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31 KiB

# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os, re
import logging
import bb
from bb import data
from bb import persist_data
from bb import utils
__version__ = "2"
logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Fetch")
class BBFetchException(Exception):
"""Class all fetch exceptions inherit from"""
def __init__(self, message):
self.msg = message
Exception.__init__(self, message)
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
class MalformedUrl(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when encountering an invalid url"""
def __init__(self, url):
self.msg = "The URL: '%s' is invalid and cannot be interpreted" % url
self.url = url
Exception.__init__(self, self.msg)
class FetchError(BBFetchException):
"""General fetcher exception when something happens incorrectly"""
def __init__(self, message, url = None):
self.msg = "Fetcher failure for URL: '%s'. %s" % (url, message)
self.url = url
Exception.__init__(self, self.msg)
class NoMethodError(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when there is no method to obtain a supplied url or set of urls"""
def __init__(self, url):
self.msg = "Could not find a fetcher which supports the URL: '%s'" % url
self.url = url
Exception.__init__(self, self.msg)
class MissingParameterError(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when a fetch method is missing a critical parameter in the url"""
def __init__(self, missing, url):
self.msg = "URL: '%s' is missing the required parameter '%s'" % (url, missing)
self.url = url
self.missing = missing
Exception.__init__(self, self.msg)
class ParameterError(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when a url cannot be proccessed due to invalid parameters."""
def __init__(self, message, url):
self.msg = "URL: '%s' has invalid parameters. %s" % (url, message)
self.url = url
Exception.__init__(self, self.msg)
class MD5SumError(BBFetchException):
"""Exception raised when a MD5 checksum of a file does not match for a downloaded file"""
def __init__(self, path, wanted, got, url):
self.msg = "File: '%s' has md5 sum %s when %s was expected (from URL: '%s')" % (path, got, wanted, url)
self.url = url
self.path = path
self.wanted = wanted = got
Exception.__init__(self, self.msg)
class SHA256SumError(MD5SumError):
"""Exception raised when a SHA256 checksum of a file does not match for a downloaded file"""
def decodeurl(url):
"""Decodes an URL into the tokens (scheme, network location, path,
user, password, parameters).
m = re.compile('(?P<type>[^:]*)://((?P<user>.+)@)?(?P<location>[^;]+)(;(?P<parm>.*))?').match(url)
if not m:
raise MalformedUrl(url)
type ='type')
location ='location')
if not location:
raise MalformedUrl(url)
user ='user')
parm ='parm')
locidx = location.find('/')
if locidx != -1 and type.lower() != 'file':
host = location[:locidx]
path = location[locidx:]
host = ""
path = location
if user:
m = re.compile('(?P<user>[^:]+)(:?(?P<pswd>.*))').match(user)
if m:
user ='user')
pswd ='pswd')
user = ''
pswd = ''
p = {}
if parm:
for s in parm.split(';'):
s1, s2 = s.split('=')
p[s1] = s2
return (type, host, path, user, pswd, p)
def encodeurl(decoded):
"""Encodes a URL from tokens (scheme, network location, path,
user, password, parameters).
(type, host, path, user, pswd, p) = decoded
if not path:
raise MissingParameterError('path', "encoded from the data %s" % str(decoded))
if not type:
raise MissingParameterError('type', "encoded from the data %s" % str(decoded))
url = '%s://' % type
if user and type != "file":
url += "%s" % user
if pswd:
url += ":%s" % pswd
url += "@"
if host and type != "file":
url += "%s" % host
url += "%s" % path
if p:
for parm in p:
url += ";%s=%s" % (parm, p[parm])
return url
def uri_replace(uri, uri_find, uri_replace, d):
if not uri or not uri_find or not uri_replace:
logger.debug(1, "uri_replace: passed an undefined value, not replacing")
uri_decoded = list(decodeurl(uri))
uri_find_decoded = list(decodeurl(uri_find))
uri_replace_decoded = list(decodeurl(uri_replace))
result_decoded = ['', '', '', '', '', {}]
for i in uri_find_decoded:
loc = uri_find_decoded.index(i)
result_decoded[loc] = uri_decoded[loc]
if isinstance(i, basestring):
if (re.match(i, uri_decoded[loc])):
result_decoded[loc] = re.sub(i, uri_replace_decoded[loc], uri_decoded[loc])
if uri_find_decoded.index(i) == 2:
if d:
localfn = bb.fetch2.localpath(uri, d)
if localfn:
result_decoded[loc] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(result_decoded[loc]), os.path.basename(bb.fetch2.localpath(uri, d)))
return uri
return encodeurl(result_decoded)
methods = []
urldata_cache = {}
saved_headrevs = {}
def fetcher_init(d):
Called to initialize the fetchers once the configuration data is known.
Calls before this must not hit the cache.
pd = persist_data.persist(d)
# When to drop SCM head revisions controlled by user policy
srcrev_policy ='BB_SRCREV_POLICY', d, 1) or "clear"
if srcrev_policy == "cache":
logger.debug(1, "Keeping SRCREV cache due to cache policy of: %s", srcrev_policy)
elif srcrev_policy == "clear":
logger.debug(1, "Clearing SRCREV cache due to cache policy of: %s", srcrev_policy)
bb.fetch2.saved_headrevs = pd['BB_URI_HEADREVS'].items()
raise FetchError("Invalid SRCREV cache policy of: %s" % srcrev_policy)
for m in methods:
if hasattr(m, "init"):
def fetcher_compare_revisions(d):
Compare the revisions in the persistant cache with current values and
return true/false on whether they've changed.
pd = persist_data.persist(d)
data = pd['BB_URI_HEADREVS'].items()
data2 = bb.fetch2.saved_headrevs
changed = False
for key in data:
if key not in data2 or data2[key] != data[key]:
logger.debug(1, "%s changed", key)
changed = True
return True
logger.debug(2, "%s did not change", key)
return False
# Function call order is usually:
# 1. init
# 2. go
# 3. localpaths
# localpath can be called at any time
def init(urls, d):
urldata = {}
fn ='FILE', d, 1)
if fn in urldata_cache:
urldata = urldata_cache[fn]
for url in urls:
if url not in urldata:
urldata[url] = FetchData(url, d)
urldata_cache[fn] = urldata
return urldata
def mirror_from_string(data):
return [ i.split() for i in (data or "").replace('\\n','\n').split('\n') if i ]
def verify_checksum(u, ud, d):
verify the MD5 and SHA256 checksum for downloaded src
return value:
- True: checksum matched
- False: checksum unmatched
if checksum is missing in recipes file, "BB_STRICT_CHECKSUM" decide the return value.
if BB_STRICT_CHECKSUM = "1" then return false as unmatched, otherwise return true as
if not ud.type in ["http", "https", "ftp", "ftps"]:
md5data = bb.utils.md5_file(ud.localpath)
sha256data = bb.utils.sha256_file(ud.localpath)
if (ud.md5_expected == None or ud.sha256_expected == None):
logger.warn('Missing SRC_URI checksum for %s, consider adding to the recipe:\n'
'SRC_URI[%s] = "%s"\nSRC_URI[%s] = "%s"',
ud.localpath, ud.md5_name, md5data,
ud.sha256_name, sha256data)
if"BB_STRICT_CHECKSUM", d, True) == "1":
raise FetchError("No checksum specified for %s." % u, u)
if ud.md5_expected != md5data:
raise MD5SumError(ud.localpath, ud.md5_expected, md5data, u)
if ud.sha256_expected != sha256data:
raise SHA256SumError(ud.localpath, ud.sha256_expected, sha256data, u)
def subprocess_setup():
import signal
# Python installs a SIGPIPE handler by default. This is usually not what
# non-Python subprocesses expect.
# SIGPIPE errors are known issues with gzip/bash
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
def download_update(result, target):
if os.path.exists(target):
if not result or not os.path.exists(result):
if target != result:
os.symlink(result, target)
def download(d, urls = None):
Fetch all urls
init must have previously been called
if not urls:
urls = d.getVar("SRC_URI", 1).split()
urldata = init(urls, d)
for u in urls:
for u in urls:
ud = urldata[u]
m = ud.method
localpath = ""
if not ud.localfile:
lf = bb.utils.lockfile(ud.lockfile)
if m.try_premirror(u, ud, d):
# First try fetching uri, u, from PREMIRRORS
mirrors = mirror_from_string('PREMIRRORS', d, True))
localpath = try_mirrors(d, u, mirrors, False, m.forcefetch(u, ud, d))
elif os.path.exists(ud.localfile):
localpath = ud.localfile
download_update(localpath, ud.localpath)
# Need to re-test forcefetch() which will return true if our copy is too old
if m.forcefetch(u, ud, d) or not localpath:
# Next try fetching from the original uri, u
try:, ud, d)
if hasattr(m, "build_mirror_data"):
m.build_mirror_data(u, ud, d)
localpath = ud.localpath
download_update(localpath, ud.localpath)
except FetchError:
# Remove any incomplete file
# Finally, try fetching uri, u, from MIRRORS
mirrors = mirror_from_string('MIRRORS', d, True))
localpath = try_mirrors (d, u, mirrors)
if not localpath or not os.path.exists(localpath):
raise FetchError("Unable to fetch URL %s from any source." % u, u)
download_update(localpath, ud.localpath)
if os.path.exists(ud.donestamp):
# Touch the done stamp file to show active use of the download
os.utime(ud.donestamp, None)
# Errors aren't fatal here
# Only check the checksums if we've not seen this item before, then create the stamp
verify_checksum(u, ud, d)
open(ud.donestamp, 'w').close()
def checkstatus(d, urls = None):
Check all urls exist upstream
init must have previously been called
urldata = init([], d)
if not urls:
urls = urldata
for u in urls:
ud = urldata[u]
m = ud.method
logger.debug(1, "Testing URL %s", u)
# First try checking uri, u, from PREMIRRORS
mirrors = mirror_from_string('PREMIRRORS', d, True))
ret = try_mirrors(d, u, mirrors, True)
if not ret:
# Next try checking from the original uri, u
ret = m.checkstatus(u, ud, d)
# Finally, try checking uri, u, from MIRRORS
mirrors = mirror_from_string('MIRRORS', d, True))
ret = try_mirrors (d, u, mirrors, True)
if not ret:
raise FetchError("URL %s doesn't work" % u, u)
def localpaths(d):
Return a list of the local filenames, assuming successful fetch
local = []
urldata = init([], d)
for u in urldata:
ud = urldata[u]
return local
def get_autorev(d):
# only not cache src rev in autorev case
if'BB_SRCREV_POLICY', d, True) != "cache":'__BB_DONT_CACHE', '1', d)
return "AUTOINC"
def get_srcrev(d):
Return the version string for the current package
(usually to be used as PV)
Most packages usually only have one SCM so we just pass on the call.
In the multi SCM case, we build a value based on SRCREV_FORMAT which must
have been set.
scms = []
urldata = init('SRC_URI', d, 1).split(), d)
for u in urldata:
if urldata[u].method.supports_srcrev():
if len(scms) == 0:
raise FetchError("SRCREV was used yet no valid SCM was found in SRC_URI")
if len(scms) == 1 and len(urldata[scms[0]].names) == 1:
return urldata[scms[0]].method.sortable_revision(scms[0], urldata[scms[0]], d, urldata[scms[0]].names[0])
# Mutiple SCMs are in SRC_URI so we resort to SRCREV_FORMAT
format ='SRCREV_FORMAT', d, 1)
if not format:
raise FetchError("The SRCREV_FORMAT variable must be set when multiple SCMs are used.")
for scm in scms:
ud = urldata[scm]
for name in ud.names:
rev = ud.method.sortable_revision(scm, ud, d, name)
format = format.replace(name, rev)
return format
def localpath(url, d):
Called from public code, e.g. classes in OE e.g. patch.bbclass
ud = init([url], d)
if ud[url].method:
return ud[url].localpath
return url
def runfetchcmd(cmd, d, quiet = False, cleanup = []):
Run cmd returning the command output
Raise an error if interrupted or cmd fails
Optionally echo command output to stdout
Optionally remove the files/directories listed in cleanup upon failure
# Need to export PATH as binary could be in metadata paths
# rather than host provided
# Also include some other variables.
# FIXME: Should really include all export varaiables?
'GIT_PROXY_PORT', 'GIT_CONFIG', 'http_proxy', 'ftp_proxy',
'https_proxy', 'no_proxy', 'ALL_PROXY', 'all_proxy',
for var in exportvars:
val = data.getVar(var, d, True)
if val:
cmd = 'export ' + var + '=\"%s\"; %s' % (val, cmd)
logger.debug(1, "Running %s", cmd)
# redirect stderr to stdout
stdout_handle = os.popen(cmd + " 2>&1", "r")
output = ""
while True:
line = stdout_handle.readline()
if not line:
if not quiet:
print(line, end=' ')
output += line
status = stdout_handle.close() or 0
signal = status >> 8
exitstatus = status & 0xff
if (signal or status != 0):
for f in cleanup:
bb.utils.remove(f, True)
except OSError:
if signal:
raise FetchError("Fetch command %s failed with signal %s, output:\n%s" % (cmd, signal, output))
elif status != 0:
raise FetchError("Fetch command %s failed with exit code %s, output:\n%s" % (cmd, status, output))
return output
def check_network_access(d, info = ""):
log remote network access, and error if BB_NO_NETWORK is set
if"BB_NO_NETWORK", d, True) == "1":
raise FetchError("BB_NO_NETWORK is set, but the fetcher code attempted network access with the command %s" % info)
logger.debug(1, "Fetcher accessed the network with the command %s" % info)
def try_mirrors(d, uri, mirrors, check = False, force = False):
Try to use a mirrored version of the sources.
This method will be automatically called before the fetchers go.
d Is a instance
uri is the original uri we're trying to download
mirrors is the list of mirrors we're going to try
fpath = os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, 1), os.path.basename(uri))
if not check and os.access(fpath, os.R_OK) and not force:
logger.debug(1, "%s already exists, skipping checkout.", fpath)
return fpath
ld = d.createCopy()
for (find, replace) in mirrors:
newuri = uri_replace(uri, find, replace, ld)
if newuri != uri:
ud = FetchData(newuri, ld)
except bb.fetch2.NoMethodError:
logger.debug(1, "No method for %s", uri)
if check:
found = ud.method.checkstatus(newuri, ud, ld)
if found:
return found
else:, ud, ld)
if hasattr(ud.method,"build_mirror_data"):
ud.method.build_mirror_data(newuri, ud, ld)
return ud.localpath
except (bb.fetch2.MissingParameterError,
import sys
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
logger.debug(2, "Mirror fetch failure: %s", value)
return None
class FetchData(object):
A class which represents the fetcher state for a given URI.
def __init__(self, url, d):
self.localfile = ""
self.localpath = None
self.lockfile = None
(self.type,, self.path, self.user, self.pswd, self.parm) = decodeurl(data.expand(url, d)) = Fetch.getSRCDate(self, d)
self.url = url
if not self.user and "user" in self.parm:
self.user = self.parm["user"]
if not self.pswd and "pswd" in self.parm:
self.pswd = self.parm["pswd"]
self.setup = False
if "name" in self.parm:
self.md5_name = "%s.md5sum" % self.parm["name"]
self.sha256_name = "%s.sha256sum" % self.parm["name"]
self.md5_name = "md5sum"
self.sha256_name = "sha256sum"
self.md5_expected ="SRC_URI", self.md5_name, d)
self.sha256_expected ="SRC_URI", self.sha256_name, d)
self.names = self.parm.get("name",'default').split(',')
self.method = None
for m in methods:
if m.supports(url, self, d):
self.method = m
if not self.method:
raise NoMethodError(url)
if self.method.supports_srcrev():
self.revisions = {}
for name in self.names:
self.revisions[name] = Fetch.srcrev_internal_helper(self, d, name)
# add compatibility code for non name specified case
if len(self.names) == 1:
self.revision = self.revisions[self.names[0]]
if hasattr(self.method, "urldata_init"):
self.method.urldata_init(self, d)
if "localpath" in self.parm:
# if user sets localpath for file, use it instead.
self.localpath = self.parm["localpath"]
self.basename = os.path.basename(self.localpath)
elif self.localfile:
self.localpath = self.method.localpath(self.url, self, d)
if self.localfile and self.localpath:
# Note: These files should always be in DL_DIR whereas localpath may not be.
basepath ="${DL_DIR}/%s" % os.path.basename(self.localpath), d)
self.donestamp = basepath + '.done'
self.lockfile = basepath + '.lock'
def setup_localpath(self, d):
if not self.localpath:
self.localpath = self.method.localpath(self.url, self, d)
class Fetch(object):
"""Base class for 'fetch'ing data"""
def __init__(self, urls = []):
self.urls = []
def supports(self, url, urldata, d):
Check to see if this fetch class supports a given url.
return 0
def localpath(self, url, urldata, d):
Return the local filename of a given url assuming a successful fetch.
Can also setup variables in urldata for use in go (saving code duplication
and duplicate code execution)
return os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), urldata.localfile)
def _strip_leading_slashes(self, relpath):
Remove leading slash as os.path.join can't cope
while os.path.isabs(relpath):
relpath = relpath[1:]
return relpath
def setUrls(self, urls):
self.__urls = urls
def getUrls(self):
return self.__urls
urls = property(getUrls, setUrls, None, "Urls property")
def forcefetch(self, url, urldata, d):
Force a fetch, even if localpath exists?
return False
def supports_srcrev(self):
The fetcher supports auto source revisions (SRCREV)
return False
def download(self, url, urldata, d):
Fetch urls
Assumes localpath was called first
raise NoMethodError(url)
def unpack(self, urldata, rootdir, data):
import subprocess
file = urldata.localpath
dots = file.split(".")
if dots[-1] in ['gz', 'bz2', 'Z']:
efile = os.path.join('WORKDIR', data, 1),os.path.basename('.'.join(dots[0:-1])))
efile = file
cmd = None
if file.endswith('.tar'):
cmd = 'tar x --no-same-owner -f %s' % file
elif file.endswith('.tgz') or file.endswith('.tar.gz') or file.endswith('.tar.Z'):
cmd = 'tar xz --no-same-owner -f %s' % file
elif file.endswith('.tbz') or file.endswith('.tbz2') or file.endswith('.tar.bz2'):
cmd = 'bzip2 -dc %s | tar x --no-same-owner -f -' % file
elif file.endswith('.gz') or file.endswith('.Z') or file.endswith('.z'):
cmd = 'gzip -dc %s > %s' % (file, efile)
elif file.endswith('.bz2'):
cmd = 'bzip2 -dc %s > %s' % (file, efile)
elif file.endswith('.tar.xz'):
cmd = 'xz -dc %s | tar x --no-same-owner -f -' % file
elif file.endswith('.xz'):
cmd = 'xz -dc %s > %s' % (file, efile)
elif file.endswith('.zip') or file.endswith('.jar'):
cmd = 'unzip -q -o'
if 'dos' in urldata.parm:
cmd = '%s -a' % cmd
cmd = "%s '%s'" % (cmd, file)
elif os.path.isdir(file):
filesdir = os.path.realpath("FILESDIR", data, 1))
destdir = "."
if file[0:len(filesdir)] == filesdir:
destdir = file[len(filesdir):file.rfind('/')]
destdir = destdir.strip('/')
if len(destdir) < 1:
destdir = "."
elif not os.access("%s/%s" % (rootdir, destdir), os.F_OK):
os.makedirs("%s/%s" % (rootdir, destdir))
cmd = 'cp -pPR %s %s/%s/' % (file, rootdir, destdir)
if not 'patch' in urldata.parm:
# The "destdir" handling was specifically done for FILESPATH
# items. So, only do so for file:// entries.
if urldata.type == "file" and urldata.path.find("/") != -1:
destdir = urldata.path.rsplit("/", 1)[0]
destdir = "."
bb.mkdirhier("%s/%s" % (rootdir, destdir))
cmd = 'cp %s %s/%s/' % (file, rootdir, destdir)
if not cmd:
return True
dest = os.path.join(rootdir, os.path.basename(file))
if os.path.exists(dest):
if os.path.samefile(file, dest):
return True
# Change to subdir before executing command
save_cwd = os.getcwd();
if 'subdir' in urldata.parm:
newdir = ("%s/%s" % (rootdir, urldata.parm['subdir']))
cmd = "PATH=\"%s\" %s" % ('PATH', data, 1), cmd)
bb.note("Unpacking %s to %s/" % (file, os.getcwd()))
ret =, preexec_fn=subprocess_setup, shell=True)
return ret == 0
def try_premirror(self, url, urldata, d):
Should premirrors be used?
if urldata.method.forcefetch(url, urldata, d):
return True
elif os.path.exists(urldata.donestamp) and os.path.exists(urldata.localfile):
return False
return True
def checkstatus(self, url, urldata, d):
Check the status of a URL
Assumes localpath was called first
""""URL %s could not be checked for status since no method exists.", url)
return True
def getSRCDate(urldata, d):
Return the SRC Date for the component
d the module
if "srcdate" in urldata.parm:
return urldata.parm['srcdate']
pn = data.getVar("PN", d, 1)
if pn:
return data.getVar("SRCDATE_%s" % pn, d, 1) or data.getVar("CVSDATE_%s" % pn, d, 1) or data.getVar("SRCDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("CVSDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("DATE", d, 1)
return data.getVar("SRCDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("CVSDATE", d, 1) or data.getVar("DATE", d, 1)
getSRCDate = staticmethod(getSRCDate)
def srcrev_internal_helper(ud, d, name):
a) a source revision if specified
b) latest revision if SREREV="AUTOINC"
c) None if not specified
if 'rev' in ud.parm:
return ud.parm['rev']
if 'tag' in ud.parm:
return ud.parm['tag']
rev = None
if name != '':
pn = data.getVar("PN", d, 1)
rev = data.getVar("SRCREV_%s_pn-%s" % (name, pn), d, 1)
if not rev:
rev = data.getVar("SRCREV_pn-%s_%s" % (pn, name), d, 1)
if not rev:
rev = data.getVar("SRCREV_%s" % name, d, 1)
if not rev:
rev = data.getVar("SRCREV", d, 1)
if rev == "INVALID":
raise FetchError("Please set SRCREV to a valid value", ud.url)
if rev == "AUTOINC":
rev = ud.method.latest_revision(ud.url, ud, d, name)
return rev
srcrev_internal_helper = staticmethod(srcrev_internal_helper)
def localcount_internal_helper(ud, d, name):
a) a locked localcount if specified
b) None otherwise
localcount = None
if name != '':
pn = data.getVar("PN", d, 1)
localcount = data.getVar("LOCALCOUNT_" + name, d, 1)
if not localcount:
localcount = data.getVar("LOCALCOUNT", d, 1)
return localcount
localcount_internal_helper = staticmethod(localcount_internal_helper)
def latest_revision(self, url, ud, d, name):
Look in the cache for the latest revision, if not present ask the SCM.
if not hasattr(self, "_latest_revision"):
raise ParameterError("The fetcher for this URL does not support _latest_revision", url)
pd = persist_data.persist(d)
revs = pd['BB_URI_HEADREVS']
key = self.generate_revision_key(url, ud, d, name)
rev = revs[key]
if rev != None:
return str(rev)
revs[key] = rev = self._latest_revision(url, ud, d, name)
return rev
def sortable_revision(self, url, ud, d, name):
if hasattr(self, "_sortable_revision"):
return self._sortable_revision(url, ud, d)
pd = persist_data.persist(d)
localcounts = pd['BB_URI_LOCALCOUNT']
key = self.generate_revision_key(url, ud, d, name)
latest_rev = self._build_revision(url, ud, d, name)
last_rev = localcounts[key + '_rev']
uselocalcount ="BB_LOCALCOUNT_OVERRIDE", d, True) or False
count = None
if uselocalcount:
count = Fetch.localcount_internal_helper(ud, d, name)
if count is None:
count = localcounts[key + '_count'] or "0"
if last_rev == latest_rev:
return str(count + "+" + latest_rev)
buildindex_provided = hasattr(self, "_sortable_buildindex")
if buildindex_provided:
count = self._sortable_buildindex(url, ud, d, latest_rev)
if count is None:
count = "0"
elif uselocalcount or buildindex_provided:
count = str(count)
count = str(int(count) + 1)
localcounts[key + '_rev'] = latest_rev
localcounts[key + '_count'] = count
return str(count + "+" + latest_rev)
def generate_revision_key(self, url, ud, d, name):
key = self._revision_key(url, ud, d, name)
return "%s-%s" % (key,"PN", d, True) or "")
from . import cvs
from . import git
from . import local
from . import svn
from . import wget
from . import svk
from . import ssh
from . import perforce
from . import bzr
from . import hg
from . import osc
from . import repo