
89 lines
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$(document).ready(function () {
console.debug("[survey] Custom JS for survey is loading...");
// Custom code for right behavior of radio buttons with comments box
$('.js_radio input[type="radio"][data-oe-survey-otherr!="1"]').click(function(){
$('.js_comments input[type="radio"]').click(function(){
// Custom code for right behavior of dropdown menu with comments
$('.js_drop input[data-oe-survey-othert="1"]').hide();
$('.js_drop select').change(function(){
var other_val = $(this).find('.js_other_option').val();
if($(this).val() === other_val){
// Custom code for right behavior of checkboxes with comments box
$('.js_ck_comments input[type="checkbox"]').change(function(){
if (! $(this).prop("checked")){
var the_form = $('.js_surveyform');
var prefill_controller = the_form.attr("data-prefill");
var validate_controller = the_form.attr("data-validate");
var submit_controller = the_form.attr("data-submit");
// function prefill(form){
// return false;
// }
// function validate(form){
// return false;
// }
// Parameters for form submission
url: submit_controller,
type: 'POST', // submission type
dataType: 'json', // answer expected type
beforeSubmit: function(){ // hide previous errmsg before resubmitting
success: function(response, status, xhr, wfe){ // submission attempt
if(_.has(response, 'errors')){ // some questions have errors
_.each(_.keys(response.errors), function(key){
$("#" + key + '>.js_errzone').append('<p>' + response.errors[key] + '</p>').show();
return false;
else if (_.has(response, 'redirect')){ // form is ok
alert('here, it should redirect');
return true;
else { // server sends bad data
console.error("Incorrect answer sent by server");
return false;
timeout: 5000,
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ // failure of AJAX request
alert("Something went wrong while contacting survey server. Your answers have probably not been recorded. Try refreshing.");
// Handles the event when a question is focused out
console.debug("[survey] Focus lost on question " + $(this).attr("id"));
console.debug("[survey] Custom JS for survey loaded!");