bitbake: Sync with bitbake trunk for bugfixes and improved dot file generation code

git-svn-id: 311d38ba-8fff-0310-9ca6-ca027cbcb966
This commit is contained in:
Richard Purdie 2006-11-29 22:52:37 +00:00
parent adabf6c093
commit 681d6c18ad
6 changed files with 155 additions and 227 deletions

View File

@ -186,171 +186,82 @@ class BBCooker:
def generateDotGraph( self, pkgs_to_build, ignore_deps ):
Generate two graphs one for the DEPENDS and RDEPENDS. The current
implementation creates crappy graphs ;)
Generate a task dependency graph.
pkgs_to_build A list of packages that needs to be built
ignore_deps A list of names where processing of dependencies
should be stopped. e.g. dependencies that get
def myFilterProvider( providers, item):
Take a list of providers and filter according to environment
variables. In contrast to filterProviders we do not discriminate
and take PREFERRED_PROVIDER into account.
eligible = []
preferred_versions = {}
for dep in ignore_deps:
# Collate providers by PN
pkg_pn = {}
for p in providers:
pn = self.status.pkg_fn[p]
if pn not in pkg_pn:
pkg_pn[pn] = []
localdata = data.createCopy(
taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "providers for %s are: %s" % (item, pkg_pn.keys()))
runlist = []
for k in pkgs_to_build:
taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k)
runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % self.configuration.cmd])
taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
except bb.providers.NoProvider:
rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue()
rq.prepare_runqueue(, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
for pn in pkg_pn.keys():
preferred_versions[pn] = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn,, self.status, pkg_pn)[2:4]
for p in eligible:
if p in self.build_cache_fail:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "rejecting already-failed %s" % p)
if len(eligible) == 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Provider, "no eligible providers for %s" % item)
return 0
prefervar ='PREFERRED_PROVIDER_%s' % item,, 1)
# try the preferred provider first
if prefervar:
for p in eligible:
if prefervar == self.status.pkg_fn[p]:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Provider, "Selecting PREFERRED_PROVIDER %s" % prefervar)
eligible = [p] + eligible
return eligible
# try to avoid adding the same rdepends over an over again
seen_depends = []
seen_rdepends = []
def add_depends(package_list):
Add all depends of all packages from this list
for package in package_list:
if package in seen_depends or package in ignore_deps:
seen_depends.append( package )
if not package in self.status.providers:
We have not seen this name -> error in
dependency handling
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Depends, "ERROR with provider: %(package)s" % vars() )
print >> depends_file, '"%(package)s" -> ERROR' % vars()
# get all providers for this package
providers = self.status.providers[package]
# now let us find the bestProvider for it
fn = myFilterProvider(providers, package)[0]
depends = bb.utils.explode_deps(self.bb_cache.getVar('DEPENDS', fn, True) or "")
version = self.bb_cache.getVar('PV', fn, True ) + '-' + self.bb_cache.getVar('PR', fn, True)
add_depends ( depends )
# now create the node
print >> depends_file, '"%(package)s" [label="%(package)s\\n%(version)s"]' % vars()
depends = filter( (lambda x: x not in ignore_deps), depends )
for depend in depends:
print >> depends_file, '"%(package)s" -> "%(depend)s"' % vars()
def add_all_depends( the_depends, the_rdepends ):
Add both DEPENDS and RDEPENDS. RDEPENDS will get dashed
package_list = the_depends + the_rdepends
for package in package_list:
if package in seen_rdepends or package in ignore_deps:
seen_rdepends.append( package )
# Let us find out if the package is a DEPENDS or RDEPENDS
# and we will set 'providers' with the avilable providers
# for the package.
if package in the_depends:
if not package in self.status.providers:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Depends, "ERROR with provider: %(package)s" % vars() )
print >> alldepends_file, '"%(package)s" -> ERROR' % vars()
providers = self.status.providers[package]
elif package in the_rdepends:
if len(bb.providers.getRuntimeProviders(self.status, package)) == 0:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Depends, "ERROR with rprovider: %(package)s" % vars() )
print >> alldepends_file, '"%(package)s" -> ERROR [style="dashed"]' % vars()
providers = bb.providers.getRuntimeProviders(self.status, package)
# something went wrong...
print "Complete ERROR! %s" % package
# now let us find the bestProvider for it
fn = myFilterProvider(providers, package)[0]
# Now we have a filename let us get the depends and RDEPENDS of it
depends = bb.utils.explode_deps(self.bb_cache.getVar('DEPENDS', fn, True) or "")
if fn in self.status.rundeps and package in self.status.rundeps[fn]:
rdepends= self.status.rundeps[fn][package].keys()
rdepends = []
version = self.bb_cache.getVar('PV', fn, True ) + '-' + self.bb_cache.getVar('PR', fn, True)
# handle all the depends and rdepends of package
add_all_depends ( depends, rdepends )
# now create the node using package name
print >> alldepends_file, '"%(package)s" [label="%(package)s\\n%(version)s"]' % vars()
# remove the stuff we want to ignore and add the edges
depends = filter( (lambda x: x not in ignore_deps), depends )
rdepends = filter( (lambda x: x not in ignore_deps), rdepends )
for depend in depends:
print >> alldepends_file, '"%(package)s" -> "%(depend)s"' % vars()
for depend in rdepends:
print >> alldepends_file, '"%(package)s" -> "%(depend)s" [style=dashed]' % vars()
# Add depends now
seen_fnids = []
depends_file = file('', 'w' )
tdepends_file = file('', 'w' )
print >> depends_file, "digraph depends {"
add_depends( pkgs_to_build )
print >> tdepends_file, "digraph depends {"
for task1 in range(len(rq.runq_fnid)):
task = rq.prio_map[task1]
taskname = rq.runq_task[task]
fnid = rq.runq_fnid[task]
fn = taskdata.fn_index[fnid]
pn = self.status.pkg_fn[fn]
version = self.bb_cache.getVar('PV', fn, True ) + '-' + self.bb_cache.getVar('PR', fn, True)
print >> tdepends_file, '"%s.%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s\\n%s"]' % (pn, taskname, pn, taskname, version, fn)
for dep in rq.runq_depends[task]:
depfn = taskdata.fn_index[rq.runq_fnid[dep]]
deppn = self.status.pkg_fn[depfn]
print >> tdepends_file, '"%s.%s" -> "%s.%s"' % (pn, rq.runq_task[task], deppn, rq.runq_task[dep])
if fnid not in seen_fnids:
packages = []
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, version, fn)
for depend in self.status.deps[fn]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (pn, depend)
rdepends = self.status.rundeps[fn]
for package in rdepends:
for rdepend in rdepends[package]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend)
rrecs = self.status.runrecs[fn]
for package in rrecs:
for rdepend in rrecs[package]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend)
if not package in packages:
for package in packages:
if package != pn:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s(%s) %s\\n%s"]' % (package, package, pn, version, fn)
for depend in self.status.deps[fn]:
print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (package, depend)
# Prints a flattened form of the above where subpackages of a package are merged into the main pn
#print >> depends_file, '"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, taskname, version, fn)
#for rdep in taskdata.rdepids[fnid]:
# print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (pn, taskdata.run_names_index[rdep])
#for dep in taskdata.depids[fnid]:
# print >> depends_file, '"%s" -> "%s"' % (pn, taskdata.build_names_index[dep])
print >> depends_file, "}"
# Add all depends now
alldepends_file = file('', 'w' )
print >> alldepends_file, "digraph alldepends {"
add_all_depends( pkgs_to_build, [] )
print >> alldepends_file, "}"
print >> tdepends_file, "}"
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Dependencies saved to ''")
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.Collection, "Task dependencies saved to ''")
def buildDepgraph( self ):
all_depends = self.status.all_depends
@ -643,10 +554,10 @@ class BBCooker:
rq.prepare_runqueue(, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
failures = rq.execute_runqueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
except runqueue.TaskFailure, (fnid, fn, taskname):
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "'%s, %s' failed" % (fn, taskname))
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
for fnid in fnids:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.Build, "'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid])
sys.exit(1), pkgs_to_build, self.configuration.event_data, failures))
sys.exit( )

View File

@ -542,8 +542,8 @@ def update_data(d):
def inherits_class(klass, d):
val = getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or ""
if os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % klass) in val.split():
val = getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
if os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % klass) in val:
return True
return False

View File

@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ def check_insert_method(modulename, code, fn):
if not modulename in _parsed_methods:
return insert_method(modulename, code, fn)
_parsed_methods[modulename] = 1
def parsed_module(modulename):

View File

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ __word__ = re.compile(r"\S+")
__infunc__ = ""
__inpython__ = False
__body__ = []
__bbpath_found__ = 0
__classname__ = ""
classes = [ None, ]
@ -58,25 +57,24 @@ def supports(fn, d):
return localfn[-3:] == ".bb" or localfn[-8:] == ".bbclass" or localfn[-4:] == ".inc"
def inherit(files, d):
__inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or ""
__inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or []
fn = ""
lineno = 0
for f in files:
file = data.expand(f, d)
files = data.expand(files, d)
for file in files:
if file[0] != "/" and file[-8:] != ".bbclass":
file = os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % file)
if not file in __inherit_cache.split():
if not file in __inherit_cache:
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB %s:%d: inheriting %s" % (fn, lineno, file))
__inherit_cache += " %s" % file
__inherit_cache.append( file )
include(fn, file, d, "inherit")
data.setVar('__inherit_cache', __inherit_cache, d)
def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __bbpath_found__, __residue__
global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __residue__
__body__ = []
__bbpath_found__ = 0
__infunc__ = ""
__classname__ = ""
__residue__ = []
@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
if not os.path.isabs(fn):
f = None
for p in bbpath:
p = data.expand(p, d)
j = os.path.join(p, fn)
if os.access(j, os.R_OK):
abs_fn = j
@ -147,39 +144,35 @@ def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
anonqueue = data.getVar("__anonqueue", d, 1) or []
for anon in anonqueue:
data.setVar("__anonfunc", anon["content"], d)
data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", anon["flags"], d)
from bb import build
t = data.getVar('T', d)
data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/', d)
build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
data.delVar('T', d)
if t:
data.setVar('T', t, d)
except Exception, e:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
body = [x['content'] for x in anonqueue]
flag = { 'python' : 1, 'func' : 1 }
data.setVar("__anonfunc", "\n".join(body), d)
data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", flag, d)
from bb import build
t = data.getVar('T', d)
data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/', d)
build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
data.delVar('T', d)
if t:
data.setVar('T', t, d)
except Exception, e:
bb.msg.debug(1, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
data.delVar("__anonqueue", d)
data.delVar("__anonfunc", d)
set_additional_vars(fn, d, include)
all_handlers = {}
for var in data.keys(d):
for var in data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', d) or []:
# try to add the handler
# if we added it remember the choiche
if data.getVarFlag(var, 'handler', d):
handler = data.getVar(var,d)
if bb.event.register(var,handler) == bb.event.Registered:
all_handlers[var] = handler
if not data.getVarFlag(var, 'task', d):
handler = data.getVar(var,d)
if bb.event.register(var,handler) == bb.event.Registered:
all_handlers[var] = handler
for var in data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or []:
deps = data.getVarFlag(var, 'deps', d) or []
postdeps = data.getVarFlag(var, 'postdeps', d) or [], deps, d)
@ -204,7 +197,7 @@ def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
return d
def feeder(lineno, s, fn, root, d):
global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __def_regexp__, __python_func_regexp__, __inpython__,__infunc__, __body__, __bbpath_found__, classes, bb, __residue__
global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __def_regexp__, __python_func_regexp__, __inpython__,__infunc__, __body__, classes, bb, __residue__
if __infunc__:
if s == '}':
@ -336,6 +329,10 @@ def feeder(lineno, s, fn, root, d):
data.setVarFlag(var, "task", 1, d)
bbtasks = data.getVar('__BBTASKS', d) or []
data.setVar('__BBTASKS', bbtasks, d)
if after is not None:
# set up deps for function
data.setVarFlag(var, "deps", after.split(), d)
@ -348,8 +345,11 @@ def feeder(lineno, s, fn, root, d):
if m:
fns =
hs = __word__.findall(fns)
bbhands = data.getVar('__BBHANDLERS', d) or []
for h in hs:
data.setVarFlag(h, "handler", 1, d)
data.setVar('__BBHANDLERS', bbhands, d)
m = __inherit_regexp__.match(s)
@ -386,16 +386,11 @@ def set_additional_vars(file, d, include):
bb.msg.debug(2, bb.msg.domain.Parsing, "BB %s: set_additional_vars" % file)
src_uri = data.getVar('SRC_URI', d)
src_uri = data.getVar('SRC_URI', d, 1)
if not src_uri:
src_uri = data.expand(src_uri, d)
a = data.getVar('A', d)
if a:
a = data.expand(a, d).split()
a = []
a = (data.getVar('A', d, 1) or '').split()
from bb import fetch

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ import bb, os, sys
class TaskFailure(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a task in a runqueue fails"""
def __init__(self, fnid, fn, taskname):
self.args = fnid, fn, taskname
def __init__(self, x):
self.args = x
class RunQueue:
@ -319,21 +318,23 @@ class RunQueue:
failures = 0
while 1:
self.execute_runqueue_internal(cooker, cfgData, dataCache, taskData)
failed_fnids = self.execute_runqueue_internal(cooker, cfgData, dataCache, taskData)
if len(failed_fnids) == 0:
return failures
except bb.runqueue.TaskFailure, (fnid, taskData.fn_index[fnid], taskname):
if taskData.abort:
if taskData.abort:
raise bb.runqueue.TaskFailure(failed_fnids)
for fnid in failed_fnids:
#print "Failure: %s %s %s" % (fnid, taskData.fn_index[fnid], self.runq_task[fnid])
self.prepare_runqueue(cfgData, dataCache, taskData, runlist)
failures = failures + 1
self.prepare_runqueue(cfgData, dataCache, taskData, runlist)
def execute_runqueue_internal(self, cooker, cfgData, dataCache, taskData):
Run the tasks in a queue prepared by prepare_runqueue
import signal
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Executing runqueue")
@ -342,11 +343,15 @@ class RunQueue:
runq_complete = []
active_builds = 0
build_pids = {}
failed_fnids = []
if len(self.runq_fnid) == 0:
# nothing to do
def sigint_handler(signum, frame):
raise KeyboardInterrupt
def get_next_task(data):
Return the id of the highest priority task that is buildable
@ -414,6 +419,11 @@ class RunQueue:
except OSError, e:
bb.msg.fatal(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "fork failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror))
if pid == 0:
# Bypass finally below
active_builds = 0
# Stop Ctrl+C being sent to children
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
sys.stdin = open('/dev/null', 'r')
cooker.configuration.cmd = taskname[3:]
cooker.tryBuild(fn, False)
@ -434,26 +444,36 @@ class RunQueue:
active_builds = active_builds - 1
task = build_pids[result[0]]
if result[1] != 0:
del build_pids[result[0]]
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) failed" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task, taskData)))
raise bb.runqueue.TaskFailure(self.runq_fnid[task], taskData.fn_index[self.runq_fnid[task]], self.runq_task[task])
task_complete(self, task)
del build_pids[result[0]]
except SystemExit:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Exception received")
while active_builds > 0:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Waiting for %s active tasks to finish" % active_builds)
tasknum = 1
while active_builds > 0:
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Waiting for %s active tasks to finish" % active_builds)
tasknum = 1
for k, v in build_pids.iteritems():
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "%s: %s (%s)" % (tasknum, self.get_user_idstring(v, taskData), k))
tasknum = tasknum + 1
result = os.waitpid(-1, 0)
task = build_pids[result[0]]
if result[1] != 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s (%s) failed" % (task, self.get_user_idstring(task, taskData)))
del build_pids[result[0]]
active_builds = active_builds - 1
if len(failed_fnids) > 0:
return failed_fnids
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Sending SIGTERM to remaining %s tasks" % active_builds)
for k, v in build_pids.iteritems():
bb.msg.note(1, bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "%s: %s (%s)" % (tasknum, self.get_user_idstring(v, taskData), k))
tasknum = tasknum + 1
result = os.waitpid(-1, 0)
del build_pids[result[0]]
active_builds = active_builds - 1
os.kill(k, signal.SIGTERM)
# Sanity Checks
for task in range(len(self.runq_fnid)):
@ -464,7 +484,7 @@ class RunQueue:
if runq_complete[task] == 0:
bb.msg.error(bb.msg.domain.RunQueue, "Task %s never completed!" % task)
return 0
return failed_fnids
def dump_data(self, taskQueue):

View File

@ -179,8 +179,9 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
global last_exception
last_exception = Providers.NoProvider
except runqueue.TaskFailure, (fnid, fn, taskname):
print "ERROR: '%s, %s' failed" % (fn, taskname)
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
for fnid in fnids:
print "ERROR: '%s' failed" % td.fn_index[fnid])
global last_exception
last_exception = runqueue.TaskFailure