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# WARNING: the details of UK tax and my site's shipping are a bit hard-coded here for now
# aim to unpick this later
module Spree::PaypalExpress
include ERB::Util
include Spree::PaymentGateway
def fixed_opts
{ :description => "Goods from a Spree-based site", # site details...
#:page_style => "foobar", # merchant account can set named config
:header_image => "https://" + Spree::Config[:site_url] + "/images/logo.png",
:background_color => "e1e1e1", # must be hex only, six chars
:header_background_color => "ffffff",
:header_border_color => "00735a",
:allow_note => true,
:locale => Spree::Config[:default_locale],
:notify_url => 'to be done', # this is a callback
:req_confirm_shipping => false, # for security, might make an option later
# TODO: generalise the tax and shipping calcs
# might be able to get paypal to do some of the shipping choice and costing
def order_opts(order)
items = order.line_items.map do |item|
{ :name => item.variant.product.name,
:description => item.variant.product.description[0..120],
:sku => item.variant.sku,
:qty => item.quantity,
:amount => item.price - 0.15 * item.price, # avoid some rounding err, more needed
:tax => 0.15 * item.price,
:weight => item.variant.weight,
:height => item.variant.height,
:width => item.variant.width,
:depth => item.variant.weight }
opts = { :return_url => request.protocol + request.host_with_port + "/orders/#{order.number}/paypal_finish",
:cancel_return_url => "http://" + request.host_with_port + "/orders/#{order.number}/edit",
:order_id => order.number,
:custom => order.number,
# :no_shipping => false,
# :address_override => false,
:items => items,
:subtotal => items.map {|i| i[:amount] * i[:qty] }.sum,
:handling => 0,
:tax => items.map {|i| i[:tax] * i[:qty]}.sum
# WARNING -- don't use :ship_discount, => :insurance_offered, :insurance since
# they've not been tested and may trigger some paypal bugs, eg not showing order
# see http://www.pdncommunity.com/t5/PayPal-Developer-Blog/Displaying-Order-Details-in-Express-Checkout/bc-p/92902#C851
opts[:email] = current_user.email if current_user
def all_opts(order)
shipping_cost = NetstoresShipping::Calculator.calculate_order_shipping(order)
opts = fixed_opts.merge(:shipping => shipping_cost).merge(order_opts order)
# WARNING: paypal expects this sum to work (TODO: shift to AM code? and throw wobbly?)
# however: might be rounding issues when it comes to tax, though you can capture slightly extra
opts[:money] = opts.slice(:subtotal, :shipping, :handling, :tax).values.sum
if opts[:money] != order.total
raise "Ouch - precision problems: #{opts[:money]} vs #{order.total}"
[:money, :subtotal, :shipping, :handling, :tax].each {|amt| opts[amt] *= 100}
opts[:items].each {|item| [:amount,:tax].each {|amt| item[amt] *= 100} }
def paypal_checkout
# need build etc? at least to finalise the total?
gateway = paypal_gateway
opts = all_opts(@order)
response = gateway.setup_authorization(opts[:money], opts)
gateway_error(response) unless response.success?
redirect_to (gateway.redirect_url_for response.token)
def paypal_finish
gateway = paypal_gateway
opts = { :token => params[:token],
:payer_id => params[:PayerID] }.merge all_opts(@order)
info = gateway.details_for params[:token]
response = gateway.authorize(opts[:money], opts)
2009-05-14 10:46:11 +00:00
gateway_error(response) unless response.success?
# now save info
order = Order.find_by_number(params[:id])
order.checkout.email = info.email
order.checkout.special_instructions = info.params["note"]
ship_address = info.address
order_ship_address = Address.create :firstname => info.params["first_name"],
:lastname => info.params["last_name"],
:address1 => ship_address["address1"],
:address2 => ship_address["address2"],
:city => ship_address["city"],
:state => State.find_by_name(ship_address["state"]),
:country => Country.find_by_iso(ship_address["country"]),
:zipcode => ship_address["zip"],
:phone => ship_address["phone"] || "(not given)"
order.checkout.update_attributes :ship_address => order_ship_address,
:shipping_method => ShippingMethod.first # TODO: refine/choose
fake_card = Creditcard.new :checkout => order.checkout,
:cc_type => "visa", # hands are tied
:month => Time.now.month,
:year => Time.now.year,
:first_name => info.params["first_name"],
:last_name => info.params["last_name"],
:display_number => "paypal:" + info.payer_id
payment = order.paypal_payments.create(:amount => response.params["gross_amount"].to_i || 999,
:creditcard => fake_card)
# query - need 0 in amount for an auth? see main code
transaction = CreditcardTxn.new( :amount => response.params["gross_amount"].to_i || 999,
:response_code => response.authorization,
:txn_type => CreditcardTxn::TxnType::AUTHORIZE)
payment.creditcard_txns << transaction
order.user = current_user
order.complete # get return of status? throw of problems??? else weak go-ahead
session[:order_id] = nil if order.checkout_complete
redirect_to order_url(order, :checkout_complete => true, :order_token => session[:order_token])
def do_capture(authorization)
response = paypal_gateway.capture((100 * authorization.amount).to_i, authorization.response_code)
gateway_error(response) unless response.success?
# TODO needs to be cleaned up or recast...
payment = PaypalPayment.find(authorization.creditcard_payment_id)
# create a transaction to reflect the capture
payment.txns << CreditcardTxn.new( :amount => authorization.amount,
:response_code => response.authorization,
:txn_type => CreditcardTxn::TxnType::CAPTURE )
# copied from main spree code, and slightly tweaked
def paypal_gateway
#? return Spree::BogusGateway.new if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == "development" and Spree::Gateway::Config[:use_bogus]
paypal_gw = ::Gateway.find_by_name("Paypal Express UK")
gateway_config = GatewayConfiguration.find_by_gateway_id(paypal_gw.id)
config_options = {}
gateway_config.gateway_option_values.each do |option_value|
key = option_value.gateway_option.name.to_sym
config_options[key] = option_value.value
gateway = gateway_config.gateway.clazz.constantize.new(config_options)