#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common START=19 USE_PROCD=1 QUIET="" validate_firewall_redirect() { uci_validate_section firewall redirect "${1}" \ 'proto:or(uinteger, string)' \ 'src:string' \ 'src_ip:cidr' \ 'src_dport:or(port, portrange)' \ 'dest:string' \ 'dest_ip:cidr' \ 'dest_port:or(port, portrange)' \ 'target:or("SNAT", "DNAT")' } validate_firewall_rule() { uci_validate_section firewall rule "${1}" \ 'proto:or(uinteger, string)' \ 'src:string' \ 'dest:string' \ 'src_port:or(port, portrange)' \ 'dest_port:or(port, portrange)' \ 'target:string' } service_triggers() { procd_add_reload_trigger firewall procd_open_validate validate_firewall_redirect validate_firewall_rule procd_close_validate } restart() { fw3 restart } start_service() { fw3 ${QUIET} start } stop_service() { fw3 flush } reload_service() { fw3 reload } boot() { # Be silent on boot, firewall might be started by hotplug already, # so don't complain in syslog. QUIET=-q start }