unit MainUnit; //*************************************************************************************** // Project Name: MicroBoot for Borland Delphi // Description: Contains the GUI for MicroBoot // File Name: MainUnit.pas // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C O P Y R I G H T //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2011 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved // // This software has been carefully tested, but is not guaranteed for any particular // purpose. The author does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy, // adequacy, or completeness of the software and is not responsible for any errors or // omissions or the results obtained from use of the software. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // L I C E N S E //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later // version. // // OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It // should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy. // //*************************************************************************************** interface //*************************************************************************************** // Includes //*************************************************************************************** uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Menus, ComCtrls, uBootInterface, Registry, SettingsUnit, StopWatch; //*************************************************************************************** // Type Definitions //*************************************************************************************** type TmainForm = class(TForm) pnlHeader: TPanel; imgHeader: TImage; lblAppName: TLabel; lblInterfaceName: TLabel; bvlFooter: TBevel; btnCancel: TButton; btnSettings: TButton; ntbPages: TNotebook; edtDownloadFile: TEdit; btnBrowse: TButton; lblDownloadFile: TLabel; prgDownload: TProgressBar; lblDownloadProgress: TLabel; OpenDialog: TOpenDialog; Timer: TTimer; lblElapsedTime: TLabel; procedure btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure btnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnSettingsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure TimerTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure edtDownloadFileKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private { Private declarations } MbiLogging : Boolean; MbiLibFile : ShortString; MbiInterfaced : Boolean; MbiInterface : TMicroBootInterface; LogLines : TStrings; ExePath : string; StopWatch : TStopWatch; StayOpen : Boolean; FormCaption : string; DownloadInProgress: Boolean; procedure OnMbiStarted(length: Longword); procedure OnMbiProgress(progress: Longword); procedure OnMbiDone; procedure OnMbiError(error: ShortString); procedure OnMbiLog(info: ShortString); procedure OnMbiInfo(info: ShortString); procedure StartFileDownload(fileName : ShortString); procedure UpdateInterfaceLabel; procedure ResetUserInterface; public { Public declarations } function IsMbiInterface(libFile : string) : Boolean; function GetMbiInfoString(libFile : string) : string; function GetActiveMbi : string; procedure SetActiveMbi(libFile : string); procedure ConfigureMbi; procedure GetInterfaceFileList(fileList : TStrings); end; //*************************************************************************************** // Global Variables //*************************************************************************************** var mainForm: TmainForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: OnMbiStarted // PARAMETER: length of the download in bytes. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the Mbi interface DLL after successfully starting a down- // load. The value of the length parameter can be used to set the max // value of the progress bar. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.OnMbiStarted(length: Longword); begin prgDownload.Max := length; // set max length for progress bar lblElapsedTime.Caption := 'Elapsed time: ' + StopWatch.Interval; StopWatch.Start; // start the stopwatch Timer.Enabled := true; // start the timer to update the stopwatch interval display end; //*** end of OnMbiStarted *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: OnMbiProgress // PARAMETER: number of already downloaded bytes. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the Mbi interface DLL to provide us with an update on the // download progress. The progress parameter can be used to update the // position of the progress bar. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.OnMbiProgress(progress: Longword); begin prgDownload.Position := progress; // update the progress bar prgDownload.Position := progress-1; // fix for progress bar not going to 100% prgDownload.Position := progress; // update the progress bar end; //*** end of OnMbiProgress *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: OnMbiDone // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the Mbi interface DLL when a download was successfully // completed. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.OnMbiDone; begin DownloadInProgress := False; // reset flag Timer.Enabled := false; // stop the timer StopWatch.Stop; // stop the stopwatch mainForm.Caption := FormCaption; // restore caption if StayOpen then ResetUserInterface // reset the user interface to allow a new download to be started else Close; // done so close the application end; //*** end of OnMbiDone *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: OnMbiError // PARAMETER: additional info on the error that occurred in string format. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the Mbi interface DLL in case an error occurred. The para- // meter contains more information on the error. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.OnMbiError(error: ShortString); begin DownloadInProgress := False; // reset flag ShowMessage(String(error)); // display error Timer.Enabled := false; // stop the timer StopWatch.Stop; // stop the stopwatch mainForm.Caption := FormCaption; // restore caption ResetUserInterface; // download failed so reset user interface for retry end; //*** end of OnMbiError *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: OnMbiLog // PARAMETER: info on the log event in string format. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the Mbi interface DLL in case info for logging purpose // was made available by the DLL. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.OnMbiLog(info: ShortString); begin if MbiLogging = True then begin LogLines.Add(String(info)); // add to log end; end; //*** end of OnMbiLog *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: OnMbiInfo // PARAMETER: details on the info event in string format. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the Mbi interface DLL in case details for info purposes // were made available by the DLL. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.OnMbiInfo(info: ShortString); begin if NtbPages.PageIndex = 1 then lblDownloadProgress.Caption := String(info); end; //*** end of OnMbiLog *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: GetActiveMbi // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: filename with full path // DESCRIPTION: Returns the file name with full path of the active Mbi interface // library // //*************************************************************************************** function TmainForm.GetActiveMbi : string; begin if IsMbiInterface(String(MbiLibFile)) then Result := String(MbiLibFile) else Result := ''; end; //*** end of GetActiveMbi *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: SetActiveMbi // PARAMETER: filename with full path // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Enables the Mbi interface library that is specified as the parameter. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.SetActiveMbi(libFile : string); begin MbiInterfaced := false; // reset if IsMbiInterface(libFile) then begin MbiLibFile := ShortString(libFile); MbiInterfaced := MbiInterface.Enable(libFile, OnMbiStarted, OnMbiProgress, OnMbiDone, OnMbiError, OnMbiLog, OnMbiInfo); end; UpdateInterfaceLabel; end; //*** end of SetActiveMbi *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: ConfigureMbi // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Submits request to the Mbi interface library for the user to configure // the interface. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.ConfigureMbi; begin if MbiInterfaced = True then begin MbiInterface.Configure; end; end; //*** end of ConfigureMbi *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: IsMbiInterface // PARAMETER: filename with full path of the Mbi interface DLL // RETURN VALUE: true if it is a valid Mbi interface DLL, otherwise false // DESCRIPTION: Called to check whether a specified interface DLL is truly an Mbi // interface DLL. // //*************************************************************************************** function TmainForm.IsMbiInterface(libFile : string) : Boolean; var LibHandle : THandle; LibValid : Boolean; begin LibValid := False; // make sure the file exists if FileExists(libFile) then begin // make sure it is a DLL file if LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(libFile)) = '.dll' then begin // make sure the DLL file is a microBoot interface library LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(ExtractShortPathName(libFile))); // get handle if LibHandle <> 0 then begin if GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'MbiInit') <> nil then begin LibValid := True; FreeLibrary(LibHandle); end; end; end; end; Result := LibValid; end; //*** end of IsMbiInterface *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: GetMbiInfoString // PARAMETER: filename with full path of the Mbi interface DLL // RETURN VALUE: string that described the name and version of the Mbi interface DLL // DESCRIPTION: Used to obtain a string that describes the Mbi interface DLL. // //*************************************************************************************** function TmainForm.GetMbiInfoString(libFile : string) : string; var LibHandle : THandle; DescriptionFnc : TDllMbiDescription; VersionFnc : TDllMbiVersion; Major : integer; Minor : integer; Bugfix : integer; begin Result := ''; // make sure the file is a valid Mbi interface library if IsMbiInterface(libFile) then begin LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(ExtractShortPathName(libFile))); // get handle if LibHandle <> 0 then begin // obtain DLL function pointers @DescriptionFnc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'MbiDescription'); @VersionFnc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'MbiVersion'); if Assigned(DescriptionFnc) then begin Result := Result + String(DescriptionFnc); end; if Assigned(VersionFnc) then begin // split up version numbers Major := VersionFnc div 10000; Minor := (versionFnc mod 10000) div 100; Bugfix := (versionFnc mod 100); Result := Result + ' (' + Format('v%d.%2.2d.%2.2d', [Major, Minor, Bugfix]) + ')'; end; FreeLibrary(LibHandle); end; end; end; //*** end of GetMbiInfoString *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: GetInterfaceFileList // PARAMETER: string list where filelist will be stored // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Searches all the DLL files in the directory where the program's EXE // runs from. If the found DLL file is a valib Mbi interface library, // then it is added to the list. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.GetInterfaceFileList(fileList : TStrings); var SR : TSearchRec; begin // search all dll's in the applicatioin's directory fileList.BeginUpdate; if FindFirst(ExePath + '*.dll', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then begin repeat if (SR.Attr <> faDirectory) then begin if IsMbiInterface(ExePath + SR.Name) = True then fileList.Add(SR.Name); end; until FindNext(SR) <> 0; FindClose(SR); end; fileList.EndUpdate; end; //*** end of GetInterfaceFileList *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: StartFileDownload // PARAMETER: file that is to be downloaded // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Initiates the file download. The file is verified for existence and if // all is okay, the next page is shown and the download is started. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.StartFileDownload(fileName : ShortString); begin if FileExists(String(fileName)) and (MbiInterfaced = True) then begin mainForm.Caption := FormCaption + ' - Downloading ' + ExtractFileName(String(fileName)) + '...'; prgDownload.Position := 0; // reset the progress bar NtbPages.PageIndex := 1; // go to the next page btnSettings.Enabled := false; // settings can't be changed anymore btnCancel.Caption := 'Cancel'; // change caption to cancel download DownloadInProgress := True; // set flag MbiInterface.Download(fileName); end; end; //*** end of StartFileDownload *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: UpdateInterfaceLabel // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Updates the interface label caption based on the active Mbi interface // library // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.UpdateInterfaceLabel; begin // display interface library description if MbiInterfaced = True then begin lblInterfaceName.Caption := 'for ' + String(MbiInterface.Description); end else begin lblInterfaceName.Caption := 'Error - No Interface Library Loaded'; end; end; //*** end of UpdateInterfaceLabel *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Resets the user interface to the default state, which is the state // when the program is started for the first time. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.ResetUserInterface; begin // stop the timer Timer.Enabled := False; // stop the stopwatch StopWatch.Stop; // restore form caption mainForm.Caption := FormCaption; // clear download file edtDownloadFile.Text := ''; // go to the default page NtbPages.PageIndex := 0; // enable settings button btnSettings.Enabled := True; // change caption to exit program btnCancel.Caption := 'Exit'; // empty elapsted time label lblElapsedTime.Caption := ''; end; //*** end of ResetUserInterface *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: btnCancelClick // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Exits the application // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin // pass on cancel request to the library if MbiInterfaced = True then begin MbiInterface.Cancel; end; // no download in progress so just close the program if not DownloadInProgress then begin Close; end end; //*** end of btnCancelClick *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FormCreate // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Initializes all the class properties and attempts to search and enable // the Mbi interface library. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var cnt : integer; foundInterface : boolean; foundLibrary : string; winRegistry : TRegistry; libFileList : TStrings; begin btnCancel.Caption := 'Exit'; // change caption to exit program DownloadInProgress := False; // init flag FormCaption := mainForm.Caption; // backup original caption LogLines := TStringList.Create; StayOpen := false; MbiLogging := false; MbiInterfaced := false; // Mbi interface not enabled at startup MbiLibFile := ''; // reset lib file MbiInterface := TMicroBootInterface.Create(Self); // create instance foundInterface := false; // init before searching ExePath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); // determine if logging should be enabled if (ParamCount > 0) then begin // no options will be in Param 0 for cnt := 1 to ParamCount do begin // look for -l option if System.Pos('-l', ParamStr(cnt)) > 0 then begin MbiLogging := True; end; end; end; // determine if tool should stay open after a download completion if (ParamCount > 0) then begin // no options will be in Param 0 for cnt := 1 to ParamCount do begin // look for -s option if System.Pos('-s', ParamStr(cnt)) > 0 then begin StayOpen := True; end; end; end; // determine what interface library to use on startup // 1) -------- From commandline parameter --------------- foundLibrary := ''; // parameters okay, now extract the command line options if any if (ParamCount > 0) then begin // no options will be in Param 0 for cnt := 1 to ParamCount do begin // look for -i option if System.Pos('-i', ParamStr(cnt)) > 0 then begin foundLibrary := ExePath + System.Copy(ParamStr(cnt), System.Pos('-i', ParamStr(cnt))+2, Length(ParamStr(cnt))); end; end; end; // interface library specified on the commandline? if foundLibrary <> '' then begin // is it a valid Mbi interface library? if IsMbiInterface(foundLibrary) = True then begin MbiLibFile := ShortString(foundLibrary); foundInterface := True; end; end; // 2) -------- From registry --------------- if not foundInterface then begin // open registry key winRegistry := TRegistry.Create; winRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; winRegistry.OpenKeyReadOnly('Software\Feaser\MicroBoot'); // attempt to read out the stored interface filename (without path) if winRegistry.ReadString('Interface') <> '' then begin // obtain the interface library file name from the registry key foundLibrary := ExePath + winRegistry.ReadString('Interface'); // is it a valid Mbi interface library? if IsMbiInterface(foundLibrary) = True then begin MbiLibFile := ShortString(foundLibrary); foundInterface := True; end; end; winRegistry.Free; // registry access no longer needed end; // 3) -------- first interface library found --------------- if not foundInterface then begin libFileList := TStringList.Create; libFileList.Clear; GetInterfaceFileList(libFileList); if libFileList.Count > 0 then begin foundLibrary := ExePath + libFileList.Strings[0]; // is it a valid Mbi interface library? if IsMbiInterface(foundLibrary) = True then begin MbiLibFile := ShortString(foundLibrary); foundInterface := True; end; end; libFileList.Free; end; // did we find a Mbi interface library? if foundInterface = True then begin SetActiveMbi(String(MbiLibFile)); end; // create the stopwatch timer StopWatch := TStopWatch.Create; end; //*** end of FormCreate *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FormDestroy // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: DeInitializes all the class properties that where instanciated. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin MbiInterface.Free; // release the interface LogLines.Free; // release the stopwatch timer StopWatch.Free; end; //*** end of FormDestroy *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FormShow // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Loads and displays the interface library description. If a valid // download file is selected as a command line parameter the download // is started right away. If the -p command line parameter was specified, // then the open file dialog is displayed automatically. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var cnt : integer; begin UpdateInterfaceLabel; // was an existing download file specified as a command line param? if (ParamCount > 0) and (FileExists(ParamStr(ParamCount))) then begin edtDownloadFile.Text := ParamStr(ParamCount); StartFileDownload(ShortString(ParamStr(ParamCount))); Exit; // nothing more todo end; // was the -p command line option specified? // parameters okay, now extract the command line options if any if (ParamCount > 0) then begin // no options will be in Param 0 for cnt := 1 to ParamCount do begin // look for -p option if System.Pos('-p', ParamStr(cnt)) > 0 then begin if OpenDialog.Execute then begin if FileExists(OpenDialog.FileName) then begin edtDownloadFile.Text := OpenDialog.FileName; StartFileDownload(ShortString(OpenDialog.FileName)); end; end; end; end; end; end; //*** end of FormShow *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: btnBrowseClick // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Prompts the user to select a file to download. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.btnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenDialog.Execute then begin if FileExists(OpenDialog.FileName) then begin edtDownloadFile.Text := OpenDialog.FileName; StartFileDownload(ShortString(OpenDialog.FileName)); end; end; end; //*** end of btnBrowseClick *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: btnSettingsClick // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Opens the settings form where the user can select and configure the // Mbi interface library. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.btnSettingsClick(Sender: TObject); var winRegistry : TRegistry; begin if SettingsForm.ShowModal = mrOK then begin if MbiInterfaced then begin // store last used library in register winRegistry := TRegistry.Create; winRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; winRegistry.OpenKey('Software\Feaser\MicroBoot', true); winRegistry.WriteString('Interface', ExtractFileName(String(MbiLibFile))); winRegistry.Free; end; UpdateInterfaceLabel; end; end; //*** end of btnSettingsClick *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FormClose // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Saves the log to a file before closing the application. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin // save the log to a file before closing the app if MbiLogging = True then begin LogLines.SaveToFile(ExePath + 'log.txt'); end; // pass on cancel request to the library if a download is in progress if MbiInterfaced = True then begin MbiInterface.Cancel; end; end; //*** end of FormClose *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: TimeTimer // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Timer event handler to update stopwatch info // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TmainForm.TimerTimer(Sender: TObject); begin lblElapsedTime.Caption := 'Elapsed time: ' + StopWatch.Interval; end; //*** end of TimerTimer *** procedure TmainForm.edtDownloadFileKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin // filter out enter key if key = #13 then begin // ignore further enter key processing key := #0; // start the download if FileExists(edtDownloadFile.Text) then begin StartFileDownload(ShortString(edtDownloadFile.Text)); end; end; end; end. //******************************** end of MainUnit.pas **********************************