
988 lines
38 KiB

* OpenERP web library
openerp.web.views = function(db) {
var _t = db.web._t;
* Registry for all the client actions key: tag value: widget
db.web.client_actions = new db.web.Registry();
* Registry for all the main views
db.web.views = new db.web.Registry();
db.web.ActionManager = db.web.Widget.extend({
identifier_prefix: "actionmanager",
init: function(parent) {
this.inner_viewmanager = null;
this.dialog = null;
this.dialog_viewmanager = null;
this.client_widget = null;
render: function() {
return "<div id='"+this.element_id+"'></div>";
dialog_stop: function () {
if (this.dialog) {
this.dialog_viewmanager = null;
this.dialog = null;
content_stop: function () {
if (this.inner_viewmanager) {
this.inner_viewmanager = null;
if (this.client_widget) {
this.client_widget = null;
url_update: function(action) {
var url = {};
url.action_id = action.id;
// this.url = {
// "model": action.res_model,
// "domain": action.domain,
// };
// action.res_model
// action.domain
// action.context
// after
// action.views
// action.res_id
// mode
// menu
do_url_set_hash: function(url) {
on_url_hashchange: function(url) {
var self = this;
if(url && url.action_id) {
self.rpc("/web/action/load", { action_id: url.action_id }, function(result) {
do_action: function(action, on_close) {
var type = action.type.replace(/\./g,'_');
var popup = action.target === 'new';
action.flags = _.extend({
views_switcher : !popup,
search_view : !popup,
action_buttons : !popup,
sidebar : !popup,
pager : !popup
}, action.flags || {});
if (!(type in this)) {
console.log("Action manager can't handle action of type " + action.type, action);
return this[type](action, on_close);
ir_actions_act_window: function (action, on_close) {
if (action.target === 'new') {
if (this.dialog == null) {
this.dialog = new db.web.Dialog(this, { title: action.name, width: '80%' });
} else {
this.dialog_viewmanager = new db.web.ViewManagerAction(this, action);
} else {
this.inner_viewmanager = new db.web.ViewManagerAction(this, action);
/* new window code
this.rpc("/web/session/save_session_action", { the_action : action}, function(key) {
var url = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + "?" + jQuery.param({ s_action : "" + key });
ir_actions_act_window_close: function (action, on_closed) {
if (!this.dialog && on_closed) {
if (this.dialog && action.context) {
var model = action.context.active_model;
if (model === 'base.module.upgrade' || model === 'base.setup.installer' || model === 'base.module.upgrade') {
ir_actions_server: function (action, on_closed) {
var self = this;
this.rpc('/web/action/run', {
action_id: action.id,
context: action.context || {}
}).then(function (action) {
self.do_action(action, on_closed)
ir_actions_client: function (action) {
var ClientWidget = db.web.client_actions.get_object(action.tag);
(this.client_widget = new ClientWidget(this, action.params)).appendTo(this);
ir_actions_report_xml: function(action) {
var self = this;
self.rpc("/web/session/eval_domain_and_context", {
contexts: [action.context],
domains: []
}).then(function(res) {
action = _.clone(action);
action.context = res.context;
url: '/web/report',
data: {action: JSON.stringify(action)},
complete: $.unblockUI
ir_actions_act_url: function (action) {
window.open(action.url, action.target === 'self' ? '_self' : '_blank');
db.web.ViewManager = db.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends db.web.ViewManager# */{
identifier_prefix: "viewmanager",
template: "ViewManager",
* @constructs db.web.ViewManager
* @extends db.web.Widget
* @param parent
* @param dataset
* @param views
init: function(parent, dataset, views) {
this.model = dataset ? dataset.model : undefined;
this.dataset = dataset;
this.searchview = null;
this.last_search = false;
this.active_view = null;
this.views_src = _.map(views, function(x) {return x instanceof Array? {view_id: x[0], view_type: x[1]} : x;});
this.views = {};
this.flags = this.flags || {};
this.registry = db.web.views;
render: function() {
return db.web.qweb.render(this.template, {
self: this,
prefix: this.element_id,
views: this.views_src});
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred} initial view loading promise
start: function() {
var self = this;
this.$element.find('.oe_vm_switch button').click(function() {
var views_ids = {};
_.each(this.views_src, function(view) {
self.views[view.view_type] = $.extend({}, view, {
controller : null,
options : _.extend({
sidebar_id : self.element_id + '_sidebar_' + view.view_type,
action : self.action,
action_views_ids : views_ids
}, self.flags, view.options || {})
views_ids[view.view_type] = view.view_id;
if (this.flags.views_switcher === false) {
// switch to the first one in sequence
return this.on_mode_switch(this.views_src[0].view_type);
* Asks the view manager to switch visualization mode.
* @param {String} view_type type of view to display
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred} new view loading promise
on_mode_switch: function(view_type) {
var self = this,
this.active_view = view_type;
var view = this.views[view_type];
if (!view.controller) {
// Lazy loading of views
var controllerclass = this.registry.get_object(view_type);
var controller = new controllerclass(this, this.dataset, view.view_id, view.options);
if (view.embedded_view) {
var container = $("#" + this.element_id + '_view_' + view_type);
view_promise = controller.appendTo(container);
this.views[view_type].controller = controller;
$.when(view_promise).then(function() {
self.on_controller_inited(view_type, controller);
if (self.searchview && view.controller.searchable !== false) {
} else if (this.searchview && view.controller.searchable !== false) {
if (this.searchview) {
this.searchview[(view.controller.searchable === false || this.searchview.hidden) ? 'hide' : 'show']();
.find('.views-switchers button').removeAttr('disabled')
.filter('[data-view-type="' + view_type + '"]')
.attr('disabled', true);
for (var view_name in this.views) {
if (!this.views.hasOwnProperty(view_name)) { continue; }
if (this.views[view_name].controller) {
if (view_name === view_type) {
} else {
return view_promise;
* Sets up the current viewmanager's search view.
* @param {Number|false} view_id the view to use or false for a default one
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred} search view startup deferred
setup_search_view: function(view_id, search_defaults) {
var self = this;
if (this.searchview) {
this.searchview = new db.web.SearchView(
this, this.dataset,
view_id, search_defaults, this.flags.search_view === false);
return this.searchview.appendTo($("#" + this.element_id + "_search"));
do_searchview_search: function(domains, contexts, groupbys) {
var self = this,
controller = this.views[this.active_view].controller;
if (domains || contexts) {
this.rpc('/web/session/eval_domain_and_context', {
domains: [this.action.domain || []].concat(domains || []),
contexts: [this.action.context || {}].concat(contexts || []),
group_by_seq: groupbys || []
}, function (results) {
self.dataset.context = results.context;
self.dataset.domain = results.domain;
self.last_search = [results.domain, results.context, results.group_by];
controller.do_search(results.domain, results.context, results.group_by);
} else if (this.last_search) {
controller.do_search.apply(controller, this.last_search);
* Event launched when a controller has been inited.
* @param {String} view_type type of view
* @param {String} view the inited controller
on_controller_inited: function(view_type, view) {
* Called when one of the view want to execute an action
on_action: function(action) {
on_create: function() {
on_remove: function() {
on_edit: function() {
* Called by children view after executing an action
on_action_executed: function () {}
db.web.ViewManagerAction = db.web.ViewManager.extend(/** @lends oepnerp.web.ViewManagerAction# */{
* @constructs db.web.ViewManagerAction
* @extends db.web.ViewManager
* @param {db.web.ActionManager} parent parent object/widget
* @param {Object} action descriptor for the action this viewmanager needs to manage its views.
init: function(parent, action) {
// dataset initialization will take the session from ``this``, so if we
// do not have it yet (and we don't, because we've not called our own
// ``_super()``) rpc requests will blow up.
this._super(parent, null, action.views);
this.session = parent.session;
this.action = action;
var dataset = new db.web.DataSetSearch(this, action.res_model, action.context, action.domain);
if (action.res_id) {
dataset.index = 0;
this.dataset = dataset;
this.flags = this.action.flags || {};
if (action.res_model == 'board.board' && action.views.length == 1 && action.views) {
// Not elegant but allows to avoid form chrome (pager, save/new
// buttons, sidebar, ...) displaying
this.flags.search_view = this.flags.pager = this.flags.sidebar = this.flags.action_buttons = false;
// setup storage for session-wise menu hiding
if (this.session.hidden_menutips) {
this.session.hidden_menutips = {}
* Initializes the ViewManagerAction: sets up the searchview (if the
* searchview is enabled in the manager's action flags), calls into the
* parent to initialize the primary view and (if the VMA has a searchview)
* launches an initial search after both views are done rendering.
start: function() {
var self = this,
search_defaults = {};
_.each(this.action.context, function (value, key) {
var match = /^search_default_(.*)$/.exec(key);
if (match) {
search_defaults[match[1]] = value;
// init search view
var searchview_id = this.action['search_view_id'] && this.action['search_view_id'][0];
searchview_loaded = this.setup_search_view(searchview_id || false, search_defaults);
var main_view_loaded = this._super();
var manager_ready = $.when(searchview_loaded, main_view_loaded);
if (searchview_loaded && this.action['auto_search'] !== false) {
// schedule auto_search
this.$element.find('.oe_get_xml_view').click(function () {
// TODO: add search view?
self.views[self.active_view].controller.fields_view.arch, true))
.dialog({ width: '95%'});
if (this.action.help && !this.flags.low_profile) {
var Users = new db.web.DataSet(self, 'res.users'),
header = this.$element.find('.oe-view-manager-header');
header.delegate('blockquote button', 'click', function() {
var $this = $(this);
//noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS
switch ($this.attr('name')) {
case 'disable':
Users.write(self.session.uid, {menu_tips:false});
case 'hide':
self.session.hidden_menutips[self.action.id] = true;
if (!(self.action.id in self.session.hidden_menutips)) {
Users.read_ids([this.session.uid], ['menu_tips'], function(users) {
var user = users[0];
if (!(user && user.id === self.session.uid)) {
return manager_ready;
on_mode_switch: function (view_type) {
var self = this;
return $.when(
).then(function() {
var controller = self.views[self.active_view].controller,
fvg = controller.fields_view,
view_id = (fvg && fvg.view_id) || '--';
self.$element.find('.oe_get_xml_view span').text(view_id);
if (!self.action.name && fvg) {
self.$element.find('.oe_view_title').text(fvg.arch.attrs.string || fvg.name);
shortcut_check : function(view) {
var self = this;
var grandparent = this.widget_parent && this.widget_parent.widget_parent;
// display shortcuts if on the first view for the action
var $shortcut_toggle = this.$element.find('.oe-shortcut-toggle');
if (!(grandparent instanceof db.web.WebClient) ||
!(view.view_type === this.views_src[0].view_type
&& view.view_id === this.views_src[0].view_id)) {
if (_(this.session.shortcuts).detect(function (shortcut) {
return shortcut.res_id === self.session.active_id; })) {
shortcut_add_remove: function() {
var self = this;
var $shortcut_toggle = this.$element.find('.oe-shortcut-toggle');
.click(function() {
if ($shortcut_toggle.hasClass("oe-shortcut-remove")) {
} else {
$(self.session.shortcuts.binding).trigger('add', {
'user_id': self.session.uid,
'res_id': self.session.active_id,
'resource': 'ir.ui.menu',
'name': self.action.name
* Intercept do_action resolution from children views
on_action_executed: function () {
return new db.web.DataSet(this, 'res.log')
.call('get', [], this.do_display_log);
* @param {Array<Object>} log_records
do_display_log: function (log_records) {
var self = this,
$logs = this.$element.find('ul.oe-view-manager-logs:first').empty();
_(log_records).each(function (record) {
$(_.sprintf('<li><a href="#">%s</a></li>', record.name))
.delegate('a', 'click', function (e) {
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
res_model: record.res_model,
res_id: record.res_id,
// TODO: need to have an evaluated context here somehow
//context: record.context,
views: [[false, 'form']]
return false;
db.web.Sidebar = db.web.Widget.extend({
init: function(parent, element_id) {
this._super(parent, element_id);
this.items = {};
this.sections = {};
start: function() {
var self = this;
this.$element.find(".toggle-sidebar").click(function(e) {
call_default_on_sidebar: function(item) {
var func_name = 'on_sidebar_' + _.underscored(item.label);
var fn = this.widget_parent[func_name];
if(typeof fn === 'function') {
add_default_sections: function() {
this.add_section(_t('Customize'), 'customize');
this.add_items('customize', [
label: _t("Manage Views"),
callback: this.call_default_on_sidebar,
title: _t("Manage views of the current object"),
}, {
label: _t("Edit Workflow"),
callback: this.call_default_on_sidebar,
title: _t("Manage views of the current object"),
classname: 'oe_hide oe_sidebar_edit_workflow'
}, {
label: _t("Customize Object"),
callback: this.call_default_on_sidebar,
title: _t("Manage views of the current object"),
this.add_section(_t('Other Options'), 'other');
this.add_items('other', [
label: _t("Import"),
callback: this.call_default_on_sidebar,
}, {
label: _t("Export"),
callback: this.call_default_on_sidebar,
}, {
label: _t("Translate"),
callback: this.call_default_on_sidebar,
classname: 'oe_sidebar_translate oe_hide'
}, {
label: _t("View Log"),
callback: this.call_default_on_sidebar,
classname: 'oe_hide oe_sidebar_view_log'
add_toolbar: function(toolbar) {
var self = this;
_.each([['print', _t("Reports")], ['action', _t("Actions")], ['relate', _t("Links")]], function(type) {
var items = toolbar[type[0]];
if (items.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i] = {
label: items[i]['name'],
action: items[i],
classname: 'oe_sidebar_' + type[0]
self.add_section(type[1], type[0]);
self.add_items(type[0], items);
add_section: function(name, code) {
if(!code) code = _.underscored(name);
var $section = this.sections[code];
if(!$section) {
section_id = _.uniqueId(this.element_id + '_section_' + code + '_');
var $section = $(db.web.qweb.render("Sidebar.section", {
section_id: section_id,
name: name,
classname: 'oe_sidebar_' + code,
this.sections[code] = $section;
return $section;
add_items: function(section_code, items) {
// An item is a dictonary : {
// label: label to be displayed for the link,
// action: action to be launch when the link is clicked,
// callback: a function to be executed when the link is clicked,
// classname: optional dom class name for the line,
// title: optional title for the link
// }
// Note: The item should have one action or/and a callback
var self = this,
$section = this.add_section(_.titleize(section_code.replace('_', ' ')), section_code),
section_id = $section.attr('id');
if (items) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i].element_id = _.uniqueId(section_id + '_item_');
this.items[items[i].element_id] = items[i];
var $items = $(db.web.qweb.render("Sidebar.section.items", {items: items}));
$items.find('a.oe_sidebar_action_a').click(function() {
var item = self.items[$(this).attr('id')];
if (item.callback) {
item.callback.apply(self, [item]);
if (item.action) {
var ids = self.widget_parent.get_selected_ids();
if (ids.length == 0) {
//TODO: make prettier warning?
$("<div />").text(_t("You must choose at least one record.")).dialog({
title: _t("Warning"),
modal: true
return false;
var additional_context = {
active_id: ids[0],
active_ids: ids,
active_model: self.widget_parent.dataset.model
self.rpc("/web/action/load", {
action_id: item.action.id,
context: additional_context
}, function(result) {
result.result.context = _.extend(result.result.context || {},
result.result.flags = result.result.flags || {};
result.result.flags.new_window = true;
return false;
var $ul = $section.find('ul');
if(!$ul.length) {
$ul = $('<ul/>').appendTo($section);
do_fold: function() {
do_unfold: function() {
do_toggle: function() {
this.$element.toggleClass('open-sidebar closed-sidebar');
db.web.TranslateDialog = db.web.Dialog.extend({
dialog_title: _t("Translations"),
init: function(view) {
// TODO fme: should add the language to fields_view_get because between the fields view get
// and the moment the user opens the translation dialog, the user language could have been changed
this.view_language = view.session.user_context.lang;
this['on_button' + _t("Save")] = this.on_button_Save;
this['on_button' + _t("Close")] = this.on_button_Close;
this._super(view, {
width: '80%',
height: '80%'
this.view = view;
this.view_type = view.fields_view.type || '';
this.$fields_form = null;
this.$view_form = null;
this.$sidebar_form = null;
this.translatable_fields_keys = _.map(this.view.translatable_fields || [], function(i) { return i.name });
this.languages = null;
this.languages_loaded = $.Deferred();
(new db.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'res.lang', this.view.dataset.get_context(),
[['translatable', '=', '1']])).read_slice(['code', 'name'], { sort: 'id' }, this.on_languages_loaded);
start: function() {
var self = this;
$.when(this.languages_loaded).then(function() {
self.$element.html(db.web.qweb.render('TranslateDialog', { widget: self }));
if (!(self.view.translatable_fields && self.view.translatable_fields.length)) {
self.$fields_form = self.$element.find('.oe_translation_form');
self.$fields_form.find('.oe_trad_field').change(function() {
$(this).toggleClass('touched', ($(this).val() != $(this).attr('data-value')));
return this;
on_languages_loaded: function(langs) {
this.languages = langs;
do_load_fields_values: function(callback) {
var self = this,
deffered = [];
_.each(self.languages, function(lg) {
var deff = $.Deferred();
var callback = function(values) {
_.each(self.translatable_fields_keys, function(f) {
self.$fields_form.find('.oe_trad_field[name="' + lg.code + '-' + f + '"]').val(values[0][f] || '').attr('data-value', values[0][f] || '');
if (lg.code === self.view_language) {
var values = {};
_.each(self.translatable_fields_keys, function(field) {
values[field] = self.view.fields[field].get_value();
} else {
self.rpc('/web/dataset/get', {
model: self.view.dataset.model,
ids: [self.view.datarecord.id],
fields: self.translatable_fields_keys,
context: self.view.dataset.get_context({
'lang': lg.code
})}, callback);
$.when.apply(null, deffered).then(callback);
show_tabs: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
this.$element.find('ul.oe_translate_tabs li a[href$="' + arguments[i] + '"]').parent().show();
hide_tabs: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
this.$element.find('ul.oe_translate_tabs li a[href$="' + arguments[i] + '"]').parent().hide();
select_tab: function(name) {
var index = this.$element.find('ul.oe_translate_tabs li a[href$="' + arguments[i] + '"]').parent().index() - 1;
this.$element.tabs('select', index);
open: function(field) {
var self = this,
sup = this._super;
$.when(this.languages_loaded).then(function() {
if (self.view.translatable_fields && self.view.translatable_fields.length) {
self.do_load_fields_values(function() {
if (field) {
// TODO: focus and scroll to field
} else {
on_button_Save: function() {
var trads = {},
self = this;
self.$fields_form.find('.oe_trad_field.touched').each(function() {
var field = $(this).attr('name').split('-');
if (!trads[field[0]]) {
trads[field[0]] = {};
trads[field[0]][field[1]] = $(this).val();
_.each(trads, function(data, code) {
if (code === self.view_language) {
_.each(data, function(value, field) {
} else {
self.view.dataset.write(self.view.datarecord.id, data, { 'lang': code });
on_button_Close: function() {
db.web.View = db.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends db.web.View# */{
template: "EmptyComponent",
set_default_options: function(options) {
this.options = options || {};
_.defaults(this.options, {
// All possible views options should be defaulted here
sidebar_id: null,
sidebar: true,
action: null,
action_views_ids: {}
open_translate_dialog: function(field) {
if (!this.translate_dialog) {
this.translate_dialog = new db.web.TranslateDialog(this).start();
* Fetches and executes the action identified by ``action_data``.
* @param {Object} action_data the action descriptor data
* @param {String} action_data.name the action name, used to uniquely identify the action to find and execute it
* @param {String} [action_data.special=null] special action handlers (currently: only ``'cancel'``)
* @param {String} [action_data.type='workflow'] the action type, if present, one of ``'object'``, ``'action'`` or ``'workflow'``
* @param {Object} [action_data.context=null] additional action context, to add to the current context
* @param {db.web.DataSet} dataset a dataset object used to communicate with the server
* @param {Object} [record_id] the identifier of the object on which the action is to be applied
* @param {Function} on_closed callback to execute when dialog is closed or when the action does not generate any result (no new action)
do_execute_action: function (action_data, dataset, record_id, on_closed) {
var self = this;
var result_handler = function () {
if (on_closed) { on_closed.apply(null, arguments); }
if (self.widget_parent && self.widget_parent.on_action_executed) {
return self.widget_parent.on_action_executed.apply(null, arguments);
var context = new db.web.CompoundContext(dataset.get_context(), action_data.context || {});
var handler = function (r) {
var action = r.result;
if (action && action.constructor == Object) {
var ncontext = new db.web.CompoundContext(context);
if (record_id) {
active_id: record_id,
active_ids: [record_id],
active_model: dataset.model
ncontext.add(action.context || {});
return self.rpc('/web/session/eval_domain_and_context', {
contexts: [ncontext],
domains: []
}).pipe(function (results) {
action.context = results.context;
/* niv: previously we were overriding once more with action_data.context,
* I assumed this was not a correct behavior and removed it
return self.do_action(action, result_handler);
}, null);
} else {
return result_handler();
if (action_data.special) {
return handler({result: {"type":"ir.actions.act_window_close"}});
} else if (action_data.type=="object") {
return dataset.call_button(action_data.name, [[record_id], context], handler);
} else if (action_data.type=="action") {
return this.rpc('/web/action/load', { action_id: parseInt(action_data.name, 10), context: context, do_not_eval: true}, handler);
} else {
return dataset.exec_workflow(record_id, action_data.name, handler);
* Directly set a view to use instead of calling fields_view_get. This method must
* be called before start(). When an embedded view is set, underlying implementations
* of db.web.View must use the provided view instead of any other one.
* @param embedded_view A view.
set_embedded_view: function(embedded_view) {
this.embedded_view = embedded_view;
this.options.sidebar = false;
do_switch_view: function(view) {
do_search: function(view) {
set_common_sidebar_sections: function(sidebar) {
on_sidebar_manage_views: function() {
if (this.fields_view && this.fields_view.arch) {
$('<xmp>' + db.web.json_node_to_xml(this.fields_view.arch, true) + '</xmp>').dialog({ width: '95%', height: 600});
} else {
this.do_warn("Manage Views", "Could not find current view declaration");
on_sidebar_edit_workflow: function() {
on_sidebar_customize_object: function() {
on_sidebar_import: function() {
var import_view = new db.web.DataImport(this, this.dataset);
on_sidebar_export: function() {
var export_view = new db.web.DataExport(this, this.dataset);
on_sidebar_translate: function() {
on_sidebar_view_log: function() {
db.web.json_node_to_xml = function(node, single_quote, indent) {
// For debugging purpose, this function will convert a json node back to xml
// Maybe usefull for xml view editor
if (typeof(node) === 'string') {
return node;
else if (typeof(node.tag) !== 'string' || !node.children instanceof Array || !node.attrs instanceof Object) {
throw("Node a json node");
indent = indent || 0;
var sindent = new Array(indent + 1).join('\t'),
r = sindent + '<' + node.tag;
for (var attr in node.attrs) {
var vattr = node.attrs[attr];
if (typeof(vattr) !== 'string') {
// domains, ...
vattr = JSON.stringify(vattr);
vattr = vattr.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
if (single_quote) {
vattr = vattr.replace(/&quot;/g, "'");
r += ' ' + attr + '="' + vattr + '"';
if (node.children && node.children.length) {
r += '>\n';
var childs = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = node.children.length; i < ii; i++) {
childs.push(db.web.json_node_to_xml(node.children[i], single_quote, indent + 1));
r += childs.join('\n');
r += '\n' + sindent + '</' + node.tag + '>';
return r;
} else {
return r + '/>';
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: