module Spree class PaypalExpressCallbacksController < Spree::BaseController include ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token ssl_required def notify retrieve_details #need to retreive details first to ensure ActiveMerchant gets configured correctly. @notification = # we only care about eChecks (for now?) if @notification.params["payment_type"] == "echeck" && @notification.acknowledge && @payment && >= @payment.amount @payment.started_processing! @payment.log_entries.create(:details => @notification.to_yaml) case @notification.params["payment_status"] when "Denied" @payment.failure! when "Completed" @payment.complete! end end render :nothing => true end def shipping_estimate #details from Paypal if @method = params[:METHOD] @version = params[:CALLBACKVERSION] @token = params[:TOKEN] @currency = params[:CURRENCYCODE] @locale = params[:LOCALECODE] @street = params[:SHIPTOSTREET] @street2 = params[:SHIPTOSTREET2] @city = params[:SHIPTOCITY] @state = params[:SHIPTOSTATE] @country = params[:SHIPTOCOUNTRY] @zip = params[:SHIPTOZIP] end #available shipping based on paypal details estimate_shipping_and_taxes payment_methods_atts2 = {} @rate_hash.each_with_index do |shipping_method, idx| payment_methods_atts2["L_TAXAMT#{idx}"] = @order.tax_total #TODO need to calculate based on shipping method payment_methods_atts2["L_SHIPPINGOPTIONAMOUNT#{idx}"] = shipping_method.cost payment_methods_atts2["L_SHIPPINGOPTIONNAME#{idx}"] = payment_methods_atts2["L_SHIPPINGOPTIONLABEL#{idx}"] = "Shipping" #Do not change, required field payment_methods_atts2["L_SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT#{idx}"] = (idx == 0 ? true : false) end #compiles NVP query used by paypal callback query = payment_methods_atts2.inject('METHOD=CallbackResponse&CALLBACKVERSION=61&OFFERINSURANCEOPTION=false') { |string, pair| string + '&' + pair[0].to_s + '=' + pair[1].to_s } render :text => query #query read by PayPal end private def retrieve_details @order = Spree::Order.find_by_number(params["invoice"]) if @order @payment = @order.payments.where(:state => "pending", :source_type => "PaypalAccount").try(:first) @payment.try(:payment_method).try(:provider) #configures ActiveMerchant end end def estimate_shipping_and_taxes @order = Spree::Order.find_by_number(current_order(true).number) zipcode = @zip shipping_methods = Spree::ShippingMethod.all #TODO remove hard coded shipping #Make a deep copy of the order object then stub out the parts required to get a shipping quote @shipping_order = Marshal::load(Marshal.dump(@order)) #Make a deep copy of the order object @shipping_order.ship_address = => Spree::Country.find_by_iso("#{@country}"), :zipcode => zipcode) shipment = => @shipping_order.ship_address) @shipping_order.ship_address.shipments<