
140 lines
5.0 KiB

# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * analytic_user_function
# Translators:
# Fabien Pinckaers <fp@openerp.com>, 2015
# Henri Cornuau <hcornuau@gmail.com>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 8.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-21 14:07+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-26 09:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux\n"
"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/odoo-8/language/fr/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: fr\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,account_id:0
#: model:ir.model,name:analytic_user_function.model_account_analytic_account
msgid "Analytic Account"
msgstr "Compte analytique"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: model:ir.model,name:analytic_user_function.model_account_analytic_line
msgid "Analytic Line"
msgstr "Ligne analytique"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,create_uid:0
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Créé par"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,create_date:0
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Créé le"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: view:account.analytic.account:analytic_user_function.view_account_analytic_account_form_inherit
msgid ""
"Define a specific service (e.g. Senior Consultant)\n"
" and price for some users to use these data instead\n"
" of the default values when invoicing the customer."
msgstr "Définissez un service spécifique (p. ex. consultant supérieur)\n et un prix pour certains utilisateurs pour utiliser ces données plutôt\n que les valeurs par défaut lors de la facturation pour le client."
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: code:addons/analytic_user_function/analytic_user_function.py:108
#: code:addons/analytic_user_function/analytic_user_function.py:137
#, python-format
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Erreur !"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,id:0
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: view:account.analytic.account:analytic_user_function.view_account_analytic_account_form_inherit
msgid "Invoice Price Rate per User"
msgstr "Coefficient de facturation par utilisateur"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: view:analytic.user.funct.grid:analytic_user_function.analytic_user_funct_grid_form
#: view:analytic.user.funct.grid:analytic_user_function.analytic_user_funct_grid_tree
msgid "Invoicing Data"
msgstr "Données de facturation"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Dernière modification par"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,write_date:0
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Dernière mise à jour le"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: view:account.analytic.account:analytic_user_function.view_account_analytic_account_form_inherit
msgid ""
"Odoo will recursively search on parent accounts\n"
" to check if specific conditions are defined for a\n"
" specific user. This allows to set invoicing\n"
" conditions for a group of contracts."
msgstr "Odoo va effectuer un recherche récursive sur les comptes parents pour vérifier si des conditions spécifiques sont définies pour un utilisateur précis. Cela permet de fixer les conditions de facturation pour un groupe de contrats."
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,price:0
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Prix"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: model:ir.model,name:analytic_user_function.model_analytic_user_funct_grid
msgid "Price per User"
msgstr "Prix par utilisateur"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: help:analytic.user.funct.grid,price:0
msgid "Price per hour for this user."
msgstr "Prix horaire pour cet utilisateur."
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,product_id:0
msgid "Service"
msgstr "Intervention"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: code:addons/analytic_user_function/analytic_user_function.py:109
#: code:addons/analytic_user_function/analytic_user_function.py:138
#, python-format
msgid "There is no expense account defined for this product: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de compte de dépenses défini pour cet article: \"%s\" (id:%d)"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: model:ir.model,name:analytic_user_function.model_hr_analytic_timesheet
msgid "Timesheet Line"
msgstr "Ligne de prestation"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,uom_id:0
msgid "Unit of Measure"
msgstr "Unité de mesure"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:analytic.user.funct.grid,user_id:0
msgid "User"
msgstr "Utilisateur"
#. module: analytic_user_function
#: field:account.analytic.account,user_product_ids:0
msgid "Users/Products Rel."
msgstr "Relations utilisateurs/articles"