
431 lines
21 KiB

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>). All Rights Reserved
# $Id$
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from osv import fields, osv
import time
import netsvc
import pooler
import tools
class crm_case_log(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'crm.case.log'
_description = 'crm.case.log'
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, *args, **kwargs):
if not 'name' in vals:
return super(osv.osv,self).create(cr, uid, vals, *args, **kwargs)
_defaults = {
'user_id': lambda self,cr,uid,context: uid,
class event_type(osv.osv):
_name = 'event.type'
_description= 'Event type'
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Event type', size=64, required=True),
class event(osv.osv):
_name = 'event.event'
_description = 'Event'
_inherits = {'crm.case.section': 'section_id'}
_order = 'date_begin'
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None):
return super(event, self).copy(cr, uid,id, default={'code': self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'event.event'),'state':'draft'})
def button_draft(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'draft'})
def button_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'cancel'})
def button_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'done'})
def button_confirm(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
for eve in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
if eve.mail_auto_confirm:
#send reminder that will confirm the event for all the people that were already confirmed
reg_ids = self.pool.get('event.registration').search(cr, uid, [('event_id','=',eve.id),('state','not in',['draft','cancel'])])
if reg_ids:
self.pool.get('event.registration').mail_user_confirm(cr, uid, reg_ids)
return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'confirm'})
def _get_register(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
for event in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
query = """select sum(nb_register) from crm_case c left join crm_case_section s on (c.section_id=s.id) right join event_event e on (e.section_id=s.id) right join event_registration r on (r.case_id=c.id) where e.section_id = %s and c.state in ('open','done')""" % event.section_id.id
res2 = cr.fetchone()
if res2 and res2[0]:
res[event.id] = res2[0]
res[event.id] = 0
return res
def _get_prospect(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
for event in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
query = """select sum(nb_register) from crm_case c left join crm_case_section s on (c.section_id=s.id) right join event_event e on (e.section_id=s.id) right join event_registration r on (r.case_id=c.id) where e.section_id = %s and c.state = 'draft'""" % event.section_id.id
res2 = cr.fetchone()
if res2 and res2[0]:
res[event.id] = res2[0]
res[event.id] = 0
return res
def write(self, cr, uid, ids,vals, *args, **kwargs):
res = super(event,self).write(cr, uid, ids,vals, *args, **kwargs)
if 'date_begin' in vals and vals['date_begin']:
for eve in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
#change the deadlines of the registration linked to this event
reg_ids = self.pool.get('event.registration').search(cr, uid, [('event_id','=',eve.id)])
if reg_ids:
self.pool.get('event.registration').write(cr, uid, reg_ids, {'date_deadline':vals['date_begin']})
#change the description of the registration linked to this event
if 'mail_auto_confirm' in vals:
if vals['mail_auto_confirm']:
if 'mail_confirm' not in vals:
for eve in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
vals['mail_confirm'] = eve.mail_confirm
if 'mail_confirm' in vals:
for eve in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
reg_ids = self.pool.get('event.registration').search(cr, uid, [('event_id','=',eve.id)])
if reg_ids:
self.pool.get('event.registration').write(cr, uid, reg_ids, {'description':vals['mail_confirm']})
return res
_columns = {
'type': fields.many2one('event.type', 'Type'),
'section_id': fields.many2one('crm.case.section', 'Case section', required=True),
'register_max': fields.integer('Maximum Registrations'),
'register_min': fields.integer('Minimum Registrations'),
'register_current': fields.function(_get_register, method=True, string='Confirmed Registrations'),
'register_prospect': fields.function(_get_prospect, method=True, string='Unconfirmed Registrations'),
'date_begin': fields.datetime('Beginning date', required=True),
'date_end': fields.datetime('Ending date', required=True),
'state': fields.selection([('draft','Draft'),('confirm','Confirmed'),('done','Done'),('cancel','Canceled')], 'Status', readonly=True, required=True),
'mail_auto_registr':fields.boolean('Mail Auto Register',help='Check this box if you want to use the automatic mailing for new registration'),
'mail_auto_confirm':fields.boolean('Mail Auto Confirm',help='Check this box if you want ot use the automatic confirmation emailing or the reminder'),
'mail_registr':fields.text('Registration Email',help='This email will be sent when someone subscribes to the event.'),
'mail_confirm': fields.text('Confirmation Email', help="This email will be sent when the event gets confimed or when someone subscribes to a confirmed event. This is also the email sent to remind someone about the event."),
'product_id':fields.many2one('product.product','Product', required=True),
_defaults = {
'state': lambda *args: 'draft',
'code': lambda obj, cr, uid, context: obj.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'event.event'),
'user_id': lambda self,cr,uid,ctx: uid,
class event_registration(osv.osv):
def _history(self, cr, uid,ids,keyword, history=False, email=False, context={}):
for case in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
data = {
'name': keyword,
'som': case.som.id,
'canal_id': case.canal_id.id,
'user_id': uid,
'case_id': case.case_id.id
obj = self.pool.get('crm.case.log')
obj.create(cr, uid, data, context)
return True
def button_reg_close(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'done',})
self._history(cr, uid, ids, 'Done', history=True)
return True
def button_reg_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'cancel',})
self._history(cr, uid, ids, 'Cancel', history=True)
return True
def create(self, cr, uid, *args, **argv):
event = self.pool.get('event.event').browse(cr, uid, args[0]['event_id'], None)
args[0]['section_id']= event.section_id.id
args[0]['date_deadline']= event.date_begin
args[0]['description']= event.mail_confirm
res = super(event_registration, self).create(cr, uid, *args, **argv)
self._history(cr, uid,[res], 'Created', history=True)
return res
def write(self, cr, uid, *args, **argv):
if 'event_id' in args[1]:
event = self.pool.get('event.event').browse(cr, uid, args[1]['event_id'], None)
args[1]['section_id']= event.section_id.id
args[1]['date_deadline']= event.date_begin
args[1]['description']= event.mail_confirm
return super(event_registration, self).write(cr, uid, *args, **argv)
def mail_user_confirm(self,cr,uid,ids):
for reg_id in reg_ids:
src = reg_id.event_id.reply_to or False
dest = [reg_id.email_from]
if reg_id.email_cc:
dest += [reg_id.email_cc]
if dest and src:
tools.email_send(src, dest,'Auto Confirmation: '+'['+str(reg_id.id)+']'+' '+reg_id.name, reg_id.event_id.mail_confirm, tinycrm = str(reg_id.case_id.id))
if not src:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('You must define a reply-to address in order to mail the participant. You can do this in the Mailing tab of your event. Note that this is also the place where you can configure your event to not send emails automaticly while registering'))
return False
def mail_user(self,cr,uid,ids):
for reg_id in reg_ids:
src = reg_id.event_id.reply_to or False
dest = [reg_id.email_from]
if reg_id.email_cc:
dest += [reg_id.email_cc]
if reg_id.event_id.mail_auto_confirm or reg_id.event_id.mail_auto_registr:
if dest and src:
if reg_id.event_id.state in ['draft', 'fixed', 'open','confirm','running'] and reg_id.event_id.mail_auto_registr:
tools.email_send(src, dest,'Auto Registration: '+'['+str(reg_id.id)+']'+' '+reg_id.name, reg_id.event_id.mail_registr, tinycrm = str(reg_id.case_id.id))
if (reg_id.event_id.state in ['confirm','running']) and reg_id.event_id.mail_auto_confirm:
tools.email_send(src, dest,'Auto Confirmation: '+'['+str(reg_id.id)+']'+' '+reg_id.name, reg_id.event_id.mail_confirm, tinycrm = str(reg_id.case_id.id))
if not src:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('You must define a reply-to address in order to mail the participant. You can do this in the Mailing tab of your event. Note that this is also the place where you can configure your event to not send emails automaticly while registering'))
return False
_name= 'event.registration'
_description = 'Event Registration'
_inherits = {'crm.case': 'case_id'}
_columns = {
'nb_register': fields.integer('Number of Registration', readonly=True, states={'draft':[('readonly',False)]}),
'event_id':fields.many2one('event.event', 'Event Related', required=True),
"partner_invoice_id":fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Partner Invoiced'),
"contact_id":fields.many2one('res.partner.contact', 'Partner Contact'), #TODO: filter only the contacts that have a function into the selected partner_id
"unit_price": fields.float('Unit Price'),
"badge_title":fields.char('Badge Title',size=128),
"badge_name":fields.char('Badge Name',size=128),
"badge_partner":fields.char('Badge Partner',size=128),
"invoice_label":fields.char("Label Invoice",size=128,required=True),
"tobe_invoiced":fields.boolean("To be Invoiced"),
_defaults = {
'nb_register': lambda *a: 1,
'tobe_invoiced' : lambda *a: True,
'name': lambda *a: 'Registration',
'state': lambda *b: 'draft'
def onchange_badge_name(self, cr, uid, ids, badge_name):
data ={}
if not badge_name:
return data
data['name'] = 'Registration: ' + badge_name
return {'value':data}
def onchange_contact_id(self, cr, uid, ids, contact, partner):
data ={}
if not contact:
return data
contact_id = self.pool.get('res.partner.contact').browse(cr, uid, contact)
data['badge_name'] = contact_id.name
data['badge_title'] = contact_id.title
if partner:
partner_addresses = self.pool.get('res.partner.address').search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','=',partner)])
job_ids = self.pool.get('res.partner.job').search(cr, uid, [('contact_id','=',contact),('address_id','in',partner_addresses)])
if job_ids:
data['email_from'] = self.pool.get('res.partner.job').browse(cr, uid, job_ids[0]).email
d = self.onchange_badge_name(cr, uid, ids,data['badge_name'])
return {'value':data}
def onchange_event(self, cr, uid, ids, event_id, partner_invoice_id):
if not event_id:
return {'value':{'unit_price' : False ,'invoice_label' : False }}
data_event = self.pool.get('event.event').browse(cr,uid,event_id)
if data_event.product_id:
if not partner_invoice_id:
unit_price=self.pool.get('product.product').price_get(cr, uid, [data_event.product_id.id],context=context)[data_event.product_id.id]
return {'value':{'unit_price' : unit_price , 'invoice_label' : data_event.product_id.name}}
data_partner = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr,uid,partner_invoice_id)
unit_price = self.pool.get('product.product')._product_price(cr, uid, [data_event.product_id.id], False, False, {'pricelist':data_partner.property_product_pricelist.id})[data_event.product_id.id]
return {'value':{'unit_price' :unit_price , 'invoice_label' : data_event.product_id.name}}
return {'value':{'unit_price' : False,'invoice_label' : False}}
def onchange_partner_id(self, cr, uid, ids, part, event_id, email=False):
data['badge_partner'] = data['contact_id'] = data['partner_invoice_id'] = data['email_from'] = data['badge_title'] = data['badge_name'] = False
if not part:
return {'value':data}
# this calls onchange_partner_invoice_id
d = self.onchange_partner_invoice_id(cr, uid, ids, event_id,part)
# this updates the dictionary
addr = self.pool.get('res.partner').address_get(cr, uid, [part])
if addr:
if addr.has_key('default'):
job_ids = self.pool.get('res.partner.job').search(cr, uid, [('address_id','=',addr['default'])])
if job_ids:
data['contact_id'] = self.pool.get('res.partner.job').browse(cr, uid, job_ids[0]).contact_id.id
d = self.onchange_contact_id(cr, uid, ids, data['contact_id'],part)
partner_data = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, part)
data['badge_partner'] = partner_data.name
return {'value':data}
def onchange_partner_invoice_id(self, cr, uid, ids, event_id, partner_invoice_id):
if not event_id:
return {'value':data}
data_event = self.pool.get('event.event').browse(cr,uid,event_id)
if data_event.product_id:
if not partner_invoice_id:
data['unit_price']=self.pool.get('product.product').price_get(cr, uid, [data_event.product_id.id],context=context)[data_event.product_id.id]
return {'value':data}
data_partner = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr,uid,partner_invoice_id)
data['unit_price'] = self.pool.get('product.product')._product_price(cr, uid, [data_event.product_id.id], False, False, {'pricelist':data_partner.property_product_pricelist.id})[data_event.product_id.id]
return {'value':data}
return {'value':data}
def onchange_categ_id(self, cr, uid, ids, categ, context={}):
if not categ:
return {'value':{}}
cat = self.pool.get('crm.case.categ').browse(cr, uid, categ, context).probability
return {'value':{'probability':cat}}
def _map_ids(self,method,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
case_data = self.browse(cr,uid,ids)
for case in case_data:
return getattr(self.pool.get('crm.case'),method)(cr, uid, new_ids, *args, **argv)
def case_close(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('case_close',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def case_escalate(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('case_escalate',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def case_open(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('case_open',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def case_cancel(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('case_cancel',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def case_pending(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('case_pending',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def case_reset(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('case_reset',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def case_log(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('case_log',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def case_log_reply(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('case_log_reply',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def add_reply(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('add_reply',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def remind_partner(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('remind_partner',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
def remind_user(self,cr, uid, ids, *args, **argv):
return self._map_ids('remind_user',cr,uid,ids,*args,**argv)
class report_event_registration(osv.osv):
_name = "report.event.registration"
_description = "Events on registrations"
_auto = False
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Event',size=20),
'date_begin': fields.datetime('Beginning date', required=True),
'date_end': fields.datetime('Ending date', required=True),
'draft_state': fields.integer('Draft Registration',size=20),
'confirm_state': fields.integer('Confirm Registration',size=20),
'register_max': fields.integer('Maximum Registrations'),
def init(self, cr):
create or replace view report_event_registration as (
e.id as id,
c.name as name,
e.date_begin as date_begin,
e.date_end as date_end,
(SELECT sum(nb_register) FROM event_registration x , crm_case c WHERE x.case_id=c.id and c.section_id=e.section_id and state in ('draft')) as draft_state,
(SELECT sum(nb_register) FROM event_registration x , crm_case c WHERE x.case_id=c.id and c.section_id=e.section_id and state in ('open')) as confirm_state,
e.register_max as register_max
event_event e,crm_case_section c
class report_event_type_registration(osv.osv):
_name = "report.event.type.registration"
_description = "Event type on registration"
_auto = False
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Event Type',size=20),
'nbevent':fields.integer('Number Of Events'),
'draft_state': fields.integer('Draft Registrations',size=20),
'confirm_state': fields.integer('Confirm Registrations',size=20),
def init(self, cr):
create or replace view report_event_type_registration as (
count(t.id) as id,
t.name as name,
(select sum(nb_register) from event_registration r , crm_case c , event_event e where c.section_id=e.section_id and r.case_id=c.id and c.state='draft' and e.type=t.id ) as draft_state ,
(select sum(nb_register) from event_registration r , crm_case c , event_event e where c.section_id=e.section_id and r.case_id=c.id and c.state='open' and e.type=t.id ) as confirm_state,
count(t.id) as nbevent
event_event e
inner join
crm_case_section c1 on (e.section_id=c1.id)
inner join
event_type t on (e.type=t.id)
group by
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