# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Implementation of the "Warenpost International ReST-API" # # This is a completely different interface that Deutsche Post came up many years # after the "1C4A" Internetmarke API. For some strange reason they didn't # extend the old Internetmarke API to add support for the harmonized label and # the electronic customs declaration. Instead, they decided to implement a # completely different API with different standards (REST vs. SOAP) with # literally nothing in common to the old Internetmarke API import json import logging import hashlib from datetime import datetime import requests from lxml import etree from pytz import timezone _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WarenpostInt(object): """Represents the Warenpost Internatoinal ReST interface.""" def __init__(self, partner_id, key, ekp, pk_email, pk_passwd, key_phase="1", sandbox = False): self.sandbox = sandbox self.partner_id = 'DP_LT' if sandbox else partner_id self.key = key self.ekp = ekp self.key_phase = '1' if sandbox else key_phase self.pk_email = pk_email self.pk_passwd = pk_passwd if sandbox: self.auth_url = 'https://api-qa.deutschepost.com/v1' self.url = 'https://api-qa.deutschepost.com/dpi/shipping/v1' else: self.auth_url = 'https://api.deutschepost.com/v1' self.url = 'https://api.deutschepost.com/dpi/shipping/v1' self.user_token = None self.wallet_balance = None # FIXME: merge with inema? @staticmethod def compute_1c4a_hash(partner_id, req_ts, key_phase, key): """ Compute 1C4A request hash accordig to Section 4 of service description. """ # trim leading and trailing spaces of each argument partner_id = partner_id.strip() req_ts = req_ts.strip() key_phase = key_phase.strip() key = key.strip() # concatenate with "::" separator inp = "%s::%s::%s::%s" % (partner_id, req_ts, key_phase, key) # compute MD5 hash as 32 hex nibbles md5_hex = hashlib.md5(inp.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() # return the first 8 characters return md5_hex[:8] # FIXME: merge with inema? @staticmethod def gen_timestamp(): """Generate a timestamp as used in the Warenpsost International API.""" de_zone = timezone("Europe/Berlin") de_time = datetime.now(de_zone) return de_time.strftime("%d%m%Y-%H%M%S") def gen_headers(self): """Generate the HTTP headers required for the API.""" ret = { 'KEY_PHASE': self.key_phase, 'PARTNER_ID': self.partner_id, 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.user_token } if self.sandbox: ret['REQUEST_TIMESTAMP'] = '16082018-122210' ret['PARTNER_SIGNATURE'] = '9d7c35be' else: timestamp = self.gen_timestamp() sig = self.compute_1c4a_hash(self.partner_id, timestamp, self.key_phase, self.key) ret['REQUEST_TIMESTAMP'] = timestamp ret['PARTNER_SIGNATURE'] = sig return ret def get_token(self): """Get an Access Token for further API requests.""" url = "%s/%s" % (self.auth_url, 'auth/accesstoken') auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.pk_email, self.pk_passwd) ret = requests.request('GET', url, headers=self.gen_headers(), auth=auth) et = etree.XML(ret.content) e_user_token = et.find(".//{http://oneclickforapp.dpag.de/V3}userToken") e_wallet_balance = et.find(".//{http://oneclickforapp.dpag.de/V3}walletBalance") # update status + return token self.user_token = e_user_token.text self.wallet_balance = e_wallet_balance.text _logger.debug("User Token: %s", self.user_token) _logger.info("Wallet balance: %s", self.wallet_balance) return e_user_token.text def request(self, method, suffix, json=None, headers=None): """Wrapper for issuing HTTP requests against the API. This internally generates all required headers, including Authorization.""" url = "%s/%s" % (self.url, suffix) # FIXME: automatically ensure we have a [current] user_token h = headers.copy() if headers else {} h.update(self.gen_headers()) _logger.debug("HTTP Request: %s %s: HDR: %s JSON: %s", method, url, h, json) r = requests.request(method, url, json=json, headers=h) _logger.debug("HTTP Response: %s", r.content) return r class Address(object): """Common Representation of a postal address. In their infinite cluelessness, the developes of the Warenpost International API decided it's a good idea to use a flat, non-hierarchical structure with different names of fields for sender and recipient.""" def __init__(self, name, addr_lines, city, country_code, postal_code='', state=None, phone=None, fax=None, email=None): if len(addr_lines) > 3: raise ValueError('Maximum number of 3 Address Lines supported') if len(name) > 30: raise ValueError('Maximum length of name is 30 chars') if phone and len(phone) > 15: raise ValueError('Maximum length of phone number is 15 chars') if fax and len(fax) > 15: raise ValueError('Maximum length of fax number is 15 chars') if email and len(email) > 50: raise ValueError('Maximum length of email address is 50 chars') for l in addr_lines: if len(l) > 40: raise ValueError('Maximum length of address lines is 40 chars') self.name = name self.addr_lines = addr_lines self.city = city self.postal_code = postal_code self.country_code = country_code self.state = state self.phone = phone self.fax = fax self.email = email def as_sender(self): """Represent an Address object as JSON fields of a sender.""" if len(self.addr_lines) > 2: raise ValueError('Maximum number of 2 Address Lines supported') for l in self.addr_lines: if len(l) > 30: raise ValueError('Maximum length of address lines is 30 chars') ret = { 'senderName': self.name, 'senderAddressLine1': self.addr_lines[0], 'senderAddressLine2': self.addr_lines[1] if len(self.addr_lines) > 1 else '', 'senderCity': self.city, 'senderPostalCode': self.postal_code, 'senderCountry': self.country_code, } if self.phone: ret['senderPhone'] = self.phone if self.email: ret['senderEmail'] = self.email return ret def as_recipient(self): """Represent an Address object as JSON fields of a sender.""" ret = { 'recipient': self.name, 'addressLine1': self.addr_lines[0], 'city': self.city, 'postalCode': self.postal_code, 'destinationCountry': self.country_code, } if len(self.addr_lines) > 1: ret['addressLine2'] = self.addr_lines[1] if len(self.addr_lines) > 2: ret['addressLine3'] = self.addr_lines[2] if self.state: ret['state'] = self.state if self.phone: ret['recipientPhone'] = self.phone if self.fax: ret['recipientFax'] = self.fax if self.email: ret['recipientEmail'] = self.email return ret def build_content_item(self, line_weight_g, line_value, qty, hs_code=None, origin_cc=None, desc=None): """Build an 'content item' in the language of the WaPoInt API. Represents one line on the customs form.""" ret = { 'contentPieceNetweight': line_weight_g, 'contentPieceValue': str(int(line_value)), 'contentPieceAmount': int(qty), } if hs_code: ret['contentPieceHsCode'] = str(hs_code) if desc: ret['contentPieceDescription'] = str(desc) if origin_cc: ret['contentPieceOrigin'] = origin_cc return ret def build_item(self, product, sender, recipient, weight_grams, amount=0, currency='EUR', contents=None): """Build an 'item' in the language of the WaPoInt API. Represents one shipment.""" ret = { 'product': str(product), 'serviceLevel': 'STANDARD', 'shipmentAmount': int(amount), 'shipmentCurrency': currency, 'shipmentGrossWeight': int(weight_grams), 'shipmentNaturetype': 'SALE_GOODS', } # merge in the sender and recipient fields ret.update(sender.as_sender()) ret.update(recipient.as_recipient()) if contents: ret['contents'] = contents return ret def build_order(self, items, contact_name, order_status='FINALIZE'): """Build an 'order' in the language of the WaPoInt API. Consists of multiple shipments.""" ret = { 'customerEkp': self.ekp, 'orderStatus': order_status, 'paperwork': { 'contactName': contact_name, 'awbCopyCount': 1, }, 'items': items } return ret def api_create_order(self, items, contact_name, order_status='FINALIZE'): """Issue an API request to create an order consisting of items.""" order = self.build_order(items, contact_name=contact_name, order_status=order_status) _logger.info("Order: %s", order) r = self.request('POST', 'orders', json = order) # TODO: figure out the AWB and the (item, barcode, voucherId, ...) for the items json_resp = r.json() #print(json.dumps(json_resp, indent=4)) _logger.info("Response: %s", json_resp) # TODO: download the PDF for each AWB return json_resp def api_get_item_label(self, item_id, accept='application/pdf'): """Download the label for a given item. Returns PDF as 'bytes'""" r = self.request('GET', 'items/%s/label' % item_id, headers={'Accept': accept}) return r.content def api_get_item_labels(self, awb, accept='application/pdf'): """Download the labels for all items in a given AWB. Returns PDF as 'bytes'""" r = self.request('GET', 'shipments/%s/itemlabels' % awb, headers={'Accept': accept}) return r.content