
159 lines
6.7 KiB

import time
import md5
import json
from lxml import etree
from zeep import Client
from pkg_resources import resource_stream, Requirement
import requests, zipfile, StringIO
products_json = resource_stream(Requirement.parse("inema"), "data/products.json")
marke_products = json.load(products_json)
def get_product_price_by_id(ext_prod_id):
price_float_str = marke_products[str(ext_prod_id)]['cost_price']
return int(float(price_float_str) * 100)
# generate a 1C4A SOAP header
def gen_1c4a_hdr(partner_id, key_phase, key):
# Compute 1C4A request hash accordig to Section 4 of service description
def compute_1c4a_hash(partner_id, req_ts, key_phase, key):
# trim leading and trailing spaces of each argument
partner_id = partner_id.strip()
req_ts = req_ts.strip()
key_phase = key_phase.strip()
key = key.strip()
# concatenate with "::" separator
inp = "%s::%s::%s::%s" % (partner_id, req_ts, key_phase, key)
# compute MD5 hash as 32 hex nibbles
md5_hex =
# return the first 8 characters
return md5_hex[:8]
def gen_timestamp():
return time.strftime("%d%m%Y-%H%M%S")
nsmap={'soapenv': '',
r = etree.Element("{}Header", nsmap = nsmap)
p = etree.SubElement(r, "{}PARTNER_ID")
p.text = partner_id
t = etree.SubElement(r, "{}REQUEST_TIMESTAMP")
t.text = gen_timestamp()
k = etree.SubElement(r, "{}KEY_PHASE")
k.text = key_phase
s = etree.SubElement(r, "{}PARTNER_SIGNATURE")
s.text = compute_1c4a_hash(partner_id, t.text, key_phase, key)
return [p, t, k, s]
class Internetmarke(object):
wsdl_url = ''
positions = []
def __init__(self, partner_id, key, key_phase="1"):
self.client = Client(self.wsdl_url)
self.partner_id = partner_id
self.key_phase = key_phase
self.key = key
self.soapheader = gen_1c4a_hdr(self.partner_id, self.key_phase, self.key)
def authenticate(self, username, password):
s = self.client.service
r = s.authenticateUser(_soapheader= self.soapheader, username=username, password=password)
print r
self.user_token = r.userToken
self.wallet_balance = r.walletBalance
def retrievePNGs(self, link):
r = requests.get(link, stream=True)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(r.content))
return map(lambda f:, z.infolist())
def retrieve_manifest(self, link):
r = requests.get(link, stream=True)
return r.content
def retrievePreviewPNG(self, prod_code, layout = "AddressZone"):
s = self.client.service
r = s.retrievePreviewVoucherPNG(_soapheader = self.soapheader,
productCode = prod_code,
voucherLayout = layout)
print r
return r
def add_position(self, position):
def compute_total(self):
total = 0
for p in self.positions:
total += get_product_price_by_id(p.productCode)
return total
def checkoutPDF(self, page_format):
s = self.client.service
# FIXME: convert ShoppingCartPosition to ShoppingCartPDFPosition
r = s.checkoutShoppingCartPDF(_soapheader = self.soapheader,
userToken = self.user_token,
pageFormatId = page_format,
positions = self.positions,
total = self.compute_total(),
createManifest = True,
createShippingList = 2)
print r
return r
def checkoutPNG(self):
s = self.client.service
r = s.checkoutShoppingCartPNG(_soapheader= self.soapheader,
userToken = self.user_token,
positions = self.positions,
total = self.compute_total(),
createManifest = True,
createShippingList = 2)
print r
# retrieve PNG images and store them in result object
pngs = self.retrievePNGs(
for i in range(0, len(pngs)):
r.shoppingCart.voucherList.voucher[i].png_bin = pngs[i]
if r.manifestLink:
# retrieve manifest PDF and store in result object
r.manifest_pdf_bin = self.retrieve_manifest(r.manifestLink)
return r
def build_addr(self, street, house, zipcode, city, country, additional = None):
zclient = self.client
atype = zclient.get_type('{}Address')
return atype(additional = additional, street = street,
houseNo = house, zip = zipcode, city = city,
country= country)
def build_comp_addr(self, company, address, person = None):
zclient = self.client
cntype = zclient.get_type('{}CompanyName')
cn = cntype(company = company, personName = person)
ntype = zclient.get_type('{}Name')
name = ntype(companyName = cn)
atype = zclient.get_type('{}NamedAddress')
return atype(name = name, address = address)
def build_pers_addr(self, first, last, address, salutation = None, title = None):
zclient = self.client
pntype = zclient.get_type('{}PersonName')
pn = pntype(firstname = first, lastname = last,
salutation = salutation, title = title)
ntype = zclient.get_type('{}Name')
name = ntype(personName = pn)
atype = zclient.get_type('{}NamedAddress')
return atype(name = name, address = address)
def build_position(self, product, sender, receiver, layout = "AddressZone"):
zclient = self.client
abtype = zclient.get_type('{}AddressBinding')
ptype = zclient.get_type('{}ShoppingCartPosition')
ab = abtype(sender = sender, receiver = receiver)
return ptype(productCode = product, address = ab, voucherLayout = layout)