
254 lines
6.9 KiB

# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
cdef extern from "stdio.h":
ctypedef int FILE
FILE *fopen(char*, char*)
int fclose(FILE *fp)
cdef extern from "string.h":
int strlen(char*)
cdef extern from "lexerc.h":
ctypedef struct lex_t:
void* parser
void* scanner
char* name
FILE* file
int config
void* data
int lineError
int errorParse
cdef extern int parse(FILE*, char*, object, int)
def parsefile(object file, object data, object config):
#print "parsefile: 1", file, data
# Open the file
cdef FILE* f
f = fopen(file, "r")
#print "parsefile: 2 opening file"
if (f == NULL):
raise IOError("No such file %s." % file)
#print "parsefile: 3 parse"
parse(f, file, data, config)
# Close the file
cdef public void e_assign(lex_t* container, char* key, char* what):
#print "e_assign", key, what
if what == NULL:
print "FUTURE Warning empty string: use \"\""
what = ""
d = <object>
d.setVar(key, what)
cdef public void e_export(lex_t* c, char* what):
#print "e_export", what
#, "export", 1, data)
d = <object>
d.setVarFlag(what, "export", 1)
cdef public void e_immediate(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what):
#print "e_immediate", key, what
# val =["value"], data)
d = <object>
d.setVar(key, d.expand(what,d))
cdef public void e_cond(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what):
#print "e_cond", key, what
# val =, data)
# if val == None:
# val = groupd["value"]
if what == NULL:
print "FUTURE warning: Use \"\" for", key
what = ""
d = <object>
d.setVar(key, (d.getVar(key,False) or what))
cdef public void e_prepend(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what):
#print "e_prepend", key, what
# val = "%s %s" % (groupd["value"], (, data) or ""))
d = <object>
d.setVar(key, what + " " + (d.getVar(key,0) or ""))
cdef public void e_append(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what):
#print "e_append", key, what
# val = "%s %s" % ((, data) or ""), groupd["value"])
d = <object>
d.setVar(key, (d.getVar(key,0) or "") + " " + what)
cdef public void e_precat(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what):
#print "e_precat", key, what
# val = "%s%s" % (groupd["value"], (, data) or ""))
d = <object>
d.setVar(key, what + (d.getVar(key,0) or ""))
cdef public void e_postcat(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what):
#print "e_postcat", key, what
# val = "%s%s" % ((, data) or ""), groupd["value"])
d = <object>
d.setVar(key, (d.getVar(key,0) or "") + what)
cdef public int e_addtask(lex_t* c, char* name, char* before, char* after) except -1:
#print "e_addtask", name
# func ="func")
# before ="before")
# after ="after")
# if func is None:
# return
# var = "do_" + func
# data.setVarFlag(var, "task", 1, d)
# if after is not None:
# # set up deps for function
# data.setVarFlag(var, "deps", after.split(), d)
# if before is not None:
# # set up things that depend on this func
# data.setVarFlag(var, "postdeps", before.split(), d)
# return
if c.config == 1:
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("No tasks allowed in config files")
return -1
d = <object>
do = "do_%s" % name
d.setVarFlag(do, "task", 1)
if before != NULL and strlen(before) > 0:
#print "Before", before
d.setVarFlag(do, "postdeps", ("%s" % before).split())
if after != NULL and strlen(after) > 0:
#print "After", after
d.setVarFlag(do, "deps", ("%s" % after).split())
return 0
cdef public int e_addhandler(lex_t* c, char* h) except -1:
#print "e_addhandler", h
# data.setVarFlag(h, "handler", 1, d)
if c.config == 1:
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("No handlers allowed in config files")
return -1
d = <object>
d.setVarFlag(h, "handler", 1)
return 0
cdef public int e_export_func(lex_t* c, char* function) except -1:
#print "e_export_func", function
if c.config == 1:
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("No functions allowed in config files")
return -1
return 0
cdef public int e_inherit(lex_t* c, char* file) except -1:
#print "e_inherit", file
if c.config == 1:
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("No inherits allowed in config files")
return -1
return 0
cdef public void e_include(lex_t* c, char* file):
from bb.parse import handle
d = <object>
handle(d.expand(file,d), d, True)
except IOError:
print "Could not include file", file
cdef public int e_require(lex_t* c, char* file) except -1:
#print "e_require", file
from bb.parse import handle
d = <object>
handle(d.expand(file,d), d, True)
except IOError:
print "ParseError", file
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("Could not include required file %s" % file)
return -1
return 0
cdef public int e_proc(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what) except -1:
#print "e_proc", key, what
if c.config == 1:
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("No inherits allowed in config files")
return -1
return 0
cdef public int e_proc_python(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what) except -1:
#print "e_proc_python"
if c.config == 1:
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("No pythin allowed in config files")
return -1
if key != NULL:
#print "Key", key
if what != NULL:
#print "What", what
return 0
cdef public int e_proc_fakeroot(lex_t* c, char* key, char* what) except -1:
#print "e_fakeroot", key, what
if c.config == 1:
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("No fakeroot allowed in config files")
return -1
return 0
cdef public int e_def(lex_t* c, char* a, char* b, char* d) except -1:
#print "e_def", a, b, d
if c.config == 1:
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("No defs allowed in config files")
return -1
return 0
cdef public int e_parse_error(lex_t* c) except -1:
print "e_parse_error",, "line:", lineError, "parse:", errorParse
from bb.parse import ParseError
raise ParseError("There was an parse error, sorry unable to give more information at the current time. File: %s Line: %d" % (,lineError) )
return -1