
131 lines
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In order to test the Lunch module in OpenERP,
I will create one lunch order and then check the effect on cashboxes and cashmoves
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Given that I have a category of lunch products "Burger".
!record {model: lunch.category, id: lunch_category_burger0}:
name: Burger
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Given that I have a product "Club1" in this category with a price of "2.75".
!record {model: lunch.product, id: lunch_product_club1}:
category_id: lunch_category_burger0
name: Club1
price: 2.75
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Given that I have a cashbox "Employee Cashbox"
!record {model: lunch.cashbox, id: lunch_cashbox_cashbox0}:
manager: base.user_root
name: Employee Cashbox
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I create a lunch order "LU001" for the "Club1" product
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When I select the product "club1", the price of 2.75 is automatically proposed
!record {model: lunch.order, id: lunch_order_0}:
date: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
product: 'lunch_product_club1'
price: 2.75
user_id: base.user_root
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I check that lunch order is on draft state after having created it.
!assert {model: lunch.order, id: lunch_order_0}:
- state == 'draft'
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I confirm the order "LU001" using the "Confirm Order" wizard.
!record {model: lunch.order.confirm, id: lunch_order_confirm_0}:
confirm_cashbox: 'lunch_cashbox_cashbox0'
I click on "Confirm Order" button of this wizard.
!python {model: lunch.order.confirm}: |
self.confirm(cr, uid, [ref('lunch_order_confirm_0')], {'active_ids': [ref('lunch_order_0')]})
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I check that the Cash Moves have been generated with the right box
!assert {model: lunch.order, id: lunch_order_0}:
- cashmove.id != False
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I check that the Total on the "Employee Cashbox" is -2.75
!assert {model: lunch.cashbox, id: lunch_cashbox_cashbox0}:
- sum_remain == -2.75
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I create a new lunch order "LU002" for the "Club1" product, at another date.
!record {model: lunch.order, id: lunch_order_1}:
date: !eval "(datetime.now() + timedelta(2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')"
product: 'lunch_product_club1'
price: 2.75
user_id: base.user_root
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I confirm this order.open wizard and select "Employee Cashbox".
!record {model: lunch.order.confirm, id: lunch_order_confirm_1}:
confirm_cashbox: 'lunch_cashbox_cashbox0'
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Now I click on "Confirm Order" button of this wizard.
!python {model: lunch.order.confirm}: |
self.confirm(cr, uid, [ref('lunch_order_confirm_1')], {'active_ids': [ref('lunch_order_1')]})
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I check that the Total on the "Employee Cashbox" is -5.50
!assert {model: lunch.cashbox, id: lunch_cashbox_cashbox0}:
- sum_remain == -5.50
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I cancel the order "LU002"
!record {model: lunch.order.cancel, id: lunch_order_cancel_0}:
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I click on "Yes" button of this wizard for cancel order.
!python {model: lunch.order.cancel}: |
self.cancel(cr, uid, [ref('lunch_order_cancel_0')], {'active_ids': [ref('lunch_order_1')]})
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I test that the Cash Moves record have been removed for the order LU002.
!assert {model: lunch.order, id: lunch_order_1}:
- cashmove.id == False
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I check that the Total on the "Employee Cashbox" is -2.75
!assert {model: lunch.cashbox, id: lunch_cashbox_cashbox0}:
- sum_remain == -2.75
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I reset the "Employee Cashbox" to zero using the "Set CashBox to Zero" wizard.
!record {model: lunch.cashbox.clean, id: lunch_cashbox_clean_0}:
Now click on "Set to Zero" button of this wizard.
!python {model: lunch.cashbox.clean, id: lunch_cashbox_clean_0}: |
self.set_to_zero(cr, uid, [ref('lunch_cashbox_clean_0')], {'active_ids': [ref('lunch_cashbox_cashbox0')]})
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I check that the Total on the "Employee Cashbox" is -5.50
!assert {model: lunch.cashbox, id: lunch_cashbox_cashbox0}:
- sum_remain == 0.00