# # Python module implementing shipcloud.io REST API # (C) 2021 by Harald Welte # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import sys import logging import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth class ApiError(Exception): """Exception raised in case of a HTTP/REST API Error. Attributes: method -- HTTP method of the request causing the error url -- URL of the HTTP request causing the error sandbox -- request made in sandbox mode or not? req_body -- json-serializable dict of request body causing the error status -- HTTP status returned by REST API errors -- list of string error messages returned by REST API resp_body -- raw response body of failed rquest """ def __init__(self, method, url, sandbox, req_body, status, errors=[], resp_body=None): self.method = method self.url = url self.sandbox = sandbox self.req_body = req_body self.status = status self.errors = errors self.resp_body = resp_body def __str__(self): sandbox_str = ' SANDBOX' if self.sandbox else '' return "%s %s%s -> %s: %s" % (self.method, self.url, sandbox_str, self.status, self.errors) class transport(object): def __init__(self, api_key, api_key_sandbox=None, logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)): self._api_key = api_key self._auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self._api_key, '') self._api_key_sandbox = api_key_sandbox or None self._auth_sandbox = HTTPBasicAuth(self._api_key_sandbox, '') if self._api_key_sandbox else None self._server_host = 'api.shipcloud.io' self._server_port = 443 self._base_path= "/v1" self._logger = logger def _get_auth(self, sandbox=False): if sandbox: return self._auth_sandbox else: return self._auth def _build_url(self, suffix): return "https://%s:%u%s%s" % (self._server_host, self._server_port, self._base_path, suffix) def rest_http(self, method, suffix, js = None, sandbox = False): url = self._build_url(suffix) sandbox_str = ' SANDBOX' if sandbox else '' self._logger.debug("%s %s (%s)%s" % (method, url, str(js), sandbox_str)) resp = requests.request(method, url, json=js, auth=self._get_auth(sandbox)) self._logger.debug("-> %s - %s" % (resp, resp.text)) if not resp.ok: self._logger.error("%s %s (%s)%s failed: %s - %s" % (method, url, str(js), sandbox_str, resp, resp.text)) errors = [] try: resp_json = resp.json() if 'errors' in resp_json: errors = resp_json['errors'] except ValueError: self._logger.error("response contains no valid json: %s" % (resp.text)) raise ApiError(method, url, sandbox, js, resp.status_code, errors, resp.text) return resp.json() def rest_post(self, suffix, js=None, sandbox=False): return self.rest_http('POST', suffix, js, sandbox) def rest_get(self, suffix, js=None, sandbox=False): return self.rest_http('GET', suffix, js, sandbox) def rest_delete(self, suffix, js=None, sandbox=False): return self.rest_http('DELETE', suffix, js, sandbox) class api(object): def __init__(self, api_key, api_key_sandbox=None, logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)): self._transport = transport(api_key, api_key_sandbox, logger) def get_shipment_quote(self, shipment): # quote request cannot be issued against sandbox, so always use production res = self._transport.rest_post('/shipment_quotes', gen_quote_req(shipment)) return res def create_shipment(self, shipment, gen_label=False): # Assume if the user passed a sandbox API key, we use it for create shipment requests sandbox = True if self._transport._auth_sandbox else False sh = shipment.copy() # don't send any shipping notifications to the real recipient when in sandbox if sandbox: sh['notification_mail'] = None sh['create_shipping_label'] = gen_label res = self._transport.rest_post('/shipments', sh, sandbox) # {u'label_url': u'https://shipping-labels.shipcloud.io/shipments/a948e8c2/e3fb26be59/label/shipping_label_e3fb26be59.pdf', u'price': 0.0, u'id': u'e3fb26be59a68acd04d565dda027efd415ca8117', u'tracking_url': u'https://track.shipcloud.io/e3fb26be59a68acd04d565dda027efd415ca8117', u'carrier_tracking_no': u'1ZV306W00493609016'} if 'label_url' in res: r = requests.get(res['label_url'], stream=True) if r.ok: res['label_bin'] = r.content if 'customs_declaration' in res and 'carrier_declaration_document_url' in res['customs_declaration']: r = requests.get(res['customs_declaration']['carrier_declaration_document_url'], stream=True) if r.ok: res['customs_declaration_bin'] = r.content return res def delete_shipment(self, shipment_id): sandbox = True if self._transport._auth_sandbox else False res = self._transport.rest_delete('/shipments/%s' % shipment_id, None, sandbox) return res def gen_customs_item(origin, desc, hts, qty, value, net_weight): """Generate a dict for a customs_declaration.item in accordance with https://developers.shipcloud.io/reference/shipments_request_schema.html""" customs_item = { 'origin_country': origin, 'description': desc, 'hs_tariff_number': str(hts), 'quantity': qty, 'value_amount': value, 'net_weight': net_weight, #'gross_weight': , } return customs_item def gen_customs_decl(currency, invoice_nr, net_total, items, importer_ref=None, exporter_ref=None): """Generate a dict for a customs_declaration in accordance with https://developers.shipcloud.io/reference/shipments_request_schema.html""" customs_decl = { 'contents_type': 'commercial_goods', #'contents_explanation': , 'currency' : currency, 'invoice_number': str(invoice_nr), 'total_value_amount': net_total, 'items': customs_items, } if importer_ref: customs_decl['importer_reference'] = str(importer_ref) if exporter_ref: customs_decl['exporter_reference'] = str(exporter_ref) return customs_decl def gen_package(width_cm, length_cm, height_cm, weight_kgs, value=None, currency=None): """Generate a dict for a package in accordance with https://developers.shipcloud.io/reference/shipments_request_schema.html""" package = { 'width': int(width_cm), 'length': int(length_cm), 'height': int(height_cm), 'weight': weight_kgs, 'type': 'parcel', } if value: if currency == None: currency = 'EUR' package['declared_value'] = { 'amount': value, 'currency': currency, } return package def gen_shipment(from_addr, to_addr, pkg, ref, carrier='ups', service='one_day', label_fmt='pdf_a5', descr=None, customs_decl=None, incoterm='dap', notification_mail=None): """Generate a dict for a shipment in accordance with https://developers.shipcloud.io/reference/shipments_request_schema.html""" shipment = { 'from': from_addr, 'to': to_addr, 'carrier': carrier, 'service': service, 'package' : pkg, 'reference_number': ref, 'label': { 'format': label_fmt, }, 'notification_mail': notification_mail, 'incoterm': incoterm, 'create_shipping_label': False, } if descr: shipment['description'] = descr if customs_decl: shipment['customs_declaration'] = customs_decl return shipment def _filter_dict(indict, permitted_keys): """Filter an input dictionary; keep only those keys listed in permitted_keys""" outdict = {} for k in permitted_keys: if k in indict: outdict[k] = indict[k] return outdict def gen_quote_req(shipment): """Generate a dict in accordance with https://developers.shipcloud.io/reference/shipment_quotes_request_schema.html""" # for some weird reason, the ShipmentQuoteRequest schema doesn't permit all # the keys that are permitted when generating a label, making this more complicated # than it should permitted_sh_keys = [ 'carrier', 'service', 'to', 'from', 'package' ] permitted_pkg_keys = [ 'width', 'height', 'length', 'weight', 'type' ] permitted_addr_keys = [ 'street', 'street_no', 'city', 'zip_code', 'country' ] # create a copy so we don't modify the input data sh = shipment.copy() sh['from'] = _filter_dict(sh['from'], permitted_addr_keys) sh['to'] = _filter_dict(sh['to'], permitted_addr_keys) sh['package'] = _filter_dict(sh['package'], permitted_pkg_keys) return _filter_dict(sh, permitted_sh_keys)