Re #1050: fixed failure in configure script if iPhone binutils/compiler are not in the PATH. They are called with their full paths now.

git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
This commit is contained in:
Benny Prijono 2010-05-13 00:04:51 +00:00
parent 8ec5eae272
commit fd71d3a349
1 changed files with 39 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
if test "$*" = "--help" -o "$*" = "-h"; then
echo "configure-iphone [SDK=name_path] [OPTIONS]"
echo "configure-iphone [IPHONESDK=name_path] [OPTIONS]"
echo ""
echo "SDK=name_path Choose which SDK to use. Value can be SDK name (e.g."
echo " iPhoneOS2.2.1.sdk) or the full path of the SDK"
echo "OPTIONS Other options that will be passed directly to "
echo " ./aconfigure script. Run ./aconfigure --help for"
echo " more info."
echo "IPHONESDK=name_path Choose which SDK to use. Value can be SDK name"
echo " (e.g. iPhoneOS2.2.1.sdk) or the full path of"
echo " the SDK"
echo "OPTIONS Other options that will be passed directly to"
echo " ./aconfigure script. Run ./aconfigure --help"
echo " for more info."
echo ""
exit 0
@ -26,19 +27,18 @@ if test ! -d $DEVPATH; then
# Choose SDK version to use
if test "x$SDK" = "x"; then
# If SDK is not set, use the latest one
if test "$IPHONESDK" = ""; then
# If IPHONESDK is not set, use the latest one
for f in `ls $DEVPATH/SDKs/`; do echo $f | sed 's/\(.sdk\)//'; done | sort | tail -1 > tmpsdkname
SDK=`cat tmpsdkname`.sdk
IPHONESDK=`cat tmpsdkname`.sdk
rm -f tmpsdkname
echo "$F info: using ${SDK}"
elif test -d ${SDK}; then
# .. else if SDK is set and it points to a valid path, just use it
elif test -d ${IPHONESDK}; then
# .. else if IPHONESDK is set and it points to a valid path, just use it
# .. else assume the SDK name is used.
# Test the SDK directory
@ -47,15 +47,33 @@ if test ! -d ${SDKPATH}/usr/include; then
exit 1
# Settings to feed to configure script
export CFLAGS="-O2 -arch armv6 -isysroot ${SDKPATH}"
export LDFLAGS="-O2 -arch armv6 -isysroot ${SDKPATH} -framework AudioToolbox -framework Foundation"
# Default CFLAGS if it's not specified
if test "$CFLAGS" = ""; then
CFLAGS="-O2 -Wno-unused-label"
# Default LDFLAGS if it's not specified
if test "$LDFLAGS" = ""; then
# Settings to feed to configure script. Binaries should have the
# full path as it's not normally in user's PATH
export CC="${DEVPATH}/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-gcc"
export CXX="${DEVPATH}/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-g++"
export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -arch armv6 -isysroot ${SDKPATH}"
export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -arch armv6 -isysroot ${SDKPATH} -framework AudioToolbox -framework Foundation"
export AR="${DEVPATH}/usr/bin/libtool -static -o"
export RANLIB="echo ranlib"
# Use gcc -E as preprocessor instead of cpp, since cpp will find the
# header files in standard /usr/include
export CPP="${DEVPATH}/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-gcc -E -isysroot ${SDKPATH}"
# header files in standard /usr/include instead of in isysroot
export CPP="${CC} -E -isysroot ${SDKPATH}"
# And finally invoke configure script itself
# And finally invoke the configure script itself
./aconfigure --host=arm-apple-darwin9 --disable-floating-point $*
if test "$?" = "0"; then
echo "Done configuring for `basename $SDKPATH`"
echo ""