
356 lines
15 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 OpenERP SA (<http://openerp.com>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import base64
import re
import threading
from tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval
import tools
import openerp.modules
from osv import fields, osv
from tools.translate import _
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
def one_in(setA, setB):
"""Check the presence of an element of setA in setB
for x in setA:
if x in setB:
return True
return False
class ir_ui_menu(osv.osv):
_name = 'ir.ui.menu'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cache_lock = threading.RLock()
self._cache = {}
r = super(ir_ui_menu, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').register_cache_clearing_method(self._name, 'clear_cache')
return r
def clear_cache(self):
with self.cache_lock:
# radical but this doesn't frequently happen
if self._cache:
# Normally this is done by openerp.tools.ormcache
# but since we do not use it, set it by ourself.
self.pool._any_cache_cleared = True
self._cache = {}
def _filter_visible_menus(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
"""Filters the give menu ids to only keep the menu items that should be
visible in the menu hierarchy of the current user.
Uses a cache for speeding up the computation.
with self.cache_lock:
modelaccess = self.pool.get('ir.model.access')
user_groups = set(self.pool.get('res.users').read(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, ['groups_id'])['groups_id'])
result = []
for menu in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
# this key works because user access rights are all based on user's groups (cfr ir_model_access.check)
key = (cr.dbname, menu.id, tuple(user_groups))
if key in self._cache:
if self._cache[key]:
#elif not menu.groups_id and not menu.action:
# result.append(menu.id)
self._cache[key] = False
if menu.groups_id:
restrict_to_groups = [g.id for g in menu.groups_id]
if not user_groups.intersection(restrict_to_groups):
#self._cache[key] = True
if menu.action:
# we check if the user has access to the action of the menu
data = menu.action
if data:
model_field = { 'ir.actions.act_window': 'res_model',
'ir.actions.report.xml': 'model',
'ir.actions.wizard': 'model',
'ir.actions.server': 'model_id',
field = model_field.get(menu.action._name)
if field and data[field]:
if not modelaccess.check(cr, uid, data[field], 'read', False):
# if there is no action, it's a 'folder' menu
if not menu.child_id:
# not displayed if there is no children
self._cache[key] = True
return result
def search(self, cr, uid, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, context=None, count=False):
if context is None:
context = {}
ids = super(ir_ui_menu, self).search(cr, uid, args, offset=0,
limit=None, order=order, context=context, count=False)
if not ids:
if count:
return 0
return []
# menu filtering is done only on main menu tree, not other menu lists
if context.get('ir.ui.menu.full_list'):
result = ids
result = self._filter_visible_menus(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
if offset:
result = result[long(offset):]
if limit:
result = result[:long(limit)]
if count:
return len(result)
return result
def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
res = []
for id in ids:
elmt = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context)
res.append((id, self._get_one_full_name(elmt)))
return res
def _get_full_name(self, cr, uid, ids, name=None, args=None, context=None):
if context == None:
context = {}
res = {}
for elmt in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[elmt.id] = self._get_one_full_name(elmt)
return res
def _get_one_full_name(self, elmt, level=6):
if level<=0:
return '...'
if elmt.parent_id:
parent_path = self._get_one_full_name(elmt.parent_id, level-1) + "/"
parent_path = ''
return parent_path + elmt.name
def create(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(ir_ui_menu, self).create(*args, **kwargs)
def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(ir_ui_menu, self).write(*args, **kwargs)
def unlink(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(ir_ui_menu, self).unlink(*args, **kwargs)
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None):
ir_values_obj = self.pool.get('ir.values')
res = super(ir_ui_menu, self).copy(cr, uid, id, context=context)
if concat:
ids = ir_values_obj.search(cr, uid, [
('model', '=', 'ir.ui.menu'),
('res_id', '=', id),
for iv in ir_values_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids):
ir_values_obj.copy(cr, uid, iv.id, default={'res_id': res},
return res
def _action(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None):
res = {}
ir_values_obj = self.pool.get('ir.values')
value_ids = ir_values_obj.search(cursor, user, [
('model', '=', self._name), ('key', '=', 'action'),
('key2', '=', 'tree_but_open'), ('res_id', 'in', ids)],
values_action = {}
for value in ir_values_obj.browse(cursor, user, value_ids, context=context):
values_action[value.res_id] = value.value
for menu_id in ids:
res[menu_id] = values_action.get(menu_id, False)
return res
def _action_inv(self, cursor, user, menu_id, name, value, arg, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
ctx = context.copy()
ir_values_obj = self.pool.get('ir.values')
values_ids = ir_values_obj.search(cursor, user, [
('model', '=', self._name), ('key', '=', 'action'),
('key2', '=', 'tree_but_open'), ('res_id', '=', menu_id)],
if value and values_ids:
ir_values_obj.write(cursor, user, values_ids, {'value': value}, context=ctx)
elif value:
# no values_ids, create binding
ir_values_obj.create(cursor, user, {
'name': 'Menuitem',
'model': self._name,
'value': value,
'key': 'action',
'key2': 'tree_but_open',
'res_id': menu_id,
}, context=ctx)
elif values_ids:
# value is False, remove existing binding
ir_values_obj.unlink(cursor, user, values_ids, context=ctx)
def _get_icon_pict(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context):
res = {}
for m in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[m.id] = ('stock', (m.icon,'ICON_SIZE_MENU'))
return res
def onchange_icon(self, cr, uid, ids, icon):
if not icon:
return {}
return {'type': {'icon_pict': 'picture'}, 'value': {'icon_pict': ('stock', (icon,'ICON_SIZE_MENU'))}}
def read_image(self, path):
if not path:
return False
path_info = path.split(',')
icon_path = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(path_info[0],path_info[1])
icon_image = False
if icon_path:
icon_file = tools.file_open(icon_path,'rb')
icon_image = base64.encodestring(icon_file.read())
return icon_image
def _get_image_icon(self, cr, uid, ids, names, args, context=None):
res = {}
for menu in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[menu.id] = r = {}
for fn in names:
fn_src = fn[:-5] # remove _data
r[fn] = self.read_image(menu[fn_src])
return res
def _get_needaction_enabled(self, cr, uid, ids, field_names, args, context=None):
""" needaction_enabled: tell whether the menu has a related action
that uses the needaction mechanism. """
res = dict.fromkeys(ids, False)
for menu in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if menu.action and menu.action.type in ('ir.actions.act_window', 'ir.actions.client') and menu.action.res_model:
obj = self.pool.get(menu.action.res_model)
if obj and obj._needaction:
res[menu.id] = True
return res
def get_needaction_data(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Return for each menu entry of ids :
- if it uses the needaction mechanism (needaction_enabled)
- the needaction counter of the related action, taking into account
the action domain
res = {}
for menu in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[menu.id] = {
'needaction_enabled': False,
'needaction_counter': False,
if menu.action and menu.action.type in ('ir.actions.act_window', 'ir.actions.client') and menu.action.res_model:
obj = self.pool.get(menu.action.res_model)
if obj and obj._needaction:
if menu.action.type == 'ir.actions.act_window':
dom = menu.action.domain and eval(menu.action.domain, {'uid': uid}) or []
dom = eval(menu.action.params_store or '{}', {'uid': uid}).get('domain')
res[menu.id]['needaction_enabled'] = obj._needaction
res[menu.id]['needaction_counter'] = obj._needaction_count(cr, uid, dom, context=context)
return res
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Menu', size=64, required=True, translate=True),
'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence'),
'child_id': fields.one2many('ir.ui.menu', 'parent_id', 'Child IDs'),
'parent_id': fields.many2one('ir.ui.menu', 'Parent Menu', select=True, ondelete="restrict"),
'parent_left': fields.integer('Parent Left', select=True),
'parent_right': fields.integer('Parent Right', select=True),
'groups_id': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'ir_ui_menu_group_rel',
'menu_id', 'gid', 'Groups', help="If you have groups, the visibility of this menu will be based on these groups. "\
"If this field is empty, OpenERP will compute visibility based on the related object's read access."),
'complete_name': fields.function(_get_full_name,
string='Full Path', type='char', size=128),
'icon': fields.selection(tools.icons, 'Icon', size=64),
'icon_pict': fields.function(_get_icon_pict, type='char', size=32),
'web_icon': fields.char('Web Icon File', size=128),
'web_icon_hover': fields.char('Web Icon File (hover)', size=128),
'web_icon_data': fields.function(_get_image_icon, string='Web Icon Image', type='binary', readonly=True, store=True, multi='icon'),
'web_icon_hover_data': fields.function(_get_image_icon, string='Web Icon Image (hover)', type='binary', readonly=True, store=True, multi='icon'),
'needaction_enabled': fields.function(_get_needaction_enabled,
string='Target model uses the need action mechanism',
help='If the menu entry action is an act_window action, and if this action is related to a model that uses the need_action mechanism, this field is set to true. Otherwise, it is false.'),
'action': fields.function(_action, fnct_inv=_action_inv,
type='reference', string='Action',
('ir.actions.report.xml', 'ir.actions.report.xml'),
('ir.actions.act_window', 'ir.actions.act_window'),
('ir.actions.wizard', 'ir.actions.wizard'),
('ir.actions.act_url', 'ir.actions.act_url'),
('ir.actions.server', 'ir.actions.server'),
('ir.actions.client', 'ir.actions.client'),
def _rec_message(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
return _('Error ! You can not create recursive Menu.')
_constraints = [
(osv.osv._check_recursion, _rec_message, ['parent_id'])
_defaults = {
'icon': 'STOCK_OPEN',
'icon_pict': ('stock', ('STOCK_OPEN', 'ICON_SIZE_MENU')),
'sequence': 10,
_order = "sequence,id"
_parent_store = True
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