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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Example program for converting a Deutsche Post provided ppl_vXXX.csv file
# to JSON. See also the data package sub-directory.
# Example call:
# $ ppl_v450.csv inema/data/products.json \
# inema/data/products-2020-01-01.json
# Note: PPL stands for Product Price List
import sys
import json
import csv
def main(csv_filename, json_filename, filename):
with open(csv_filename, newline='', encoding='latin-1') as f \
, open(json_filename) as g \
, open(filename, 'w') as h:
rows = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
products = json.load(g)
seen_ids = set()
for row in rows:
key, price = row[2], row[5].replace(',', '.')
inter, weight, name = row[3]=='1', row[21], row[4]
if key in products:
p = products[key]
oprice, ointer = p['cost_price'], p['international']
oweight, oname = p['max_weight'], p['name']
# row[5] vs. row[7] => total vs. base product price
# row[4] vs. row[6] => complete vs. base product name
c = False
if price != oprice:
print(f'Price of {name} ({key}) changed: {oprice} -> {price} (from {row[0]})')
c = True
p['cost_price'] = price
if inter != ointer:
print(f'Nationality of {name} ({key}) changed: {ointer} -> {inter} (from {row[0]})')
c = True
p['international'] = inter
if weight != oweight:
print(f'Weight of {name} ({key}) changed: {oweight} -> {weight} (from {row[0]})')
c = True
p['max_weight'] = weight
# The names returned by the ProdWS differ from the ones included in the PPL ...
# if name != oname:
# print(f'Name of {name} ({key}) changed: {oname} -> {name} (from {row[0]})')
# c = True
if c:
products[key] = {
"cost_price": price,
"international": inter,
"max_weight": weight,
"name": name
print(f'NEW Product {row[4]} ({row[2]}) - from {row[0]}!')
remove_ids = set()
for k in products:
if k not in seen_ids:
p = products[k]
print(f'Product {p["name"]} ({k}) was deleted!')
for k in remove_ids:
json.dump(products, h, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]))