Joren Van Onder 109cfec679 [IMP] hw_proxy: remove the old docs and refer to the new docs
v13 of the POSBox image is vastly different from all the previous
versions. On top of that it contains a lot of new features. Because of
this a lot of the POSBox documentation had to be rewritten. While doing
that, we also decided to move the documentation to
odoo.com/documentation/user instead of keeping it here.
2015-10-26 09:09:37 +01:00
controllers [FIX] hw_proxy: remove forms related to supported devices 2015-09-16 15:05:04 +02:00
__init__.py [IMP] hw_proxy: initial commit of the hardware proxy module, used by the point of sale to connect to usb devices 2013-12-19 14:11:40 +01:00
__openerp__.py [IMP] Updated website urls on modules and info page 2014-08-26 21:40:18 +02:00