module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # This module is included in both PaypalGateway and PaypalExpressGateway module PaypalCommonAPI def self.included(base) base.default_currency = 'USD' base.cattr_accessor :pem_file base.cattr_accessor :signature end API_VERSION = '57.0' # TODO - check absolute adherence in this file, override in sub? URLS = { :test => { :certificate => '', :signature => '' }, :live => { :certificate => '', :signature => '' } } PAYPAL_NAMESPACE = 'urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI' EBAY_NAMESPACE = 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents' ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES = { 'xmlns:xsd' => '', 'xmlns:env' => '', 'xmlns:xsi' => '' } CREDENTIALS_NAMESPACES = { 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE, 'xmlns:n1' => EBAY_NAMESPACE, 'env:mustUnderstand' => '0' } AUSTRALIAN_STATES = { 'ACT' => 'Australian Capital Territory', 'NSW' => 'New South Wales', 'NT' => 'Northern Territory', 'QLD' => 'Queensland', 'SA' => 'South Australia', 'TAS' => 'Tasmania', 'VIC' => 'Victoria', 'WA' => 'Western Australia' } SUCCESS_CODES = [ 'Success', 'SuccessWithWarning' ] FRAUD_REVIEW_CODE = "11610" # The gateway must be configured with either your PayPal PEM file # or your PayPal API Signature. Only one is required. # # :pem The text of your PayPal PEM file. Note # this is not the path to file, but its # contents. If you are only using one PEM # file on your site you can declare it # globally and then you won't need to # include this option # # :signature The text of your PayPal signature. # If you are only using one API Signature # on your site you can declare it # globally and then you won't need to # include this option def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) @options = { :pem => pem_file, :signature => signature }.update(options) if @options[:pem].blank? && @options[:signature].blank? raise ArgumentError, "An API Certificate or API Signature is required to make requests to PayPal" end super end def test? @options[:test] || Base.gateway_mode == :test end def reauthorize(money, authorization, options = {}) commit 'DoReauthorization', build_reauthorize_request(money, authorization, options) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) commit 'DoCapture', build_capture_request(money, authorization, options) end # Transfer money to one or more recipients. # # gateway.transfer 1000, '', # :subject => "The money I owe you", :note => "Sorry it's so late" # # gateway.transfer [1000, ''], # [2450, '', :note => 'You will receive another payment on 3/24'], # [2000, ''], # :subject => "Your Earnings", :note => "Thanks for your business." # def transfer(*args) commit 'MassPay', build_mass_pay_request(*args) end def void(authorization, options = {}) commit 'DoVoid', build_void_request(authorization, options) end def credit(money, identification, options = {}) commit 'RefundTransaction', build_credit_request(money, identification, options) end private def build_reauthorize_request(money, authorization, options) xml = xml.tag! 'DoReauthorizationReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'DoReauthorizationRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'AuthorizationID', authorization xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) end end! end def build_capture_request(money, authorization, options) xml = xml.tag! 'DoCaptureReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'DoCaptureRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'AuthorizationID', authorization xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'CompleteType', 'Complete' xml.tag! 'Note', options[:description] end end! end def build_credit_request(money, identification, options) xml = xml.tag! 'RefundTransactionReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'RefundTransactionRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'TransactionID', identification xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'RefundType', 'Partial' xml.tag! 'Memo', options[:note] unless options[:note].blank? end end! end def build_void_request(authorization, options) xml = xml.tag! 'DoVoidReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'DoVoidRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'AuthorizationID', authorization xml.tag! 'Note', options[:description] end end! end def build_mass_pay_request(*args) default_options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} recipients = args.first.is_a?(Array) ? args : [args] xml = xml.tag! 'MassPayReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'MassPayRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'EmailSubject', default_options[:subject] if default_options[:subject] recipients.each do |money, recipient, options| options ||= default_options xml.tag! 'MassPayItem' do xml.tag! 'ReceiverEmail', recipient xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'Note', options[:note] if options[:note] xml.tag! 'UniqueId', options[:unique_id] if options[:unique_id] end end end end! end def parse(action, xml) response = {} error_messages = [] error_codes = [] xml = if root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//#{action}Response") root.elements.each do |node| case when 'Errors' short_message = nil long_message = nil node.elements.each do |child| case when "LongMessage" long_message = child.text unless child.text.blank? when "ShortMessage" short_message = child.text unless child.text.blank? when "ErrorCode" error_codes << child.text unless child.text.blank? end end if message = long_message || short_message error_messages << message end else parse_element(response, node) end end response[:message] = error_messages.uniq.join(". ") unless error_messages.empty? response[:error_codes] = error_codes.uniq.join(",") unless error_codes.empty? elsif root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//SOAP-ENV:Fault") parse_element(response, root) response[:message] = "#{response[:faultcode]}: #{response[:faultstring]} - #{response[:detail]}" end response end def parse_element(response, node) if node.has_elements? node.elements.each{|e| parse_element(response, e) } else response[] = node.text node.attributes.each do |k, v| response["#{}_#{k.underscore}".to_sym] = v if k == 'currencyID' end end end def build_request(body) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'env:Envelope', ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! 'env:Header' do add_credentials(xml) end xml.tag! 'env:Body' do xml << body end end! end def add_credentials(xml) xml.tag! 'RequesterCredentials', CREDENTIALS_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! 'n1:Credentials' do xml.tag! 'Username', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'Password', @options[:password] xml.tag! 'Subject', @options[:subject] xml.tag! 'Signature', @options[:signature] unless @options[:signature].blank? end end end def add_address(xml, element, address) return if address.nil? xml.tag! element do xml.tag! 'n2:Name', address[:name] xml.tag! 'n2:Street1', address[:address1] xml.tag! 'n2:Street2', address[:address2] xml.tag! 'n2:CityName', address[:city] xml.tag! 'n2:StateOrProvince', address[:state].blank? ? 'N/A' : address[:state] xml.tag! 'n2:Country', address[:country] xml.tag! 'n2:PostalCode', address[:zip] xml.tag! 'n2:Phone', address[:phone] end end def add_payment_detail_item(xml, item) currency_code = options[:currency] || currency(item[:amount]) xml.tag! 'n2:PaymentDetailsItem' do xml.tag! 'n2:Name', item[:name] unless item[:name].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:Description', item[:description] unless item[:description].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:Number', item[:sku] unless item[:sku].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:Quantity', item[:qty] unless item[:qty].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:Amount', amount(item[:amount]), 'currencyID' => currency_code unless item[:amount].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:Tax', amount(item[:tax]), 'currencyID' => currency_code unless item[:tax].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:ItemWeight', item[:weight] unless item[:weight].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:ItemHeight', item[:height] unless item[:height].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:ItemWidth', item[:width] unless item[:width].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:ItemLength', item[:length] unless item[:length].blank? # not doing this yet TODO # xml.tag! 'n2:EbayItemPaymentDetailsItem', item[:name] end end def add_payment_details(xml, money, options) currency_code = options[:currency] || currency(money) # COULD USE options[:currency] || currency(options[:actual_opt]) xml.tag! 'n2:PaymentDetails' do xml.tag! 'n2:OrderTotal', amount(money), 'currencyID' => currency_code # All of the values must be included together and add up to the order total if [:subtotal, :shipping, :handling, :tax].all?{ |o| options.has_key?(o) } xml.tag! 'n2:ItemTotal', amount(options[:subtotal]), 'currencyID' => currency_code xml.tag! 'n2:ShippingTotal', amount(options[:shipping]),'currencyID' => currency_code xml.tag! 'n2:HandlingTotal', amount(options[:handling]),'currencyID' => currency_code xml.tag! 'n2:TaxTotal', amount(options[:tax]), 'currencyID' => currency_code end # don't enforce inclusion yet - see how it works xml.tag! 'n2:InsuranceOptionOffered', options[:insurance_offered] ? '1' : '0' unless options[:insurance_offered].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:InsuranceTotal', amount(options[:insurance]), 'currencyID' => currency_code unless options[:insurance].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:ShippingDiscount', amount(options[:ship_discount]), 'currencyID' => currency_code unless options[:ship_discount].blank? # query - use slices too? or just risk reject? (QQ: injection risk???) xml.tag! 'n2:OrderDescription', options[:description] unless options[:description].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:Custom', options[:custom] unless options[:custom].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:InvoiceID', options[:order_id] unless options[:order_id].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:ButtonSource', application_id.to_s.slice(0,32) unless application_id.blank? xml.tag! 'n2:NotifyURL', options[:notify_url] unless options[:notify_url].blank? add_address(xml, 'n2:ShipToAddress', options[:shipping_address] || options[:address]) options[:items].each {|i| add_payment_detail_item xml, i } if options[:items] end end def endpoint_url URLS[test? ? :test : :live][@options[:signature].blank? ? :certificate : :signature] end def commit(action, request) response = parse(action, ssl_post(endpoint_url, build_request(request)))"/tmp/paypal", "a") do |f| f.puts "\n\n\n ************** #{}\n" f.puts endpoint_url.inspect f.puts "\n\n" f.puts request.to_yaml f.puts "\n\n" f.puts response.to_yaml f.puts "\n\n" end build_response(successful?(response), message_from(response), response, :test => test?, :authorization => authorization_from(response), :fraud_review => fraud_review?(response), :avs_result => { :code => response[:avs_code] }, :cvv_result => response[:cvv2_code] ) end def fraud_review?(response) response[:error_codes] == FRAUD_REVIEW_CODE end def authorization_from(response) response[:transaction_id] || response[:authorization_id] || response[:refund_transaction_id] # middle one is from reauthorization end def successful?(response) SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response[:ack]) end def message_from(response) response[:message] || response[:ack] end end end end