
132 lines
5.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp import http
from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp.http import request
from openerp.addons.website.models.website import slug
class website_hr_recruitment(http.Controller):
], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def jobs(self, country=None, department=None, office_id=None):
env = request.env(context=dict(request.env.context, show_address=True, no_tag_br=True))
Country = env['res.country']
Jobs = env['hr.job']
# List jobs available to current UID
job_ids = Jobs.search([], order="website_published desc,no_of_recruitment desc").ids
# Browse jobs as superuser, because address is restricted
jobs = Jobs.sudo().browse(job_ids)
# Deduce departments and offices of those jobs
departments = set(j.department_id for j in jobs if j.department_id)
offices = set(j.address_id for j in jobs if j.address_id)
countries = set(o.country_id for o in offices if o.country_id)
# Default search by user country
if not (country or department or office_id):
country_code = request.session['geoip'].get('country_code')
if country_code:
countries_ = Country.search([('code', '=', country_code)])
country = countries[0] if countries_ else None
# Filter the matching one
if country:
jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.address_id is None or j.address_id.country_id and j.address_id.country_id.id == country.id)
if department:
jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.department_id and j.department_id.id == department.id)
if office_id:
jobs = (j for j in jobs if j.address_id and j.address_id.id == office_id)
# Render page
return request.website.render("website_hr_recruitment.index", {
'jobs': jobs,
'countries': countries,
'departments': departments,
'offices': offices,
'country_id': country,
'department_id': department,
'office_id': office_id,
@http.route('/jobs/add', type='http', auth="user", website=True)
def jobs_add(self, **kwargs):
job = request.env['hr.job'].create({
'name': _('New Job Offer'),
return request.redirect("/jobs/detail/%s?enable_editor=1" % slug(job))
@http.route('/jobs/detail/<model("hr.job"):job>', type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def jobs_detail(self, job, **kwargs):
return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.detail", {
'job': job,
'main_object': job,
@http.route('/jobs/apply/<model("hr.job"):job>', type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def jobs_apply(self, job):
error = {}
default = {}
if 'website_hr_recruitment_error' in request.session:
error = request.session.pop('website_hr_recruitment_error')
default = request.session.pop('website_hr_recruitment_default')
return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.apply", {
'job': job,
'error': error,
'default': default,
@http.route('/jobs/thankyou', methods=['POST'], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def jobs_thankyou(self, **post):
error = {}
for field_name in ["partner_name", "phone", "email_from"]:
if not post.get(field_name):
error[field_name] = 'missing'
if error:
request.session['website_hr_recruitment_error'] = error
ufile = post.pop('ufile')
if ufile:
error['ufile'] = 'reset'
request.session['website_hr_recruitment_default'] = post
return request.redirect('/jobs/apply/%s' % post.get("job_id"))
# public user can't create applicants (duh)
env = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)
value = {
'source_id' : env.ref('hr_recruitment.source_website_company').id,
'name': '%s\'s Application' % post.get('partner_name'),
for f in ['email_from', 'partner_name', 'description']:
value[f] = post.get(f)
for f in ['department_id', 'job_id']:
value[f] = int(post.get(f) or 0)
# Retro-compatibility for saas-3. "phone" field should be replace by "partner_phone" in the template in trunk.
value['partner_phone'] = post.pop('phone', False)
applicant_id = env['hr.applicant'].create(value).id
if post['ufile']:
attachment_value = {
'name': post['ufile'].filename,
'res_name': value['partner_name'],
'res_model': 'hr.applicant',
'res_id': applicant_id,
'datas': base64.encodestring(post['ufile'].read()),
'datas_fname': post['ufile'].filename,
return request.render("website_hr_recruitment.thankyou", {})
# vim :et: