
995 lines
55 KiB

## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http: //tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http: //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import lxml
from lxml import etree
import openerp
from openerp import tools
from openerp.tools import to_xml
from datetime import datetime
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
import uuid
class survey_question_wiz(osv.osv_memory):
_name = 'survey.question.wiz'
_columns = {
'survey_id': fields.many2one('survey.survey', 'Survey', required=True, ondelete='cascade', domain=[('state', 'in', ['draft', 'open'])]),
'page_no': fields.integer('Page Number'),
'page': fields.char('Page Position'),
'transfer': fields.boolean('Page Transfer'),
'token': fields.char('Response token'),
_defaults = {
'page_no': -1,
'page': 'next',
'transfer': True,
'survey_id': lambda self, cr, uid, context: context.get('survey_id', False),
def _view_field_multiple_choice_only_one_ans(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
selection = []
for ans in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
selection.append((tools.ustr(ans.id), ans.answer))
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '2', 'colspan': '2'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_selection"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_selection"] = {'type': 'selection', 'selection': selection, 'string': "Answer"}
def _view_field_multiple_choice_multiple_ans(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
# TODO convert selection field into radio input
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)] = {'type': 'boolean', 'string': ans.answer}
def _view_field_matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
que_col_head = self.pool.get('survey.question.column.heading')
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': str(len(que_rec.column_heading_ids) + 1), 'colspan': '4'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': '.', 'colspan': '1'})
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'separator', {'string': tools.ustr(col.title), 'colspan': '1'})
for row in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(row.answer)) + ': -', 'align': '0.0'})
for col in que_col_head.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [head.id for head in que_rec.column_heading_ids], context=context):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(row.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(col.id), 'nolabel': "1"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(row.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(col.id)] = {'type': 'boolean', 'string': col.title}
def _view_field_multiple_textboxes(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
type = "char"
if que_rec.is_validation_require:
if que_rec.validation_type in ['must_be_whole_number']:
type = "integer"
elif que_rec.validation_type in ['must_be_decimal_number']:
type = "float"
elif que_rec.validation_type in ['must_be_date']:
type = "date"
for ans in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type': str(type), 'string': ans.answer}
def _view_field_numerical_textboxes(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_numeric"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_numeric"] = {'type': 'integer', 'string': ans.answer}
def _view_field_date(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)] = {'type': 'date', 'string': ans.answer}
def _view_field_date_and_time(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id)] = {'type': 'datetime', 'string': ans.answer}
def _view_field_descriptive_text(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
if que_rec.descriptive_text:
html = lxml.html.fromstring('<div>%s</div>' % "<br/>".join(que_rec.descriptive_text.split('\n')))
xml_group.insert(0, html)
def _view_field_single_textbox(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_single", 'nolabel': "1", 'colspan': "4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_single"] = {'type': 'char', 'size': 255, 'string': "single_textbox", 'views': {}}
def _view_field_comment(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_comment", 'nolabel': "1", 'colspan': "4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_comment"] = {'type': 'text', 'string': "Comment/Eassy Box", 'views': {}}
def _view_field_table(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': str(len(que_rec.column_heading_ids)), 'colspan': '4'})
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': tools.ustr(col.title)})
for row in range(0, que_rec.no_of_rows):
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_table_" + tools.ustr(col.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(row), 'nolabel': "1"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_table_" + tools.ustr(col.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(row)] = {'type': 'char', 'size': 255, 'views': {}}
def _view_field_multiple_textboxes_diff_type(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
for ans in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
if ans.type == "email":
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type': 'char', 'string': ans.answer}
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'widget': 'email', 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"})
if ans.type == "char":
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type': 'char', 'string': ans.answer}
elif ans.type in ['integer', 'float', 'date', 'datetime']:
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type': str(ans.type), 'string': ans.answer}
selection = []
if ans.menu_choice:
for item in ans.menu_choice.split('\n'):
if item and not item.strip() == '':
selection.append((item, item))
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_" + tools.ustr(ans.id) + "_multi"] = {'type': 'selection', 'selection': selection, 'string': ans.answer}
def _view_field_matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
col = que_rec.comment_column and "3" or "2"
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'group', {'col': tools.ustr(col), 'colspan': "4"})
first = True
for row in que_rec.answer_choice_ids:
name_select = tools.ustr(que.id) + "_selection_" + tools.ustr(row.id)
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'newline')
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'for': name_select, 'string': tools.ustr(row.answer)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'widget': 'radio', 'options': "{'horizontal': 1, 'no_radiolabel': %s}" % (not first and '1' or '0'), 'modifiers': readonly, 'name': name_select, 'nolabel': "1"})
selection = []
for col in que_rec.column_heading_ids:
selection.append((str(col.id), col.title))
if que_rec.comment_column:
name_comment = tools.ustr(que.id) + "_commentcolumn_" + tools.ustr(row.id) + "_field"
if first:
div_group = etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'div', {'class': 'oe_survey_matrix_of_choices_comment'})
etree.SubElement(div_group, 'label', {'string': tools.ustr(que.column_name)})
etree.SubElement(div_group, 'newline')
etree.SubElement(div_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': name_comment, 'nolabel': "1"})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': name_comment, 'nolabel': "1"})
fields[name_comment] = {'type': 'char', 'string': tools.ustr(que_rec.column_name), 'views': {}}
fields[name_select] = {'type': 'selection', 'selection': selection, 'string': "Answer"}
first = False
def _view_field_rating_scale(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
self._view_field_matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans(cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context)
def _view_field_postprocessing(self, cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=None):
# after matrix of choices
if que_rec.type in ['multiple_choice_only_one_ans', 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans'] and que_rec.comment_field_type in ['char', 'text'] and que_rec.make_comment_field:
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_otherfield", 'colspan': "4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_otherfield"] = {'type': 'boolean', 'string': que_rec.comment_label, 'views': {}}
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other", 'nolabel': "1", 'colspan': "4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other"] = {'type': que_rec.comment_field_type, 'string': '', 'views': {}}
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(que_rec.comment_label)), 'colspan': "4"})
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'field', {'modifiers': readonly, 'name': tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other", 'nolabel': "1", 'colspan': "4"})
fields[tools.ustr(que.id) + "_other"] = {'type': que_rec.comment_field_type, 'string': '', 'views': {}}
def _survey_complete(self, cr, uid, survey_id, context):
""" list of action to do when the survey is completed
user_browse = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, context=context)
val = {
'type': 'notification',
'model': 'survey.survey',
'res_id': survey_id,
'record_name': _("Survey N° %s") % survey_id,
'body': _("%s have post a new response on this survey.") % user_browse.name,
self.pool.get('survey.survey').message_post(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, survey_id, context=context, **val)
def get_response_info_from_token(self, cr, uid, survey_id, survey_token, context=None):
Get the response informations and return a dictionnary
* response_id
* state
* readonly
If it's a public token or survey_id = False, return the dictionnary with response_id = False
If no response and the token doesn't match with the survey public token,
This function raise an exception
context = context or {}
res = {'response_id': False, 'state': None, 'readonly': context.get('readonly', False)}
if not survey_id:
return res
survey_obj = self.pool.get('survey.survey')
survey_browse = survey_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, survey_id, context=context)
user_browse = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, context=context)
pid = user_browse.partner_id.id
anonymous = self.check_anonymous(cr, uid, [uid], context=context)
# to do: check if context.get('edit') is allow
if context.get('edit') or context.get('survey_test'):
survey_obj.check_access_rights(cr, uid, 'write')
survey_obj.check_access_rule(cr, uid, [survey_id], 'write', context=context)
except except_orm, e:
context['edit'] = False
context['survey_test'] = False
# check open and sign in
if not context.get('edit') and not context.get('survey_test') and survey_browse.state != "open":
raise openerp.exceptions.AccessError(_("You cannot answer because the survey is not open."))
if anonymous and survey_browse.authenticate:
raise openerp.exceptions.AccessError(_("Please Login to complete this survey."))
# get opening response
response_ids = None
sur_response_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response')
dom = [('survey_id', '=', survey_id),
"|", ('state', '=', 'test'),
"&", ('state', 'in', ['new', 'skip', 'done']), "|", ('date_deadline', '=', None), ('date_deadline', '>', datetime.now())]
# check for private token
if survey_token:
response_ids = sur_response_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, dom + [("token", "=", survey_token)], context=context, limit=1, order="id DESC")
# check for admin preview responses
if not response_ids and context.get("response_id"):
survey_obj.check_access_rights(cr, uid, 'write')
survey_obj.check_access_rule(cr, uid, [survey_id], 'write', context=context)
response_ids = [context.get("response_id")]
except except_orm, e:
response_ids = None
# check sign in user
if not response_ids and not anonymous:
response_ids = sur_response_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, dom + [('state', '!=', 'done'), ('partner_id', '=', pid)], context=context, limit=1, order="date_deadline DESC")
# user have a specific token or a specific partner access (for state open or restricted)
if response_ids:
response = sur_response_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, response_ids[0], context=context)
res['response_id'] = response_ids[0]
res['state'] = response.state
if response.state == 'done':
res['readonly'] = True
# errors
if not res['response_id'] and not context.get('edit') and not context.get('survey_test') and (survey_browse.state != 'open' or str(survey_browse.token) != str(survey_token)):
response_ids = sur_response_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('survey_id', '=', survey_id), ("token", "=", survey_token)], context=context, limit=1)
if not response_ids:
response_ids = sur_response_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('survey_id', '=', survey_id), ('partner_id', '=', pid)], context=context, limit=1)
if not response_ids:
raise openerp.exceptions.AccessError(_("You do not have access to this survey."))
response = sur_response_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, response_ids[0], context=context)
if response.state == 'cancel':
raise openerp.exceptions.AccessError(_("You do not have access to this survey because, your survey access is canceled."))
elif response.state == 'done':
res['response_id'] = context.get('response_id') and int(context['response_id'][0])
res['state'] = 'done'
res['readonly'] = True
elif response.date_deadline and datetime.strptime(response.date_deadline, DATETIME_FORMAT) < datetime.now():
raise openerp.exceptions.AccessError(_("The deadline for responding to this survey is exceeded since %s") % response.date_deadline)
raise openerp.exceptions.AccessError(_("You do not have access to this survey."))
return res
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
Fields View Get method: - generate the new view and display the survey pages of selected survey.
if context is None:
context = {}
result = super(survey_question_wiz, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context, toolbar, submenu)
survey_obj = self.pool.get('survey.survey')
page_obj = self.pool.get('survey.page')
que_obj = self.pool.get('survey.question')
if view_type in ['form']:
wiz_id = context.get('wizard_id', 0)
survey_id = None
sur_name_rec = None
if wiz_id:
sur_name_rec = self.browse(cr, uid, wiz_id, context=context)
survey_id = sur_name_rec.survey_id.id
context["survey_token"] = sur_name_rec.token or context.get("survey_token")
elif context.get('survey_id'):
survey_id = context.get('survey_id')
res_data = {
'survey_id': survey_id,
'page_no': -1,
'page': 'next',
'transfer': 1,
wiz_id = self.create(cr, uid, res_data, context=context)
sur_name_rec = self.browse(cr, uid, wiz_id, context=context)
context.update({'wizard_id': wiz_id})
if context.get('active_id'):
if not survey_id:
return result
# get if the token of the partner or anonymous user is valid
response_info = self.get_response_info_from_token(cr, uid, survey_id, context.get("survey_token"), context)
survey_browse = survey_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, survey_id, context=context)
p_id = [page.id for page in survey_browse.page_ids]
total_pages = len(p_id)
pre_button = False
sur_name_read = self.browse(cr, uid, context['wizard_id'], context=context)
page_number = int(sur_name_rec.page_no)
if sur_name_read.transfer or not sur_name_rec.page_no + 1:
self.write(cr, uid, [context['wizard_id']], {'transfer': False})
flag = False
fields = {}
# have acces to this survey
edit_mode = context.get('edit', False)
if sur_name_read.page == "next" or sur_name_rec.page_no == -1:
if total_pages > sur_name_rec.page_no + 1:
if response_info['state'] != 'test' and survey_browse.max_response_limit and \
survey_browse.max_response_limit <= survey_browse.tot_start_survey and not sur_name_rec.page_no + 1:
survey_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, survey_id, {'state': 'close', 'date_close': datetime.now()}, context=context)
p_id = p_id[sur_name_rec.page_no + 1]
self.write(cr, uid, [context['wizard_id'], ], {'page_no': sur_name_rec.page_no + 1})
flag = True
page_number += 1
if sur_name_rec.page_no > - 1:
pre_button = True
flag = True
if sur_name_rec.page_no != 0:
p_id = p_id[sur_name_rec.page_no - 1]
self.write(cr, uid, [context['wizard_id'], ], {'page_no': sur_name_rec.page_no - 1})
flag = True
page_number -= 1
if sur_name_rec.page_no > 1:
pre_button = True
# survey in progress (not complete)
if flag:
pag_rec = page_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, p_id, context=context)
xml_form = etree.Element('form', {'version': "7.0", 'class': 'oe_survey_answer', 'string': tools.ustr(pag_rec and pag_rec.title or survey_browse.title)})
xml_form = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'sheet')
if edit_mode:
context.update({'page_id': tools.ustr(p_id), 'page_number': sur_name_rec.page_no, 'transfer': sur_name_read.transfer})
xml_group3 = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '4', 'colspan': '4'})
etree.SubElement(xml_group3, 'button', {'string': _('Add Page'), 'icon': "gtk-new", 'type': 'object', 'name': "action_new_page", 'context': tools.ustr(context)})
if total_pages:
etree.SubElement(xml_group3, 'button', {'string': _('Edit Page'), 'icon': "gtk-edit", 'type': 'object', 'name': "action_edit_page", 'context': tools.ustr(context)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group3, 'button', {'string': _('Delete Page'), 'icon': "gtk-delete", 'type': 'object', 'name': "action_delete_page", 'context': tools.ustr(context)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group3, 'button', {'string': _('Add Question'), 'icon': "gtk-new", 'type': 'object', 'name': "action_new_question", 'context': tools.ustr(context)})
# FP Note
xml_group = xml_form
if pag_rec and pag_rec.note:
xml_group_note = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '1', 'colspan': '4'})
for que_test in pag_rec.note.split('\n'):
etree.SubElement(xml_group_note, 'label', {'string': to_xml(tools.ustr(que_test)), 'align': "0.0"})
qu_no = 0
for que in (pag_rec and pag_rec.question_ids or []):
qu_no += 1
que_rec = que_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, que.id, context=context)
separator_string = tools.ustr(qu_no) + ". " + tools.ustr(que_rec.question)
star = que_rec.is_require_answer and '*' or ''
# display title
etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'separator', {'string': star + to_xml(separator_string)})
if edit_mode:
xml_group1 = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '2', 'colspan': '2'})
context.update({'question_id': tools.ustr(que.id), 'page_number': sur_name_rec.page_no, 'transfer': sur_name_read.transfer, 'page_id': p_id})
etree.SubElement(xml_group1, 'button', {'string': '', 'icon': "gtk-edit", 'type': 'object', 'name': "action_edit_question", 'context': tools.ustr(context)})
etree.SubElement(xml_group1, 'button', {'string': '', 'icon': "gtk-delete", 'type': 'object', 'name': "action_delete_question", 'context': tools.ustr(context)})
xml_group = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'group', {'col': '1', 'colspan': '4', 'class': 'oe_survey_%s' % que_rec.type})
readonly = response_info['readonly'] and '{"readonly": 1}' or '{}'
# display description
if que_rec.type not in ['descriptive_text']:
self._view_field_descriptive_text(cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=context)
etree.SubElement(xml_group, 'newline')
# rendering different views
getattr(self, "_view_field_%s" % que_rec.type)(cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=context)
if que_rec.type in ['multiple_choice_only_one_ans', 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans', 'matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans', 'rating_scale'] and que_rec.is_comment_require:
self._view_field_postprocessing(cr, uid, xml_group, fields, readonly, que, que_rec, context=context)
xml_footer = etree.SubElement(xml_form, 'footer', {'col': '8', 'width': "100%"})
if pre_button:
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'label', {'string': ""})
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'button', {'name': "action_previous", 'string': _("Previous"), 'type': "object"})
if int(page_number) + 1 == total_pages:
if not response_info['readonly']:
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'label', {'string': ""})
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'button', {'name': "action_done", 'string': _('Done'), 'type': "object", 'context': tools.ustr(context), 'class': "oe_highlight"})
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'label', {'string': ""})
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'button', {'name': "action_next", 'string': _("Next"), 'type': "object", 'context': tools.ustr(context), 'class': not response_info['readonly'] and "oe_highlight" or ""})
if context.get('ir_actions_act_window_target') != 'inline':
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'label', {'string': _("or")})
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'button', {'special': "cancel", 'string': _("Exit"), 'class': "oe_link"})
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'label', {'string': tools.ustr(page_number + 1) + "/" + tools.ustr(total_pages), 'class': "oe_survey_title_page oe_right"})
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'field', {'name': 'wizard_id_%s' % wiz_id, 'modifiers': '{"invisible": 1}'})
fields['wizard_id_%s' % wiz_id] = {'type': 'char'}
if not response_info['response_id'] and not edit_mode:
etree.SubElement(xml_footer, 'field', {'name': 'token', 'modifiers': '{"invisible": 1}'})
fields['token'] = {'type': 'char'}
root = xml_form.getroottree()
result['arch'] = etree.tostring(root)
result['fields'] = fields
result['context'] = context
return result
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields_list, context=None):
Assign Default value in particular field. If Browse Answers wizard run then read the value into database and Assigne to a particular fields.
value = {}
if context is None:
context = {}
sur_response_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response')
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
survey_obj = self.pool.get('survey.survey')
for field in fields_list:
if field.split('_')[0] == 'progress':
tot_page_id = survey_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context.get('survey_id', False), context=context)
tot_per = (float(100) * (int(field.split('_')[2]) + 1) / len(tot_page_id.page_ids))
value[field] = tot_per
response_info = self.get_response_info_from_token(cr, uid, context.get('survey_id'), context.get("survey_token"), context)
if not response_info['response_id'] and len(fields_list) > 1 and 'token' in fields_list:
context['survey_token'] = value['token'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
context['response_id'] = sur_response_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {
'state': context.get('survey_test') and 'test' or 'new',
'response_type': 'manually',
'partner_id': user_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, context=context).partner_id.id,
'date_create': datetime.now(),
'survey_id': context['survey_id'],
'token': context['survey_token'],
response_ans = False
if not context.get('edit') and response_info['response_id']:
response_ans = sur_response_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, response_info['response_id'], context=context)
if response_ans:
for que in response_ans.question_ids:
for field in fields_list:
if field.split('_')[0] != "progress" and field.split('_')[0] == str(que.question_id.id):
if que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 4 and field.split('_')[1] == "commentcolumn" and field.split('_')[3] == "field":
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[2]) == str(ans.answer_id.id):
value[field] = ans.comment_field
if que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 4 and field.split('_')[1] == "table":
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[2]) == str(ans.column_id.id) and str(field.split('_')[3]) == str(ans.name):
value[field] = ans.value
if que.comment and (field.split('_')[1] == "comment" or field.split('_')[1] == "other"):
value[field] = tools.ustr(que.comment)
elif que.single_text and field.split('_')[1] == "single":
value[field] = tools.ustr(que.single_text)
elif que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 3 and field.split('_')[1] == "selection":
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[2]) == str(ans.answer_id.id):
value[field] = str(ans.column_id.id)
elif que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 2 and field.split('_')[1] == "selection":
value[field] = str(que.response_answer_ids[0].answer_id.id)
elif que.response_answer_ids and len(field.split('_')) == 3 and field.split('_')[2] != "multi" and field.split('_')[2] != "numeric":
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[1]) == str(ans.answer_id.id) and str(field.split('_')[2]) == str(ans.column_id.id):
if ans.value_choice:
value[field] = ans.value_choice
value[field] = True
for ans in que.response_answer_ids:
if str(field.split('_')[1]) == str(ans.answer_id.id):
value[field] = ans.answer
if not context.get('wizard_id'):
return value
if context.get('edit', False):
return value
return value
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
Create the Answer of survey and store in survey.response object, and if set validation of question then check the value of question if value is wrong then raise the exception.
if 'page_no' in vals:
return super(survey_question_wiz, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
context = context or {}
vals['token'] = context['survey_token'] = vals.get("token") or context.get("survey_token")
vals['survey_id'] = context.get("survey_id")
response_info = self.get_response_info_from_token(cr, uid, context['survey_id'], vals['token'], context)
self_columns = [temp[0] for temp in self._columns.items()]
if not response_info['response_id']:
dict((key, val) for key, val in vals.items() if key in self_columns and key != 'token')
return super(survey_question_wiz, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
if context.get('edit', False) or response_info['readonly']:
return super(survey_question_wiz, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
sur_response_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response')
surv_tbl_column_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response.answer')
resp_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response.line')
res_ans_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response.answer')
que_obj = self.pool.get('survey.question')
for key in vals:
if key.find('wizard_id_') == 0:
wiz_id = int(key.replace('wizard_id_', ''))
self.write(cr, uid, wiz_id, {'token': vals['token']})
response_id = response_info['response_id']
if sur_response_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, response_id).state != 'test':
sur_response_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [response_id], {'state': 'skip'})
que_li = []
resp_id_list = []
for key, val in vals.items():
if key in self_columns:
split_key = key.split('_')
que_id = int(split_key[0])
if que_id in que_li:
ids = resp_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('response_id', '=', response_id), ('question_id', '=', que_id)], context=context)
resp_obj.unlink(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ids, context=context)
que_rec = que_obj.read(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [que_id], context=context)[0]
res_data = {
'question_id': que_id,
'date_create': datetime.now(),
'state': 'done',
'response_id': response_id
resp_id = resp_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, res_data)
select_count = 0
numeric_sum = 0
selected_value = []
comment_field = False
comment_value = False
response_list = []
for key1, val1 in vals.items():
_key_split = key1.split('_')
if not val1 or key1 in self_columns or int(_key_split[0]) != que_id:
_type = _key_split[1]
if _type == "table":
surv_tbl_column_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {'response_line_id': resp_id, 'answer_id': _key_split[0], 'column_id': _key_split[2], 'name': _key_split[3], 'value': val1})
select_count += 1
elif _type == "otherfield":
comment_field = True
select_count += 1
elif _type == "selection":
if len(_key_split) > 2:
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {'response_line_id': resp_id, 'answer_id': _key_split[-1], 'column_id': val1})
response_list.append(str(ans_create_id) + "_" + str(_key_split[-1]))
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {'response_line_id': resp_id, 'answer_id': val1})
select_count += 1
elif _type == "other":
if not val1:
comment_value = True
error = False
if que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_specific_length':
if (not val1 and que_rec['comment_minimum_no']) or len(val1) < que_rec['comment_minimum_no'] or len(val1) > que_rec['comment_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] in ['must_be_whole_number', 'must_be_decimal_number', 'must_be_date']:
error = False
if que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_whole_number':
value = int(val1)
if value < que_rec['comment_minimum_no'] or value > que_rec['comment_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_decimal_number':
value = float(val1)
if value < que_rec['comment_minimum_float'] or value > que_rec['comment_maximum_float']:
error = True
elif que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_date':
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(val1, "%Y-%m-%d")
if value < datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['comment_minimum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d") or value > datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['comment_maximum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d"):
error = True
error = True
elif que_rec['is_comment_require'] and que_rec['comment_valid_type'] == 'must_be_email_address':
import re
if not re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%- + ] + @[a-zA-Z0-9._%-] + .[a-zA-Z]{2, 6}$", val1):
error = True
if error:
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n" + tools.ustr(que_rec['comment_valid_err_msg']))
resp_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, resp_id, {'comment': val1})
elif _type == "comment":
resp_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, resp_id, {'comment': val1})
select_count += 1
elif (_type == "single" or (len(_key_split) > 2 and _key_split[2] == 'multi')):
error = False
if que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_specific_length':
if (not val1 and que_rec['validation_minimum_no']) or len(val1) < que_rec['validation_minimum_no'] or len(val1) > que_rec['validation_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] in ['must_be_whole_number', 'must_be_decimal_number', 'must_be_date']:
error = False
if que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_whole_number':
value = int(val1)
if value < que_rec['validation_minimum_no'] or value > que_rec['validation_maximum_no']:
error = True
elif que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_decimal_number':
value = float(val1)
if value < que_rec['validation_minimum_float'] or value > que_rec['validation_maximum_float']:
error = True
elif que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_date':
value = datetime.datetime.strptime(val1, "%Y-%m-%d")
if value < datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['validation_minimum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d") or value > datetime.datetime.strptime(que_rec['validation_maximum_date'], "%Y-%m-%d"):
error = True
error = True
elif que_rec['is_validation_require'] and que_rec['validation_type'] == 'must_be_email_address':
import re
if not re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9._%- + ] + @[a-zA-Z0-9._%-] + .[a-zA-Z]{2, 6}$", val1):
error = True
if error:
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n" + tools.ustr(que_rec['validation_valid_err_msg']))
if _type == "single":
resp_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, resp_id, {'single_text': val1})
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {'response_line_id': resp_id, 'answer_id': _type, 'answer': val1})
select_count += 1
elif len(_key_split) > 2 and _key_split[2] == 'numeric':
if not val1 == "0":
numeric_sum += int(val1)
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {'response_line_id': resp_id, 'answer_id': _type, 'answer': val1})
select_count += 1
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n" + _("Please enter an integer value."))
elif len(_key_split) == 3:
if val1:
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {'response_line_id': resp_id, 'answer_id': _type, 'column_id': _key_split[2], 'value_choice': isinstance(val1, basestring) and val1 or None})
select_count += 1
elif len(_key_split) == 2:
ans_create_id = res_ans_obj.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {'response_line_id': resp_id, 'answer_id': _key_split[-1], 'answer': val1})
select_count += 1
for key1, val1 in vals.items():
_key_split = key1.split('_')
if key1 in self_columns or int(_key_split[0]) != que_id:
_type = _key_split[1]
if _type == "commentcolumn" and response_list:
has_res_ans = False
for res_id in response_list:
if _key_split[2] in res_id.split('_')[1]:
res_ans_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [res_id.split('_')[0]], {'comment_field': val1})
has_res_ans = True
if val1 and not has_res_ans:
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "'\n" + _("You cannot write a comment without select an answer."))
if comment_field and comment_value:
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['make_comment_field_err_msg']))
if que_rec['type'] == "rating_scale" and que_rec['rating_allow_one_column_require'] and len(selected_value) > len(list(set(selected_value))):
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "'\n" + _("You cannot select the same answer more than one time."))
if not select_count:
resp_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, resp_id, {'state': 'skip'})
if que_rec['numeric_required_sum'] and numeric_sum > que_rec['numeric_required_sum']:
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['numeric_required_sum_err_msg']))
if que_rec['type'] in ['multiple_textboxes_diff_type', 'multiple_choice_multiple_ans', 'matrix_of_choices_only_one_ans', 'matrix_of_choices_only_multi_ans', 'rating_scale', 'multiple_textboxes', 'numerical_textboxes', 'date', 'date_and_time'] and que_rec['is_require_answer']:
if (que_rec['required_type'] == 'all' and select_count < len(que_rec['answer_choice_ids'])) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at least' and select_count < que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'at most' and select_count > que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'exactly' and select_count != que_rec['req_ans']) or \
(que_rec['required_type'] == 'a range' and (select_count < que_rec['minimum_req_ans'] or select_count > que_rec['maximum_req_ans'])):
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['req_error_msg']))
if que_rec['type'] in ['multiple_choice_only_one_ans', 'single_textbox', 'comment'] and que_rec['is_require_answer'] and select_count <= 0:
raise openerp.exceptions.Warning("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' " + tools.ustr(que_rec['req_error_msg']))
return super(survey_question_wiz, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
def action_new_question(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
New survey.Question form.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key, val in context.items():
if isinstance(key, bool):
view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'survey.question'), ('name', '=', 'survey_question_wizard_test')], context=context)
context.update({'show_button_ok': True})
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'view_id': view_id,
'context': context
def action_new_page(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
New survey.Page form.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key, val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'survey.page'), ('name', '=', 'survey_page_wizard_test')], context=context)
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.page',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'view_id': view_id,
'context': context
def action_edit_page(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Edit survey.page.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key, val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'survey.page'), ('name', '=', 'survey_page_wizard_test')], context=context)
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.page',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'res_id': int(context.get('page_id', 0)),
'view_id': view_id,
'context': context
def action_delete_page(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Delete survey.page.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key, val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
self.pool.get('survey.page').unlink(cr, uid, [context.get('page_id', False)])
for survey in self.pool.get('survey.survey').browse(cr, uid, [context.get('survey_id', False)], context=context):
if not survey.page_ids:
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
search_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'survey.question.wiz'), ('name', '=', 'Survey Search')], context=context)
self.write(cr, uid, [context.get('wizard_id', False)], {'transfer': True, 'page_no': context.get('page_number', False)})
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'search_view_id': search_id[0],
'context': context
def action_edit_question(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Edit survey.question.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key, val in context.items():
if isinstance(key, bool):
view_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'survey.question'), ('name', '=', 'survey_question_wizard_test')], context=context)
context.update({'show_button_ok': True})
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'res_id': int(context.get('question_id', 0)),
'view_id': view_id,
'context': context
def action_delete_question(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Delete survey.question.
if context is None:
context = {}
for key, val in context.items():
if type(key) == type(True):
que_obj = self.pool.get('survey.question')
que_obj.unlink(cr, uid, [context.get('question_id', False)])
search_id = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view').search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', 'survey.question.wiz'), ('name', '=', 'Survey Search')], context=context)
self.write(cr, uid, [context.get('wizard_id', False)], \
{'transfer': True, 'page_no': context.get('page_number', 0)})
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'search_view_id': search_id[0],
'context': context
def _action_next_previous(self, cr, uid, ids, next, context=None):
""" Goes to nex page or previous page.
if context is None:
context = {}
if not context.get('edit'):
survey_wiz_data = self.read(cr, uid, context['wizard_id'], ['token'], context=context)
context['survey_token'] = survey_wiz_data and survey_wiz_data['token'] or context.get('survey_token')
self.write(cr, uid, [context.get('wizard_id', False)], {'transfer': True, 'page': next and 'next' or 'previous'})
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': context.get('ir_actions_act_window_target', 'new'),
'context': context
def action_next(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Goes to Next page.
return self._action_next_previous(cr, uid, ids, True, context=context)
def action_previous(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Goes to previous page.
return self._action_next_previous(cr, uid, ids, False, context=context)
def action_done(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Goes to previous page.
response_id = None
token = context.get('wizard_id') and self.browse(cr, uid, context.get('wizard_id'), context=context).token or context.get("survey_token")
response_info = self.get_response_info_from_token(cr, uid, context['survey_id'], token, context)
if response_info['response_id']:
response_id = response_info['response_id']
sur_response_obj = self.pool.get('survey.response')
response = sur_response_obj.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, response_id)
if response.state != 'test':
sur_response_obj.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [response_id], {'state': 'done'})
sur_response_obj.unlink(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [response_id])
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
self._survey_complete(cr, uid, context['survey_id'], context)
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': context.get('ir_actions_act_window_target', 'new'),
'context': {}
def check_anonymous(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
user_browse = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid, context=context)
model, anonymous_id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'portal', 'group_anonymous')
except ValueError:
return False
return anonymous_id in [x.id for x in user_browse.groups_id]
def _action_filling(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Check if the user have access to the survey and open survey
'survey_id': context.get('active_id'),
'survey_token': context.get('params', True),
'ir_actions_act_window_target': 'inline'})
# check if the user must be authenticate
survey_browse = self.pool.get('survey.survey').browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context['survey_id'], context=context)
anonymous = self.check_anonymous(cr, uid, [uid], context=context)
if anonymous and survey_browse.state == "open" and survey_browse.authenticate:
context.update({'force_login': True})
return {
'view_type': 'form',
"view_mode": 'form',
'res_model': 'survey.question.wiz',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'inline',
'context': context,
# vim: expandtab: smartindent: tabstop=4: softtabstop=4: shiftwidth=4: