot, ud.module, " ".join(options))
elif command is "update":
osccmd = "%s %s up %s" % (basecmd, config, " ".join(options))
raise FetchError("Invalid osc command %s" % command)
return osccmd
def go(self, loc, ud, d):
Fetch url
# Try to use the tarball stash
if Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.localfile):
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists or was mirrored, skipping osc checkout." % ud.localpath)
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch: checking for module directory '" + ud.moddir + "'")
if os.access(os.path.join(data.expand('${OSCDIR}', d), ud.path, ud.module), os.R_OK):
oscupdatecmd = self._buildosccommand(ud, d, "update")
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Update "+ loc)
# update sources there
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % oscupdatecmd)
runfetchcmd(oscupdatecmd, d)
oscfetchcmd = self._buildosccommand(ud, d, "fetch")
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch " + loc)
# check out sources there
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % oscfetchcmd)
runfetchcmd(oscfetchcmd, d)
os.chdir(os.path.join(ud.pkgdir + ud.path))
# tar them up to a defined filename
runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, ud.module), d)
t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
except OSError:
raise t, v, tb
def supports_srcrev(self):
return False
def generate_config(self, ud, d):
Generate a .oscrc to be used for this run.
config_path = "%s/oscrc" % data.expand('${OSCDIR}', d)
if (os.path.exists(config_path)):
f = open(config_path, 'w')
f.write("apisrv = %s\n" %
f.write("scheme = http\n")
f.write("su-wrapper = su -c\n")
f.write("build-root = %s\n" % data.expand('${WORKDIR}', d))
f.write("urllist =\n")
f.write("extra-pkgs = gzip\n")
f.write("[%s]\n" %
f.write("user = %s\n" % ud.parm["user"])
f.write("pass = %s\n" % ud.parm["pswd"])
return config_path

View File

@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
class Perforce(Fetch):
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
return ud.type in ['p4']
def doparse(url,d):
parm = {}
path = url.split("://")[1]
delim = path.find("@");
if delim != -1:
(user,pswd,host,port) = path.split('@')[0].split(":")
path = path.split('@')[1]
(host,port) = data.getVar('P4PORT', d).split(':')
user = ""
pswd = ""
if path.find(";") != -1:
plist = path.split(';')
for item in plist:
if item.count('='):
(key,value) = item.split('=')
parm = dict(zip(keys,values))
path = "//" + path.split(';')[0]
host += ":%s" % (port)
parm["cset"] = Perforce.getcset(d, path, host, user, pswd, parm)
return host,path,user,pswd,parm
doparse = staticmethod(doparse)
def getcset(d, depot,host,user,pswd,parm):
p4opt = ""
if "cset" in parm:
return parm["cset"];
if user:
p4opt += " -u %s" % (user)
if pswd:
p4opt += " -P %s" % (pswd)
if host:
p4opt += " -p %s" % (host)
p4date = data.getVar("P4DATE", d, 1)
if "revision" in parm:
depot += "#%s" % (parm["revision"])
elif "label" in parm:
depot += "@%s" % (parm["label"])
elif p4date:
depot += "@%s" % (p4date)
p4cmd = data.getVar('FETCHCOMMAND_p4', d, 1)
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s%s changes -m 1 %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, depot))
p4file = os.popen("%s%s changes -m 1 %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, depot))
cset = p4file.readline().strip()
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "READ %s" % (cset))
if not cset:
return -1
return cset.split(' ')[1]
getcset = staticmethod(getcset)
def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
(host,path,user,pswd,parm) = Perforce.doparse(url,d)
# If a label is specified, we use that as our filename
if "label" in parm:
ud.localfile = "%s.tar.gz" % (parm["label"])
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, 1), ud.localfile)
base = path
which = path.find('/...')
if which != -1:
base = path[:which]
if base[0] == "/":
base = base[1:]
cset = Perforce.getcset(d, path, host, user, pswd, parm)
ud.localfile = data.expand('%s+%s+%s.tar.gz' % (host,base.replace('/', '.'), cset), d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, 1), ud.localfile)
def go(self, loc, ud, d):
Fetch urls
# try to use the tarball stash
if Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.localfile):
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists or was mirrored, skipping perforce checkout." % ud.localpath)
(host,depot,user,pswd,parm) = Perforce.doparse(loc, d)
if depot.find('/...') != -1:
path = depot[:depot.find('/...')]
path = depot
if "module" in parm:
module = parm["module"]
module = os.path.basename(path)
localdata = data.createCopy(d)
data.setVar('OVERRIDES', "p4:%s" % data.getVar('OVERRIDES', localdata), localdata)
# Get the p4 command
p4opt = ""
if user:
p4opt += " -u %s" % (user)
if pswd:
p4opt += " -P %s" % (pswd)
if host:
p4opt += " -p %s" % (host)
p4cmd = data.getVar('FETCHCOMMAND', localdata, 1)
# create temp directory
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch: creating temporary directory")
bb.mkdirhier(data.expand('${WORKDIR}', localdata))
data.setVar('TMPBASE', data.expand('${WORKDIR}/oep4.XXXXXX', localdata), localdata)
tmppipe = os.popen(data.getVar('MKTEMPDIRCMD', localdata, 1) or "false")
tmpfile = tmppipe.readline().strip()
if not tmpfile:
bb.error("Fetch: unable to create temporary directory.. make sure 'mktemp' is in the PATH.")
raise FetchError(module)
if "label" in parm:
depot = "%s@%s" % (depot,parm["label"])
cset = Perforce.getcset(d, depot, host, user, pswd, parm)
depot = "%s@%s" % (depot,cset)
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch " + loc)
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s%s files %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, depot))
p4file = os.popen("%s%s files %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, depot))
if not p4file:
bb.error("Fetch: unable to get the P4 files from %s" % (depot))
raise FetchError(module)
count = 0
for file in p4file:
list = file.split()
if list[2] == "delete":
dest = list[0][len(path)+1:]
where = dest.find("#")
os.system("%s%s print -o %s/%s %s" % (p4cmd, p4opt, module,dest[:where],list[0]))
count = count + 1
if count == 0:
bb.error("Fetch: No files gathered from the P4 fetch")
raise FetchError(module)
myret = os.system("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, module))
if myret != 0:
except OSError:
raise FetchError(module)
# cleanup
os.system('rm -rf %s' % tmpfile)

View File

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
This implementation is for Secure Shell (SSH), and attempts to comply with the
IETF secsh internet draft:
Currently does not support the sftp parameters, as this uses scp
Also does not support the 'fingerprint' connection parameter.
# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenedHand Ltd.
# Based in part on
# Copyright (C) 2006 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Based on
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Based on functions from the base bb module:
# Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import re, os
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
__pattern__ = re.compile(r'''
\s* # Skip leading whitespace
ssh:// # scheme
( # Optional username/password block
(?P<user>\S+) # username
(:(?P<pass>\S+))? # colon followed by the password (optional)
(?P<cparam>(;[^;]+)*)? # connection parameters block (optional)
(?P<host>\S+?) # non-greedy match of the host
(:(?P<port>[0-9]+))? # colon followed by the port (optional)
(?P<path>[^;]+) # path on the remote system, may be absolute or relative,
# and may include the use of '~' to reference the remote home
# directory
(?P<sparam>(;[^;]+)*)? # parameters block (optional)
''', re.VERBOSE)
class SSH(Fetch):
'''Class to fetch a module or modules via Secure Shell'''
def supports(self, url, urldata, d):
return __pattern__.match(url) != None
def localpath(self, url, urldata, d):
m = __pattern__.match(url)
path ='path')
host ='host')
lpath = os.path.join(data.getVar('DL_DIR', d, True), host, os.path.basename(path))
return lpath
def go(self, url, urldata, d):
dldir = data.getVar('DL_DIR', d, 1)
m = __pattern__.match(url)
path ='path')
host ='host')
port ='port')
user ='user')
password ='pass')
ldir = os.path.join(dldir, host)
lpath = os.path.join(ldir, os.path.basename(path))
if not os.path.exists(ldir):
if port:
port = '-P %s' % port
port = ''
if user:
fr = user
if password:
fr += ':%s' % password
fr += '@%s' % host
fr = host
fr += ':%s' % path
import commands
cmd = 'scp -B -r %s %s %s/' % (
(exitstatus, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if exitstatus != 0:
print output
raise FetchError('Unable to fetch %s' % url)

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
This implementation is for svk. It is based on the svn implementation
# Copyright (C) 2006 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
from bb.fetch import MissingParameterError
class Svk(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch a module or modules from svk repositories"""
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with svk.
return ud.type in ['svk']
def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
if not "module" in ud.parm:
raise MissingParameterError("svk method needs a 'module' parameter")
ud.module = ud.parm["module"]
ud.revision = ""
if 'rev' in ud.parm:
ud.revision = ud.parm['rev']
ud.localfile = data.expand('%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.tar.gz' % (ud.module.replace('/', '.'),, ud.path.replace('/', '.'), ud.revision,, d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
def forcefetch(self, url, ud, d):
if ( == "now"):
return True
return False
def go(self, loc, ud, d):
"""Fetch urls"""
if not self.forcefetch(loc, ud, d) and Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.localfile):
svkroot = + ud.path
svkcmd = "svk co -r {%s} %s/%s" % (, svkroot, ud.module)
if ud.revision:
svkcmd = "svk co -r %s %s/%s" % (ud.revision, svkroot, ud.module)
# create temp directory
localdata = data.createCopy(d)
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch: creating temporary directory")
bb.mkdirhier(data.expand('${WORKDIR}', localdata))
data.setVar('TMPBASE', data.expand('${WORKDIR}/oesvk.XXXXXX', localdata), localdata)
tmppipe = os.popen(data.getVar('MKTEMPDIRCMD', localdata, 1) or "false")
tmpfile = tmppipe.readline().strip()
if not tmpfile:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch: unable to create temporary directory.. make sure 'mktemp' is in the PATH.")
raise FetchError(ud.module)
# check out sources there
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch " + loc)
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % svkcmd)
myret = os.system(svkcmd)
if myret != 0:
except OSError:
raise FetchError(ud.module)
os.chdir(os.path.join(tmpfile, os.path.dirname(ud.module)))
# tar them up to a defined filename
myret = os.system("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, os.path.basename(ud.module)))
if myret != 0:
except OSError:
raise FetchError(ud.module)
# cleanup
os.system('rm -rf %s' % tmpfile)

View File

@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementation for svn.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2004 Marcin Juszkiewicz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os
import sys
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
from bb.fetch import MissingParameterError
from bb.fetch import runfetchcmd
class Svn(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch a module or modules from svn repositories"""
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with svn.
return ud.type in ['svn']
def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
if not "module" in ud.parm:
raise MissingParameterError("svn method needs a 'module' parameter")
ud.module = ud.parm["module"]
# Create paths to svn checkouts
relpath = ud.path
if relpath.startswith('/'):
# Remove leading slash as os.path.join can't cope
relpath = relpath[1:]
ud.pkgdir = os.path.join(data.expand('${SVNDIR}', d),, relpath)
ud.moddir = os.path.join(ud.pkgdir, ud.module)
if 'rev' in ud.parm: = ""
ud.revision = ud.parm['rev']
elif 'date' in = ud.parm['date']
ud.revision = ""
# ***Nasty hack***
# If DATE in unexpanded PV, use (which is set from SRCDATE)
# Should warn people to switch to SRCREV here
pv = data.getVar("PV", d, 0)
if "DATE" in pv:
ud.revision = ""
rev = Fetch.srcrev_internal_helper(ud, d)
if rev is True:
ud.revision = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d) = ""
elif rev:
ud.revision = rev = ""
ud.revision = ""
ud.localfile = data.expand('%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.tar.gz' % (ud.module.replace('/', '.'),, ud.path.replace('/', '.'), ud.revision,, d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
def _buildsvncommand(self, ud, d, command):
Build up an svn commandline based on ud
command is "fetch", "update", "info"
basecmd = data.expand('${FETCHCMD_svn}', d)
proto = "svn"
if "proto" in ud.parm:
proto = ud.parm["proto"]
svn_rsh = None
if proto == "svn+ssh" and "rsh" in ud.parm:
svn_rsh = ud.parm["rsh"]
svnroot = + ud.path
# either use the revision, or SRCDATE in braces,
options = []
if ud.user:
options.append("--username %s" % ud.user)
if ud.pswd:
options.append("--password %s" % ud.pswd)
if command is "info":
svncmd = "%s info %s %s://%s/%s/" % (basecmd, " ".join(options), proto, svnroot, ud.module)
suffix = ""
if ud.revision:
options.append("-r %s" % ud.revision)
suffix = "@%s" % (ud.revision)
options.append("-r {%s}" %
if command is "fetch":
svncmd = "%s co %s %s://%s/%s%s %s" % (basecmd, " ".join(options), proto, svnroot, ud.module, suffix, ud.module)
elif command is "update":
svncmd = "%s update %s" % (basecmd, " ".join(options))
raise FetchError("Invalid svn command %s" % command)
if svn_rsh:
svncmd = "svn_RSH=\"%s\" %s" % (svn_rsh, svncmd)
return svncmd
def go(self, loc, ud, d):
"""Fetch url"""
# try to use the tarball stash
if Fetch.try_mirror(d, ud.localfile):
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "%s already exists or was mirrored, skipping svn checkout." % ud.localpath)
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch: checking for module directory '" + ud.moddir + "'")
if os.access(os.path.join(ud.moddir, '.svn'), os.R_OK):
svnupdatecmd = self._buildsvncommand(ud, d, "update")
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Update " + loc)
# update sources there
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % svnupdatecmd)
runfetchcmd(svnupdatecmd, d)
svnfetchcmd = self._buildsvncommand(ud, d, "fetch")
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Fetch " + loc)
# check out sources there
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Running %s" % svnfetchcmd)
runfetchcmd(svnfetchcmd, d)
# tar them up to a defined filename
runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (ud.localpath, ud.module), d)
t, v, tb = sys.exc_info()
except OSError:
raise t, v, tb
def suppports_srcrev(self):
return True
def _revision_key(self, url, ud, d):
Return a unique key for the url
return "svn:" + ud.moddir
def _latest_revision(self, url, ud, d):
Return the latest upstream revision number
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "SVN fetcher hitting network for %s" % url)
output = runfetchcmd("LANG=C LC_ALL=C " + self._buildsvncommand(ud, d, "info"), d, True)
revision = None
for line in output.splitlines():
if "Last Changed Rev" in line:
revision = line.split(":")[1].strip()
return revision
def _sortable_revision(self, url, ud, d):
Return a sortable revision number which in our case is the revision number
return self._build_revision(url, ud, d)
def _build_revision(self, url, ud, d):
return ud.revision

View File

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import os
import bb
from bb import data
from bb.fetch import Fetch
from bb.fetch import FetchError
from bb.fetch import uri_replace
class Wget(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch urls via 'wget'"""
def supports(self, url, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with wget.
return ud.type in ['http','https','ftp']
def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
url = bb.encodeurl([ud.type,, ud.path, ud.user, ud.pswd, {}])
ud.basename = os.path.basename(ud.path)
ud.localfile = data.expand(os.path.basename(url), d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
def go(self, uri, ud, d, checkonly = False):
"""Fetch urls"""
def fetch_uri(uri, ud, d):
if checkonly:
fetchcmd = data.getVar("CHECKCOMMAND", d, 1)
elif os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
# file exists, but we didnt complete it.. trying again..
fetchcmd = data.getVar("RESUMECOMMAND", d, 1)
fetchcmd = data.getVar("FETCHCOMMAND", d, 1)
uri = uri.split(";")[0]
uri_decoded = list(bb.decodeurl(uri))
uri_type = uri_decoded[0]
uri_host = uri_decoded[1]
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "fetch " + uri)
fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${URI}", uri.split(";")[0])
fetchcmd = fetchcmd.replace("${FILE}", ud.basename)
httpproxy = None
ftpproxy = None
if uri_type == 'http':
httpproxy = data.getVar("HTTP_PROXY", d, True)
httpproxy_ignore = (data.getVar("HTTP_PROXY_IGNORE", d, True) or "").split()
for p in httpproxy_ignore:
if uri_host.endswith(p):
httpproxy = None
if uri_type == 'ftp':
ftpproxy = data.getVar("FTP_PROXY", d, True)
ftpproxy_ignore = (data.getVar("HTTP_PROXY_IGNORE", d, True) or "").split()
for p in ftpproxy_ignore:
if uri_host.endswith(p):
ftpproxy = None
if httpproxy:
fetchcmd = "http_proxy=" + httpproxy + " " + fetchcmd
if ftpproxy:
fetchcmd = "ftp_proxy=" + ftpproxy + " " + fetchcmd
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "executing " + fetchcmd)
ret = os.system(fetchcmd)
if ret != 0:
return False
# Sanity check since wget can pretend it succeed when it didn't
# Also, this used to happen if sourceforge sent us to the mirror page
if not os.path.exists(ud.localpath) and not checkonly:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "The fetch command for %s returned success but %s doesn't exist?..." % (uri, ud.localpath))
return False
return True
localdata = data.createCopy(d)
data.setVar('OVERRIDES', "wget:" + data.getVar('OVERRIDES', localdata), localdata)
premirrors = [ i.split() for i in (data.getVar('PREMIRRORS', localdata, 1) or "").split('\n') if i ]
for (find, replace) in premirrors:
newuri = uri_replace(uri, find, replace, d)
if newuri != uri:
if fetch_uri(newuri, ud, localdata):
return True
if fetch_uri(uri, ud, localdata):
return True
# try mirrors
mirrors = [ i.split() for i in (data.getVar('MIRRORS', localdata, 1) or "").split('\n') if i ]
for (find, replace) in mirrors:
newuri = uri_replace(uri, find, replace, d)
if newuri != uri:
if fetch_uri(newuri, ud, localdata):
return True
raise FetchError(uri)
def checkstatus(self, uri, ud, d):
return self.go(uri, ud, d, True)

View File

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os, sys
import bb,
def getfields(line):
fields = {}
fieldmap = ( "pkg", "src", "dest", "type", "mode", "uid", "gid", "major", "minor", "start", "inc", "count" )
for f in xrange(len(fieldmap)):
fields[fieldmap[f]] = None
if not line:
return None
splitline = line.split()
if not len(splitline):
return None
for f in xrange(len(fieldmap)):
if splitline[f] == '-':
fields[fieldmap[f]] = splitline[f]
except IndexError:
return fields
def parse (mfile, d):
manifest = []
while 1:
line = mfile.readline()
if not line:
if line.startswith("#"):
fields = getfields(line)
if not fields:
return manifest
def emit (func, manifest, d):
#str = "%s () {\n" % func
str = ""
for line in manifest:
emittedline = emit_line(func, line, d)
if not emittedline:
str += emittedline + "\n"
# str += "}\n"
return str
def mangle (func, line, d):
import copy
newline = copy.copy(line)
src =["src"], d)
if src:
if not os.path.isabs(src):
src = "${WORKDIR}/" + src
dest = newline["dest"]
if not dest:
if dest.startswith("/"):
dest = dest[1:]
if func is "do_install":
dest = "${D}/" + dest
elif func is "do_populate":
dest = "${WORKDIR}/install/" + newline["pkg"] + "/" + dest
elif func is "do_stage":
varmap = {}
varmap["${bindir}"] = "${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/bin"
varmap["${libdir}"] = "${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/lib"
varmap["${includedir}"] = "${STAGING_DIR}/${HOST_SYS}/include"
varmap["${datadir}"] = "${STAGING_DATADIR}"
matched = 0
for key in varmap.keys():
if dest.startswith(key):
dest = varmap[key] + "/" + dest[len(key):]
matched = 1
if not matched:
newline = None
newline = None
newline["src"] = src
newline["dest"] = dest
return newline
def emit_line (func, line, d):
import copy
newline = copy.deepcopy(line)
newline = mangle(func, newline, d)
if not newline:
return None
str = ""
type = newline["type"]
mode = newline["mode"]
src = newline["src"]
dest = newline["dest"]
if type is "d":
str = "install -d "
if mode:
str += "-m %s " % mode
str += dest
elif type is "f":
if not src:
return None
if dest.endswith("/"):
str = "install -d "
str += dest + "\n"
str += "install "
str = "install -D "
if mode:
str += "-m %s " % mode
str += src + " " + dest
del newline
return str

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
What is a method pool?
BitBake has a global method scope where .bb, .inc and .bbclass
files can install methods. These methods are parsed from strings.
To avoid recompiling and executing these string we introduce
a method pool to do this task.
This pool will be used to compile and execute the functions. It
will be smart enough to
from bb.utils import better_compile, better_exec
from bb import error
# A dict of modules we have handled
# it is the number of .bbclasses + x in size
_parsed_methods = { }
_parsed_fns = { }
def insert_method(modulename, code, fn):
Add code of a module should be added. The methods
will be simply added, no checking will be done
comp = better_compile(code, "<bb>", fn )
better_exec(comp, __builtins__, code, fn)
# now some instrumentation
code = comp.co_names
for name in code:
if name in ['None', 'False']:
elif name in _parsed_fns and not _parsed_fns[name] == modulename:
error( "Error Method already seen: %s in' %s' now in '%s'" % (name, _parsed_fns[name], modulename))
_parsed_fns[name] = modulename
def check_insert_method(modulename, code, fn):
Add the code if it wasnt added before. The module
name will be used for that
@modulename a short name e.g. base.bbclass
@code The actual python code
@fn The filename from the outer file
if not modulename in _parsed_methods:
return insert_method(modulename, code, fn)
_parsed_methods[modulename] = 1
def parsed_module(modulename):
Inform me file xyz was parsed
return modulename in _parsed_methods
def get_parsed_dict():
return _parsed_methods

View File

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'msg' implementation
Message handling infrastructure for bitbake
# Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Purdie
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import sys, bb
from bb import event
debug_level = {}
verbose = False
domain = bb.utils.Enum(
class MsgBase(bb.event.Event):
"""Base class for messages"""
def __init__(self, msg):
self._message = msg
class MsgDebug(MsgBase):
"""Debug Message"""
class MsgNote(MsgBase):
"""Note Message"""
class MsgWarn(MsgBase):
"""Warning Message"""
class MsgError(MsgBase):
"""Error Message"""
class MsgFatal(MsgBase):
"""Fatal Message"""
class MsgPlain(MsgBase):
"""General output"""
# Message control functions
def set_debug_level(level):
bb.msg.debug_level = {}
for domain in bb.msg.domain:
bb.msg.debug_level[domain] = level
bb.msg.debug_level['default'] = level
def set_verbose(level):
bb.msg.verbose = level
def set_debug_domains(domains):
for domain in domains:
found = False
for ddomain in bb.msg.domain:
if domain == str(ddomain):
bb.msg.debug_level[ddomain] = bb.msg.debug_level[ddomain] + 1
found = True
if not found:
bb.msg.warn(None, "Logging domain %s is not valid, ignoring" % domain)
# Message handling functions
def debug(level, domain, msg, fn = None):
if not domain:
domain = 'default'
if debug_level[domain] >= level:, None)
def note(level, domain, msg, fn = None):
if not domain:
domain = 'default'
if level == 1 or verbose or debug_level[domain] >= 1:, None)
def warn(domain, msg, fn = None):, None)
def error(domain, msg, fn = None):, None)
print 'ERROR: ' + msg
def fatal(domain, msg, fn = None):, None)
print 'FATAL: ' + msg
def plain(msg, fn = None):, None)

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
BitBake Parsers
File parsers for the BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
__all__ = [ 'ParseError', 'SkipPackage', 'cached_mtime', 'mark_dependency',
'supports', 'handle', 'init' ]
handlers = []
import bb, os
class ParseError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when parsing fails"""
class SkipPackage(Exception):
"""Exception raised to skip this package"""
__mtime_cache = {}
def cached_mtime(f):
if not __mtime_cache.has_key(f):
__mtime_cache[f] = os.stat(f)[8]
return __mtime_cache[f]
def cached_mtime_noerror(f):
if not __mtime_cache.has_key(f):
__mtime_cache[f] = os.stat(f)[8]
except OSError:
return 0
return __mtime_cache[f]
def update_mtime(f):
__mtime_cache[f] = os.stat(f)[8]
return __mtime_cache[f]
def mark_dependency(d, f):
if f.startswith('./'):
f = "%s/%s" % (os.getcwd(), f[2:])
deps ='__depends', d) or []
deps.append( (f, cached_mtime(f)) )'__depends', deps, d)
def supports(fn, data):
"""Returns true if we have a handler for this file, false otherwise"""
for h in handlers:
if h['supports'](fn, data):
return 1
return 0
def handle(fn, data, include = 0):
"""Call the handler that is appropriate for this file"""
for h in handlers:
if h['supports'](fn, data):
return h['handle'](fn, data, include)
raise ParseError("%s is not a BitBake file" % fn)
def init(fn, data):
for h in handlers:
if h['supports'](fn):
return h['init'](data)
from parse_py import __version__, ConfHandler, BBHandler

View File

@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
class for handling .bb files
Reads a .bb file and obtains its metadata
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import re, bb, os, sys, time, string
import bb.fetch,, bb.utils
from bb import data, fetch, methodpool
from ConfHandler import include, localpath, obtain, init
from bb.parse import ParseError
__func_start_regexp__ = re.compile( r"(((?P<py>python)|(?P<fr>fakeroot))\s*)*(?P<func>[\w\.\-\+\{\}\$]+)?\s*\(\s*\)\s*{$" )
__inherit_regexp__ = re.compile( r"inherit\s+(.+)" )
__export_func_regexp__ = re.compile( r"EXPORT_FUNCTIONS\s+(.+)" )
__addtask_regexp__ = re.compile("addtask\s+(?P<func>\w+)\s*((before\s*(?P<before>((.*(?=after))|(.*))))|(after\s*(?P<after>((.*(?=before))|(.*)))))*")
__addhandler_regexp__ = re.compile( r"addhandler\s+(.+)" )
__def_regexp__ = re.compile( r"def\s+(\w+).*:" )
__python_func_regexp__ = re.compile( r"(\s+.*)|(^$)" )
__word__ = re.compile(r"\S+")
__infunc__ = ""
__inpython__ = False
__body__ = []
__classname__ = ""
classes = [ None, ]
# We need to indicate EOF to the feeder. This code is so messy that
# factoring it out to a close_parse_file method is out of question.
# We will use the IN_PYTHON_EOF as an indicator to just close the method
# The two parts using it are tightly integrated anyway
IN_PYTHON_EOF = -9999999999999
__parsed_methods__ = methodpool.get_parsed_dict()
def supports(fn, d):
localfn = localpath(fn, d)
return localfn[-3:] == ".bb" or localfn[-8:] == ".bbclass" or localfn[-4:] == ".inc"
def inherit(files, d):
__inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
fn = ""
lineno = 0
files = data.expand(files, d)
for file in files:
if file[0] != "/" and file[-8:] != ".bbclass":
file = os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % file)
if not file in __inherit_cache:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB %s:%d: inheriting %s" % (fn, lineno, file))
__inherit_cache.append( file )
data.setVar('__inherit_cache', __inherit_cache, d)
include(fn, file, d, "inherit")
__inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
def finalise(fn, d):
anonqueue = data.getVar("__anonqueue", d, 1) or []
body = [x['content'] for x in anonqueue]
flag = { 'python' : 1, 'func' : 1 }
data.setVar("__anonfunc", "\n".join(body), d)
data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", flag, d)
from bb import build
t = data.getVar('T', d)
data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/anonfunc/', d)
anonfuncs = data.getVar('__BBANONFUNCS', d) or []
code = ""
for f in anonfuncs:
code = code + " %s(d)\n" % f
data.setVar("__anonfunc", code, d)
build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
data.delVar('T', d)
if t:
data.setVar('T', t, d)
except Exception, e:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Exception when executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
data.delVar("__anonqueue", d)
data.delVar("__anonfunc", d)
all_handlers = {}
for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', d) or []:
# try to add the handler
handler = data.getVar(var,d)
bb.event.register(var, handler)
tasklist = data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or [], d), d)
def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __residue__
__body__ = []
__infunc__ = ""
__classname__ = ""
__residue__ = []
if include == 0:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data)")
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data, include)")
(root, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))
base_name = "%s%s" % (root,ext)
if ext == ".bbclass":
__classname__ = root
__inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
if not fn in __inherit_cache:
data.setVar('__inherit_cache', __inherit_cache, d)
if include != 0:
oldfile = data.getVar('FILE', d)
oldfile = None
fn = obtain(fn, d)
bbpath = (data.getVar('BBPATH', d, 1) or '').split(':')
if not os.path.isabs(fn):
f = None
for p in bbpath:
j = os.path.join(p, fn)
if os.access(j, os.R_OK):
abs_fn = j
f = open(j, 'r')
if f is None:
raise IOError("file %s not found" % fn)
f = open(fn,'r')
abs_fn = fn
if include:
bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, abs_fn)
if ext != ".bbclass":
data.setVar('FILE', fn, d)
lineno = 0
while 1:
lineno = lineno + 1
s = f.readline()
if not s: break
s = s.rstrip()
feeder(lineno, s, fn, base_name, d)
if __inpython__:
# add a blank line to close out any python definition
feeder(IN_PYTHON_EOF, "", fn, base_name, d)
if ext == ".bbclass":
if include == 0:
multi = data.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', d, 1)
if multi:
based =
based = d
finalise(fn, based)
except bb.parse.SkipPackage:"__SKIPPED", True, based)
darray = {"": based}
for cls in (multi or "").split():
pn = data.getVar('PN', d, True)
based =
data.setVar('PN', pn + '-' + cls, based)
inherit([cls], based)
finalise(fn, based)
except bb.parse.SkipPackage:"__SKIPPED", True, based)
darray[cls] = based
return darray
if oldfile:"FILE", oldfile, d)
# we have parsed the bb class now
if ext == ".bbclass" or ext == ".inc":
__parsed_methods__[base_name] = 1
return d
def feeder(lineno, s, fn, root, d):
global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __def_regexp__, __python_func_regexp__, __inpython__,__infunc__, __body__, classes, bb, __residue__
if __infunc__:
if s == '}':
if __infunc__ == "__anonymous":
funcname = ("__anon_%s_%s" % (lineno, fn.translate(string.maketrans('/.+-', '____'))))
if not funcname in methodpool._parsed_fns:
text = "def %s(d):\n" % (funcname) + '\n'.join(__body__)
methodpool.insert_method(funcname, text, fn)
anonfuncs = data.getVar('__BBANONFUNCS', d) or []
data.setVar('__BBANONFUNCS', anonfuncs, d)
data.setVarFlag(__infunc__, "func", 1, d)
data.setVar(__infunc__, '\n'.join(__body__), d)
__infunc__ = ""
__body__ = []
if __inpython__:
m = __python_func_regexp__.match(s)
if m and lineno != IN_PYTHON_EOF:
# Note we will add root to parsedmethods after having parse
# 'this' file. This means we will not parse methods from
# bb classes twice
if not root in __parsed_methods__:
text = '\n'.join(__body__)
methodpool.insert_method( root, text, fn )
__body__ = []
__inpython__ = False
if lineno == IN_PYTHON_EOF:
# fall through
if s == '' or s[0] == '#': return # skip comments and empty lines
if s[-1] == '\\':
s = "".join(__residue__) + s
__residue__ = []
m = __func_start_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
__infunc__ ="func") or "__anonymous"
key = __infunc__
if data.getVar(key, d):
# clean up old version of this piece of metadata, as its
# flags could cause problems
data.setVarFlag(key, 'python', None, d)
data.setVarFlag(key, 'fakeroot', None, d)
if"py") is not None:
data.setVarFlag(key, "python", "1", d)
data.delVarFlag(key, "python", d)
if"fr") is not None:
data.setVarFlag(key, "fakeroot", "1", d)
data.delVarFlag(key, "fakeroot", d)
m = __def_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
__inpython__ = True
m = __export_func_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
fns =
n = __word__.findall(fns)
for f in n:
allvars = []
allvars.append(classes[-1] + "_" + f)
vars = [[ allvars[0], allvars[1] ]]
if len(classes) > 1 and classes[-2] is not None:
allvars.append(classes[-2] + "_" + f)
vars = []
vars.append([allvars[2], allvars[1]])
vars.append([allvars[0], allvars[2]])
for (var, calledvar) in vars:
if data.getVar(var, d) and not data.getVarFlag(var, 'export_func', d):
if data.getVar(var, d):
data.setVarFlag(var, 'python', None, d)
data.setVarFlag(var, 'func', None, d)
for flag in [ "func", "python" ]:
if data.getVarFlag(calledvar, flag, d):
data.setVarFlag(var, flag, data.getVarFlag(calledvar, flag, d), d)
for flag in [ "dirs" ]:
if data.getVarFlag(var, flag, d):
data.setVarFlag(calledvar, flag, data.getVarFlag(var, flag, d), d)
if data.getVarFlag(calledvar, "python", d):
data.setVar(var, "\'" + calledvar + "', d)\n", d)
data.setVar(var, "\t" + calledvar + "\n", d)
data.setVarFlag(var, 'export_func', '1', d)
m = __addtask_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
func ="func")
before ="before")
after ="after")
if func is None:
if func[:3] != "do_":
var = "do_" + func
data.setVarFlag(var, "task", 1, d)
bbtasks = data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or []
if not var in bbtasks:
data.setVar('__BBTASKS', bbtasks, d)
existing = data.getVarFlag(var, "deps", d) or []
if after is not None:
# set up deps for function
for entry in after.split():
if entry not in existing:
data.setVarFlag(var, "deps", existing, d)
if before is not None:
# set up things that depend on this func
for entry in before.split():
existing = data.getVarFlag(entry, "deps", d) or []
if var not in existing:
data.setVarFlag(entry, "deps", [var] + existing, d)
m = __addhandler_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
fns =
hs = __word__.findall(fns)
bbhands = data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', d) or []
for h in hs:
data.setVarFlag(h, "handler", 1, d)
data.setVar('__BBHANDLERS', bbhands, d)
m = __inherit_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
files =
n = __word__.findall(files)
inherit(n, d)
from bb.parse import ConfHandler
return ConfHandler.feeder(lineno, s, fn, d)
def vars_from_file(mypkg, d):
if not mypkg:
return (None, None, None)
if mypkg in __pkgsplit_cache__:
return __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg]
myfile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mypkg))
parts = myfile[0].split('_')
__pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = parts
if len(parts) > 3:
raise ParseError("Unable to generate default variables from the filename: %s (too many underscores)" % mypkg)
exp = 3 - len(parts)
tmplist = []
while exp != 0:
exp -= 1
return parts
# Add us to the handlers list
from bb.parse import handlers
handlers.append({'supports': supports, 'handle': handle, 'init': init})
del handlers

View File

@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
class for handling configuration data files
Reads a .conf file and obtains its metadata
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import re,, os, sys
from bb.parse import ParseError
#__config_regexp__ = re.compile( r"(?P<exp>export\s*)?(?P<var>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.${}]+)\s*(?P<colon>:)?(?P<ques>\?)?=\s*(?P<apo>['\"]?)(?P<value>.*)(?P=apo)$")
__config_regexp__ = re.compile( r"(?P<exp>export\s*)?(?P<var>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.${}/]+)(\[(?P<flag>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.]+)\])?\s*((?P<colon>:=)|(?P<ques>\?=)|(?P<append>\+=)|(?P<prepend>=\+)|(?P<predot>=\.)|(?P<postdot>\.=)|=)\s*(?P<apo>['\"]?)(?P<value>.*)(?P=apo)$")
__include_regexp__ = re.compile( r"include\s+(.+)" )
__require_regexp__ = re.compile( r"require\s+(.+)" )
__export_regexp__ = re.compile( r"export\s+(.+)" )
def init(data):
topdir ='TOPDIR', data)
if not topdir:
topdir = os.getcwd()'TOPDIR', topdir, data)
if not'BBPATH', data):
from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename
bitbake = Requirement.parse("bitbake")
datadir = resource_filename(bitbake, "../share/bitbake")
basedir = resource_filename(bitbake, "..")'BBPATH', '%s:%s:%s' % (topdir, datadir, basedir), data)
def supports(fn, d):
return localpath(fn, d)[-5:] == ".conf"
def localpath(fn, d):
if os.path.exists(fn):
return fn
if "://" not in fn:
return fn
localfn = None
localfn = bb.fetch.localpath(fn, d, False)
except bb.MalformedUrl:
if not localfn:
return fn
return localfn
def obtain(fn, data):
import sys, bb
fn =, data)
localfn =, data), data)
if localfn != fn:
dldir ='DL_DIR', data, 1)
if not dldir:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "obtain: DL_DIR not defined")
return localfn
bb.fetch.init([fn], data)
except bb.fetch.NoMethodError:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "obtain: no method: %s" % value)
return localfn
except bb.fetch.MissingParameterError:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "obtain: missing parameters: %s" % value)
return localfn
except bb.fetch.FetchError:
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "obtain: failed: %s" % value)
return localfn
return localfn
def include(oldfn, fn, data, error_out):
error_out If True a ParseError will be reaised if the to be included
if oldfn == fn: # prevent infinate recursion
return None
import bb
fn =, data)
oldfn =, data)
if not os.path.isabs(fn):
dname = os.path.dirname(oldfn)
bbpath = "%s:%s" % (dname,"BBPATH", data, 1))
abs_fn = bb.which(bbpath, fn)
if abs_fn:
fn = abs_fn
from bb.parse import handle
ret = handle(fn, data, True)
except IOError:
if error_out:
raise ParseError("Could not %(error_out)s file %(fn)s" % vars() )
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "CONF file '%s' not found" % fn)
def handle(fn, data, include = 0):
if include:
inc_string = "including"
inc_string = "reading"
if include == 0:
oldfile = None
oldfile ='FILE', data)
fn = obtain(fn, data)
if not os.path.isabs(fn):
f = None
bbpath ="BBPATH", data, 1) or []
for p in bbpath.split(":"):
currname = os.path.join(p, fn)
if os.access(currname, os.R_OK):
f = open(currname, 'r')
abs_fn = currname
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "CONF %s %s" % (inc_string, currname))
if f is None:
raise IOError("file '%s' not found" % fn)
f = open(fn,'r')
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "CONF %s %s" % (inc_string,fn))
abs_fn = fn
if include:
bb.parse.mark_dependency(data, abs_fn)
lineno = 0'FILE', fn, data)
while 1:
lineno = lineno + 1
s = f.readline()
if not s: break
w = s.strip()
if not w: continue # skip empty lines
s = s.rstrip()
if s[0] == '#': continue # skip comments
while s[-1] == '\\':
s2 = f.readline()[:-1].strip()
lineno = lineno + 1
s = s[:-1] + s2
feeder(lineno, s, fn, data)
if oldfile:'FILE', oldfile, data)
return data
def feeder(lineno, s, fn, data):
def getFunc(groupd, key, data):
if 'flag' in groupd and groupd['flag'] != None:
return, groupd['flag'], data)
return, data)
m = __config_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
groupd = m.groupdict()
key = groupd["var"]
if "exp" in groupd and groupd["exp"] != None:, "export", 1, data)
if "ques" in groupd and groupd["ques"] != None:
val = getFunc(groupd, key, data)
if val == None:
val = groupd["value"]
elif "colon" in groupd and groupd["colon"] != None:
e = data.createCopy()
val =["value"], e)
elif "append" in groupd and groupd["append"] != None:
val = "%s %s" % ((getFunc(groupd, key, data) or ""), groupd["value"])
elif "prepend" in groupd and groupd["prepend"] != None:
val = "%s %s" % (groupd["value"], (getFunc(groupd, key, data) or ""))
elif "postdot" in groupd and groupd["postdot"] != None:
val = "%s%s" % ((getFunc(groupd, key, data) or ""), groupd["value"])
elif "predot" in groupd and groupd["predot"] != None:
val = "%s%s" % (groupd["value"], (getFunc(groupd, key, data) or ""))
val = groupd["value"]
if 'flag' in groupd and groupd['flag'] != None:
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "setVarFlag(%s, %s, %s, data)" % (key, groupd['flag'], val)), groupd['flag'], val, data)
else:, val, data)
m = __include_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
s =, data)
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "CONF %s:%d: including %s" % (fn, lineno, s))
include(fn, s, data, False)
m = __require_regexp__.match(s)
if m:
s =, data)
include(fn, s, data, "include required")
m = __export_regexp__.match(s)
if m:, "export", 1, data)
raise ParseError("%s:%d: unparsed line: '%s'" % (fn, lineno, s));
# Add us to the handlers list
from bb.parse import handlers
handlers.append({'supports': supports, 'handle': handle, 'init': init})
del handlers

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake Parsers
File parsers for the BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
__version__ = '1.0'
__all__ = [ 'ConfHandler', 'BBHandler']
import ConfHandler
import BBHandler

View File

@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
# BitBake Persistent Data Store
# Copyright (C) 2007 Richard Purdie
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import bb, os
import sqlite3
except ImportError:
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3
except ImportError:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.PersistData, "Importing sqlite3 and pysqlite2 failed, please install one of them. Python 2.5 or a 'python-pysqlite2' like package is likely to be what you need.")
sqlversion = sqlite3.sqlite_version_info
if sqlversion[0] < 3 or (sqlversion[0] == 3 and sqlversion[1] < 3):
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.PersistData, "sqlite3 version 3.3.0 or later is required.")
class PersistData:
BitBake Persistent Data Store
Used to store data in a central location such that other threads/tasks can
access them at some future date.
The "domain" is used as a key to isolate each data pool and in this
implementation corresponds to an SQL table. The SQL table consists of a
simple key and value pair.
Why sqlite? It handles all the locking issues for us.
def __init__(self, d):
self.cachedir ="PERSISTENT_DIR", d, True) or"CACHE", d, True)
if self.cachedir in [None, '']:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.PersistData, "Please set the 'PERSISTENT_DIR' or 'CACHE' variable.")
except OSError:
self.cachefile = os.path.join(self.cachedir,"bb_persist_data.sqlite3")
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.PersistData, "Using '%s' as the persistent data cache" % self.cachefile)
self.connection = sqlite3.connect(self.cachefile, timeout=5, isolation_level=None)
def addDomain(self, domain):
Should be called before any domain is used
Creates it if it doesn't exist.
self.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(key TEXT, value TEXT);" % domain)
def delDomain(self, domain):
Removes a domain and all the data it contains
self.connection.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;" % domain)
def getKeyValues(self, domain):
Return a list of key + value pairs for a domain
ret = {}
data = self.connection.execute("SELECT key, value from %s;" % domain)
for row in data:
ret[str(row[0])] = str(row[1])
return ret
def getValue(self, domain, key):
Return the value of a key for a domain
data = self.connection.execute("SELECT * from %s where key=?;" % domain, [key])
for row in data:
return row[1]
def setValue(self, domain, key, value):
Sets the value of a key for a domain
data = self.connection.execute("SELECT * from %s where key=?;" % domain, [key])
rows = 0
for row in data:
rows = rows + 1
if rows:
self._execute("UPDATE %s SET value=? WHERE key=?;" % domain, [value, key])
self._execute("INSERT into %s(key, value) values (?, ?);" % domain, [key, value])
def delValue(self, domain, key):
Deletes a key/value pair
self._execute("DELETE from %s where key=?;" % domain, [key])
def _execute(self, *query):
while True:
except sqlite3.OperationalError, e:
if 'database is locked' in str(e):

View File

@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
# Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH
# Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Purdie
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import re
from bb import data, utils
import bb
class NoProvider(Exception):
"""Exception raised when no provider of a build dependency can be found"""
class NoRProvider(Exception):
"""Exception raised when no provider of a runtime dependency can be found"""
def sortPriorities(pn, dataCache, pkg_pn = None):
Reorder pkg_pn by file priority and default preference
if not pkg_pn:
pkg_pn = dataCache.pkg_pn
files = pkg_pn[pn]
priorities = {}
for f in files:
priority = dataCache.bbfile_priority[f]
preference = dataCache.pkg_dp[f]
if priority not in priorities:
priorities[priority] = {}
if preference not in priorities[priority]:
priorities[priority][preference] = []
pri_list = priorities.keys()
pri_list.sort(lambda a, b: a - b)
tmp_pn = []
for pri in pri_list:
pref_list = priorities[pri].keys()
pref_list.sort(lambda a, b: b - a)
tmp_pref = []
for pref in pref_list:
tmp_pn = [tmp_pref] + tmp_pn
return tmp_pn
def preferredVersionMatch(pe, pv, pr, preferred_e, preferred_v, preferred_r):
Check if the version pe,pv,pr is the preferred one.
If there is preferred version defined and ends with '%', then pv has to start with that version after removing the '%'
if (pr == preferred_r or preferred_r == None):
if (pe == preferred_e or preferred_e == None):
if preferred_v == pv:
return True
if preferred_v != None and preferred_v.endswith('%') and pv.startswith(preferred_v[:len(preferred_v)-1]):
return True
return False
def findPreferredProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, pkg_pn = None, item = None):
Find the first provider in pkg_pn with a PREFERRED_VERSION set.
preferred_file = None
preferred_ver = None
localdata = data.createCopy(cfgData)'OVERRIDES', "pn-%s:%s:%s" % (pn, pn, data.getVar('OVERRIDES', localdata)), localdata)
preferred_v ='PREFERRED_VERSION_%s' % pn, localdata, True)
if preferred_v:
m = re.match('(\d+:)*(.*)(_.*)*', preferred_v)
if m:
preferred_e = int([:-1])
preferred_e = None
preferred_v =
preferred_r =[1:]
preferred_r = None
preferred_e = None
preferred_r = None
for file_set in pkg_pn:
for f in file_set:
pe,pv,pr = dataCache.pkg_pepvpr[f]
if preferredVersionMatch(pe, pv, pr, preferred_e, preferred_v, preferred_r):
preferred_file = f
preferred_ver = (pe, pv, pr)
if preferred_file:
if preferred_r:
pv_str = '%s-%s' % (preferred_v, preferred_r)
pv_str = preferred_v
if not (preferred_e is None):
pv_str = '%s:%s' % (preferred_e, pv_str)
itemstr = ""
if item:
itemstr = " (for item %s)" % item
if preferred_file is None:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "preferred version %s of %s not available%s" % (pv_str, pn, itemstr))
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "selecting %s as PREFERRED_VERSION %s of package %s%s" % (preferred_file, pv_str, pn, itemstr))
return (preferred_ver, preferred_file)
def findLatestProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, file_set):
Return the highest version of the providers in file_set.
Take default preferences into account.
latest = None
latest_p = 0
latest_f = None
for file_name in file_set:
pe,pv,pr = dataCache.pkg_pepvpr[file_name]
dp = dataCache.pkg_dp[file_name]
if (latest is None) or ((latest_p == dp) and (utils.vercmp(latest, (pe, pv, pr)) < 0)) or (dp > latest_p):
latest = (pe, pv, pr)
latest_f = file_name
latest_p = dp
return (latest, latest_f)
def findBestProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, pkg_pn = None, item = None):
If there is a PREFERRED_VERSION, find the highest-priority bbfile
providing that version. If not, find the latest version provided by
an bbfile in the highest-priority set.
sortpkg_pn = sortPriorities(pn, dataCache, pkg_pn)
# Find the highest priority provider with a PREFERRED_VERSION set
(preferred_ver, preferred_file) = findPreferredProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, sortpkg_pn, item)
# Find the latest version of the highest priority provider
(latest, latest_f) = findLatestProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, sortpkg_pn[0])
if preferred_file is None:
preferred_file = latest_f
preferred_ver = latest
return (latest, latest_f, preferred_ver, preferred_file)
def _filterProviders(providers, item, cfgData, dataCache):
Take a list of providers and filter/reorder according to the
environment variables and previous build results
eligible = []
preferred_versions = {}
sortpkg_pn = {}
# The order of providers depends on the order of the files on the disk
# up to here. Sort pkg_pn to make dependency issues reproducible rather
# than effectively random.
# Collate providers by PN
pkg_pn = {}
for p in providers:
pn = dataCache.pkg_fn[p]
if pn not in pkg_pn:
pkg_pn[pn] = []
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "providers for %s are: %s" % (item, pkg_pn.keys()))
for pn in pkg_pn.keys():
sortpkg_pn[pn] = sortPriorities(pn, dataCache, pkg_pn)
preferred_versions[pn] = findPreferredProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, sortpkg_pn[pn], item)
if preferred_versions[pn][1]:
# Now add latest verisons
for pn in sortpkg_pn.keys():
if pn in preferred_versions and preferred_versions[pn][1]:
preferred_versions[pn] = findLatestProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, sortpkg_pn[pn][0])
if len(eligible) == 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "no eligible providers for %s" % item)
return 0
# If pn == item, give it a slight default preference
# This means PREFERRED_PROVIDER_foobar defaults to foobar if available
for p in providers:
pn = dataCache.pkg_fn[p]
if pn != item:
(newvers, fn) = preferred_versions[pn]
if not fn in eligible:
eligible = [fn] + eligible
return eligible
def filterProviders(providers, item, cfgData, dataCache):
Take a list of providers and filter/reorder according to the
environment variables and previous build results
Takes a "normal" target item
eligible = _filterProviders(providers, item, cfgData, dataCache)
prefervar ='PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s' % item, cfgData, 1)
if prefervar:
dataCache.preferred[item] = prefervar
foundUnique = False
if item in dataCache.preferred:
for p in eligible:
pn = dataCache.pkg_fn[p]
if dataCache.preferred[item] == pn:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "selecting %s to satisfy %s due to PREFERRED_PROVIDERS" % (pn, item))
eligible = [p] + eligible
foundUnique = True
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "sorted providers for %s are: %s" % (item, eligible))
return eligible, foundUnique
def filterProvidersRunTime(providers, item, cfgData, dataCache):
Take a list of providers and filter/reorder according to the
environment variables and previous build results
Takes a "runtime" target item
eligible = _filterProviders(providers, item, cfgData, dataCache)
# Should use dataCache.preferred here?
preferred = []
preferred_vars = []
for p in eligible:
pn = dataCache.pkg_fn[p]
provides = dataCache.pn_provides[pn]
for provide in provides:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "checking PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s" % (provide))
prefervar ='PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s' % provide, cfgData, 1)
if prefervar == pn:
var = "PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s = %s" % (provide, prefervar)
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "selecting %s to satisfy runtime %s due to %s" % (pn, item, var))
eligible = [p] + eligible
numberPreferred = len(preferred)
if numberPreferred > 1:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Conflicting PREFERRED_PROVIDER entries were found which resulted in an attempt to select multiple providers (%s) for runtime dependecy %s\nThe entries resulting in this conflict were: %s" % (preferred, item, preferred_vars))
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "sorted providers for %s are: %s" % (item, eligible))
return eligible, numberPreferred
regexp_cache = {}
def getRuntimeProviders(dataCache, rdepend):
Return any providers of runtime dependency
rproviders = []
if rdepend in dataCache.rproviders:
rproviders += dataCache.rproviders[rdepend]
if rdepend in dataCache.packages:
rproviders += dataCache.packages[rdepend]
if rproviders:
return rproviders
# Only search dynamic packages if we can't find anything in other variables
for pattern in dataCache.packages_dynamic:
pattern = pattern.replace('+', "\+")
if pattern in regexp_cache:
regexp = regexp_cache[pattern]
regexp = re.compile(pattern)
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Error parsing re expression: %s" % pattern)
regexp_cache[pattern] = regexp
if regexp.match(rdepend):
rproviders += dataCache.packages_dynamic[pattern]
return rproviders

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,824 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Vanille Media
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Thanks to:
# * Holger Freyther <>
# * Justin Patrin <>
BitBake Shell
* list defined tasks per package
* list classes
* toggle force
* command to reparse just one (or more) bbfile(s)
* automatic check if reparsing is necessary (inotify?)
* frontend for bb file manipulation
* more shell-like features:
- output control, i.e. pipe output into grep, sort, etc.
- job control, i.e. bring running commands into background and foreground
* start parsing in background right after startup
* ncurses interface
* force doesn't always work
* readline completion for commands with more than one parameters
# Import and setup global variables
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
import sys, os, readline, socket, httplib, urllib, commands, popen2, copy, shlex, Queue, fnmatch
from bb import data, parse, build, fatal, cache, taskdata, runqueue, providers as Providers
__version__ = ""
__credits__ = """BitBake Shell Version %s (C) 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>
Type 'help' for more information, press CTRL-D to exit.""" % __version__
cmds = {}
leave_mainloop = False
last_exception = None
cooker = None
parsed = False
debug = os.environ.get( "BBSHELL_DEBUG", "" )
# Class BitBakeShellCommands
class BitBakeShellCommands:
"""This class contains the valid commands for the shell"""
def __init__( self, shell ):
"""Register all the commands"""
self._shell = shell
for attr in BitBakeShellCommands.__dict__:
if not attr.startswith( "_" ):
if attr.endswith( "_" ):
command = attr[:-1].lower()
command = attr[:].lower()
method = getattr( BitBakeShellCommands, attr )
debugOut( "registering command '%s'" % command )
# scan number of arguments
usage = getattr( method, "usage", "" )
if usage != "<...>":
numArgs = len( usage.split() )
numArgs = -1
shell.registerCommand( command, method, numArgs, "%s %s" % ( command, usage ), method.__doc__ )
def _checkParsed( self ):
if not parsed:
print "SHELL: This command needs to parse bbfiles..."
self.parse( None )
def _findProvider( self, item ):
# Need to use taskData for this information
preferred = data.getVar( "PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s" % item,, 1 )
if not preferred: preferred = item
lv, lf, pv, pf = Providers.findBestProvider(preferred,, cooker.status)
except KeyError:
if item in cooker.status.providers:
pf = cooker.status.providers[item][0]
pf = None
return pf
def alias( self, params ):
"""Register a new name for a command"""
new, old = params
if not old in cmds:
print "ERROR: Command '%s' not known" % old
cmds[new] = cmds[old]
print "OK"
alias.usage = "<alias> <command>"
def buffer( self, params ):
"""Dump specified output buffer"""
index = params[0]
print self._shell.myout.buffer( int( index ) )
buffer.usage = "<index>"
def buffers( self, params ):
"""Show the available output buffers"""
commands = self._shell.myout.bufferedCommands()
if not commands:
print "SHELL: No buffered commands available yet. Start doing something."
print "="*35, "Available Output Buffers", "="*27
for index, cmd in enumerate( commands ):
print "| %s %s" % ( str( index ).ljust( 3 ), cmd )
print "="*88
def build( self, params, cmd = "build" ):
"""Build a providee"""
global last_exception
globexpr = params[0]
names = globfilter( cooker.status.pkg_pn.keys(), globexpr )
if len( names ) == 0: names = [ globexpr ]
print "SHELL: Building %s" % ' '.join( names )
td = taskdata.TaskData(cooker.configuration.abort)
localdata = data.createCopy(
tasks = []
for name in names:
td.add_provider(localdata, cooker.status, name)
providers = td.get_provider(name)
if len(providers) == 0:
raise Providers.NoProvider
tasks.append([name, "do_%s" % cmd])
td.add_unresolved(localdata, cooker.status)
rq = runqueue.RunQueue(cooker, localdata, cooker.status, td, tasks)
except Providers.NoProvider:
print "ERROR: No Provider"
last_exception = Providers.NoProvider
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
for fnid in fnids:
print "ERROR: '%s' failed" % td.fn_index[fnid]
last_exception = runqueue.TaskFailure
except build.EventException, e:
print "ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % names
last_exception = e
build.usage = "<providee>"
def clean( self, params ):
"""Clean a providee""" params, "clean" )
clean.usage = "<providee>"
def compile( self, params ):
"""Execute 'compile' on a providee""" params, "compile" )
compile.usage = "<providee>"
def configure( self, params ):
"""Execute 'configure' on a providee""" params, "configure" )
configure.usage = "<providee>"
def install( self, params ):
"""Execute 'install' on a providee""" params, "install" )
install.usage = "<providee>"
def edit( self, params ):
"""Call $EDITOR on a providee"""
name = params[0]
bbfile = self._findProvider( name )
if bbfile is not None:
os.system( "%s %s" % ( os.environ.get( "EDITOR", "vi" ), bbfile ) )
print "ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name
edit.usage = "<providee>"
def environment( self, params ):
"""Dump out the outer BitBake environment"""
def exit_( self, params ):
"""Leave the BitBake Shell"""
debugOut( "setting leave_mainloop to true" )
global leave_mainloop
leave_mainloop = True
def fetch( self, params ):
"""Fetch a providee""" params, "fetch" )
fetch.usage = "<providee>"
def fileBuild( self, params, cmd = "build" ):
"""Parse and build a .bb file"""
global last_exception
name = params[0]
bf = completeFilePath( name )
print "SHELL: Calling '%s' on '%s'" % ( cmd, bf )
cooker.buildFile(bf, cmd)
except parse.ParseError:
print "ERROR: Unable to open or parse '%s'" % bf
except build.EventException, e:
print "ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % name
last_exception = e
fileBuild.usage = "<bbfile>"
def fileClean( self, params ):
"""Clean a .bb file"""
self.fileBuild( params, "clean" )
fileClean.usage = "<bbfile>"
def fileEdit( self, params ):
"""Call $EDITOR on a .bb file"""
name = params[0]
os.system( "%s %s" % ( os.environ.get( "EDITOR", "vi" ), completeFilePath( name ) ) )
fileEdit.usage = "<bbfile>"
def fileRebuild( self, params ):
"""Rebuild (clean & build) a .bb file"""
self.fileBuild( params, "rebuild" )
fileRebuild.usage = "<bbfile>"
def fileReparse( self, params ):
"""(re)Parse a bb file"""
bbfile = params[0]
print "SHELL: Parsing '%s'" % bbfile
parse.update_mtime( bbfile )
fromCache = cooker.bb_cache.loadData(bbfile,, cooker.status)
if False: #fromCache:
print "SHELL: File has not been updated, not reparsing"
print "SHELL: Parsed"
fileReparse.usage = "<bbfile>"
def abort( self, params ):
"""Toggle abort task execution flag (see bitbake -k)"""
cooker.configuration.abort = not cooker.configuration.abort
print "SHELL: Abort Flag is now '%s'" % repr( cooker.configuration.abort )
def force( self, params ):
"""Toggle force task execution flag (see bitbake -f)"""
cooker.configuration.force = not cooker.configuration.force
print "SHELL: Force Flag is now '%s'" % repr( cooker.configuration.force )
def help( self, params ):
"""Show a comprehensive list of commands and their purpose"""
print "="*30, "Available Commands", "="*30
allcmds = cmds.keys()
for cmd in allcmds:
function,numparams,usage,helptext = cmds[cmd]
print "| %s | %s" % (usage.ljust(30), helptext)
print "="*78
def lastError( self, params ):
"""Show the reason or log that was produced by the last BitBake event exception"""
if last_exception is None:
print "SHELL: No Errors yet (Phew)..."
reason, event = last_exception.args
print "SHELL: Reason for the last error: '%s'" % reason
if ':' in reason:
msg, filename = reason.split( ':' )
filename = filename.strip()
print "SHELL: Dumping log file for last error:"
print open( filename ).read()
except IOError:
print "ERROR: Couldn't open '%s'" % filename
def match( self, params ):
"""Dump all files or providers matching a glob expression"""
what, globexpr = params
if what == "files":
for key in globfilter( cooker.status.pkg_fn.keys(), globexpr ): print key
elif what == "providers":
for key in globfilter( cooker.status.pkg_pn.keys(), globexpr ): print key
print "Usage: match %s" % self.print_.usage
match.usage = "<files|providers> <glob>"
def new( self, params ):
"""Create a new .bb file and open the editor"""
dirname, filename = params
packages = '/'.join( data.getVar( "BBFILES",, 1 ).split('/')[:-2] )
fulldirname = "%s/%s" % ( packages, dirname )
if not os.path.exists( fulldirname ):
print "SHELL: Creating '%s'" % fulldirname
os.mkdir( fulldirname )
if os.path.exists( fulldirname ) and os.path.isdir( fulldirname ):
if os.path.exists( "%s/%s" % ( fulldirname, filename ) ):
print "SHELL: ERROR: %s/%s already exists" % ( fulldirname, filename )
return False
print "SHELL: Creating '%s/%s'" % ( fulldirname, filename )
newpackage = open( "%s/%s" % ( fulldirname, filename ), "w" )
print >>newpackage,"""DESCRIPTION = ""
PR = "r0"
SRC_URI = ""
#inherit base
#do_configure() {
#do_compile() {
#do_stage() {
#do_install() {
os.system( "%s %s/%s" % ( os.environ.get( "EDITOR" ), fulldirname, filename ) )
new.usage = "<directory> <filename>"
def package( self, params ):
"""Execute 'package' on a providee""" params, "package" )
package.usage = "<providee>"
def pasteBin( self, params ):
"""Send a command + output buffer to the pastebin at"""
index = params[0]
contents = self._shell.myout.buffer( int( index ) )
sendToPastebin( "output of " + params[0], contents )
pasteBin.usage = "<index>"
def pasteLog( self, params ):
"""Send the last event exception error log (if there is one) to"""
if last_exception is None:
print "SHELL: No Errors yet (Phew)..."
reason, event = last_exception.args
print "SHELL: Reason for the last error: '%s'" % reason
if ':' in reason:
msg, filename = reason.split( ':' )
filename = filename.strip()
print "SHELL: Pasting log file to pastebin..."
file = open( filename ).read()
sendToPastebin( "contents of " + filename, file )
def patch( self, params ):
"""Execute 'patch' command on a providee""" params, "patch" )
patch.usage = "<providee>"
def parse( self, params ):
"""(Re-)parse .bb files and calculate the dependency graph"""
cooker.status = cache.CacheData()
ignore = data.getVar("ASSUME_PROVIDED",, 1) or ""
cooker.status.ignored_dependencies = set( ignore.split() )
cooker.handleCollections( data.getVar("BBFILE_COLLECTIONS",, 1) )
(filelist, masked) = cooker.collect_bbfiles()
cooker.parse_bbfiles(filelist, masked, cooker.myProgressCallback)
global parsed
parsed = True
def reparse( self, params ):
"""(re)Parse a providee's bb file"""
bbfile = self._findProvider( params[0] )
if bbfile is not None:
print "SHELL: Found bbfile '%s' for '%s'" % ( bbfile, params[0] )
self.fileReparse( [ bbfile ] )
print "ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % params[0]
reparse.usage = "<providee>"
def getvar( self, params ):
"""Dump the contents of an outer BitBake environment variable"""
var = params[0]
value = data.getVar( var,, 1 )
print value
getvar.usage = "<variable>"
def peek( self, params ):
"""Dump contents of variable defined in providee's metadata"""
name, var = params
bbfile = self._findProvider( name )
if bbfile is not None:
the_data = cooker.bb_cache.loadDataFull(bbfile,
value = the_data.getVar( var, 1 )
print value
print "ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name
peek.usage = "<providee> <variable>"
def poke( self, params ):
"""Set contents of variable defined in providee's metadata"""
name, var, value = params
bbfile = self._findProvider( name )
if bbfile is not None:
print "ERROR: Sorry, this functionality is currently broken"
#d = cooker.pkgdata[bbfile]
#data.setVar( var, value, d )
# mark the change semi persistant
#cooker.pkgdata.setDirty(bbfile, d)
#print "OK"
print "ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name
poke.usage = "<providee> <variable> <value>"
def print_( self, params ):
"""Dump all files or providers"""
what = params[0]
if what == "files":
for key in cooker.status.pkg_fn.keys(): print key
elif what == "providers":
for key in cooker.status.providers.keys(): print key
print "Usage: print %s" % self.print_.usage
print_.usage = "<files|providers>"
def python( self, params ):
"""Enter the expert mode - an interactive BitBake Python Interpreter"""
sys.ps1 = "EXPERT BB>>> "
sys.ps2 = "EXPERT BB... "
import code
interpreter = code.InteractiveConsole( dict( globals() ) )
interpreter.interact( "SHELL: Expert Mode - BitBake Python %s\nType 'help' for more information, press CTRL-D to switch back to BBSHELL." % sys.version )
def showdata( self, params ):
"""Execute 'showdata' on a providee"""
cooker.showEnvironment(None, params)
showdata.usage = "<providee>"
def setVar( self, params ):
"""Set an outer BitBake environment variable"""
var, value = params
data.setVar( var, value, )
print "OK"
setVar.usage = "<variable> <value>"
def rebuild( self, params ):
"""Clean and rebuild a .bb file or a providee""" params, "clean" ) params, "build" )
rebuild.usage = "<providee>"
def shell( self, params ):
"""Execute a shell command and dump the output"""
if params != "":
print commands.getoutput( " ".join( params ) )
shell.usage = "<...>"
def stage( self, params ):
"""Execute 'stage' on a providee""" params, "populate_staging" )
stage.usage = "<providee>"
def status( self, params ):
"""<just for testing>"""
print "-" * 78
print "building list = '%s'" % cooker.building_list
print "build path = '%s'" % cooker.build_path
print "consider_msgs_cache = '%s'" % cooker.consider_msgs_cache
print "build stats = '%s'" % cooker.stats
if last_exception is not None: print "last_exception = '%s'" % repr( last_exception.args )
print "memory output contents = '%s'" % self._shell.myout._buffer
def test( self, params ):
"""<just for testing>"""
print "testCommand called with '%s'" % params
def unpack( self, params ):
"""Execute 'unpack' on a providee""" params, "unpack" )
unpack.usage = "<providee>"
def which( self, params ):
"""Computes the providers for a given providee"""
# Need to use taskData for this information
item = params[0]
preferred = data.getVar( "PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s" % item,, 1 )
if not preferred: preferred = item
lv, lf, pv, pf = Providers.findBestProvider(preferred,, cooker.status)
except KeyError:
lv, lf, pv, pf = (None,)*4
providers = cooker.status.providers[item]
except KeyError:
print "SHELL: ERROR: Nothing provides", preferred
for provider in providers:
if provider == pf: provider = " (***) %s" % provider
else: provider = " %s" % provider
print provider
which.usage = "<providee>"
# Common helper functions
def completeFilePath( bbfile ):
"""Get the complete bbfile path"""
if not cooker.status: return bbfile
if not cooker.status.pkg_fn: return bbfile
for key in cooker.status.pkg_fn.keys():
if key.endswith( bbfile ):
return key
return bbfile
def sendToPastebin( desc, content ):
"""Send content to"""
mydata = {}
mydata["lang"] = "Plain Text"
mydata["desc"] = desc
mydata["cvt_tabs"] = "No"
mydata["nick"] = "%s@%s" % ( os.environ.get( "USER", "unknown" ), socket.gethostname() or "unknown" )
mydata["text"] = content
params = urllib.urlencode( mydata )
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded","Accept": "text/plain"}
host = ""
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( "%s:80" % host )
conn.request("POST", "/paste/paste.php", params, headers )
response = conn.getresponse()
if response.status == 302:
location = response.getheader( "location" ) or "unknown"
print "SHELL: Pasted to http://%s%s" % ( host, location )
print "ERROR: %s %s" % ( response.status, response.reason )
def completer( text, state ):
"""Return a possible readline completion"""
debugOut( "completer called with text='%s', state='%d'" % ( text, state ) )
if state == 0:
line = readline.get_line_buffer()
if " " in line:
line = line.split()
# we are in second (or more) argument
if line[0] in cmds and hasattr( cmds[line[0]][0], "usage" ): # known command and usage
u = getattr( cmds[line[0]][0], "usage" ).split()[0]
if u == "<variable>":
allmatches =
elif u == "<bbfile>":
if cooker.status.pkg_fn is None: allmatches = [ "(No Matches Available. Parsed yet?)" ]
else: allmatches = [ x.split("/")[-1] for x in cooker.status.pkg_fn.keys() ]
elif u == "<providee>":
if cooker.status.pkg_fn is None: allmatches = [ "(No Matches Available. Parsed yet?)" ]
else: allmatches = cooker.status.providers.iterkeys()
else: allmatches = [ "(No tab completion available for this command)" ]
else: allmatches = [ "(No tab completion available for this command)" ]
# we are in first argument
allmatches = cmds.iterkeys()
completer.matches = [ x for x in allmatches if x[:len(text)] == text ]
#print "completer.matches = '%s'" % completer.matches
if len( completer.matches ) > state:
return completer.matches[state]
return None
def debugOut( text ):
if debug:
sys.stderr.write( "( %s )\n" % text )
def columnize( alist, width = 80 ):
A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks
and most spaces in the text. Expects that existing line
breaks are posix newlines (\n).
return reduce(lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' %
' \n'[(len(line[line.rfind('\n')+1:])
+ len(word.split('\n',1)[0]
) >= width)],
def globfilter( names, pattern ):
return fnmatch.filter( names, pattern )
# Class MemoryOutput
class MemoryOutput:
"""File-like output class buffering the output of the last 10 commands"""
def __init__( self, delegate ):
self.delegate = delegate
self._buffer = []
self.text = []
self._command = None
def startCommand( self, command ):
self._command = command
self.text = []
def endCommand( self ):
if self._command is not None:
if len( self._buffer ) == 10: del self._buffer[0]
self._buffer.append( ( self._command, self.text ) )
def removeLast( self ):
if self._buffer:
del self._buffer[ len( self._buffer ) - 1 ]
self.text = []
self._command = None
def lastBuffer( self ):
if self._buffer:
return self._buffer[ len( self._buffer ) -1 ][1]
def bufferedCommands( self ):
return [ cmd for cmd, output in self._buffer ]
def buffer( self, i ):
if i < len( self._buffer ):
return "BB>> %s\n%s" % ( self._buffer[i][0], "".join( self._buffer[i][1] ) )
else: return "ERROR: Invalid buffer number. Buffer needs to be in (0, %d)" % ( len( self._buffer ) - 1 )
def write( self, text ):
if self._command is not None and text != "BB>> ": self.text.append( text )
if self.delegate is not None: self.delegate.write( text )
def flush( self ):
return self.delegate.flush()
def fileno( self ):
return self.delegate.fileno()
def isatty( self ):
return self.delegate.isatty()
# Class BitBakeShell
class BitBakeShell:
def __init__( self ):
"""Register commands and set up readline"""
self.commandQ = Queue.Queue()
self.commands = BitBakeShellCommands( self )
self.myout = MemoryOutput( sys.stdout )
self.historyfilename = os.path.expanduser( "~/.bbsh_history" )
self.startupfilename = os.path.expanduser( "~/.bbsh_startup" )
readline.set_completer( completer )
readline.set_completer_delims( " " )
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
readline.read_history_file( self.historyfilename )
except IOError:
pass # It doesn't exist yet.
print __credits__
def cleanup( self ):
"""Write readline history and clean up resources"""
debugOut( "writing command history" )
readline.write_history_file( self.historyfilename )
print "SHELL: Unable to save command history"
def registerCommand( self, command, function, numparams = 0, usage = "", helptext = "" ):
"""Register a command"""
if usage == "": usage = command
if helptext == "": helptext = function.__doc__ or "<not yet documented>"
cmds[command] = ( function, numparams, usage, helptext )
def processCommand( self, command, params ):
"""Process a command. Check number of params and print a usage string, if appropriate"""
debugOut( "processing command '%s'..." % command )
function, numparams, usage, helptext = cmds[command]
except KeyError:
print "SHELL: ERROR: '%s' command is not a valid command." % command
if (numparams != -1) and (not len( params ) == numparams):
print "Usage: '%s'" % usage
result = function( self.commands, params )
debugOut( "result was '%s'" % result )
def processStartupFile( self ):
"""Read and execute all commands found in $HOME/.bbsh_startup"""
if os.path.exists( self.startupfilename ):
startupfile = open( self.startupfilename, "r" )
for cmdline in startupfile:
debugOut( "processing startup line '%s'" % cmdline )
if not cmdline:
if "|" in cmdline:
print "ERROR: '|' in startup file is not allowed. Ignoring line"
self.commandQ.put( cmdline.strip() )
def main( self ):
"""The main command loop"""
while not leave_mainloop:
if self.commandQ.empty():
sys.stdout = self.myout.delegate
cmdline = raw_input( "BB>> " )
sys.stdout = self.myout
cmdline = self.commandQ.get()
if cmdline:
allCommands = cmdline.split( ';' )
for command in allCommands:
pipecmd = None
# special case for expert mode
if command == 'python':
sys.stdout = self.myout.delegate
self.processCommand( command, "" )
sys.stdout = self.myout
self.myout.startCommand( command )
if '|' in command: # disable output
command, pipecmd = command.split( '|' )
delegate = self.myout.delegate
self.myout.delegate = None
tokens = shlex.split( command, True )
self.processCommand( tokens[0], tokens[1:] or "" )
if pipecmd is not None: # restore output
self.myout.delegate = delegate
pipe = popen2.Popen4( pipecmd )
pipe.tochild.write( "\n".join( self.myout.lastBuffer() ) )
sys.stdout.write( )
except EOFError:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Start function - called from the BitBake command line utility
def start( aCooker ):
global cooker
cooker = aCooker
bbshell = BitBakeShell()
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "SHELL: Sorry, this program should only be called by BitBake."

View File

@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'TaskData' implementation
Task data collection and handling
# Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Purdie
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import bb
def re_match_strings(target, strings):
Whether or not the string 'target' matches
any one string of the strings which can be regular expression string
import re
for name in strings:
if (name==target or,target)!=None):
return True
return False
class TaskData:
BitBake Task Data implementation
def __init__(self, abort = True, tryaltconfigs = False):
self.build_names_index = []
self.run_names_index = []
self.fn_index = []
self.build_targets = {}
self.run_targets = {}
self.external_targets = []
self.tasks_fnid = []
self.tasks_name = []
self.tasks_tdepends = []
self.tasks_idepends = []
# Cache to speed up task ID lookups
self.tasks_lookup = {}
self.depids = {}
self.rdepids = {}
self.consider_msgs_cache = []
self.failed_deps = []
self.failed_rdeps = []
self.failed_fnids = []
self.abort = abort
self.tryaltconfigs = tryaltconfigs
def getbuild_id(self, name):
Return an ID number for the build target name.
If it doesn't exist, create one.
if not name in self.build_names_index:
return len(self.build_names_index) - 1
return self.build_names_index.index(name)
def getrun_id(self, name):
Return an ID number for the run target name.
If it doesn't exist, create one.
if not name in self.run_names_index:
return len(self.run_names_index) - 1
return self.run_names_index.index(name)
def getfn_id(self, name):
Return an ID number for the filename.
If it doesn't exist, create one.
if not name in self.fn_index:
return len(self.fn_index) - 1
return self.fn_index.index(name)
def gettask_ids(self, fnid):
Return an array of the ID numbers matching a given fnid.
ids = []
if fnid in self.tasks_lookup:
for task in self.tasks_lookup[fnid]:
return ids
def gettask_id(self, fn, task, create = True):
Return an ID number for the task matching fn and task.
If it doesn't exist, create one by default.
Optionally return None instead.
fnid = self.getfn_id(fn)
if fnid in self.tasks_lookup:
if task in self.tasks_lookup[fnid]:
return self.tasks_lookup[fnid][task]
if not create:
return None
listid = len(self.tasks_name) - 1
if fnid not in self.tasks_lookup:
self.tasks_lookup[fnid] = {}
self.tasks_lookup[fnid][task] = listid
return listid
def add_tasks(self, fn, dataCache):
Add tasks for a given fn to the database
task_deps = dataCache.task_deps[fn]
fnid = self.getfn_id(fn)
if fnid in self.failed_fnids:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "Trying to re-add a failed file? Something is broken...")
# Check if we've already seen this fn
if fnid in self.tasks_fnid:
for task in task_deps['tasks']:
# Work out task dependencies
parentids = []
for dep in task_deps['parents'][task]:
parentid = self.gettask_id(fn, dep)
taskid = self.gettask_id(fn, task)
# Touch all intertask dependencies
if 'depends' in task_deps and task in task_deps['depends']:
ids = []
for dep in task_deps['depends'][task].split():
if dep:
if ":" not in dep:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "Error, dependency %s does not contain ':' character\n. Task 'depends' should be specified in the form 'packagename:task'" % (depend, fn))
ids.append(((self.getbuild_id(dep.split(":")[0])), dep.split(":")[1]))
# Work out build dependencies
if not fnid in self.depids:
dependids = {}
for depend in dataCache.deps[fn]:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "Added dependency %s for %s" % (depend, fn))
dependids[self.getbuild_id(depend)] = None
self.depids[fnid] = dependids.keys()
# Work out runtime dependencies
if not fnid in self.rdepids:
rdependids = {}
rdepends = dataCache.rundeps[fn]
rrecs = dataCache.runrecs[fn]
for package in rdepends:
for rdepend in bb.utils.explode_deps(rdepends[package]):
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "Added runtime dependency %s for %s" % (rdepend, fn))
rdependids[self.getrun_id(rdepend)] = None
for package in rrecs:
for rdepend in bb.utils.explode_deps(rrecs[package]):
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "Added runtime recommendation %s for %s" % (rdepend, fn))
rdependids[self.getrun_id(rdepend)] = None
self.rdepids[fnid] = rdependids.keys()
for dep in self.depids[fnid]:
if dep in self.failed_deps:
for dep in self.rdepids[fnid]:
if dep in self.failed_rdeps:
def have_build_target(self, target):
Have we a build target matching this name?
targetid = self.getbuild_id(target)
if targetid in self.build_targets:
return True
return False
def have_runtime_target(self, target):
Have we a runtime target matching this name?
targetid = self.getrun_id(target)
if targetid in self.run_targets:
return True
return False
def add_build_target(self, fn, item):
Add a build target.
If already present, append the provider fn to the list
targetid = self.getbuild_id(item)
fnid = self.getfn_id(fn)
if targetid in self.build_targets:
if fnid in self.build_targets[targetid]:
self.build_targets[targetid] = [fnid]
def add_runtime_target(self, fn, item):
Add a runtime target.
If already present, append the provider fn to the list
targetid = self.getrun_id(item)
fnid = self.getfn_id(fn)
if targetid in self.run_targets:
if fnid in self.run_targets[targetid]:
self.run_targets[targetid] = [fnid]
def mark_external_target(self, item):
Mark a build target as being externally requested
targetid = self.getbuild_id(item)
if targetid not in self.external_targets:
def get_unresolved_build_targets(self, dataCache):
Return a list of build targets who's providers
are unknown.
unresolved = []
for target in self.build_names_index:
if re_match_strings(target, dataCache.ignored_dependencies):
if self.build_names_index.index(target) in self.failed_deps:
if not self.have_build_target(target):
return unresolved
def get_unresolved_run_targets(self, dataCache):
Return a list of runtime targets who's providers
are unknown.
unresolved = []
for target in self.run_names_index:
if re_match_strings(target, dataCache.ignored_dependencies):
if self.run_names_index.index(target) in self.failed_rdeps:
if not self.have_runtime_target(target):
return unresolved
def get_provider(self, item):
Return a list of providers of item
targetid = self.getbuild_id(item)
return self.build_targets[targetid]
def get_dependees(self, itemid):
Return a list of targets which depend on item
dependees = []
for fnid in self.depids:
if itemid in self.depids[fnid]:
return dependees
def get_dependees_str(self, item):
Return a list of targets which depend on item as a user readable string
itemid = self.getbuild_id(item)
dependees = []
for fnid in self.depids:
if itemid in self.depids[fnid]:
return dependees
def get_rdependees(self, itemid):
Return a list of targets which depend on runtime item
dependees = []
for fnid in self.rdepids:
if itemid in self.rdepids[fnid]:
return dependees
def get_rdependees_str(self, item):
Return a list of targets which depend on runtime item as a user readable string
itemid = self.getrun_id(item)
dependees = []
for fnid in self.rdepids:
if itemid in self.rdepids[fnid]:
return dependees
def add_provider(self, cfgData, dataCache, item):
self.add_provider_internal(cfgData, dataCache, item)
except bb.providers.NoProvider:
if self.abort:
if self.get_rdependees_str(item):
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s' (but '%s' DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)" % (item, self.get_dependees_str(item)))
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s'" % (item))
targetid = self.getbuild_id(item)
def add_provider_internal(self, cfgData, dataCache, item):
Add the providers of item to the task data
Mark entries were specifically added externally as against dependencies
added internally during dependency resolution
if re_match_strings(item, dataCache.ignored_dependencies):
if not item in dataCache.providers:
if self.get_rdependees_str(item):
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s' (but '%s' DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)" % (item, self.get_dependees_str(item)))
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s'" % (item)), cfgData)
raise bb.providers.NoProvider(item)
if self.have_build_target(item):
all_p = dataCache.providers[item]
eligible, foundUnique = bb.providers.filterProviders(all_p, item, cfgData, dataCache)
eligible = [p for p in eligible if not self.getfn_id(p) in self.failed_fnids]
if not eligible:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "No buildable provider PROVIDES '%s' but '%s' DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it. Enable debugging and see earlier logs to find unbuildable providers." % (item, self.get_dependees_str(item))), cfgData)
raise bb.providers.NoProvider(item)
if len(eligible) > 1 and foundUnique == False:
if item not in self.consider_msgs_cache:
providers_list = []
for fn in eligible:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for %s (%s);" % (item, ", ".join(providers_list)))
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s" % item), providers_list), cfgData)
for fn in eligible:
fnid = self.getfn_id(fn)
if fnid in self.failed_fnids:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "adding %s to satisfy %s" % (fn, item))
self.add_build_target(fn, item)
self.add_tasks(fn, dataCache)
#item = dataCache.pkg_fn[fn]
def add_rprovider(self, cfgData, dataCache, item):
Add the runtime providers of item to the task data
(takes item names from RDEPENDS/PACKAGES namespace)
if re_match_strings(item, dataCache.ignored_dependencies):
if self.have_runtime_target(item):
all_p = bb.providers.getRuntimeProviders(dataCache, item)
if not all_p:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "'%s' RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS or otherwise requires the runtime entity '%s' but it wasn't found in any PACKAGE or RPROVIDES variables" % (self.get_rdependees_str(item), item)), runtime=True), cfgData)
raise bb.providers.NoRProvider(item)
eligible, numberPreferred = bb.providers.filterProvidersRunTime(all_p, item, cfgData, dataCache)
eligible = [p for p in eligible if not self.getfn_id(p) in self.failed_fnids]
if not eligible:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "'%s' RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS or otherwise requires the runtime entity '%s' but it wasn't found in any PACKAGE or RPROVIDES variables of any buildable targets.\nEnable debugging and see earlier logs to find unbuildable targets." % (self.get_rdependees_str(item), item)), runtime=True), cfgData)
raise bb.providers.NoRProvider(item)
if len(eligible) > 1 and numberPreferred == 0:
if item not in self.consider_msgs_cache:
providers_list = []
for fn in eligible:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for runtime %s (%s);" % (item, ", ".join(providers_list)))
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match runtime %s" % item),providers_list, runtime=True), cfgData)
if numberPreferred > 1:
if item not in self.consider_msgs_cache:
providers_list = []
for fn in eligible:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for runtime %s (top %s entries preferred) (%s);" % (item, numberPreferred, ", ".join(providers_list)))
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining only one PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match runtime %s" % item),providers_list, runtime=True), cfgData)
# run through the list until we find one that we can build
for fn in eligible:
fnid = self.getfn_id(fn)
if fnid in self.failed_fnids:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "adding '%s' to satisfy runtime '%s'" % (fn, item))
self.add_runtime_target(fn, item)
self.add_tasks(fn, dataCache)
def fail_fnid(self, fnid, missing_list = []):
Mark a file as failed (unbuildable)
Remove any references from build and runtime provider lists
missing_list, A list of missing requirements for this target
if fnid in self.failed_fnids:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "File '%s' is unbuildable, removing..." % self.fn_index[fnid])
for target in self.build_targets:
if fnid in self.build_targets[target]:
if len(self.build_targets[target]) == 0:
self.remove_buildtarget(target, missing_list)
for target in self.run_targets:
if fnid in self.run_targets[target]:
if len(self.run_targets[target]) == 0:
self.remove_runtarget(target, missing_list)
def remove_buildtarget(self, targetid, missing_list = []):
Mark a build target as failed (unbuildable)
Trigger removal of any files that have this as a dependency
if not missing_list:
missing_list = [self.build_names_index[targetid]]
missing_list = [self.build_names_index[targetid]] + missing_list
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Target '%s' is unbuildable, removing...\nMissing or unbuildable dependency chain was: %s" % (self.build_names_index[targetid], missing_list))
dependees = self.get_dependees(targetid)
for fnid in dependees:
self.fail_fnid(fnid, missing_list)
for taskid in range(len(self.tasks_idepends)):
idepends = self.tasks_idepends[taskid]
for (idependid, idependtask) in idepends:
if idependid == targetid:
self.fail_fnid(self.tasks_fnid[taskid], missing_list)
if self.abort and targetid in self.external_targets:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Required build target '%s' has no buildable providers.\nMissing or unbuildable dependency chain was: %s" % (self.build_names_index[targetid], missing_list))
raise bb.providers.NoProvider
def remove_runtarget(self, targetid, missing_list = []):
Mark a run target as failed (unbuildable)
Trigger removal of any files that have this as a dependency
if not missing_list:
missing_list = [self.run_names_index[targetid]]
missing_list = [self.run_names_index[targetid]] + missing_list
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Runtime target '%s' is unbuildable, removing...\nMissing or unbuildable dependency chain was: %s" % (self.run_names_index[targetid], missing_list))
dependees = self.get_rdependees(targetid)
for fnid in dependees:
self.fail_fnid(fnid, missing_list)
def add_unresolved(self, cfgData, dataCache):
Resolve all unresolved build and runtime targets
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "Resolving any missing task queue dependencies")
while 1:
added = 0
for target in self.get_unresolved_build_targets(dataCache):
self.add_provider_internal(cfgData, dataCache, target)
added = added + 1
except bb.providers.NoProvider:
targetid = self.getbuild_id(target)
if self.abort and targetid in self.external_targets:
if self.get_rdependees_str(target):
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s' (but '%s' DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)" % (target, self.get_dependees_str(target)))
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s'" % (target))
for target in self.get_unresolved_run_targets(dataCache):
self.add_rprovider(cfgData, dataCache, target)
added = added + 1
except bb.providers.NoRProvider:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "Resolved " + str(added) + " extra dependecies")
if added == 0:
# self.dump_data()
def dump_data(self):
Dump some debug information on the internal data structures
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "build_names:")
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, ", ".join(self.build_names_index))
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "run_names:")
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, ", ".join(self.run_names_index))
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "build_targets:")
for buildid in range(len(self.build_names_index)):
target = self.build_names_index[buildid]
targets = "None"
if buildid in self.build_targets:
targets = self.build_targets[buildid]
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, " (%s)%s: %s" % (buildid, target, targets))
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "run_targets:")
for runid in range(len(self.run_names_index)):
target = self.run_names_index[runid]
targets = "None"
if runid in self.run_targets:
targets = self.run_targets[runid]
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, " (%s)%s: %s" % (runid, target, targets))
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "tasks:")
for task in range(len(self.tasks_name)):
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, " (%s)%s - %s: %s" % (
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "dependency ids (per fn):")
for fnid in self.depids:
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, " %s %s: %s" % (fnid, self.fn_index[fnid], self.depids[fnid]))
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, "runtime dependency ids (per fn):")
for fnid in self.rdepids:
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.TaskData, " %s %s: %s" % (fnid, self.fn_index[fnid], self.rdepids[fnid]))

View File

@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake Utility Functions
# Copyright (C) 2004 Michael Lauer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
digits = "0123456789"
ascii_letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
separators = ".-"
import re, fcntl, os, types
def explode_version(s):
r = []
alpha_regexp = re.compile('^([a-zA-Z]+)(.*)$')
numeric_regexp = re.compile('^(\d+)(.*)$')
while (s != ''):
if s[0] in digits:
m = numeric_regexp.match(s)
s =
if s[0] in ascii_letters:
m = alpha_regexp.match(s)
s =
s = s[1:]
return r
def vercmp_part(a, b):
va = explode_version(a)
vb = explode_version(b)
sa = False
sb = False
while True:
if va == []:
ca = None
ca = va.pop(0)
if vb == []:
cb = None
cb = vb.pop(0)
if ca == None and cb == None:
return 0
if type(ca) is types.StringType:
sa = ca in separators
if type(cb) is types.StringType:
sb = cb in separators
if sa and not sb:
return -1
if not sa and sb:
return 1
if ca > cb:
return 1
if ca < cb:
return -1
def vercmp(ta, tb):
(ea, va, ra) = ta
(eb, vb, rb) = tb
r = int(ea)-int(eb)
if (r == 0):
r = vercmp_part(va, vb)
if (r == 0):
r = vercmp_part(ra, rb)
return r
def explode_deps(s):
Take an RDEPENDS style string of format:
"DEPEND1 (optional version) DEPEND2 (optional version) ..."
and return a list of dependencies.
Version information is ignored.
r = []
l = s.split()
flag = False
for i in l:
if i[0] == '(':
flag = True
#j = []
if not flag:
# j.append(i)
if flag and i.endswith(')'):
flag = False
# Ignore version
#r[-1] += ' ' + ' '.join(j)
return r
def explode_dep_versions(s):
Take an RDEPENDS style string of format:
"DEPEND1 (optional version) DEPEND2 (optional version) ..."
and return a dictonary of dependencies and versions.
r = {}
l = s.split()
lastdep = None
lastver = ""
inversion = False
for i in l:
if i[0] == '(':
inversion = True
lastver = i[1:] or ""
#j = []
elif inversion and i.endswith(')'):
inversion = False
lastver = lastver + " " + (i[:-1] or "")
r[lastdep] = lastver
elif not inversion:
r[i] = None
lastdep = i
lastver = ""
elif inversion:
lastver = lastver + " " + i
return r
def _print_trace(body, line):
Print the Environment of a Text Body
import bb
# print the environment of the method
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Printing the environment of the function")
min_line = max(1,line-4)
max_line = min(line+4,len(body)-1)
for i in range(min_line,max_line+1):
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "\t%.4d:%s" % (i, body[i-1]) )
def better_compile(text, file, realfile):
A better compile method. This method
will print the offending lines.
return compile(text, file, "exec")
except Exception, e:
import bb,sys
# split the text into lines again
body = text.split('\n')
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Error in compiling python function in: ", realfile)
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "The lines resulting into this error were:")
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "\t%d:%s:'%s'" % (e.lineno, e.__class__.__name__, body[e.lineno-1]))
_print_trace(body, e.lineno)
# exit now
def better_exec(code, context, text, realfile):
Similiar to better_compile, better_exec will
print the lines that are responsible for the
import bb,sys
exec code in context
(t,value,tb) = sys.exc_info()
if t in [bb.parse.SkipPackage,]:
# print the Header of the Error Message
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Error in executing python function in: %s" % realfile)
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Exception:%s Message:%s" % (t,value) )
# let us find the line number now
while tb.tb_next:
tb = tb.tb_next
import traceback
line = traceback.tb_lineno(tb)
_print_trace( text.split('\n'), line )
def Enum(*names):
A simple class to give Enum support
assert names, "Empty enums are not supported"
class EnumClass(object):
__slots__ = names
def __iter__(self): return iter(constants)
def __len__(self): return len(constants)
def __getitem__(self, i): return constants[i]
def __repr__(self): return 'Enum' + str(names)
def __str__(self): return 'enum ' + str(constants)
class EnumValue(object):
__slots__ = ('__value')
def __init__(self, value): self.__value = value
Value = property(lambda self: self.__value)
EnumType = property(lambda self: EnumType)
def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__value)
def __cmp__(self, other):
# C fans might want to remove the following assertion
# to make all enums comparable by ordinal value {;))
assert self.EnumType is other.EnumType, "Only values from the same enum are comparable"
return cmp(self.__value, other.__value)
def __invert__(self): return constants[maximum - self.__value]
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.__value)
def __repr__(self): return str(names[self.__value])
maximum = len(names) - 1
constants = [None] * len(names)
for i, each in enumerate(names):
val = EnumValue(i)
setattr(EnumClass, each, val)
constants[i] = val
constants = tuple(constants)
EnumType = EnumClass()
return EnumType
def lockfile(name):
Use the file fn as a lock file, return when the lock has been acquired.
Returns a variable to pass to unlockfile().
path = os.path.dirname(name)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
import bb, sys
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Error, lockfile path does not exist!: %s" % path)
while True:
# If we leave the lockfiles lying around there is no problem
# but we should clean up after ourselves. This gives potential
# for races though. To work around this, when we acquire the lock
# we check the file we locked was still the lock file on disk.
# by comparing inode numbers. If they don't match or the lockfile
# no longer exists, we start again.
# This implementation is unfair since the last person to request the
# lock is the most likely to win it.
lf = open(name, "a+")
fcntl.flock(lf.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
statinfo = os.fstat(lf.fileno())
if os.path.exists(
statinfo2 = os.stat(
if statinfo.st_ino == statinfo2.st_ino:
return lf
# File no longer exists or changed, retry
except Exception, e:
def unlockfile(lf):
Unlock a file locked using lockfile()
fcntl.flock(lf.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def md5_file(filename):
Return the hex string representation of the MD5 checksum of filename.
import hashlib
m = hashlib.md5()
except ImportError:
import md5
m =
for line in open(filename):
return m.hexdigest()
def sha256_file(filename):
Return the hex string representation of the 256-bit SHA checksum of
filename. On Python 2.4 this will return None, so callers will need to
handle that by either skipping SHA checks, or running a standalone sha256sum
import hashlib
except ImportError:
return None
s = hashlib.sha256()
for line in open(filename):
return s.hexdigest()
def preserved_envvars_list():
return [
def filter_environment(good_vars):
Create a pristine environment for bitbake. This will remove variables that
are not known and may influence the build in a negative way.
import bb
removed_vars = []
for key in os.environ.keys():
if key in good_vars:
del os.environ[key]
if len(removed_vars):
bb.debug(1, "Removed the following variables from the environment:", ",".join(removed_vars))
return removed_vars
def clean_environment():
Clean up any spurious environment variables. This will remove any
variables the user hasn't chose to preserve.
if 'BB_PRESERVE_ENV' not in os.environ:
if 'BB_ENV_WHITELIST' in os.environ:
good_vars = os.environ['BB_ENV_WHITELIST'].split()
good_vars = preserved_envvars_list()
if 'BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE' in os.environ:
def empty_environment():
Remove all variables from the environment.
for s in os.environ.keys():
del os.environ[s]
def build_environment(d):
Build an environment from all exported variables.
import bb
for var in
export =, "export", d)
if export:
os.environ[var] =, d, True)
def prunedir(topdir):
# Delete everything reachable from the directory named in 'topdir'.
# CAUTION: This is dangerous!
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir, topdown=False):
for name in files:
os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
for name in dirs:
if os.path.islink(os.path.join(root, name)):
os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
# Could also use return re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(re.escape, suffixes))).sub(lambda mo: "", var)
# but thats possibly insane and suffixes is probably going to be small
def prune_suffix(var, suffixes, d):
# See if var ends with any of the suffixes listed and
# remove it if found
for suffix in suffixes:
if var.endswith(suffix):
return var.replace(suffix, "")
return var

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Tim Ansell <>
Phil Blundell <> Phil Blundell <>
Seb Frankengul <> Seb Frankengul <>
Holger Freyther <> Holger Freyther <>
Marcin Juszkiewicz <> Marcin Juszkiewicz <>
Chris Larson <> Chris Larson <>
Ulrich Luckas <> Ulrich Luckas <>
Mickey Lauer <> Mickey Lauer <>

View File

@ -1,8 +1,99 @@
Changes in BitBake 1.8.x: Changes in Bitbake 1.9.x:
- Add bb.utils.prune_suffix function - Add PE (Package Epoch) support from Philipp Zabel (pH5)
- Treat python functions the same as shell functions for logging
Changes in BitBake 1.8.12: - Use TMPDIR/anonfunc as a __anonfunc temp directory (T)
- Fix -f (force) in conjunction with -b - Catch truncated cache file errors
- Allow operations other than assignment on flag variables
- Add code to handle inter-task dependencies
- Fix cache errors when generation dotGraphs
- Make sure __inherit_cache is updated before calling include() (from Michael Krelin)
- Fix bug when target was in ASSUME_PROVIDED (#2236)
- Raise ParseError for filenames with multiple underscores instead of infinitely looping (#2062)
- Fix invalid regexp in BBMASK error handling (missing import) (#1124)
- Promote certain warnings from debug to note 2 level
- Update manual
- Correctly redirect stdin when forking
- If parsing errors are found, exit, too many users miss the errors
- Remove supriours PREFERRED_PROVIDER warnings
- svn fetcher: Add _buildsvncommand function
- Improve certain error messages
- Rewrite svn fetcher to make adding extra operations easier
as part of future SRCDATE="now" fixes
(requires new FETCHCMD_svn definition in bitbake.conf)
- Change SVNDIR layout to be more unique (fixes #2644 and #2624)
- Add ConfigParsed Event after configuration parsing is complete
- Add SRCREV support for svn fetcher
- data.emit_var() - only call getVar if we need the variable
- Stop generating the A variable (seems to be legacy code)
- Make sure intertask depends get processed correcting in recursive depends
- Add pn-PN to overrides when evaluating PREFERRED_VERSION
- Improve the progress indicator by skipping tasks that have
already run before starting the build rather than during it
- Add profiling option (-P)
- Add BB_SRCREV_POLICY variable (clear or cache) to control SRCREV cache
- Add SRCREV_FORMAT support
- Fix local fetcher's localpath return values
- Apply OVERRIDES before performing immediate expansions
- Allow the -b -e option combination to take regular expressions
- Fix handling of variables with expansion in the name using _append/_prepend
e.g. RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_append_xyz = "abc"
- Add plain message function to bb.msg
- Sort the list of providers before processing so dependency problems are
reproducible rather than effectively random
- Fix/improve bitbake -s output
- Add locking for fetchers so only one tries to fetch a given file at a given time
- Fix int(0)/None confusion in which causes random gaps in dependency chains
- Expand data in addtasks
- Print the list of missing DEPENDS,RDEPENDS for the "No buildable providers available for required...."
error message.
- Rework add_task to be more efficient (6% speedup, 7% number of function calls reduction)
- Sort digraph output to make builds more reproducible
- Split expandKeys into two for loops to benefit from the expand_cache (12% speedup)
- Fix idepends handling to avoid dependency errors
- Clear the terminal TOSTOP flag if set (and warn the user)
- Fix regression from r653 and make SRCDATE/CVSDATE work for packages again
- Fix a bug in bb.decodeurl where decoded to host="" (#1530)
- Warn about malformed PREFERRED_PROVIDERS (#1072)
- Add support for BB_NICE_LEVEL option (#1627)
- Psyco is used only on x86 as there is no support for other architectures.
- Sort initial providers list by default preference (#1145, #2024)
- Improve provider sorting so prefered versions have preference over latest versions (#768)
- Detect builds of tasks with overlapping providers and warn (will become a fatal error) (#1359)
- Add MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST variable to allow known safe multiple providers to be listed
- Handle paths in svn fetcher module parameter
- Support the syntax "export VARIABLE"
- Add bzr fetcher
- Add support for cleaning directories before a task in the form:
do_taskname[cleandirs] = "dir"
- bzr fetcher tweaks from Robert Schuster (#2913)
- Add mercurial (hg) fetcher from Robert Schuster (#2913)
- Don't add duplicates to BBPATH
- Fix preferred_version return values (
- Fix 'depends' flag splitting
- Fix unexport handling (#3135)
- Add bb.copyfile function similar to bb.movefile (and improve movefile error reporting)
- Allow multiple options for deptask flag
- Use git-fetch instead of git-pull removing any need for merges when
fetching (we don't care about the index). Fixes fetch errors.
- Add BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS option, set to 0 to make git fetches
faster at the expense of not creating mirror tarballs.
- SRCREV handling updates, improvements and fixes from Poky
- Add bb.utils.lockfile() and bb.utils.unlockfile() from Poky
- Add support for task selfstamp and lockfiles flags
- Disable task number acceleration since it can allow the tasks to run
out of sequence
- Improve runqueue code comments
- Add task scheduler abstraction and some example schedulers
- Improve circular dependency chain debugging code and user feedback
- Don't give a stacktrace for invalid tasks, have a user friendly message (#3431)
- Add support for "-e target" (#3432)
- Fix shell showdata command (#3259)
- Fix shell data updating problems (#1880)
- Properly raise errors for invalid source URI protocols
- Change the wget fetcher failure handling to avoid lockfile problems
- Add support for branches in git fetcher (Otavio Salvador, Michael Lauer)
- Make taskdata and runqueue errors more user friendly
- Add norecurse and fullpath options to cvs fetcher
- Fix exit code for build failures in --continue mode - Fix exit code for build failures in --continue mode
- Fix git branch tags fetching - Fix git branch tags fetching
- Change parseConfigurationFile so it works on real data, not a copy - Change parseConfigurationFile so it works on real data, not a copy
@ -27,8 +118,10 @@ Changes in BitBake 1.8.12:
how extensively stamps are looked at for validity how extensively stamps are looked at for validity
- When handling build target failures make sure idepends are checked and - When handling build target failures make sure idepends are checked and
failed where needed. Fixes --continue mode crashes. failed where needed. Fixes --continue mode crashes.
- Fix -f (force) in conjunction with -b
- Fix problems with recrdeptask handling where some idepends weren't handled - Fix problems with recrdeptask handling where some idepends weren't handled
correctly. correctly.
- Handle exit codes correctly (from pH5)
- Work around refs/HEAD issues with git over http (#3410) - Work around refs/HEAD issues with git over http (#3410)
- Add proxy support to the CVS fetcher (from Cyril Chemparathy) - Add proxy support to the CVS fetcher (from Cyril Chemparathy)
- Improve runfetchcmd so errors are seen and various GIT variables are exported - Improve runfetchcmd so errors are seen and various GIT variables are exported
@ -44,7 +137,6 @@ Changes in BitBake 1.8.12:
- Add PERSISTENT_DIR to store the PersistData in a persistent - Add PERSISTENT_DIR to store the PersistData in a persistent
directory != the cache dir. directory != the cache dir.
- Add md5 and sha256 checksum generation functions to - Add md5 and sha256 checksum generation functions to
- Make sure Build Completed events are generated even when tasks fail
- Correctly handle '-' characters in class names (#2958) - Correctly handle '-' characters in class names (#2958)
- Make sure expandKeys has been called on the data dictonary before running tasks - Make sure expandKeys has been called on the data dictonary before running tasks
- Correctly add a task override in the form task-TASKNAME. - Correctly add a task override in the form task-TASKNAME.
@ -63,6 +155,7 @@ Changes in BitBake 1.8.12:
used instead of the internal bitbake one. Alternatively, BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE can be used used instead of the internal bitbake one. Alternatively, BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE can be used
to extend the internal whitelist. to extend the internal whitelist.
- Perforce fetcher fix to use commandline options instead of being overriden by the environment - Perforce fetcher fix to use commandline options instead of being overriden by the environment
- bb.utils.prunedir can cope with symlinks to directoriees without exceptions
- use @rev when doing a svn checkout - use @rev when doing a svn checkout
- Add osc fetcher (from Joshua Lock in Poky) - Add osc fetcher (from Joshua Lock in Poky)
- When SRCREV autorevisioning for a recipe is in use, don't cache the recipe - When SRCREV autorevisioning for a recipe is in use, don't cache the recipe
@ -76,109 +169,15 @@ Changes in BitBake 1.8.12:
proxies to work better. (from Poky) proxies to work better. (from Poky)
- Also allow user and pswd options in SRC_URIs globally (from Poky) - Also allow user and pswd options in SRC_URIs globally (from Poky)
- Improve proxy handling when using mirrors (from Poky) - Improve proxy handling when using mirrors (from Poky)
- Add bb.utils.prune_suffix function
Changes in BitBake 1.8.10: - Fix hg checkouts of specific revisions (from Poky)
- Psyco is available only for x86 - do not use it on other architectures. - Fix wget fetching of urls with parameters specified (from Poky)
- Fix a bug in bb.decodeurl where decoded to host="" (#1530) - Add username handling to git fetcher (from Poky)
- Warn about malformed PREFERRED_PROVIDERS (#1072) - Set HOME environmental variable when running fetcher commands (from Poky)
- Add support for BB_NICE_LEVEL option (#1627) - Make sure allowed variables inherited from the environment are exported again (from Poky)
- Sort initial providers list by default preference (#1145, #2024) - When running a stage task in bbshell, run populate_staging, not the stage task (from Poky)
- Improve provider sorting so prefered versions have preference over latest versions (#768) - Fix + character escaping from PACKAGES_DYNAMIC (thanks Otavio Salvador)
- Detect builds of tasks with overlapping providers and warn (will become a fatal error) (#1359) - Addition of BBCLASSEXTEND support for allowing one recipe to provide multiple targets (from Poky)
- Add MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST variable to allow known safe multiple providers to be listed
- Handle paths in svn fetcher module parameter
- Support the syntax "export VARIABLE"
- Add bzr fetcher
- Add support for cleaning directories before a task in the form:
do_taskname[cleandirs] = "dir"
- bzr fetcher tweaks from Robert Schuster (#2913)
- Add mercurial (hg) fetcher from Robert Schuster (#2913)
- Fix bogus preferred_version return values
- Fix 'depends' flag splitting
- Fix unexport handling (#3135)
- Add bb.copyfile function similar to bb.movefile (and improve movefile error reporting)
- Allow multiple options for deptask flag
- Use git-fetch instead of git-pull removing any need for merges when
fetching (we don't care about the index). Fixes fetch errors.
- Add BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS option, set to 0 to make git fetches
faster at the expense of not creating mirror tarballs.
- SRCREV handling updates, improvements and fixes from Poky
- Add bb.utils.lockfile() and bb.utils.unlockfile() from Poky
- Add support for task selfstamp and lockfiles flags
- Disable task number acceleration since it can allow the tasks to run
out of sequence
- Improve runqueue code comments
- Add task scheduler abstraction and some example schedulers
- Improve circular dependency chain debugging code and user feedback
- Don't give a stacktrace for invalid tasks, have a user friendly message (#3431)
- Add support for "-e target" (#3432)
- Fix shell showdata command (#3259)
- Fix shell data updating problems (#1880)
- Properly raise errors for invalid source URI protocols
- Change the wget fetcher failure handling to avoid lockfile problems
- Add git branch support
- Add support for branches in git fetcher (Otavio Salvador, Michael Lauer)
- Make taskdata and runqueue errors more user friendly
- Add norecurse and fullpath options to cvs fetcher
- bb.utils.prunedir can cope with symlinks to directories without exceptions
Changes in Bitbake 1.8.8:
- Rewrite svn fetcher to make adding extra operations easier
as part of future SRCDATE="now" fixes
(requires new FETCHCMD_svn definition in bitbake.conf)
- Change SVNDIR layout to be more unique (fixes #2644 and #2624)
- Import persistent data store from trunk
- Sync fetcher code with that in trunk, adding SRCREV support for svn
- Add ConfigParsed Event after configuration parsing is complete
- data.emit_var() - only call getVar if we need the variable
- Stop generating the A variable (seems to be legacy code)
- Make sure intertask depends get processed correcting in recursive depends
- Add pn-PN to overrides when evaluating PREFERRED_VERSION
- Improve the progress indicator by skipping tasks that have
already run before starting the build rather than during it
- Add profiling option (-P)
- Add BB_SRCREV_POLICY variable (clear or cache) to control SRCREV cache
- Add SRCREV_FORMAT support
- Fix local fetcher's localpath return values
- Apply OVERRIDES before performing immediate expansions
- Allow the -b -e option combination to take regular expressions
- Add plain message function to bb.msg
- Sort the list of providers before processing so dependency problems are
reproducible rather than effectively random
- Add locking for fetchers so only one tries to fetch a given file at a given time
- Fix int(0)/None confusion in which causes random gaps in dependency chains
- Fix handling of variables with expansion in the name using _append/_prepend
e.g. RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_append_xyz = "abc"
- Expand data in addtasks
- Print the list of missing DEPENDS,RDEPENDS for the "No buildable providers available for required...."
error message.
- Rework add_task to be more efficient (6% speedup, 7% number of function calls reduction)
- Sort digraph output to make builds more reproducible
- Split expandKeys into two for loops to benefit from the expand_cache (12% speedup)
- Fix idepends handling to avoid dependency errors
- Clear the terminal TOSTOP flag if set (and warn the user)
- Fix regression from r653 and make SRCDATE/CVSDATE work for packages again
Changes in Bitbake 1.8.6:
- Correctly redirect stdin when forking
- If parsing errors are found, exit, too many users miss the errors
- Remove supriours PREFERRED_PROVIDER warnings
Changes in Bitbake 1.8.4:
- Make sure __inherit_cache is updated before calling include() (from Michael Krelin)
- Fix bug when target was in ASSUME_PROVIDED (#2236)
- Raise ParseError for filenames with multiple underscores instead of infinitely looping (#2062)
- Fix invalid regexp in BBMASK error handling (missing import) (#1124)
- Don't run build sanity checks on incomplete builds
- Promote certain warnings from debug to note 2 level
- Update manual
Changes in Bitbake 1.8.2:
- Catch truncated cache file errors
- Add PE (Package Epoch) support from Philipp Zabel (pH5)
- Add code to handle inter-task dependencies
- Allow operations other than assignment on flag variables
- Fix cache errors when generation dotGraphs
Changes in Bitbake 1.8.0: Changes in Bitbake 1.8.0:
- Release 1.7.x as a stable series - Release 1.7.x as a stable series

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -22,12 +22,18 @@
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import sys, os, getopt, re, time, optparse import sys, os, getopt, re, time, optparse, xmlrpclib
sys.path.insert(0,os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), 'lib')) sys.path.insert(0,os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), 'lib'))
import bb import bb
from bb import cooker from bb import cooker
from bb import ui
__version__ = "1.8.13"
__version__ = "1.9.0"
if sys.hexversion < 0x020500F0:
print "Sorry, python 2.5 or later is required for this version of bitbake"
#============================================================================# #============================================================================#
# BBOptions # BBOptions
@ -41,11 +47,28 @@ class BBConfiguration( object ):
setattr( self, key, val ) setattr( self, key, val )
def print_exception(exc, value, tb):
Print the exception to stderr, only showing the traceback if bitbake
debugging is enabled.
if not bb.msg.debug_level['default']:
tb = None
sys.__excepthook__(exc, value, tb)
#============================================================================# #============================================================================#
# main # main
#============================================================================# #============================================================================#
def main(): def main():
return_value = 0
pythonver = sys.version_info
if pythonver[0] < 2 or (pythonver[0] == 2 and pythonver[1] < 5):
print "Sorry, bitbake needs python 2.5 or later."
parser = optparse.OptionParser( version = "BitBake Build Tool Core version %s, %%prog version %s" % ( bb.__version__, __version__ ), parser = optparse.OptionParser( version = "BitBake Build Tool Core version %s, %%prog version %s" % ( bb.__version__, __version__ ),
usage = """%prog [options] [package ...] usage = """%prog [options] [package ...]
@ -99,8 +122,8 @@ Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory.""" )
parser.add_option( "-g", "--graphviz", help = "emit the dependency trees of the specified packages in the dot syntax", parser.add_option( "-g", "--graphviz", help = "emit the dependency trees of the specified packages in the dot syntax",
action = "store_true", dest = "dot_graph", default = False ) action = "store_true", dest = "dot_graph", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-I", "--ignore-deps", help = """Stop processing at the given list of dependencies when generating dependency graphs. This can help to make the graph more appealing""", parser.add_option( "-I", "--ignore-deps", help = """Assume these dependencies don't exist and are already provided (equivalent to ASSUME_PROVIDED). Useful to make dependency graphs more appealing""",
action = "append", dest = "ignored_dot_deps", default = [] ) action = "append", dest = "extra_assume_provided", default = [] )
parser.add_option( "-l", "--log-domains", help = """Show debug logging for the specified logging domains""", parser.add_option( "-l", "--log-domains", help = """Show debug logging for the specified logging domains""",
action = "append", dest = "debug_domains", default = [] ) action = "append", dest = "debug_domains", default = [] )
@ -108,6 +131,9 @@ Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory.""" )
parser.add_option( "-P", "--profile", help = "profile the command and print a report", parser.add_option( "-P", "--profile", help = "profile the command and print a report",
action = "store_true", dest = "profile", default = False ) action = "store_true", dest = "profile", default = False )
parser.add_option( "-u", "--ui", help = "userinterface to use",
action = "store", dest = "ui")
parser.add_option( "", "--revisions-changed", help = "Set the exit code depending on whether upstream floating revisions have changed or not", parser.add_option( "", "--revisions-changed", help = "Set the exit code depending on whether upstream floating revisions have changed or not",
action = "store_true", dest = "revisions_changed", default = False ) action = "store_true", dest = "revisions_changed", default = False )
@ -117,30 +143,53 @@ Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory.""" )
configuration.pkgs_to_build = [] configuration.pkgs_to_build = []
configuration.pkgs_to_build.extend(args[1:]) configuration.pkgs_to_build.extend(args[1:])
cooker = bb.cooker.BBCooker(configuration) #server = bb.server.xmlrpc
server = bb.server.none
# Save a logfile for cooker into the current working directory. When the
# server is daemonized this logfile will be truncated.
cooker_logfile = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), "cooker.log")
cooker = bb.cooker.BBCooker(configuration, server)
# Clear away any spurious environment variables. But don't wipe the # Clear away any spurious environment variables. But don't wipe the
# environment totally. # environment totally. This is necessary to ensure the correct operation
# of the UIs (e.g. for DISPLAY, etc.)
bb.utils.clean_environment() bb.utils.clean_environment()
cooker.parseConfiguration() cooker.parseCommandLine()
if configuration.profile: serverinfo = server.BitbakeServerInfo(cooker.server)
import cProfile as profile
import profile
profile.runctx("cooker.cook()", globals(), locals(), "profile.log") server.BitBakeServerFork(serverinfo, cooker.serve, cooker_logfile)
import pstats del cooker
p = pstats.Stats('profile.log')
p.sort_stats('time') sys.excepthook = print_exception
p.print_callers() # Setup a connection to the server (cooker)
p.sort_stats('cumulative') serverConnection = server.BitBakeServerConnection(serverinfo)
# Launch the UI
if configuration.ui:
ui = configuration.ui
else: else:
cooker.cook() ui = "knotty"
# Dynamically load the UI based on the ui name. Although we
# suggest a fixed set this allows you to have flexibility in which
# ones are available.
exec "from bb.ui import " + ui
exec "return_value = " + ui + ".init(serverConnection.connection,"
except ImportError:
print "FATAL: Invalid user interface '%s' specified. " % ui
print "Valid interfaces are 'ncurses', 'depexp' or the default, 'knotty'."
except Exception, e:
print "FATAL: Unable to start to '%s' UI: %s." % (configuration.ui, e.message)
return return_value
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == "__main__":
main() ret = main()

View File

@ -453,6 +453,8 @@ def main():
except bb.parse.ParseError: except bb.parse.ParseError:
bb.fatal( "Unable to parse %s" % config_file ) bb.fatal( "Unable to parse %s" % config_file )
if isinstance(documentation, dict):
documentation = documentation[""]
# Assuming we've the file loaded now, we will initialize the 'tree' # Assuming we've the file loaded now, we will initialize the 'tree'
doc = Documentation() doc = Documentation()

View File

@ -16,12 +16,17 @@ endif
syn case match syn case match
" Catch incorrect syntax (only matches if nothing else does) " Catch incorrect syntax (only matches if nothing else does)
" "
syn match bbUnmatched "." syn match bbUnmatched "."
syn include @python syntax/python.vim
if exists("b:current_syntax")
unlet b:current_syntax
" Other " Other
syn match bbComment "^#.*$" display contains=bbTodo syn match bbComment "^#.*$" display contains=bbTodo
@ -34,21 +39,25 @@ syn match bbArrayBrackets "[\[\]]" contained
" BitBake strings " BitBake strings
syn match bbContinue "\\$" syn match bbContinue "\\$"
syn region bbString matchgroup=bbQuote start=/"/ skip=/\\$/ excludenl end=/"/ contained keepend contains=bbTodo,bbContinue,bbVarDeref syn region bbString matchgroup=bbQuote start=/"/ skip=/\\$/ excludenl end=/"/ contained keepend contains=bbTodo,bbContinue,bbVarInlinePy,bbVarDeref
syn region bbString matchgroup=bbQuote start=/'/ skip=/\\$/ excludenl end=/'/ contained keepend contains=bbTodo,bbContinue,bbVarDeref syn region bbString matchgroup=bbQuote start=/'/ skip=/\\$/ excludenl end=/'/ contained keepend contains=bbTodo,bbContinue,bbVarInlinePy,bbVarDeref
" BitBake variable metadata " BitBake variable metadata
syn keyword bbExportFlag export contained nextgroup=bbIdentifier skipwhite syn match bbVarBraces "[\${}]"
syn match bbVarDeref "${[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+}" contained syn region bbVarDeref matchgroup=bbVarBraces start="${" end="}" contained
syn match bbVarDef "^\(export\s*\)\?\([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\(_[${}a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\)\?\)\s*\(:=\|+=\|=+\|\.=\|=\.\|?=\|=\)\@=" contains=bbExportFlag,bbIdentifier,bbVarDeref nextgroup=bbVarEq " syn region bbVarDeref start="${" end="}" contained
" syn region bbVarInlinePy start="${@" end="}" contained contains=@python
syn region bbVarInlinePy matchgroup=bbVarBraces start="${@" end="}" contained contains=@python
syn match bbIdentifier "[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+" display contained syn keyword bbExportFlag export contained nextgroup=bbIdentifier skipwhite
" syn match bbVarDeref "${[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+}" contained
syn match bbVarDef "^\(export\s*\)\?\([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\(_[${}a-zA/-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\)\?\)\s*\(:=\|+=\|=+\|\.=\|=\.\|?=\|=\)\@=" contains=bbExportFlag,bbIdentifier,bbVarDeref nextgroup=bbVarEq
syn match bbIdentifier "[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\./]\+" display contained
"syn keyword bbVarEq = display contained nextgroup=bbVarValue "syn keyword bbVarEq = display contained nextgroup=bbVarValue
syn match bbVarEq "\(:=\|+=\|=+\|\.=\|=\.\|?=\|=\)" contained nextgroup=bbVarValue syn match bbVarEq "\(:=\|+=\|=+\|\.=\|=\.\|?=\|=\)" contained nextgroup=bbVarValue
syn match bbVarValue ".*$" contained contains=bbString,bbVarDeref syn match bbVarValue ".*$" contained contains=bbString
" BitBake variable metadata flags " BitBake variable metadata flags
syn match bbVarFlagDef "^\([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\)\(\[[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\]\)\@=" contains=bbIdentifier nextgroup=bbVarFlagFlag syn match bbVarFlagDef "^\([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\)\(\[[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.]\+\]\)\@=" contains=bbIdentifier nextgroup=bbVarFlagFlag
@ -61,10 +70,6 @@ syn match bbFunction "\h\w*" display contained
" BitBake python metadata " BitBake python metadata
syn include @python syntax/python.vim
if exists("b:current_syntax")
unlet b:current_syntax
syn keyword bbPythonFlag python contained nextgroup=bbFunction syn keyword bbPythonFlag python contained nextgroup=bbFunction
syn match bbPythonFuncDef "^\(python\s\+\)\(\w\+\)\?\(\s*()\s*\)\({\)\@=" contains=bbPythonFlag,bbFunction,bbDelimiter nextgroup=bbPythonFuncRegion skipwhite syn match bbPythonFuncDef "^\(python\s\+\)\(\w\+\)\?\(\s*()\s*\)\({\)\@=" contains=bbPythonFlag,bbFunction,bbDelimiter nextgroup=bbPythonFuncRegion skipwhite
@ -98,7 +103,6 @@ syn match bbStatementRest ".*$" contained contains=bbString,bbVarDeref
" "
hi def link bbArrayBrackets Statement hi def link bbArrayBrackets Statement
hi def link bbUnmatched Error hi def link bbUnmatched Error
hi def link bbVarDeref String
hi def link bbContinue Special hi def link bbContinue Special
hi def link bbDef Statement hi def link bbDef Statement
hi def link bbPythonFlag Type hi def link bbPythonFlag Type
@ -116,5 +120,8 @@ hi def link bbIdentifier Identifier
hi def link bbVarEq Operator hi def link bbVarEq Operator
hi def link bbQuote String hi def link bbQuote String
hi def link bbVarValue String hi def link bbVarValue String
" hi def link bbVarInlinePy PreProc
hi def link bbVarDeref PreProc
hi def link bbVarBraces PreProc
let b:current_syntax = "bb" let b:current_syntax = "bb"

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ command.
\fBbitbake\fP is a program that executes the specified task (default is 'build') \fBbitbake\fP is a program that executes the specified task (default is 'build')
for a given set of BitBake files. for a given set of BitBake files.
.br .br
It expects that BBFILES is defined, which is a space seperated list of files to It expects that BBFILES is defined, which is a space separated list of files to
be executed. BBFILES does support wildcards. be executed. BBFILES does support wildcards.
.br .br
Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory. Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory.
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ drop into the interactive mode also called the BitBake shell.
Specify task to execute. Note that this only executes the specified task for Specify task to execute. Note that this only executes the specified task for
the providee and the packages it depends on, i.e. 'compile' does not implicitly the providee and the packages it depends on, i.e. 'compile' does not implicitly
call stage for the dependencies (IOW: use only if you know what you are doing). call stage for the dependencies (IOW: use only if you know what you are doing).
Depending on the base.bbclass a listtaks tasks is defined and will show Depending on the base.bbclass a listtasks task is defined and will show
available tasks. available tasks.
.B \-rFILE, \-\-read=FILE .B \-rFILE, \-\-read=FILE

View File

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ will be introduced.</para>
</section> </section>
<section> <section>
<title>Conditional metadata set</title> <title>Conditional metadata set</title>
<para>OVERRIDES is a <quote>:</quote> seperated variable containing each item you want to satisfy conditions. So, if you have a variable which is conditional on <quote>arm</quote>, and <quote>arm</quote> is in OVERRIDES, then the <quote>arm</quote> specific version of the variable is used rather than the non-conditional version. Example:</para> <para>OVERRIDES is a <quote>:</quote> separated variable containing each item you want to satisfy conditions. So, if you have a variable which is conditional on <quote>arm</quote>, and <quote>arm</quote> is in OVERRIDES, then the <quote>arm</quote> specific version of the variable is used rather than the non-conditional version. Example:</para>
<para><screen><varname>OVERRIDES</varname> = "architecture:os:machine" <para><screen><varname>OVERRIDES</varname> = "architecture:os:machine"
<varname>TEST</varname> = "defaultvalue" <varname>TEST</varname> = "defaultvalue"
<varname>TEST_os</varname> = "osspecificvalue" <varname>TEST_os</varname> = "osspecificvalue"
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ include</literal> directive.</para>
<section> <section>
<title>Inheritance</title> <title>Inheritance</title>
<para><emphasis>NOTE:</emphasis> This is only supported in .bb and .bbclass files.</para> <para><emphasis>NOTE:</emphasis> This is only supported in .bb and .bbclass files.</para>
<para>The <literal>inherit</literal> directive is a means of specifying what classes of functionality your .bb requires. It is a rudamentary form of inheritence. For example, you can easily abstract out the tasks involved in building a package that uses autoconf and automake, and put that into a bbclass for your packages to make use of. A given bbclass is located by searching for classes/filename.oeclass in <envar>BBPATH</envar>, where filename is what you inherited.</para> <para>The <literal>inherit</literal> directive is a means of specifying what classes of functionality your .bb requires. It is a rudimentary form of inheritance. For example, you can easily abstract out the tasks involved in building a package that uses autoconf and automake, and put that into a bbclass for your packages to make use of. A given bbclass is located by searching for classes/filename.oeclass in <envar>BBPATH</envar>, where filename is what you inherited.</para>
</section> </section>
<section> <section>
<title>Tasks</title> <title>Tasks</title>
@ -263,11 +263,11 @@ of the event and the content of the <varname>FILE</varname> variable.</para>
</section> </section>
<section> <section>
<title>Classes</title> <title>Classes</title>
<para>BitBake classes are our rudamentary inheritence mechanism. As briefly mentioned in the metadata introduction, they're parsed when an <literal>inherit</literal> directive is encountered, and they are located in classes/ relative to the dirs in <envar>BBPATH</envar>.</para> <para>BitBake classes are our rudimentary inheritance mechanism. As briefly mentioned in the metadata introduction, they're parsed when an <literal>inherit</literal> directive is encountered, and they are located in classes/ relative to the dirs in <envar>BBPATH</envar>.</para>
</section> </section>
<section> <section>
<title>.bb Files</title> <title>.bb Files</title>
<para>A BitBake (.bb) file is a logical unit of tasks to be executed. Normally this is a package to be built. dependencies are obeyed. The files themselves are located via the <varname>BBFILES</varname> variable, which is set to a space seperated list of .bb files, and does handle wildcards.</para> <para>A BitBake (.bb) file is a logical unit of tasks to be executed. Normally this is a package to be built. dependencies are obeyed. The files themselves are located via the <varname>BBFILES</varname> variable, which is set to a space separated list of .bb files, and does handle wildcards.</para>
</section> </section>
</section> </section>
</chapter> </chapter>
@ -352,15 +352,7 @@ will be tried first when fetching a file if that fails the actual file will be t
<chapter> <chapter>
<title>Commands</title> <title>The bitbake command</title>
<para>bbread is a command for displaying BitBake metadata. When run with no arguments, it has the core parse 'conf/bitbake.conf', as located in BBPATH, and displays that. If you supply a file on the commandline, such as a .bb, then it parses that afterwards, using the aforementioned configuration metadata.</para>
<para><emphasis>NOTE: the stand a lone bbread command was removed. Instead of bbread use bitbake -e.
<section> <section>
<title>Introduction</title> <title>Introduction</title>
<para>bitbake is the primary command in the system. It facilitates executing tasks in a single .bb file, or executing a given task on a set of multiple .bb files, accounting for interdependencies amongst them.</para> <para>bitbake is the primary command in the system. It facilitates executing tasks in a single .bb file, or executing a given task on a set of multiple .bb files, accounting for interdependencies amongst them.</para>
@ -372,7 +364,7 @@ will be tried first when fetching a file if that fails the actual file will be t
usage: bitbake [options] [package ...] usage: bitbake [options] [package ...]
Executes the specified task (default is 'build') for a given set of BitBake files. Executes the specified task (default is 'build') for a given set of BitBake files.
It expects that BBFILES is defined, which is a space seperated list of files to It expects that BBFILES is defined, which is a space separated list of files to
be executed. BBFILES does support wildcards. be executed. BBFILES does support wildcards.
Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory. Default BBFILES are the .bb files in the current directory.
@ -394,7 +386,7 @@ options:
it depends on, i.e. 'compile' does not implicitly call it depends on, i.e. 'compile' does not implicitly call
stage for the dependencies (IOW: use only if you know stage for the dependencies (IOW: use only if you know
what you are doing). Depending on the base.bbclass a what you are doing). Depending on the base.bbclass a
listtasks tasks is defined and will show available listtasks task is defined and will show available
tasks tasks
-r FILE, --read=FILE read the specified file before bitbake.conf -r FILE, --read=FILE read the specified file before bitbake.conf
-v, --verbose output more chit-chat to the terminal -v, --verbose output more chit-chat to the terminal
@ -417,6 +409,7 @@ options:
Show debug logging for the specified logging domains Show debug logging for the specified logging domains
-P, --profile profile the command and print a report -P, --profile profile the command and print a report
</screen> </screen>
</para> </para>
<para> <para>
@ -462,12 +455,12 @@ Two files will be written into the current working directory, <emphasis>depends.
</section> </section>
<section> <section>
<title>Metadata</title> <title>Metadata</title>
<para>As you may have seen in the usage information, or in the information about .bb files, the BBFILES variable is how the bitbake tool locates its files. This variable is a space seperated list of files that are available, and supports wildcards. <para>As you may have seen in the usage information, or in the information about .bb files, the BBFILES variable is how the bitbake tool locates its files. This variable is a space separated list of files that are available, and supports wildcards.
<example> <example>
<title>Setting BBFILES</title> <title>Setting BBFILES</title>
<programlisting><varname>BBFILES</varname> = "/path/to/bbfiles/*.bb"</programlisting> <programlisting><varname>BBFILES</varname> = "/path/to/bbfiles/*.bb"</programlisting>
</example></para> </example></para>
<para>With regard to dependencies, it expects the .bb to define a <varname>DEPENDS</varname> variable, which contains a space seperated list of <quote>package names</quote>, which themselves are the <varname>PN</varname> variable. The <varname>PN</varname> variable is, in general, by default, set to a component of the .bb filename.</para> <para>With regard to dependencies, it expects the .bb to define a <varname>DEPENDS</varname> variable, which contains a space separated list of <quote>package names</quote>, which themselves are the <varname>PN</varname> variable. The <varname>PN</varname> variable is, in general, by default, set to a component of the .bb filename.</para>
<example> <example>
<title>Depending on another .bb</title> <title>Depending on another .bb</title>
<para> <para>
@ -514,6 +507,5 @@ BBFILE_PRIORITY_upstream = "5"
BBFILE_PRIORITY_local = "10"</screen> BBFILE_PRIORITY_local = "10"</screen>
</example> </example>
</section> </section>
</chapter> </chapter>
</book> </book>

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
__version__ = "1.8.13" __version__ = "1.9.0"
__all__ = [ __all__ = [
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ __all__ = [
# modules # modules
"parse", "parse",
"data", "data",
"event", "event",
"build", "build",
"fetch", "fetch",

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
# #
#Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig #Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
from bb import data, fetch, event, mkdirhier, utils from bb import data, event, mkdirhier, utils
import bb, os import bb, os, sys
# When we execute a python function we'd like certain things # When we execute a python function we'd like certain things
# in all namespaces, hence we add them to __builtins__ # in all namespaces, hence we add them to __builtins__
@ -37,7 +37,11 @@ __builtins__['os'] = os
# events # events
class FuncFailed(Exception): class FuncFailed(Exception):
"""Executed function failed""" """
Executed function failed
First parameter a message
Second paramter is a logfile (optional)
class EventException(Exception): class EventException(Exception):
"""Exception which is associated with an Event.""" """Exception which is associated with an Event."""
@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ class TaskBase(event.Event):
def __init__(self, t, d ): def __init__(self, t, d ):
self._task = t self._task = t
event.Event.__init__(self, d) self._package ="PF", d, 1)
self._message = "package %s: task %s: %s" % ("PF", d, 1), t, bb.event.getName(self)[4:])
def getTask(self): def getTask(self):
return self._task return self._task
@ -68,6 +74,10 @@ class TaskSucceeded(TaskBase):
class TaskFailed(TaskBase): class TaskFailed(TaskBase):
"""Task execution failed""" """Task execution failed"""
def __init__(self, msg, logfile, t, d ):
self.logfile = logfile
self.msg = msg
TaskBase.__init__(self, t, d)
class InvalidTask(TaskBase): class InvalidTask(TaskBase):
"""Invalid Task""" """Invalid Task"""
@ -104,42 +114,116 @@ def exec_func(func, d, dirs = None):
else: else:
adir = data.getVar('B', d, 1) adir = data.getVar('B', d, 1)
# Save current directory
try: try:
prevdir = os.getcwd() prevdir = os.getcwd()
except OSError: except OSError:
prevdir = data.getVar('TOPDIR', d, True) prevdir = data.getVar('TOPDIR', d, True)
# Setup logfiles
t = data.getVar('T', d, 1)
if not t:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Build, "T not set")
# Gross hack, FIXME
import random
logfile = "%s/log.%s.%s.%s" % (t, func, str(os.getpid()),random.random())
runfile = "%s/run.%s.%s" % (t, func, str(os.getpid()))
# Change to correct directory (if specified)
if adir and os.access(adir, os.F_OK): if adir and os.access(adir, os.F_OK):
os.chdir(adir) os.chdir(adir)
# Handle logfiles
si = file('/dev/null', 'r')
if bb.msg.debug_level['default'] > 0 or ispython:
so = os.popen("tee \"%s\"" % logfile, "w")
so = file(logfile, 'w')
except OSError, e:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "opening log file: %s" % e)
se = so
# Dup the existing fds so we dont lose them
osi = [os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()), sys.stdin.fileno()]
oso = [os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()), sys.stdout.fileno()]
ose = [os.dup(sys.stderr.fileno()), sys.stderr.fileno()]
# Replace those fds with our own
os.dup2(si.fileno(), osi[1])
os.dup2(so.fileno(), oso[1])
os.dup2(se.fileno(), ose[1])
locks = [] locks = []
lockfiles = (data.expand(flags['lockfiles'], d) or "").split() lockfiles = (data.expand(flags['lockfiles'], d) or "").split()
for lock in lockfiles: for lock in lockfiles:
locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock)) locks.append(bb.utils.lockfile(lock))
if flags['python']: try:
exec_func_python(func, d) # Run the function
if ispython:
exec_func_python(func, d, runfile, logfile)
else: else:
exec_func_shell(func, d, flags) exec_func_shell(func, d, runfile, logfile, flags)
# Restore original directory
# Unlock any lockfiles
for lock in locks: for lock in locks:
bb.utils.unlockfile(lock) bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
if os.path.exists(prevdir): # Restore the backup fds
os.chdir(prevdir) os.dup2(osi[0], osi[1])
os.dup2(oso[0], oso[1])
os.dup2(ose[0], ose[1])
def exec_func_python(func, d): # Close our logs
if os.path.exists(logfile) and os.path.getsize(logfile) == 0:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Zero size logfile %s, removing" % logfile)
# Close the backup fds
def exec_func_python(func, d, runfile, logfile):
"""Execute a python BB 'function'""" """Execute a python BB 'function'"""
import re import re, os
bbfile ='FILE', d, 1) bbfile ='FILE', d, 1)
tmp = "def " + func + "():\n%s" % data.getVar(func, d) tmp = "def " + func + "():\n%s" % data.getVar(func, d)
tmp += '\n' + func + '()' tmp += '\n' + func + '()'
f = open(runfile, "w")
comp = utils.better_compile(tmp, func, bbfile) comp = utils.better_compile(tmp, func, bbfile)
g = {} # globals g = {} # globals
g['d'] = d g['d'] = d
utils.better_exec(comp, g, tmp, bbfile) utils.better_exec(comp, g, tmp, bbfile)
(t,value,tb) = sys.exc_info()
def exec_func_shell(func, d, flags): if t in [bb.parse.SkipPackage,]:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Function %s failed" % func)
raise FuncFailed("function %s failed" % func, logfile)
def exec_func_shell(func, d, runfile, logfile, flags):
"""Execute a shell BB 'function' Returns true if execution was successful. """Execute a shell BB 'function' Returns true if execution was successful.
For this, it creates a bash shell script in the tmp dectory, writes the local For this, it creates a bash shell script in the tmp dectory, writes the local
@ -149,23 +233,13 @@ def exec_func_shell(func, d, flags):
of the directories you need created prior to execution. The last of the directories you need created prior to execution. The last
item in the list is where we will chdir/cd to. item in the list is where we will chdir/cd to.
""" """
import sys
deps = flags['deps'] deps = flags['deps']
check = flags['check'] check = flags['check']
interact = flags['interactive']
if check in globals(): if check in globals():
if globals()[check](func, deps): if globals()[check](func, deps):
return return
global logfile
t = data.getVar('T', d, 1)
if not t:
return 0
logfile = "%s/log.%s.%s" % (t, func, str(os.getpid()))
runfile = "%s/run.%s.%s" % (t, func, str(os.getpid()))
f = open(runfile, "w") f = open(runfile, "w")
f.write("#!/bin/sh -e\n") f.write("#!/bin/sh -e\n")
if bb.msg.debug_level['default'] > 0: f.write("set -x\n") if bb.msg.debug_level['default'] > 0: f.write("set -x\n")
@ -177,91 +251,21 @@ def exec_func_shell(func, d, flags):
os.chmod(runfile, 0775) os.chmod(runfile, 0775)
if not func: if not func:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Function not specified") bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Function not specified")
raise FuncFailed() raise FuncFailed("Function not specified for exec_func_shell")
# open logs
si = file('/dev/null', 'r')
if bb.msg.debug_level['default'] > 0:
so = os.popen("tee \"%s\"" % logfile, "w")
so = file(logfile, 'w')
except OSError, e:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "opening log file: %s" % e)
se = so
if not interact:
# dup the existing fds so we dont lose them
osi = [os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()), sys.stdin.fileno()]
oso = [os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()), sys.stdout.fileno()]
ose = [os.dup(sys.stderr.fileno()), sys.stderr.fileno()]
# replace those fds with our own
os.dup2(si.fileno(), osi[1])
os.dup2(so.fileno(), oso[1])
os.dup2(se.fileno(), ose[1])
# execute function # execute function
prevdir = os.getcwd()
if flags['fakeroot']: if flags['fakeroot']:
maybe_fakeroot = "PATH=\"%s\" fakeroot " %"PATH", d, 1) maybe_fakeroot = "PATH=\"%s\" fakeroot " %"PATH", d, 1)
else: else:
maybe_fakeroot = '' maybe_fakeroot = ''
lang_environment = "LC_ALL=C " lang_environment = "LC_ALL=C "
ret = os.system('%s%ssh -e %s' % (lang_environment, maybe_fakeroot, runfile)) ret = os.system('%s%ssh -e %s' % (lang_environment, maybe_fakeroot, runfile))
if not interact:
# restore the backups
os.dup2(osi[0], osi[1])
os.dup2(oso[0], oso[1])
os.dup2(ose[0], ose[1])
# close our logs
if os.path.exists(logfile) and os.path.getsize(logfile) == 0:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Zero size logfile %s, removing" % logfile)
# close the backup fds
if ret == 0: if ret == 0:
if bb.msg.debug_level['default'] > 0:
# os.remove(logfile)
return return
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "function %s failed" % func) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Function %s failed" % func)
if data.getVar("BBINCLUDELOGS", d): raise FuncFailed("function %s failed" % func, logfile)
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "log data follows (%s)" % logfile)
number_of_lines = data.getVar("BBINCLUDELOGS_LINES", d)
if number_of_lines:
os.system('tail -n%s %s' % (number_of_lines, logfile))
elif os.path.exists(logfile):
f = open(logfile, "r")
while True:
l = f.readline()
if l == '':
l = l.rstrip()
print '| %s' % l
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "There was no logfile output")
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "see log in %s" % logfile)
raise FuncFailed( logfile )
def exec_task(task, d): def exec_task(task, d):
@ -282,14 +286,20 @@ def exec_task(task, d):
data.setVar('OVERRIDES', 'task-%s:%s' % (task[3:], old_overrides), localdata) data.setVar('OVERRIDES', 'task-%s:%s' % (task[3:], old_overrides), localdata)
data.update_data(localdata) data.update_data(localdata)
data.expandKeys(localdata) data.expandKeys(localdata), localdata)), localdata), localdata)
exec_func(task, localdata) exec_func(task, localdata), localdata)), localdata), localdata)
except FuncFailed, reason: except FuncFailed, message:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Task failed: %s" % reason ) # Try to extract the optional logfile
failedevent = TaskFailed(task, d) try: (msg, logfile) = message
raise EventException("Function failed in task: %s" % reason, failedevent) except:
logfile = None
msg = message
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Task failed: %s" % message )
failedevent = TaskFailed(msg, logfile, task, d), d)
raise EventException("Function failed in task: %s" % message, failedevent)
# make stamp, or cause event and raise exception # make stamp, or cause event and raise exception
if not data.getVarFlag(task, 'nostamp', d) and not data.getVarFlag(task, 'selfstamp', d): if not data.getVarFlag(task, 'nostamp', d) and not data.getVarFlag(task, 'selfstamp', d):

View File

@ -134,7 +134,18 @@ class Cache: = data = data
# Make sure __depends makes the depends_cache # Make sure __depends makes the depends_cache
self.getVar("__depends", virtualfn, True) # If we're a virtual class we need to make sure all our depends are appended
# to the depends of fn.
depends = self.getVar("__depends", virtualfn, True) or []
if "__depends" not in self.depends_cache[fn] or not self.depends_cache[fn]["__depends"]:
self.depends_cache[fn]["__depends"] = depends
for dep in depends:
if dep not in self.depends_cache[fn]["__depends"]:
# Make sure BBCLASSEXTEND always makes the cache too
self.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', virtualfn, True)
self.depends_cache[virtualfn]["CACHETIMESTAMP"] = bb.parse.cached_mtime(fn) self.depends_cache[virtualfn]["CACHETIMESTAMP"] = bb.parse.cached_mtime(fn)
def virtualfn2realfn(self, virtualfn): def virtualfn2realfn(self, virtualfn):
@ -170,12 +181,9 @@ class Cache:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Parsing %s (full)" % fn) bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Parsing %s (full)" % fn)
bb_data, skipped = self.load_bbfile(fn, cfgData) bb_data = self.load_bbfile(fn, cfgData)
if isinstance(bb_data, dict):
return bb_data[cls] return bb_data[cls]
return bb_data
def loadData(self, fn, cfgData, cacheData): def loadData(self, fn, cfgData, cacheData):
""" """
Load a subset of data for fn. Load a subset of data for fn.
@ -184,42 +192,39 @@ class Cache:
to record the variables accessed. to record the variables accessed.
Return the cache status and whether the file was skipped when parsed Return the cache status and whether the file was skipped when parsed
""" """
skipped = 0
virtuals = 0
if fn not in self.checked: if fn not in self.checked:
self.cacheValidUpdate(fn) self.cacheValidUpdate(fn)
if self.cacheValid(fn): if self.cacheValid(fn):
if "SKIPPED" in self.depends_cache[fn]:
return True, True
self.handle_data(fn, cacheData)
multi = self.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', fn, True) multi = self.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', fn, True)
if multi: for cls in (multi or "").split() + [""]:
for cls in multi.split():
virtualfn = self.realfn2virtual(fn, cls) virtualfn = self.realfn2virtual(fn, cls)
# Pretend we're clean so getVar works if self.depends_cache[virtualfn]["__SKIPPED"]:
self.clean[virtualfn] = "" skipped += 1
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Skipping %s" % virtualfn)
self.handle_data(virtualfn, cacheData) self.handle_data(virtualfn, cacheData)
return True, False virtuals += 1
return True, skipped, virtuals
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Parsing %s" % fn) bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Parsing %s" % fn)
bb_data, skipped = self.load_bbfile(fn, cfgData) bb_data = self.load_bbfile(fn, cfgData)
if skipped:
if isinstance(bb_data, dict):
self.setData(fn, fn, bb_data[""])
self.setData(fn, fn, bb_data)
return False, skipped
if isinstance(bb_data, dict):
for data in bb_data: for data in bb_data:
virtualfn = self.realfn2virtual(fn, data) virtualfn = self.realfn2virtual(fn, data)
self.setData(virtualfn, fn, bb_data[data]) self.setData(virtualfn, fn, bb_data[data])
if self.getVar("__SKIPPED", virtualfn, True):
skipped += 1
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Cache, "Skipping %s" % virtualfn)
self.handle_data(virtualfn, cacheData) self.handle_data(virtualfn, cacheData)
return False, skipped virtuals += 1
return False, skipped, virtuals
self.setData(fn, fn, bb_data)
self.handle_data(fn, cacheData)
return False, skipped
def cacheValid(self, fn): def cacheValid(self, fn):
""" """
@ -286,16 +291,13 @@ class Cache:
if not fn in self.clean: if not fn in self.clean:
self.clean[fn] = "" self.clean[fn] = ""
return True # Mark extended class data as clean too
multi = self.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', fn, True)
for cls in (multi or "").split():
virtualfn = self.realfn2virtual(fn, cls)
self.clean[virtualfn] = ""
def skip(self, fn): return True
Mark a fn as skipped
Called from the parser
if not fn in self.depends_cache:
self.depends_cache[fn] = {}
self.depends_cache[fn]["SKIPPED"] = "1"
def remove(self, fn): def remove(self, fn):
""" """
@ -462,10 +464,7 @@ class Cache:
try: try:
bb_data = parse.handle(bbfile, bb_data) # read .bb data bb_data = parse.handle(bbfile, bb_data) # read .bb data
os.chdir(oldpath) os.chdir(oldpath)
return bb_data, False return bb_data
except bb.parse.SkipPackage:
return bb_data, True
except: except:
os.chdir(oldpath) os.chdir(oldpath)
raise raise

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer # Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
# Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther # Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH # Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH
# Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Purdie # Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Richard Purdie
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
@ -25,9 +25,35 @@
import sys, os, getopt, glob, copy, os.path, re, time import sys, os, getopt, glob, copy, os.path, re, time
import bb import bb
from bb import utils, data, parse, event, cache, providers, taskdata, runqueue from bb import utils, data, parse, event, cache, providers, taskdata, runqueue
from bb import command
import bb.server.xmlrpc
import itertools, sre_constants import itertools, sre_constants
parsespin = itertools.cycle( r'|/-\\' ) class MultipleMatches(Exception):
Exception raised when multiple file matches are found
class ParsingErrorsFound(Exception):
Exception raised when parsing errors are found
class NothingToBuild(Exception):
Exception raised when there is nothing to build
# Different states cooker can be in
cookerClean = 1
cookerParsing = 2
cookerParsed = 3
# Different action states the cooker can be in
cookerRun = 1 # Cooker is running normally
cookerShutdown = 2 # Active tasks should be brought to a controlled stop
cookerStop = 3 # Stop, now!
#============================================================================# #============================================================================#
# BBCooker # BBCooker
@ -37,12 +63,14 @@ class BBCooker:
Manages one bitbake build run Manages one bitbake build run
""" """
def __init__(self, configuration): def __init__(self, configuration, server):
self.status = None self.status = None
self.cache = None self.cache = None
self.bb_cache = None self.bb_cache = None
self.server = server.BitBakeServer(self)
self.configuration = configuration self.configuration = configuration
if self.configuration.verbose: if self.configuration.verbose:
@ -58,17 +86,15 @@ class BBCooker: = =
def parseConfiguration(self):
# Add conf/bitbake.conf to the list of configuration files to read for f in self.configuration.file:
self.configuration.file.append( os.path.join( "conf", "bitbake.conf" ) ) self.parseConfigurationFile( f )
self.parseConfigurationFile(self.configuration.file) self.parseConfigurationFile( os.path.join( "conf", "bitbake.conf" ) )
if not self.configuration.cmd: if not self.configuration.cmd:
self.configuration.cmd ="BB_DEFAULT_TASK", or "build" self.configuration.cmd ="BB_DEFAULT_TASK",, True) or "build"
bbpkgs ='BBPKGS',, True) bbpkgs ='BBPKGS',, True)
if bbpkgs and len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) == 0: if bbpkgs and len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) == 0:
@ -80,9 +106,7 @@ class BBCooker:
self.configuration.event_data = self.configuration.event_data =
# TOSTOP must not be set or our children will hang when they output # TOSTOP must not be set or our children will hang when they output
fd = sys.stdout.fileno() fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
if os.isatty(fd): if os.isatty(fd):
import termios import termios
@ -92,6 +116,13 @@ class BBCooker:
tcattr[3] = tcattr[3] & ~termios.TOSTOP tcattr[3] = tcattr[3] & ~termios.TOSTOP
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, tcattr) termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, tcattr)
self.command = bb.command.Command(self)
self.cookerState = cookerClean
self.cookerAction = cookerRun
def parseConfiguration(self):
# Change nice level if we're asked to # Change nice level if we're asked to
nice ="BB_NICE_LEVEL",, True) nice ="BB_NICE_LEVEL",, True)
if nice: if nice:
@ -99,33 +130,77 @@ class BBCooker:
nice = int(nice) - curnice nice = int(nice) - curnice
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Renice to %s " % os.nice(nice)) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Build, "Renice to %s " % os.nice(nice))
def parseCommandLine(self):
# Parse any commandline into actions
if self.configuration.show_environment:
self.commandlineAction = None
if 'world' in self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
bb.error("'world' is not a valid target for --environment.")
elif len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 1:
bb.error("Only one target can be used with the --environment option.")
elif self.configuration.buildfile and len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 0:
bb.error("No target should be used with the --environment and --buildfile options.")
elif len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 0:
self.commandlineAction = ["showEnvironmentTarget", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build]
self.commandlineAction = ["showEnvironment", self.configuration.buildfile]
elif self.configuration.buildfile is not None:
self.commandlineAction = ["buildFile", self.configuration.buildfile, self.configuration.cmd]
elif self.configuration.revisions_changed:
self.commandlineAction = ["compareRevisions"]
elif self.configuration.show_versions:
self.commandlineAction = ["showVersions"]
elif self.configuration.parse_only:
self.commandlineAction = ["parseFiles"]
# FIXME - implement
#elif self.configuration.interactive:
# self.interactiveMode()
elif self.configuration.dot_graph:
if self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
self.commandlineAction = ["generateDotGraph", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build, self.configuration.cmd]
self.commandlineAction = None
bb.error("Please specify a package name for dependency graph generation.")
if self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
self.commandlineAction = ["buildTargets", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build, self.configuration.cmd]
self.commandlineAction = None
bb.error("Nothing to do. Use 'bitbake world' to build everything, or run 'bitbake --help' for usage information.")
def runCommands(self, server, data, abort):
Run any queued asynchronous command
This is done by the idle handler so it runs in true context rather than
tied to any UI.
return self.command.runAsyncCommand()
def tryBuildPackage(self, fn, item, task, the_data): def tryBuildPackage(self, fn, item, task, the_data):
""" """
Build one task of a package, optionally build following task depends Build one task of a package, optionally build following task depends
""" """, the_data))
try: try:
if not self.configuration.dry_run: if not self.configuration.dry_run:'do_%s' % task, the_data)'do_%s' % task, the_data), the_data))
return True return True
except except
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "task stack execution failed") bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "task stack execution failed"), the_data))
raise raise
except, e: except, e:
event = e.args[1] event = e.args[1]
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "%s event exception, aborting" % bb.event.getName(event)) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "%s event exception, aborting" % bb.event.getName(event)), the_data))
raise raise
def tryBuild(self, fn): def tryBuild(self, fn, task):
""" """
Build a provider and its dependencies. Build a provider and its dependencies.
build_depends is a list of previous build dependencies (not runtime) build_depends is a list of previous build dependencies (not runtime)
If build_depends is empty, we're dealing with a runtime depends If build_depends is empty, we're dealing with a runtime depends
""" """
the_data = self.bb_cache.loadDataFull(fn, the_data = self.bb_cache.loadDataFull(fn,
item = self.status.pkg_fn[fn] item = self.status.pkg_fn[fn]
@ -133,9 +208,13 @@ class BBCooker:
#if'do_%s' % self.configuration.cmd, the_data): #if'do_%s' % self.configuration.cmd, the_data):
# return True # return True
return self.tryBuildPackage(fn, item, self.configuration.cmd, the_data) return self.tryBuildPackage(fn, item, task, the_data)
def showVersions(self): def showVersions(self):
# Need files parsed
pkg_pn = self.status.pkg_pn pkg_pn = self.status.pkg_pn
preferred_versions = {} preferred_versions = {}
latest_versions = {} latest_versions = {}
@ -149,18 +228,24 @@ class BBCooker:
pkg_list = pkg_pn.keys() pkg_list = pkg_pn.keys()
pkg_list.sort() pkg_list.sort()
bb.msg.plain("%-35s %25s %25s" % ("Package Name", "Latest Version", "Preferred Version"))
bb.msg.plain("%-35s %25s %25s\n" % ("============", "==============", "================="))
for p in pkg_list: for p in pkg_list:
pref = preferred_versions[p] pref = preferred_versions[p]
latest = latest_versions[p] latest = latest_versions[p]
if pref != latest:
prefstr = pref[0][0] + ":" + pref[0][1] + '-' + pref[0][2] prefstr = pref[0][0] + ":" + pref[0][1] + '-' + pref[0][2]
else: lateststr = latest[0][0] + ":" + latest[0][1] + "-" + latest[0][2]
if pref == latest:
prefstr = "" prefstr = ""
print "%-30s %20s %20s" % (p, latest[0][0] + ":" + latest[0][1] + "-" + latest[0][2], bb.msg.plain("%-35s %25s %25s" % (p, lateststr, prefstr))
def compareRevisions(self):
ret = bb.fetch.fetcher_compare_revisons(, self.configuration.event_data)
def showEnvironment(self, buildfile = None, pkgs_to_build = []): def showEnvironment(self, buildfile = None, pkgs_to_build = []):
""" """
@ -169,23 +254,10 @@ class BBCooker:
fn = None fn = None
envdata = None envdata = None
if 'world' in pkgs_to_build:
print "'world' is not a valid target for --environment."
if len(pkgs_to_build) > 1:
print "Only one target can be used with the --environment option."
if buildfile: if buildfile:
if len(pkgs_to_build) > 0:
print "No target should be used with the --environment and --buildfile options."
self.cb = None self.cb = None
self.bb_cache = bb.cache.init(self) self.bb_cache = bb.cache.init(self)
fn = self.matchFile(buildfile) fn = self.matchFile(buildfile)
if not fn:
elif len(pkgs_to_build) == 1: elif len(pkgs_to_build) == 1:
self.updateCache() self.updateCache()
@ -193,13 +265,9 @@ class BBCooker:
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort, self.configuration.tryaltconfigs) taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, pkgs_to_build[0]) taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, pkgs_to_build[0])
taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status) taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
except bb.providers.NoProvider:
targetid = taskdata.getbuild_id(pkgs_to_build[0]) targetid = taskdata.getbuild_id(pkgs_to_build[0])
fnid = taskdata.build_targets[targetid][0] fnid = taskdata.build_targets[targetid][0]
@ -211,55 +279,69 @@ class BBCooker:
try: try:
envdata = self.bb_cache.loadDataFull(fn, envdata = self.bb_cache.loadDataFull(fn,
except IOError, e: except IOError, e:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to read %s: %s" % (fn, e)) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to read %s: %s" % (fn, e))
except Exception, e: except Exception, e:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "%s" % e) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "%s" % e)
class dummywrite:
def __init__(self):
self.writebuf = ""
def write(self, output):
self.writebuf = self.writebuf + output
# emit variables and shell functions # emit variables and shell functions
try: try:
data.update_data(envdata) data.update_data(envdata)
data.emit_env(sys.__stdout__, envdata, True) wb = dummywrite()
data.emit_env(wb, envdata, True)
except Exception, e: except Exception, e:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "%s" % e) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "%s" % e)
# emit the metadata which isnt valid shell # emit the metadata which isnt valid shell
data.expandKeys(envdata) data.expandKeys(envdata)
for e in envdata.keys(): for e in envdata.keys():
if data.getVarFlag( e, 'python', envdata ): if data.getVarFlag( e, 'python', envdata ):
sys.__stdout__.write("\npython %s () {\n%s}\n" % (e, data.getVar(e, envdata, 1))) bb.msg.plain("\npython %s () {\n%s}\n" % (e, data.getVar(e, envdata, 1)))
def generateDotGraph( self, pkgs_to_build, ignore_deps ): def generateDepTreeData(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
""" """
Generate a task dependency graph. Create a dependency tree of pkgs_to_build, returning the data.
pkgs_to_build A list of packages that needs to be built
ignore_deps A list of names where processing of dependencies
should be stopped. e.g. dependencies that get
""" """
for dep in ignore_deps: # Need files parsed
self.status.ignored_dependencies.add(dep) self.updateCache()
# If we are told to do the None task then query the default task
if (task == None):
task = self.configuration.cmd
pkgs_to_build = self.checkPackages(pkgs_to_build)
localdata = data.createCopy( localdata = data.createCopy(
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort, self.configuration.tryaltconfigs) taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
runlist = [] runlist = []
for k in pkgs_to_build: for k in pkgs_to_build:
taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k) taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k)
runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % self.configuration.cmd]) runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % task])
taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status) taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
except bb.providers.NoProvider:
rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist) rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
rq.prepare_runqueue() rq.prepare_runqueue()
seen_fnids = [] seen_fnids = []
depends_file = file('', 'w' ) depend_tree = {}
tdepends_file = file('', 'w' ) depend_tree["depends"] = {}
print >> depends_file, "digraph depends {" depend_tree["tdepends"] = {}
print >> tdepends_file, "digraph depends {" depend_tree["pn"] = {}
depend_tree["rdepends-pn"] = {}
depend_tree["packages"] = {}
depend_tree["rdepends-pkg"] = {}
depend_tree["rrecs-pkg"] = {}
for task in range(len(rq.runq_fnid)): for task in range(len(rq.runq_fnid)):
taskname = rq.runq_task[task] taskname = rq.runq_task[task]
@ -267,43 +349,118 @@ class BBCooker:
fn = taskdata.fn_index[fnid] fn = taskdata.fn_index[fnid]
pn = self.status.pkg_fn[fn] pn = self.status.pkg_fn[fn]
version = "%s:%s-%s" % self.status.pkg_pepvpr[fn] version = "%s:%s-%s" % self.status.pkg_pepvpr[fn]
print >> tdepends_file, '"%s.%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s\\n%s"]' % (pn, taskname, pn, taskname, version, fn) if pn not in depend_tree["pn"]:
depend_tree["pn"][pn] = {}
depend_tree["pn"][pn]["filename"] = fn
depend_tree["pn"][pn]["version"] = version
for dep in rq.runq_depends[task]: for dep in rq.runq_depends[task]:
depfn = taskdata.fn_index[rq.runq_fnid[dep]] depfn = taskdata.fn_index[rq.runq_fnid[dep]]
deppn = self.status.pkg_fn[depfn] deppn = self.status.pkg_fn[depfn]
print >> tdepends_file, '"%s.%s" -> "%s.%s"' % (pn, rq.runq_task[task], deppn, rq.runq_task[dep]) dotname = "%s.%s" % (pn, rq.runq_task[task])
if not dotname in depend_tree["tdepends"]:
depend_tree["tdepends"][dotname] = []
depend_tree["tdepends"][dotname].append("%s.%s" % (deppn, rq.runq_task[dep]))
if fnid not in seen_fnids: if fnid not in seen_fnids:
seen_fnids.append(fnid) seen_fnids.append(fnid)
packages = [] packages = []
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, version, fn)
for depend in self.status.deps[fn]: depend_tree["depends"][pn] = []
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (pn, depend) for dep in taskdata.depids[fnid]:
depend_tree["rdepends-pn"][pn] = []
for rdep in taskdata.rdepids[fnid]:
rdepends = self.status.rundeps[fn] rdepends = self.status.rundeps[fn]
for package in rdepends: for package in rdepends:
for rdepend in re.findall("([\w.-]+)(\ \(.+\))?", rdepends[package]): depend_tree["rdepends-pkg"][package] = []
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend[0], rdepend[1]) for rdepend in rdepends[package]:
packages.append(package) packages.append(package)
rrecs = self.status.runrecs[fn] rrecs = self.status.runrecs[fn]
for package in rrecs: for package in rrecs:
for rdepend in re.findall("([\w.-]+)(\ \(.+\))?", rrecs[package]): depend_tree["rrecs-pkg"][package] = []
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend[0], rdepend[1]) for rdepend in rrecs[package]:
if not package in packages: if not package in packages:
packages.append(package) packages.append(package)
for package in packages: for package in packages:
if package != pn: if package not in depend_tree["packages"]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s(%s) %s\\n%s"]' % (package, package, pn, version, fn) depend_tree["packages"][package] = {}
for depend in self.status.deps[fn]: depend_tree["packages"][package]["pn"] = pn
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (package, depend) depend_tree["packages"][package]["filename"] = fn
# Prints a flattened form of the above where subpackages of a package are merged into the main pn depend_tree["packages"][package]["version"] = version
#print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, taskname, version, fn)
#for rdep in taskdata.rdepids[fnid]: return depend_tree
# print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (pn, taskdata.run_names_index[rdep])
#for dep in taskdata.depids[fnid]:
# print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (pn, taskdata.build_names_index[dep]) def generateDepTreeEvent(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
Create a task dependency graph of pkgs_to_build.
Generate an event with the result
depgraph = self.generateDepTreeData(pkgs_to_build, task),
def generateDotGraphFiles(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
Create a task dependency graph of pkgs_to_build.
Save the result to a set of .dot files.
depgraph = self.generateDepTreeData(pkgs_to_build, task)
# Prints a flattened form of package-depends below where subpackages of a package are merged into the main pn
depends_file = file('', 'w' )
print >> depends_file, "digraph depends {"
for pn in depgraph["pn"]:
fn = depgraph["pn"][pn]["filename"]
version = depgraph["pn"][pn]["version"]
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, version, fn)
for pn in depgraph["depends"]:
for depend in depgraph["depends"][pn]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (pn, depend)
for pn in depgraph["rdepends-pn"]:
for rdepend in depgraph["rdepends-pn"][pn]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (pn, rdepend)
print >> depends_file, "}" print >> depends_file, "}"
bb.msg.plain("PN dependencies saved to ''")
depends_file = file('', 'w' )
print >> depends_file, "digraph depends {"
for package in depgraph["packages"]:
pn = depgraph["packages"][package]["pn"]
fn = depgraph["packages"][package]["filename"]
version = depgraph["packages"][package]["version"]
if package == pn:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, version, fn)
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s(%s) %s\\n%s"]' % (package, package, pn, version, fn)
for depend in depgraph["depends"][pn]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (package, depend)
for package in depgraph["rdepends-pkg"]:
for rdepend in depgraph["rdepends-pkg"][package]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend)
for package in depgraph["rrecs-pkg"]:
for rdepend in depgraph["rrecs-pkg"][package]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend)
print >> depends_file, "}"
bb.msg.plain("Package dependencies saved to ''")
tdepends_file = file('', 'w' )
print >> tdepends_file, "digraph depends {"
for task in depgraph["tdepends"]:
(pn, taskname) = task.rsplit(".", 1)
fn = depgraph["pn"][pn]["filename"]
version = depgraph["pn"][pn]["version"]
print >> tdepends_file, '"%s.%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s\\n%s"]' % (pn, taskname, pn, taskname, version, fn)
for dep in depgraph["tdepends"][task]:
print >> tdepends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (task, dep)
print >> tdepends_file, "}" print >> tdepends_file, "}"
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Dependencies saved to ''") bb.msg.plain("Task dependencies saved to ''")
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Task dependencies saved to ''")
def buildDepgraph( self ): def buildDepgraph( self ):
all_depends = self.status.all_depends all_depends = self.status.all_depends
@ -324,7 +481,7 @@ class BBCooker:
try: try:
(providee, provider) = p.split(':') (providee, provider) = p.split(':')
except: except:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Malformed option in PREFERRED_PROVIDERS variable: %s" % p) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Malformed option in PREFERRED_PROVIDERS variable: %s" % p)
continue continue
if providee in self.status.preferred and self.status.preferred[providee] != provider: if providee in self.status.preferred and self.status.preferred[providee] != provider:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "conflicting preferences for %s: both %s and %s specified" % (providee, provider, self.status.preferred[providee])) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "conflicting preferences for %s: both %s and %s specified" % (providee, provider, self.status.preferred[providee]))
@ -362,19 +519,6 @@ class BBCooker:
self.status.possible_world = None self.status.possible_world = None
self.status.all_depends = None self.status.all_depends = None
def myProgressCallback( self, x, y, f, from_cache ):
"""Update any tty with the progress change"""
if os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()):
sys.stdout.write("\rNOTE: Handling BitBake files: %s (%04d/%04d) [%2d %%]" % (, x, y, x*100/y ) )
if x == 1:
sys.stdout.write("Parsing .bb files, please wait...")
if x == y:
def interactiveMode( self ): def interactiveMode( self ):
"""Drop off into a shell""" """Drop off into a shell"""
try: try:
@ -383,11 +527,9 @@ class BBCooker:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Sorry, shell not available (%s)" % details ) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Sorry, shell not available (%s)" % details )
else: else:
shell.start( self ) shell.start( self )
sys.exit( 0 )
def parseConfigurationFile( self, afiles ): def parseConfigurationFile( self, afile ):
try: try:
for afile in afiles: = bb.parse.handle( afile, ) = bb.parse.handle( afile, )
# Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
@ -402,10 +544,10 @@ class BBCooker:
bb.fetch.fetcher_init( bb.fetch.fetcher_init(,
except IOError, e: except IOError, e:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "IO Error: %s" % str(e) ) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Error when parsing %s: %s" % (afile, str(e)))
except bb.parse.ParseError, details: except bb.parse.ParseError, details:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to parse %s (%s)" % (afile, details) ) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to parse %s (%s)" % (afile, details) )
@ -441,15 +583,15 @@ class BBCooker:"BUILDNAME", os.popen('date +%Y%m%d%H%M').readline().strip(),"BUILDNAME", os.popen('date +%Y%m%d%H%M').readline().strip(),"BUILDSTART", time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()),"BUILDSTART", time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',time.gmtime()),
def matchFile(self, buildfile): def matchFiles(self, buildfile):
""" """
Convert the fragment buildfile into a real file Find the .bb files which match the expression in 'buildfile'.
Error if there are too many matches
""" """
bf = os.path.abspath(buildfile) bf = os.path.abspath(buildfile)
try: try:
os.stat(bf) os.stat(bf)
return bf return [bf]
except OSError: except OSError:
(filelist, masked) = self.collect_bbfiles() (filelist, masked) = self.collect_bbfiles()
regexp = re.compile(buildfile) regexp = re.compile(buildfile)
@ -458,22 +600,36 @@ class BBCooker:
if and os.path.isfile(f): if and os.path.isfile(f):
bf = f bf = f
matches.append(f) matches.append(f)
return matches
def matchFile(self, buildfile):
Find the .bb file which matches the expression in 'buildfile'.
Raise an error if multiple files
matches = self.matchFiles(buildfile)
if len(matches) != 1: if len(matches) != 1:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to match %s (%s matches found):" % (buildfile, len(matches))) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "Unable to match %s (%s matches found):" % (buildfile, len(matches)))
for f in matches: for f in matches:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, " %s" % f) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Parsing, " %s" % f)
return False raise MultipleMatches
return matches[0] return matches[0]
def buildFile(self, buildfile): def buildFile(self, buildfile, task):
""" """
Build the file matching regexp buildfile Build the file matching regexp buildfile
""" """
# Make sure our target is a fully qualified filename # Parse the configuration here. We need to do it explicitly here since
# buildFile() doesn't use the cache
# If we are told to do the None task then query the default task
if (task == None):
task = self.configuration.cmd
fn = self.matchFile(buildfile) fn = self.matchFile(buildfile)
if not fn: self.buildSetVars()
return False
# Load data into the cache for fn and parse the loaded cache data # Load data into the cache for fn and parse the loaded cache data
self.bb_cache = bb.cache.init(self) self.bb_cache = bb.cache.init(self)
@ -493,71 +649,107 @@ class BBCooker:
# Remove stamp for target if force mode active # Remove stamp for target if force mode active
if self.configuration.force: if self.configuration.force:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Remove stamp %s, %s" % (self.configuration.cmd, fn)) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Remove stamp %s, %s" % (task, fn))'do_%s' % self.configuration.cmd,'do_%s' % task, self.status, fn)
# Setup taskdata structure # Setup taskdata structure
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort, self.configuration.tryaltconfigs) taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
taskdata.add_provider(, self.status, item) taskdata.add_provider(, self.status, item)
buildname ="BUILDNAME", buildname ="BUILDNAME",, [item], self.configuration.event_data)), [item]), self.configuration.event_data)
# Execute the runqueue # Execute the runqueue
runlist = [[item, "do_%s" % self.configuration.cmd]] runlist = [[item, "do_%s" % task]]
rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist) rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
try: def buildFileIdle(server, rq, abort):
failures = rq.execute_runqueue()
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids: if abort or self.cookerAction == cookerStop:
elif self.cookerAction == cookerShutdown:
failures = 0 failures = 0
retval = rq.execute_runqueue()
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
for fnid in fnids: for fnid in fnids:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid]) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid])
failures = failures + 1 failures = failures + 1, [item], self.configuration.event_data, failures)) retval = False
if not retval:
self.command.finishAsyncCommand(), item, failures), self.configuration.event_data)
return False return False, [item], self.configuration.event_data, failures)) return 0.5
return True
def buildTargets(self, targets): self.server.register_idle_function(buildFileIdle, rq)
def buildTargets(self, targets, task):
""" """
Attempt to build the targets specified Attempt to build the targets specified
""" """
# Need files parsed
# If we are told to do the NULL task then query the default task
if (task == None):
task = self.configuration.cmd
targets = self.checkPackages(targets)
def buildTargetsIdle(server, rq, abort):
if abort or self.cookerAction == cookerStop:
elif self.cookerAction == cookerShutdown:
failures = 0
retval = rq.execute_runqueue()
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
for fnid in fnids:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid])
failures = failures + 1
retval = False
if not retval:
self.command.finishAsyncCommand(), targets, failures), self.configuration.event_data)
return None
return 0.5
buildname ="BUILDNAME", buildname ="BUILDNAME",, targets, self.configuration.event_data)), targets), self.configuration.event_data)
localdata = data.createCopy( localdata = data.createCopy(
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort, self.configuration.tryaltconfigs) taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
runlist = [] runlist = []
for k in targets: for k in targets:
taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k) taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k)
runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % self.configuration.cmd]) runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % task])
taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status) taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
except bb.providers.NoProvider:
rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist) rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
failures = rq.execute_runqueue()
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
failures = 0
for fnid in fnids:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid])
failures = failures + 1, targets, self.configuration.event_data, failures))
sys.exit(1), targets, self.configuration.event_data, failures))
sys.exit(0) self.server.register_idle_function(buildTargetsIdle, rq)
def updateCache(self): def updateCache(self):
if self.cookerState == cookerParsed:
if self.cookerState != cookerParsing:
self.parseConfiguration ()
# Import Psyco if available and not disabled # Import Psyco if available and not disabled
import platform import platform
if platform.machine() in ['i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686']: if platform.machine() in ['i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686']:
@ -567,7 +759,7 @@ class BBCooker:
except ImportError: except ImportError:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Psyco JIT Compiler ( not available. Install it to increase performance.") bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Psyco JIT Compiler ( not available. Install it to increase performance.")
else: else:
psyco.bind( self.parse_bbfiles ) psyco.bind( CookerParser.parse_next )
else: else:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "You have disabled Psyco. This decreases performance.") bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "You have disabled Psyco. This decreases performance.")
@ -576,76 +768,38 @@ class BBCooker:
ignore ="ASSUME_PROVIDED",, 1) or "" ignore ="ASSUME_PROVIDED",, 1) or ""
self.status.ignored_dependencies = set(ignore.split()) self.status.ignored_dependencies = set(ignore.split())
for dep in self.configuration.extra_assume_provided:
self.handleCollections("BBFILE_COLLECTIONS",, 1) ) self.handleCollections("BBFILE_COLLECTIONS",, 1) )
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "collecting .bb files") bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "collecting .bb files")
(filelist, masked) = self.collect_bbfiles() (filelist, masked) = self.collect_bbfiles()"__depends", "__base_depends","__depends", "__base_depends",
self.parse_bbfiles(filelist, masked, self.myProgressCallback)
self.parser = CookerParser(self, filelist, masked)
self.cookerState = cookerParsing
if not self.parser.parse_next():
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "parsing complete") bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "parsing complete")
self.buildDepgraph() self.buildDepgraph()
self.cookerState = cookerParsed
return None
def cook(self): return True
We are building stuff here. We do the building
from here. By default we try to execute task
# Wipe the OS environment def checkPackages(self, pkgs_to_build):
if self.configuration.show_environment: if len(pkgs_to_build) == 0:
self.showEnvironment(self.configuration.buildfile, self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) raise NothingToBuild
sys.exit( 0 )
if self.configuration.interactive:
if self.configuration.buildfile is not None:
if not self.buildFile(self.configuration.buildfile):
# initialise the parsing status now we know we will need deps
if self.configuration.revisions_changed:
if self.configuration.parse_only:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Requested parsing .bb files only. Exiting.")
return 0
pkgs_to_build = self.configuration.pkgs_to_build
if len(pkgs_to_build) == 0 and not self.configuration.show_versions:
print "Nothing to do. Use 'bitbake world' to build everything, or run 'bitbake --help'"
print "for usage information."
if self.configuration.show_versions:
sys.exit( 0 )
if 'world' in pkgs_to_build: if 'world' in pkgs_to_build:
self.buildWorldTargetList() self.buildWorldTargetList()
pkgs_to_build.remove('world') pkgs_to_build.remove('world')
for t in self.status.world_target: for t in self.status.world_target:
pkgs_to_build.append(t) pkgs_to_build.append(t)
if self.configuration.dot_graph: return pkgs_to_build
self.generateDotGraph( pkgs_to_build, self.configuration.ignored_dot_deps )
sys.exit( 0 )
return self.buildTargets(pkgs_to_build)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "KeyboardInterrupt - Build not completed.")
def get_bbfiles( self, path = os.getcwd() ): def get_bbfiles( self, path = os.getcwd() ):
"""Get list of default .bb files by reading out the current directory""" """Get list of default .bb files by reading out the current directory"""
@ -717,59 +871,108 @@ class BBCooker:
return (finalfiles, masked) return (finalfiles, masked)
def parse_bbfiles(self, filelist, masked, progressCallback = None): def serve(self):
parsed, cached, skipped, error = 0, 0, 0, 0
for i in xrange( len( filelist ) ):
f = filelist[i]
#bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "parsing %s" % f) # Empty the environment. The environment will be populated as
# necessary from the data store.
# read a file's metadata if self.configuration.profile:
try: try:
fromCache, skip = self.bb_cache.loadData(f,, self.status) import cProfile as profile
if skip: except:
skipped += 1 import profile
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "skipping %s" % f)
elif fromCache: cached += 1
else: parsed += 1
# Disabled by RP as was no longer functional profile.runctx("self.server.serve_forever()", globals(), locals(), "profile.log")
# allow metadata files to add items to BBFILES
#addbbfiles = self.bb_cache.getVar('BBFILES', f, False) or None
#if addbbfiles:
# for aof in addbbfiles.split():
# if not files.count(aof):
# if not os.path.isabs(aof):
# aof = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f),aof)
# files.append(aof)
# now inform the caller # Redirect stdout to capture profile information
if progressCallback is not None: pout = open('profile.log.processed', 'w')
progressCallback( i + 1, len( filelist ), f, fromCache ) so = sys.stdout.fileno()
os.dup2(pout.fileno(), so)
import pstats
p = pstats.Stats('profile.log')
os.dup2(so, pout.fileno())
self.server.serve_forever(), self.configuration.event_data)
class CookerExit(bb.event.Event):
Notify clients of the Cooker shutdown
def __init__(self):
class CookerParser:
def __init__(self, cooker, filelist, masked):
# Internal data
self.filelist = filelist
self.cooker = cooker
# Accounting statistics
self.parsed = 0
self.cached = 0
self.error = 0
self.masked = masked = len(filelist)
self.skipped = 0
self.virtuals = 0
# Pointer to the next file to parse
self.pointer = 0
def parse_next(self):
if self.pointer < len(self.filelist):
f = self.filelist[self.pointer]
cooker = self.cooker
fromCache, skipped, virtuals = cooker.bb_cache.loadData(f,, cooker.status)
if fromCache:
self.cached += 1
self.parsed += 1
self.skipped += skipped
self.virtuals += virtuals
except IOError, e: except IOError, e:
self.bb_cache.remove(f) self.error += 1
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "opening %s: %s" % (f, e)) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "opening %s: %s" % (f, e))
pass pass
except KeyboardInterrupt: except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.bb_cache.sync() cooker.bb_cache.remove(f)
raise raise
except Exception, e: except Exception, e:
error += 1 self.error += 1
self.bb_cache.remove(f) cooker.bb_cache.remove(f)
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "%s while parsing %s" % (e, f)) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "%s while parsing %s" % (e, f))
except: except:
self.bb_cache.remove(f) cooker.bb_cache.remove(f)
raise raise
finally:, self.parsed, self.skipped, self.masked, self.virtuals, self.error,, cooker.configuration.event_data)
if progressCallback is not None: self.pointer += 1
print "\r" # need newline after Handling Bitbake files message
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Parsing finished. %d cached, %d parsed, %d skipped, %d masked." % ( cached, parsed, skipped, masked ))
self.bb_cache.sync() if self.pointer >=
if self.error > 0:
raise ParsingErrorsFound
return False
return True
if error > 0:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Parsing errors found, exiting...")

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ the speed is more critical here.
# #
#Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig #Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import sys, os, re, time, types import sys, os, re, types
if sys.argv[0][-5:] == "pydoc": if sys.argv[0][-5:] == "pydoc":
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1])) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1]))
else: else:

View File

@ -24,21 +24,18 @@ BitBake build tools.
import os, re import os, re
import bb.utils import bb.utils
import pickle
# This is the pid for which we should generate the event. This is set when
# the runqueue forks off.
worker_pid = 0
worker_pipe = None
class Event: class Event:
"""Base class for events""" """Base class for events"""
type = "Event"
def __init__(self, d): def __init__(self):
self._data = d = worker_pid
def getData(self):
return self._data
def setData(self, data):
self._data = data
data = property(getData, setData, None, "data property")
NotHandled = 0 NotHandled = 0
Handled = 1 Handled = 1
@ -47,75 +44,83 @@ Registered = 10
AlreadyRegistered = 14 AlreadyRegistered = 14
# Internal # Internal
_handlers = [] _handlers = {}
_handlers_dict = {} _ui_handlers = {}
_ui_handler_seq = 0
def tmpHandler(event): def fire(event, d):
"""Default handler for code events"""
return NotHandled
def defaultTmpHandler():
tmp = "def tmpHandler(e):\n\t\"\"\"heh\"\"\"\n\treturn NotHandled"
comp = bb.utils.better_compile(tmp, "tmpHandler(e)", "bb.event.defaultTmpHandler")
return comp
def fire(event):
"""Fire off an Event""" """Fire off an Event"""
for h in _handlers:
if worker_pid != 0:
worker_fire(event, d)
for handler in _handlers:
h = _handlers[handler] = d
if type(h).__name__ == "code": if type(h).__name__ == "code":
exec(h) exec(h)
if tmpHandler(event) == Handled: tmpHandler(event)
return Handled
else: else:
if h(event) == Handled: h(event)
return Handled del
return NotHandled
errors = []
for h in _ui_handlers:
#print "Sending event %s" % event
# We use pickle here since it better handles object instances
# which xmlrpc's marshaller does not. Events *must* be serializable
# by pickle.
for h in errors:
del _ui_handlers[h]
def worker_fire(event, d):
data = "<event>" + pickle.dumps(event) + "</event>"
if os.write(worker_pipe, data) != len (data):
print "Error sending event to server (short write)"
def fire_from_worker(event, d):
if not event.startswith("<event>") or not event.endswith("</event>"):
print "Error, not an event"
event = pickle.loads(event[7:-8]), d)
def register(name, handler): def register(name, handler):
"""Register an Event handler""" """Register an Event handler"""
# already registered # already registered
if name in _handlers_dict: if name in _handlers:
return AlreadyRegistered return AlreadyRegistered
if handler is not None: if handler is not None:
# handle string containing python code # handle string containing python code
if type(handler).__name__ == "str": if type(handler).__name__ == "str":
_registerCode(handler) tmp = "def tmpHandler(e):\n%s" % handler
_handlers_dict[name] = 1
return Registered
def _registerCode(handlerStr):
"""Register a 'code' Event.
Deprecated interface; call register instead.
Expects to be passed python code as a string, which will
be passed in turn to compile() and then exec(). Note that
the code will be within a function, so should have had
appropriate tabbing put in place."""
tmp = "def tmpHandler(e):\n%s" % handlerStr
comp = bb.utils.better_compile(tmp, "tmpHandler(e)", "bb.event._registerCode") comp = bb.utils.better_compile(tmp, "tmpHandler(e)", "bb.event._registerCode")
# prevent duplicate registration _handlers[name] = comp
_handlers.append(comp) else:
_handlers[name] = handler
return Registered
def remove(name, handler): def remove(name, handler):
"""Remove an Event handler""" """Remove an Event handler"""
_handlers_dict.pop(name) def register_UIHhandler(handler):
if type(handler).__name__ == "str": bb.event._ui_handler_seq = bb.event._ui_handler_seq + 1
return _removeCode(handler) _ui_handlers[_ui_handler_seq] = handler
else: return _ui_handler_seq
def _removeCode(handlerStr): def unregister_UIHhandler(handlerNum):
"""Remove a 'code' Event handler if handlerNum in _ui_handlers:
Deprecated interface; call remove instead.""" del _ui_handlers[handlerNum]
tmp = "def tmpHandler(e):\n%s" % handlerStr return
comp = bb.utils.better_compile(tmp, "tmpHandler(e)", "bb.event._removeCode")
def getName(e): def getName(e):
"""Returns the name of a class or class instance""" """Returns the name of a class or class instance"""
@ -130,17 +135,17 @@ class ConfigParsed(Event):
class RecipeParsed(Event): class RecipeParsed(Event):
""" Recipe Parsing Complete """ """ Recipe Parsing Complete """
def __init__(self, fn, d): def __init__(self, fn):
self.fn = fn self.fn = fn
Event.__init__(self, d) Event.__init__(self)
class StampUpdate(Event): class StampUpdate(Event):
"""Trigger for any adjustment of the stamp files to happen""" """Trigger for any adjustment of the stamp files to happen"""
def __init__(self, targets, stampfns, d): def __init__(self, targets, stampfns):
self._targets = targets self._targets = targets
self._stampfns = stampfns self._stampfns = stampfns
Event.__init__(self, d) Event.__init__(self)
def getStampPrefix(self): def getStampPrefix(self):
return self._stampfns return self._stampfns
@ -151,29 +156,13 @@ class StampUpdate(Event):
stampPrefix = property(getStampPrefix) stampPrefix = property(getStampPrefix)
targets = property(getTargets) targets = property(getTargets)
class PkgBase(Event):
"""Base class for package events"""
def __init__(self, t, d):
self._pkg = t
Event.__init__(self, d)
def getPkg(self):
return self._pkg
def setPkg(self, pkg):
self._pkg = pkg
pkg = property(getPkg, setPkg, None, "pkg property")
class BuildBase(Event): class BuildBase(Event):
"""Base class for bbmake run events""" """Base class for bbmake run events"""
def __init__(self, n, p, c, failures = 0): def __init__(self, n, p, failures = 0):
self._name = n self._name = n
self._pkgs = p self._pkgs = p
Event.__init__(self, c) Event.__init__(self)
self._failures = failures self._failures = failures
def getPkgs(self): def getPkgs(self):
@ -205,32 +194,7 @@ class BuildBase(Event):
cfg = property(getCfg, setCfg, None, "cfg property") cfg = property(getCfg, setCfg, None, "cfg property")
class DepBase(PkgBase):
"""Base class for dependency events"""
def __init__(self, t, data, d):
self._dep = d
PkgBase.__init__(self, t, data)
def getDep(self):
return self._dep
def setDep(self, dep):
self._dep = dep
dep = property(getDep, setDep, None, "dep property")
class PkgStarted(PkgBase):
"""Package build started"""
class PkgFailed(PkgBase):
"""Package build failed"""
class PkgSucceeded(PkgBase):
"""Package build completed"""
class BuildStarted(BuildBase): class BuildStarted(BuildBase):
@ -241,18 +205,13 @@ class BuildCompleted(BuildBase):
"""bbmake build run completed""" """bbmake build run completed"""
class UnsatisfiedDep(DepBase):
"""Unsatisfied Dependency"""
class RecursiveDep(DepBase):
"""Recursive Dependency"""
class NoProvider(Event): class NoProvider(Event):
"""No Provider for an Event""" """No Provider for an Event"""
def __init__(self, item, data,runtime=False): def __init__(self, item, runtime=False):
Event.__init__(self, data) Event.__init__(self)
self._item = item self._item = item
self._runtime = runtime self._runtime = runtime
@ -265,8 +224,8 @@ class NoProvider(Event):
class MultipleProviders(Event): class MultipleProviders(Event):
"""Multiple Providers""" """Multiple Providers"""
def __init__(self, item, candidates, data, runtime = False): def __init__(self, item, candidates, runtime = False):
Event.__init__(self, data) Event.__init__(self)
self._item = item self._item = item
self._candidates = candidates self._candidates = candidates
self._is_runtime = runtime self._is_runtime = runtime
@ -288,3 +247,29 @@ class MultipleProviders(Event):
Get the possible Candidates for a PROVIDER. Get the possible Candidates for a PROVIDER.
""" """
return self._candidates return self._candidates
class ParseProgress(Event):
Parsing Progress Event
def __init__(self, cached, parsed, skipped, masked, virtuals, errors, total):
self.cached = cached
self.parsed = parsed
self.skipped = skipped
self.virtuals = virtuals
self.masked = masked
self.errors = errors
self.sofar = cached + parsed = total
class DepTreeGenerated(Event):
Event when a dependency tree has been generated
def __init__(self, depgraph):
self._depgraph = depgraph

View File

@ -99,6 +99,11 @@ def fetcher_init(d):
pd.delDomain("BB_URI_HEADREVS") pd.delDomain("BB_URI_HEADREVS")
else: else:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Invalid SRCREV cache policy of: %s" % srcrev_policy) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Invalid SRCREV cache policy of: %s" % srcrev_policy)
for m in methods:
if hasattr(m, "init"):
# Make sure our domains exist # Make sure our domains exist
pd.addDomain("BB_URI_HEADREVS") pd.addDomain("BB_URI_HEADREVS")
pd.addDomain("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT") pd.addDomain("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT")
@ -467,6 +472,23 @@ class Fetch(object):
srcrev_internal_helper = staticmethod(srcrev_internal_helper) srcrev_internal_helper = staticmethod(srcrev_internal_helper)
def localcount_internal_helper(ud, d):
a) a locked localcount if specified
b) None otherwise
localcount= None
if 'name' in ud.parm:
pn = data.getVar("PN", d, 1)
localcount = data.getVar("LOCALCOUNT_" + ud.parm['name'], d, 1)
if not localcount:
localcount = data.getVar("LOCALCOUNT", d, 1)
return localcount
localcount_internal_helper = staticmethod(localcount_internal_helper)
def try_mirror(d, tarfn): def try_mirror(d, tarfn):
""" """
Try to use a mirrored version of the sources. We do this Try to use a mirrored version of the sources. We do this
@ -555,12 +577,7 @@ class Fetch(object):
""" """
""" """
has_sortable_valid = hasattr(self, "_sortable_revision_valid") if hasattr(self, "_sortable_revision"):
has_sortable = hasattr(self, "_sortable_revision")
if has_sortable and not has_sortable_valid:
return self._sortable_revision(url, ud, d)
elif has_sortable and self._sortable_revision_valid(url, ud, d):
return self._sortable_revision(url, ud, d) return self._sortable_revision(url, ud, d)
pd = persist_data.PersistData(d) pd = persist_data.PersistData(d)
@ -568,13 +585,24 @@ class Fetch(object):
latest_rev = self._build_revision(url, ud, d) latest_rev = self._build_revision(url, ud, d)
last_rev = pd.getValue("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT", key + "_rev") last_rev = pd.getValue("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT", key + "_rev")
uselocalcount ="BB_LOCALCOUNT_OVERRIDE", d, True) or False
count = None
if uselocalcount:
count = Fetch.localcount_internal_helper(ud, d)
if count is None:
count = pd.getValue("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT", key + "_count") count = pd.getValue("BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT", key + "_count")
if last_rev == latest_rev: if last_rev == latest_rev:
return str(count + "+" + latest_rev) return str(count + "+" + latest_rev)
buildindex_provided = hasattr(self, "_sortable_buildindex")
if buildindex_provided:
count = self._sortable_buildindex(url, ud, d, latest_rev)
if count is None: if count is None:
count = "0" count = "0"
elif uselocalcount or buildindex_provided:
count = str(count)
else: else:
count = str(int(count) + 1) count = str(int(count) + 1)

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Cvs(Fetch):
""" """
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with cvs. Check to see if a given url can be fetched with cvs.
""" """
return ud.type in ['cvs', 'pserver'] return ud.type in ['cvs']
def localpath(self, url, ud, d): def localpath(self, url, ud, d):
if not "module" in ud.parm: if not "module" in ud.parm:

View File

@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ from bb.fetch import runfetchcmd
class Git(Fetch): class Git(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch a module or modules from git repositories""" """Class to fetch a module or modules from git repositories"""
def init(self, d):
# Only enable _sortable revision if the key is set
self._sortable_buildindex = self._sortable_buildindex_disabled
def supports(self, url, ud, d): def supports(self, url, ud, d):
""" """
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with git. Check to see if a given url can be fetched with git.
@ -58,10 +64,18 @@ class Git(Fetch):
if not ud.tag or ud.tag == "master": if not ud.tag or ud.tag == "master":
ud.tag = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d) ud.tag = self.latest_revision(url, ud, d)
subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "")
if subdir != "":
if subdir.endswith("/"):
subdir = subdir[:-1]
subdirpath = os.path.join(ud.path, subdir);
subdirpath = ud.path;
if 'fullclone' in ud.parm: if 'fullclone' in ud.parm:
ud.localfile = ud.mirrortarball ud.localfile = ud.mirrortarball
else: else:
ud.localfile = data.expand('git_%s%s_%s.tar.gz' % (, ud.path.replace('/', '.'), ud.tag), d) ud.localfile = data.expand('git_%s%s_%s.tar.gz' % (, subdirpath.replace('/', '.'), ud.tag), d)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile) return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
@ -111,10 +125,27 @@ class Git(Fetch):
if os.path.exists(codir): if os.path.exists(codir):
bb.utils.prunedir(codir) bb.utils.prunedir(codir)
subdir = ud.parm.get("subpath", "")
if subdir != "":
if subdir.endswith("/"):
subdirbase = os.path.basename(subdir[:-1])
subdirbase = os.path.basename(subdir)
subdirbase = ""
if subdir != "":
readpathspec = ":%s" % (subdir)
codir = os.path.join(codir, "git")
coprefix = os.path.join(codir, subdirbase, "")
readpathspec = ""
coprefix = os.path.join(codir, "git", "")
bb.mkdirhier(codir) bb.mkdirhier(codir)
os.chdir(ud.clonedir) os.chdir(ud.clonedir)
runfetchcmd("git read-tree %s" % (ud.tag), d) runfetchcmd("git read-tree %s%s" % (ud.tag, readpathspec), d)
runfetchcmd("git checkout-index -q -f --prefix=%s -a" % (os.path.join(codir, "git", "")), d) runfetchcmd("git checkout-index -q -f --prefix=%s -a" % (coprefix), d)
os.chdir(codir) os.chdir(codir)
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Creating tarball of git checkout") bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "Creating tarball of git checkout")
@ -154,42 +185,32 @@ class Git(Fetch):
def _build_revision(self, url, ud, d): def _build_revision(self, url, ud, d):
return ud.tag return ud.tag
def _sortable_revision_valid(self, url, ud, d): def _sortable_buildindex_disabled(self, url, ud, d, rev):
return"BB_GIT_CLONE_FOR_SRCREV", d, True) or False
def _sortable_revision(self, url, ud, d):
""" """
This is only called when _sortable_revision_valid called true Return a suitable buildindex for the revision specified. This is done by counting revisions
using "git rev-list" which may or may not work in different circumstances.
We will have to get the updated revision.
""" """
key = "GIT_CACHED_REVISION-%s-%s" % (gitsrcname, ud.tag)
if, d):
return, d)
# Runtime warning on wrongly configured sources
if ud.tag == "1":
bb.msg.error(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "SRCREV is '1'. This indicates a configuration error of %s" % url)
return "0+1"
cwd = os.getcwd() cwd = os.getcwd()
# Check if we have the rev already # Check if we have the rev already
if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir): if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir):
print "no repo" print "no repo"
self.go(None, ud, d) self.go(None, ud, d)
if not os.path.exists(ud.clonedir):
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "GIT repository for %s doesn't exist in %s, cannot get sortable buildnumber, using old value" % (url, ud.clonedir))
return None
os.chdir(ud.clonedir) os.chdir(ud.clonedir)
if not self._contains_ref(ud.tag, d): if not self._contains_ref(rev, d):
self.go(None, ud, d) self.go(None, ud, d)
output = runfetchcmd("git rev-list %s -- 2> /dev/null | wc -l" % ud.tag, d, quiet=True) output = runfetchcmd("git rev-list %s -- 2> /dev/null | wc -l" % rev, d, quiet=True)
os.chdir(cwd) os.chdir(cwd)
sortable_revision = "%s+%s" % (output.split()[0], ud.tag) buildindex = "%s" % output.split()[0], sortable_revision, d) bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Fetcher, "GIT repository for %s in %s is returning %s revisions in rev-list before %s" % (url, repodir, buildindex, rev))
return sortable_revision return buildindex

View File

@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ from bb.fetch import Fetch
class Local(Fetch): class Local(Fetch):
def supports(self, url, urldata, d): def supports(self, url, urldata, d):
""" """
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with cvs. Check to see if a given url represents a local fetch.
""" """
return urldata.type in ['file','patch'] return urldata.type in ['file']
def localpath(self, url, urldata, d): def localpath(self, url, urldata, d):
""" """

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Svk(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch a module or modules from svk repositories""" """Class to fetch a module or modules from svk repositories"""
def supports(self, url, ud, d): def supports(self, url, ud, d):
""" """
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with cvs. Check to see if a given url can be fetched with svk.
""" """
return ud.type in ['svk'] return ud.type in ['svk']

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Wget(Fetch):
"""Class to fetch urls via 'wget'""" """Class to fetch urls via 'wget'"""
def supports(self, url, ud, d): def supports(self, url, ud, d):
""" """
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with cvs. Check to see if a given url can be fetched with wget.
""" """
return ud.type in ['http','https','ftp'] return ud.type in ['http','https','ftp']

View File

@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ Message handling infrastructure for bitbake
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import sys, os, re, bb import sys, bb
from bb import utils, event from bb import event
debug_level = {} debug_level = {}
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ domain = bb.utils.Enum(
class MsgBase(bb.event.Event): class MsgBase(bb.event.Event):
"""Base class for messages""" """Base class for messages"""
def __init__(self, msg, d ): def __init__(self, msg):
self._message = msg self._message = msg
event.Event.__init__(self, d) event.Event.__init__(self)
class MsgDebug(MsgBase): class MsgDebug(MsgBase):
"""Debug Message""" """Debug Message"""
@ -97,33 +97,29 @@ def set_debug_domains(domains):
# #
def debug(level, domain, msg, fn = None): def debug(level, domain, msg, fn = None):, None))
if not domain: if not domain:
domain = 'default' domain = 'default'
if debug_level[domain] >= level: if debug_level[domain] >= level:
print 'DEBUG: ' + msg, None)
def note(level, domain, msg, fn = None): def note(level, domain, msg, fn = None):, None))
if not domain: if not domain:
domain = 'default' domain = 'default'
if level == 1 or verbose or debug_level[domain] >= 1: if level == 1 or verbose or debug_level[domain] >= 1:
print 'NOTE: ' + msg, None)
def warn(domain, msg, fn = None): def warn(domain, msg, fn = None):, None)), None)
print 'WARNING: ' + msg
def error(domain, msg, fn = None): def error(domain, msg, fn = None):, None)), None)
print 'ERROR: ' + msg print 'ERROR: ' + msg
def fatal(domain, msg, fn = None): def fatal(domain, msg, fn = None):, None)), None)
print 'ERROR: ' + msg print 'FATAL: ' + msg
sys.exit(1) sys.exit(1)
def plain(msg, fn = None): def plain(msg, fn = None):, None)), None)
print msg

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def finalise(fn, d):
for f in anonfuncs: for f in anonfuncs:
code = code + " %s(d)\n" % f code = code + " %s(d)\n" % f
data.setVar("__anonfunc", code, d) data.setVar("__anonfunc", code, d)
build.exec_func_python("__anonfunc", d) build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
data.delVar('T', d) data.delVar('T', d)
if t: if t:
data.setVar('T', t, d) data.setVar('T', t, d)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def finalise(fn, d):
tasklist = data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or [] tasklist = data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or [], d), d), d)), d)
def handle(fn, d, include = 0): def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
@ -185,18 +185,26 @@ def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
multi = data.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', d, 1) multi = data.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', d, 1)
if multi: if multi:
based = based =
based = d
finalise(fn, based) finalise(fn, based)
except bb.parse.SkipPackage:"__SKIPPED", True, based)
darray = {"": based} darray = {"": based}
for cls in multi.split():
for cls in (multi or "").split():
pn = data.getVar('PN', d, True) pn = data.getVar('PN', d, True)
based = based =
data.setVar('PN', pn + '-' + cls, based) data.setVar('PN', pn + '-' + cls, based)
inherit([cls], based) inherit([cls], based)
finalise(fn, based) finalise(fn, based)
except bb.parse.SkipPackage:"__SKIPPED", True, based)
darray[cls] = based darray[cls] = based
return darray return darray
finalise(fn, d)
bbpath.pop(0) bbpath.pop(0)
if oldfile: if oldfile:"FILE", oldfile, d)"FILE", oldfile, d)

View File

@ -34,10 +34,17 @@ __require_regexp__ = re.compile( r"require\s+(.+)" )
__export_regexp__ = re.compile( r"export\s+(.+)" ) __export_regexp__ = re.compile( r"export\s+(.+)" )
def init(data): def init(data):
if not'TOPDIR', data): topdir ='TOPDIR', data)'TOPDIR', os.getcwd(), data) if not topdir:
topdir = os.getcwd()'TOPDIR', topdir, data)
if not'BBPATH', data): if not'BBPATH', data):'BBPATH', os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', 'bitbake'), data) from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename
bitbake = Requirement.parse("bitbake")
datadir = resource_filename(bitbake, "../share/bitbake")
basedir = resource_filename(bitbake, "..")'BBPATH', '%s:%s:%s' % (topdir, datadir, basedir), data)
def supports(fn, d): def supports(fn, d):
return localpath(fn, d)[-5:] == ".conf" return localpath(fn, d)[-5:] == ".conf"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import os, re import re
from bb import data, utils from bb import data, utils
import bb import bb
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ def _filterProviders(providers, item, cfgData, dataCache):
eligible.append(preferred_versions[pn][1]) eligible.append(preferred_versions[pn][1])
# Now add latest verisons # Now add latest verisons
for pn in pkg_pn.keys(): for pn in sortpkg_pn.keys():
if pn in preferred_versions and preferred_versions[pn][1]: if pn in preferred_versions and preferred_versions[pn][1]:
continue continue
preferred_versions[pn] = findLatestProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, sortpkg_pn[pn][0]) preferred_versions[pn] = findLatestProvider(pn, cfgData, dataCache, sortpkg_pn[pn][0])

View File

@ -37,20 +37,38 @@ class RunQueueStats:
""" """
Holds statistics on the tasks handled by the associated runQueue Holds statistics on the tasks handled by the associated runQueue
""" """
def __init__(self): def __init__(self, total):
self.completed = 0 self.completed = 0
self.skipped = 0 self.skipped = 0
self.failed = 0 self.failed = 0 = 0 = total
def taskFailed(self): def taskFailed(self): = - 1
self.failed = self.failed + 1 self.failed = self.failed + 1
def taskCompleted(self, number = 1): def taskCompleted(self, number = 1): = - number
self.completed = self.completed + number self.completed = self.completed + number
def taskSkipped(self, number = 1): def taskSkipped(self, number = 1): = + number
self.skipped = self.skipped + number self.skipped = self.skipped + number
def taskActive(self): = + 1
# These values indicate the next step due to be run in the
# runQueue state machine
runQueuePrepare = 2
runQueueRunInit = 3
runQueueRunning = 4
runQueueFailed = 6
runQueueCleanUp = 7
runQueueComplete = 8
runQueueChildProcess = 9
class RunQueueScheduler: class RunQueueScheduler:
""" """
Control the order tasks are scheduled in. Control the order tasks are scheduled in.
@ -142,9 +160,9 @@ class RunQueue:
self.cooker = cooker self.cooker = cooker
self.dataCache = dataCache self.dataCache = dataCache
self.taskData = taskData self.taskData = taskData
self.cfgData = cfgData
self.targets = targets self.targets = targets
self.cfgdata = cfgData
self.number_tasks = int("BB_NUMBER_THREADS", cfgData, 1) or 1) self.number_tasks = int("BB_NUMBER_THREADS", cfgData, 1) or 1)
self.multi_provider_whitelist = ("MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST", cfgData, 1) or "").split() self.multi_provider_whitelist = ("MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST", cfgData, 1) or "").split()
self.scheduler ="BB_SCHEDULER", cfgData, 1) or "speed" self.scheduler ="BB_SCHEDULER", cfgData, 1) or "speed"
@ -152,12 +170,13 @@ class RunQueue:
self.stampwhitelist ="BB_STAMP_WHITELIST", cfgData, 1) or "" self.stampwhitelist ="BB_STAMP_WHITELIST", cfgData, 1) or ""
def reset_runqueue(self): def reset_runqueue(self):
self.runq_fnid = [] self.runq_fnid = []
self.runq_task = [] self.runq_task = []
self.runq_depends = [] self.runq_depends = []
self.runq_revdeps = [] self.runq_revdeps = []
self.state = runQueuePrepare
def get_user_idstring(self, task): def get_user_idstring(self, task):
fn = self.taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]] fn = self.taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]]
taskname = self.runq_task[task] taskname = self.runq_task[task]
@ -653,6 +672,8 @@ class RunQueue:
#self.dump_data(taskData) #self.dump_data(taskData)
self.state = runQueueRunInit
def check_stamps(self): def check_stamps(self):
unchecked = {} unchecked = {}
current = [] current = []
@ -796,39 +817,51 @@ class RunQueue:
(if the abort on failure configuration option isn't set) (if the abort on failure configuration option isn't set)
""" """
failures = 0 if self.state is runQueuePrepare:
while 1:
failed_fnids = []
if self.master_process:
failed_fnids = self.finish_runqueue()
if len(failed_fnids) == 0:
return failures
if not self.taskData.tryaltconfigs:
raise bb.runqueue.TaskFailure(failed_fnids)
for fnid in failed_fnids:
#print "Failure: %s %s %s" % (fnid, self.taskData.fn_index[fnid], self.runq_task[fnid])
failures = failures + 1
self.prepare_runqueue() self.prepare_runqueue()
if self.state is runQueueRunInit:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Executing runqueue")
if self.state is runQueueRunning:
if self.state is runQueueCleanUp:
if self.state is runQueueFailed:
if not self.taskData.tryaltconfigs:
raise bb.runqueue.TaskFailure(self.failed_fnids)
for fnid in self.failed_fnids:
if self.state is runQueueComplete:
# All done
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Tasks Summary: Attempted %d tasks of which %d didn't need to be rerun and %d failed." % (self.stats.completed, self.stats.skipped, self.stats.failed))
return False
if self.state is runQueueChildProcess:
print "Child process"
return False
# Loop
return True
def execute_runqueue_initVars(self): def execute_runqueue_initVars(self):
self.stats = RunQueueStats() self.stats = RunQueueStats(len(self.runq_fnid))
self.active_builds = 0
self.runq_buildable = [] self.runq_buildable = []
self.runq_running = [] self.runq_running = []
self.runq_complete = [] self.runq_complete = []
self.build_pids = {} self.build_pids = {}
self.build_pipes = {}
self.failed_fnids = [] self.failed_fnids = []
self.master_process = True
# Mark initial buildable tasks # Mark initial buildable tasks
for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): for task in range(
self.runq_running.append(0) self.runq_running.append(0)
self.runq_complete.append(0) self.runq_complete.append(0)
if len(self.runq_depends[task]) == 0: if len(self.runq_depends[task]) == 0:
@ -836,6 +869,10 @@ class RunQueue:
else: else:
self.runq_buildable.append(0) self.runq_buildable.append(0)
self.state = runQueueRunning, self.dataCache.stamp), self.cfgData)
def task_complete(self, task): def task_complete(self, task):
""" """
Mark a task as completed Mark a task as completed
@ -858,25 +895,31 @@ class RunQueue:
taskname = self.runq_task[revdep] taskname = self.runq_task[revdep]
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Marking task %s (%s, %s) as buildable" % (revdep, fn, taskname)) bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Marking task %s (%s, %s) as buildable" % (revdep, fn, taskname))
def task_fail(self, task, exitcode):
Called when a task has failed
Updates the state engine with the failure
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) failed with %s" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task), exitcode))
fnid = self.runq_fnid[task]
self.failed_fnids.append(fnid), self.stats, self), self.cfgData)
if self.taskData.abort:
self.state = runQueueCleanup
def execute_runqueue_internal(self): def execute_runqueue_internal(self):
""" """
Run the tasks in a queue prepared by prepare_runqueue Run the tasks in a queue prepared by prepare_runqueue
""" """
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Executing runqueue") if == 0:
if len(self.runq_fnid) == 0:
# nothing to do # nothing to do
return [] self.state = runQueueCleanup
def sigint_handler(signum, frame):
raise KeyboardInterrupt, self.dataCache.stamp, self.cfgdata))
while True: while True:
task = None
if < self.number_tasks:
task = task =
if task is not None: if task is not None:
fn = self.taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]] fn = self.taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]]
@ -885,107 +928,143 @@ class RunQueue:
if self.check_stamp_task(task): if self.check_stamp_task(task):
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Stamp current task %s (%s)" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task))) bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Stamp current task %s (%s)" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task)))
self.runq_running[task] = 1 self.runq_running[task] = 1
self.runq_buildable[task] = 1
self.task_complete(task) self.task_complete(task)
self.stats.taskCompleted() self.stats.taskCompleted()
self.stats.taskSkipped() self.stats.taskSkipped()
continue continue
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Running task %d of %d (ID: %s, %s)" % (self.stats.completed + self.active_builds + 1, len(self.runq_fnid), task, self.get_user_idstring(task)))
sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.flush()
sys.stderr.flush() sys.stderr.flush()
try: try:
pipein, pipeout = os.pipe()
pid = os.fork() pid = os.fork()
except OSError, e: except OSError, e:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "fork failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "fork failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
if pid == 0: if pid == 0:
# Bypass master process' handling os.close(pipein)
self.master_process = False # Save out the PID so that the event can include it the
# Stop Ctrl+C being sent to children # events
# signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) bb.event.worker_pid = os.getpid()
bb.event.worker_pipe = pipeout
self.state = runQueueChildProcess
# Make the child the process group leader # Make the child the process group leader
os.setpgid(0, 0) os.setpgid(0, 0)
# No stdin
newsi ='/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) newsi ='/dev/null', os.O_RDWR)
os.dup2(newsi, sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(newsi, sys.stdin.fileno())
self.cooker.configuration.cmd = taskname[3:], self.stats, self), self.cfgData)
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue,
"Running task %d of %d (ID: %s, %s)" % (self.stats.completed + + 1,,
self.get_user_idstring(task)))"__RUNQUEUE_DO_NOT_USE_EXTERNALLY", self,"__RUNQUEUE_DO_NOT_USE_EXTERNALLY", self,
try: try:
self.cooker.tryBuild(fn) self.cooker.tryBuild(fn, taskname[3:])
except except
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Build of " + fn + " " + taskname + " failed") bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Build of " + fn + " " + taskname + " failed")
sys.exit(1) os._exit(1)
except: except:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Build of " + fn + " " + taskname + " failed") bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "Build of " + fn + " " + taskname + " failed")
raise os._exit(1)
sys.exit(0) os._exit(0)
self.build_pids[pid] = task self.build_pids[pid] = task
self.build_pipes[pid] = runQueuePipe(pipein, pipeout, self.cfgData)
self.runq_running[task] = 1 self.runq_running[task] = 1
self.active_builds = self.active_builds + 1 self.stats.taskActive()
if self.active_builds < self.number_tasks: if < self.number_tasks:
continue continue
if self.active_builds > 0:
result = os.waitpid(-1, 0) for pipe in self.build_pipes:
self.active_builds = self.active_builds - 1 self.build_pipes[pipe].read()
if > 0:
result = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
if result[0] is 0 and result[1] is 0:
task = self.build_pids[result[0]] task = self.build_pids[result[0]]
if result[1] != 0:
del self.build_pids[result[0]] del self.build_pids[result[0]]
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) failed" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task))) self.build_pipes[result[0]].close()
self.failed_fnids.append(self.runq_fnid[task]) del self.build_pipes[result[0]]
self.stats.taskFailed() if result[1] != 0:
if not self.taskData.abort: self.task_fail(task, result[1])
continue return
self.task_complete(task) self.task_complete(task)
self.stats.taskCompleted() self.stats.taskCompleted()
del self.build_pids[result[0]], self.stats, self), self.cfgData)
continue continue
if len(self.failed_fnids) != 0:
self.state = runQueueFailed
return return
def finish_runqueue(self):
while self.active_builds > 0:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Waiting for %s active tasks to finish" % self.active_builds)
tasknum = 1
for k, v in self.build_pids.iteritems():
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "%s: %s (%s)" % (tasknum, self.get_user_idstring(v), k))
tasknum = tasknum + 1
result = os.waitpid(-1, 0)
task = self.build_pids[result[0]]
if result[1] != 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) failed" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task)))
del self.build_pids[result[0]]
self.active_builds = self.active_builds - 1
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Tasks Summary: Attempted %d tasks of which %d didn't need to be rerun and %d failed." % (self.stats.completed, self.stats.skipped, self.stats.failed))
return self.failed_fnids
except KeyboardInterrupt:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Sending SIGINT to remaining %s tasks" % self.active_builds)
for k, v in self.build_pids.iteritems():
os.kill(-k, signal.SIGINT)
# Sanity Checks # Sanity Checks
for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): for task in range(
if self.runq_buildable[task] == 0: if self.runq_buildable[task] == 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never buildable!" % task) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never buildable!" % task)
if self.runq_running[task] == 0: if self.runq_running[task] == 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never ran!" % task) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never ran!" % task)
if self.runq_complete[task] == 0: if self.runq_complete[task] == 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never completed!" % task) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never completed!" % task)
self.state = runQueueComplete
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Tasks Summary: Attempted %d tasks of which %d didn't need to be rerun and %d failed." % (self.stats.completed, self.stats.skipped, self.stats.failed)) def finish_runqueue_now(self):
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Sending SIGINT to remaining %s tasks" %
for k, v in self.build_pids.iteritems():
os.kill(-k, signal.SIGINT)
for pipe in self.build_pipes:
return self.failed_fnids def finish_runqueue(self, now = False):
self.state = runQueueCleanUp
if now:
while > 0:, self.cfgData)
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Waiting for %s active tasks to finish" %
tasknum = 1
for k, v in self.build_pids.iteritems():
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "%s: %s (%s)" % (tasknum, self.get_user_idstring(v), k))
tasknum = tasknum + 1
result = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
if result[0] is 0 and result[1] is 0:
task = self.build_pids[result[0]]
del self.build_pids[result[0]]
del self.build_pipes[result[0]]
if result[1] != 0:
self.task_fail(task, result[1])
self.stats.taskCompleted(), self.stats, self), self.cfgData)
if len(self.failed_fnids) != 0:
self.state = runQueueFailed
self.state = runQueueComplete
def dump_data(self, taskQueue): def dump_data(self, taskQueue):
""" """
Dump some debug information on the internal data structures Dump some debug information on the internal data structures
""" """
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "run_tasks:") bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "run_tasks:")
for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): for task in range(len(self.runq_task)):
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, " (%s)%s - %s: %s Deps %s RevDeps %s" % (task, bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, " (%s)%s - %s: %s Deps %s RevDeps %s" % (task,
taskQueue.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]], taskQueue.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]],
self.runq_task[task], self.runq_task[task],
@ -994,7 +1073,7 @@ class RunQueue:
self.runq_revdeps[task])) self.runq_revdeps[task]))
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "sorted_tasks:") bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "sorted_tasks:")
for task1 in range(len(self.runq_fnid)): for task1 in range(len(self.runq_task)):
if task1 in self.prio_map: if task1 in self.prio_map:
task = self.prio_map[task1] task = self.prio_map[task1]
bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, " (%s)%s - %s: %s Deps %s RevDeps %s" % (task, bb.msg.debug(3, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, " (%s)%s - %s: %s Deps %s RevDeps %s" % (task,
@ -1005,6 +1084,58 @@ class RunQueue:
self.runq_revdeps[task])) self.runq_revdeps[task]))
class TaskFailure(Exception):
Exception raised when a task in a runqueue fails
def __init__(self, x):
self.args = x
class runQueueExitWait(bb.event.Event):
Event when waiting for task processes to exit
def __init__(self, remain):
self.remain = remain
self.message = "Waiting for %s active tasks to finish" % remain
class runQueueEvent(bb.event.Event):
Base runQueue event class
def __init__(self, task, stats, rq):
self.taskid = task
self.taskstring = rq.get_user_idstring(task)
self.stats = stats
class runQueueTaskStarted(runQueueEvent):
Event notifing a task was started
def __init__(self, task, stats, rq):
runQueueEvent.__init__(self, task, stats, rq)
self.message = "Running task %s (%d of %d) (%s)" % (task, stats.completed + + 1,, self.taskstring)
class runQueueTaskFailed(runQueueEvent):
Event notifing a task failed
def __init__(self, task, stats, rq):
runQueueEvent.__init__(self, task, stats, rq)
self.message = "Task %s failed (%s)" % (task, self.taskstring)
class runQueueTaskCompleted(runQueueEvent):
Event notifing a task completed
def __init__(self, task, stats, rq):
runQueueEvent.__init__(self, task, stats, rq)
self.message = "Task %s completed (%s)" % (task, self.taskstring)
def check_stamp_fn(fn, taskname, d): def check_stamp_fn(fn, taskname, d):
fnid = rq.taskData.getfn_id(fn) fnid = rq.taskData.getfn_id(fn)
@ -1013,3 +1144,31 @@ def check_stamp_fn(fn, taskname, d):
return rq.check_stamp_task(taskid) return rq.check_stamp_task(taskid)
return None return None
class runQueuePipe():
Abstraction for a pipe between a worker thread and the server
def __init__(self, pipein, pipeout, d):
self.fd = pipein
self.queue = ""
self.d = d
def read(self):
start = len(self.queue)
self.queue = self.queue +, 1024)
end = len(self.queue)
index = self.queue.find("</event>")
while index != -1:
bb.event.fire_from_worker(self.queue[:index+8], self.d)
self.queue = self.queue[index+8:]
index = self.queue.find("</event>")
return (end > start)
def close(self):
if len(self.queue) > 0:
print "Warning, worker left partial message"

View File

@ -151,9 +151,6 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
if len( names ) == 0: names = [ globexpr ] if len( names ) == 0: names = [ globexpr ]
print "SHELL: Building %s" % ' '.join( names ) print "SHELL: Building %s" % ' '.join( names )
oldcmd = cooker.configuration.cmd
cooker.configuration.cmd = cmd
td = taskdata.TaskData(cooker.configuration.abort) td = taskdata.TaskData(cooker.configuration.abort)
localdata = data.createCopy( localdata = data.createCopy(
data.update_data(localdata) data.update_data(localdata)
@ -168,7 +165,7 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
if len(providers) == 0: if len(providers) == 0:
raise Providers.NoProvider raise Providers.NoProvider
tasks.append([name, "do_%s" % cooker.configuration.cmd]) tasks.append([name, "do_%s" % cmd])
td.add_unresolved(localdata, cooker.status) td.add_unresolved(localdata, cooker.status)
@ -189,7 +186,6 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
print "ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % names print "ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % names
last_exception = e last_exception = e
cooker.configuration.cmd = oldcmd
build.usage = "<providee>" build.usage = "<providee>"
@ -208,6 +204,11 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands: params, "configure" ) params, "configure" )
configure.usage = "<providee>" configure.usage = "<providee>"
def install( self, params ):
"""Execute 'install' on a providee""" params, "install" )
install.usage = "<providee>"
def edit( self, params ): def edit( self, params ):
"""Call $EDITOR on a providee""" """Call $EDITOR on a providee"""
name = params[0] name = params[0]
@ -240,18 +241,14 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
bf = completeFilePath( name ) bf = completeFilePath( name )
print "SHELL: Calling '%s' on '%s'" % ( cmd, bf ) print "SHELL: Calling '%s' on '%s'" % ( cmd, bf )
oldcmd = cooker.configuration.cmd
cooker.configuration.cmd = cmd
try: try:
cooker.buildFile(bf) cooker.buildFile(bf, cmd)
except parse.ParseError: except parse.ParseError:
print "ERROR: Unable to open or parse '%s'" % bf print "ERROR: Unable to open or parse '%s'" % bf
except build.EventException, e: except build.EventException, e:
print "ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % name print "ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % name
last_exception = e last_exception = e
cooker.configuration.cmd = oldcmd
fileBuild.usage = "<bbfile>" fileBuild.usage = "<bbfile>"
def fileClean( self, params ): def fileClean( self, params ):
@ -493,7 +490,7 @@ SRC_URI = ""
interpreter.interact( "SHELL: Expert Mode - BitBake Python %s\nType 'help' for more information, press CTRL-D to switch back to BBSHELL." % sys.version ) interpreter.interact( "SHELL: Expert Mode - BitBake Python %s\nType 'help' for more information, press CTRL-D to switch back to BBSHELL." % sys.version )
def showdata( self, params ): def showdata( self, params ):
"""Show the parsed metadata for a given providee""" """Execute 'showdata' on a providee"""
cooker.showEnvironment(None, params) cooker.showEnvironment(None, params)
showdata.usage = "<providee>" showdata.usage = "<providee>"

View File

@ -23,8 +23,20 @@ Task data collection and handling
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from bb import data, event, mkdirhier, utils import bb
import bb, os
def re_match_strings(target, strings):
Whether or not the string 'target' matches
any one string of the strings which can be regular expression string
import re
for name in strings:
if (name==target or,target)!=None):
return True
return False
class TaskData: class TaskData:
""" """
@ -264,7 +276,7 @@ class TaskData:
""" """
unresolved = [] unresolved = []
for target in self.build_names_index: for target in self.build_names_index:
if target in dataCache.ignored_dependencies: if re_match_strings(target, dataCache.ignored_dependencies):
continue continue
if self.build_names_index.index(target) in self.failed_deps: if self.build_names_index.index(target) in self.failed_deps:
continue continue
@ -279,7 +291,7 @@ class TaskData:
""" """
unresolved = [] unresolved = []
for target in self.run_names_index: for target in self.run_names_index:
if target in dataCache.ignored_dependencies: if re_match_strings(target, dataCache.ignored_dependencies):
continue continue
if self.run_names_index.index(target) in self.failed_rdeps: if self.run_names_index.index(target) in self.failed_rdeps:
continue continue
@ -359,7 +371,7 @@ class TaskData:
added internally during dependency resolution added internally during dependency resolution
""" """
if item in dataCache.ignored_dependencies: if re_match_strings(item, dataCache.ignored_dependencies):
return return
if not item in dataCache.providers: if not item in dataCache.providers:
@ -367,7 +379,7 @@ class TaskData:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s' (but '%s' DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)" % (item, self.get_dependees_str(item))) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s' (but '%s' DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)" % (item, self.get_dependees_str(item)))
else: else:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s'" % (item)) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Nothing PROVIDES '%s'" % (item)), cfgData)), cfgData)
raise bb.providers.NoProvider(item) raise bb.providers.NoProvider(item)
if self.have_build_target(item): if self.have_build_target(item):
@ -380,7 +392,7 @@ class TaskData:
if not eligible: if not eligible:
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "No buildable provider PROVIDES '%s' but '%s' DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it. Enable debugging and see earlier logs to find unbuildable providers." % (item, self.get_dependees_str(item))) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "No buildable provider PROVIDES '%s' but '%s' DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it. Enable debugging and see earlier logs to find unbuildable providers." % (item, self.get_dependees_str(item))), cfgData)), cfgData)
raise bb.providers.NoProvider(item) raise bb.providers.NoProvider(item)
if len(eligible) > 1 and foundUnique == False: if len(eligible) > 1 and foundUnique == False:
@ -390,7 +402,7 @@ class TaskData:
providers_list.append(dataCache.pkg_fn[fn]) providers_list.append(dataCache.pkg_fn[fn])
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for %s (%s);" % (item, ", ".join(providers_list))) bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for %s (%s);" % (item, ", ".join(providers_list)))
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s" % item) bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s" % item), providers_list, cfgData)), providers_list), cfgData)
self.consider_msgs_cache.append(item) self.consider_msgs_cache.append(item)
for fn in eligible: for fn in eligible:
@ -410,7 +422,7 @@ class TaskData:
(takes item names from RDEPENDS/PACKAGES namespace) (takes item names from RDEPENDS/PACKAGES namespace)
""" """
if item in dataCache.ignored_dependencies: if re_match_strings(item, dataCache.ignored_dependencies):
return return
if self.have_runtime_target(item): if self.have_runtime_target(item):
@ -420,7 +432,7 @@ class TaskData:
if not all_p: if not all_p:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "'%s' RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS or otherwise requires the runtime entity '%s' but it wasn't found in any PACKAGE or RPROVIDES variables" % (self.get_rdependees_str(item), item)) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "'%s' RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS or otherwise requires the runtime entity '%s' but it wasn't found in any PACKAGE or RPROVIDES variables" % (self.get_rdependees_str(item), item)), cfgData, runtime=True)), runtime=True), cfgData)
raise bb.providers.NoRProvider(item) raise bb.providers.NoRProvider(item)
eligible, numberPreferred = bb.providers.filterProvidersRunTime(all_p, item, cfgData, dataCache) eligible, numberPreferred = bb.providers.filterProvidersRunTime(all_p, item, cfgData, dataCache)
@ -428,7 +440,7 @@ class TaskData:
if not eligible: if not eligible:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "'%s' RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS or otherwise requires the runtime entity '%s' but it wasn't found in any PACKAGE or RPROVIDES variables of any buildable targets.\nEnable debugging and see earlier logs to find unbuildable targets." % (self.get_rdependees_str(item), item)) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "'%s' RDEPENDS/RRECOMMENDS or otherwise requires the runtime entity '%s' but it wasn't found in any PACKAGE or RPROVIDES variables of any buildable targets.\nEnable debugging and see earlier logs to find unbuildable targets." % (self.get_rdependees_str(item), item)), cfgData, runtime=True)), runtime=True), cfgData)
raise bb.providers.NoRProvider(item) raise bb.providers.NoRProvider(item)
if len(eligible) > 1 and numberPreferred == 0: if len(eligible) > 1 and numberPreferred == 0:
@ -438,7 +450,7 @@ class TaskData:
providers_list.append(dataCache.pkg_fn[fn]) providers_list.append(dataCache.pkg_fn[fn])
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for runtime %s (%s);" % (item, ", ".join(providers_list))) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for runtime %s (%s);" % (item, ", ".join(providers_list)))
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match runtime %s" % item) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match runtime %s" % item),providers_list, cfgData, runtime=True)),providers_list, runtime=True), cfgData)
self.consider_msgs_cache.append(item) self.consider_msgs_cache.append(item)
if numberPreferred > 1: if numberPreferred > 1:
@ -448,7 +460,7 @@ class TaskData:
providers_list.append(dataCache.pkg_fn[fn]) providers_list.append(dataCache.pkg_fn[fn])
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for runtime %s (top %s entries preferred) (%s);" % (item, numberPreferred, ", ".join(providers_list))) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "multiple providers are available for runtime %s (top %s entries preferred) (%s);" % (item, numberPreferred, ", ".join(providers_list)))
bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining only one PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match runtime %s" % item) bb.msg.note(2, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "consider defining only one PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match runtime %s" % item),providers_list, cfgData, runtime=True)),providers_list, runtime=True), cfgData)
self.consider_msgs_cache.append(item) self.consider_msgs_cache.append(item)
# run through the list until we find one that we can build # run through the list until we find one that we can build

View File

@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ BitBake Utility Functions
digits = "0123456789" digits = "0123456789"
ascii_letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ascii_letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
separators = ".-"
import re, fcntl, os import re, fcntl, os, types
def explode_version(s): def explode_version(s):
r = [] r = []
@ -39,12 +40,15 @@ def explode_version(s):
r.append( r.append(
s = s =
continue continue
s = s[1:] s = s[1:]
return r return r
def vercmp_part(a, b): def vercmp_part(a, b):
va = explode_version(a) va = explode_version(a)
vb = explode_version(b) vb = explode_version(b)
sa = False
sb = False
while True: while True:
if va == []: if va == []:
ca = None ca = None
@ -56,6 +60,16 @@ def vercmp_part(a, b):
cb = vb.pop(0) cb = vb.pop(0)
if ca == None and cb == None: if ca == None and cb == None:
return 0 return 0
if type(ca) is types.StringType:
sa = ca in separators
if type(cb) is types.StringType:
sb = cb in separators
if sa and not sb:
return -1
if not sa and sb:
return 1
if ca > cb: if ca > cb:
return 1 return 1
if ca < cb: if ca < cb:
@ -151,7 +165,7 @@ def better_compile(text, file, realfile):
# split the text into lines again # split the text into lines again
body = text.split('\n') body = text.split('\n')
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Error in compiling: ", realfile) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Error in compiling python function in: ", realfile)
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "The lines resulting into this error were:") bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "The lines resulting into this error were:")
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "\t%d:%s:'%s'" % (e.lineno, e.__class__.__name__, body[e.lineno-1])) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "\t%d:%s:'%s'" % (e.lineno, e.__class__.__name__, body[e.lineno-1]))
@ -176,7 +190,7 @@ def better_exec(code, context, text, realfile):
raise raise
# print the Header of the Error Message # print the Header of the Error Message
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Error in executing: %s" % realfile) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Error in executing python function in: %s" % realfile)
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Exception:%s Message:%s" % (t,value) ) bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Util, "Exception:%s Message:%s" % (t,value) )
# let us find the line number now # let us find the line number now