
228 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from mx import DateTime
import time
from osv import fields, osv
from tools.translate import _
def _employee_get(obj,cr,uid,context={}):
ids = obj.pool.get('hr.employee').search(cr, uid, [('user_id','=', uid)])
if ids:
return ids[0]
return False
class hr_expense_expense(osv.osv):
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context={}):
if not default: default = {}
default.update( {'invoice_id':False,'date_confirm':False,'date_valid':False,'user_valid':False})
return super(hr_expense_expense, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context)
def _amount(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context):
id_set = ",".join(map(str, ids))
cr.execute("SELECT s.id,COALESCE(SUM(l.unit_amount*l.unit_quantity),0) AS amount FROM hr_expense_expense s LEFT OUTER JOIN hr_expense_line l ON (s.id=l.expense_id) WHERE s.id IN ("+id_set+") GROUP BY s.id ")
res = dict(cr.fetchall())
return res
def _get_currency(self, cr, uid, context):
user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, [uid])[0]
if user.company_id:
return user.company_id.currency_id.id
return self.pool.get('res.currency').search(cr, uid, [('rate','=',1.0)])[0]
_name = "hr.expense.expense"
_description = "Expense"
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Expense Sheet', size=128, required=True),
'id': fields.integer('Sheet ID', readonly=True),
'ref': fields.char('Reference', size=32),
'date': fields.date('Date'),
'journal_id': fields.many2one('account.journal', 'Force Journal'),
'employee_id': fields.many2one('hr.employee', 'Employee', required=True),
'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'User', required=True),
'date_confirm': fields.date('Date Confirmed'),
'date_valid': fields.date('Date Validated'),
'user_valid': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Validation User'),
'account_move_id': fields.many2one('account.move', 'Ledger Posting'),
'line_ids': fields.one2many('hr.expense.line', 'expense_id', 'Expense Lines', readonly=True, states={'draft':[('readonly',False)]} ),
'note': fields.text('Note'),
'amount': fields.function(_amount, method=True, string='Total Amount'),
'invoice_id': fields.many2one('account.invoice', 'Invoice'),
'currency_id': fields.many2one('res.currency', 'Currency', required=True),
'state': fields.selection([
('draft', 'Draft'),
('confirm', 'Waiting confirmation'),
('accepted', 'Accepted'),
('invoiced', 'Invoiced'),
('paid', 'Reimbursed'),
('cancelled', 'Cancelled')],
'State', readonly=True),
_defaults = {
'date' : lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
'state': lambda *a: 'draft',
'employee_id' : _employee_get,
'user_id' : lambda cr,uid,id,c={}: id,
'currency_id': _get_currency,
def expense_confirm(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
#for exp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {
'date_confirm': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return True
def expense_accept(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {
'user_valid': uid,
return True
def expense_canceled(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'cancelled'})
return True
def expense_paid(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state':'paid'})
return True
def action_invoice_create(self, cr, uid, ids):
res = False
invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
for exp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
lines = []
for l in exp.line_ids:
tax_id = []
if l.product_id:
acc = l.product_id.product_tmpl_id.property_account_expense.id
if not acc:
acc = l.product_id.categ_id.property_account_expense_categ.id
tax_id = [x.id for x in l.product_id.supplier_taxes_id]
acc = self.pool.get('ir.property').get(cr, uid, 'property_account_expense_categ', 'product.category')
if not acc:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('Please configure Default Expanse account for Product purchase, `property_account_expense_categ`'))
lines.append((0, False, {
'name': l.name,
'account_id': acc,
'price_unit': l.unit_amount,
'quantity': l.unit_quantity,
'uos_id': l.uom_id.id,
'product_id': l.product_id and l.product_id.id or False,
'invoice_line_tax_id': tax_id and [(6, 0, tax_id)] or False,
'account_analytic_id': l.analytic_account.id,
if not exp.employee_id.address_id:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('The employee must have a working address'))
acc = exp.employee_id.address_id.partner_id.property_account_payable.id
payment_term_id = exp.employee_id.address_id.partner_id.property_payment_term.id
inv = {
'name': exp.name,
'reference': self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'hr.expense.invoice'),
'account_id': acc,
'type': 'in_invoice',
'partner_id': exp.employee_id.address_id.partner_id.id,
'address_invoice_id': exp.employee_id.address_id.id,
'address_contact_id': exp.employee_id.address_id.id,
'origin': exp.name,
'invoice_line': lines,
'price_type': 'tax_included',
'currency_id': exp.currency_id.id,
'payment_term': payment_term_id,
'fiscal_position': exp.employee_id.address_id.partner_id.property_account_position.id
if payment_term_id:
to_update = invoice_obj.onchange_payment_term_date_invoice(cr, uid, [],
payment_term_id, None)
if to_update:
if exp.journal_id:
inv_id = invoice_obj.create(cr, uid, inv, {'type':'in_invoice'})
invoice_obj.button_compute(cr, uid, [inv_id], {'type':'in_invoice'},
self.write(cr, uid, [exp.id], {'invoice_id': inv_id, 'state': 'invoiced'})
res = inv_id
return res
class product_product(osv.osv):
_inherit = "product.product"
_columns = {
'hr_expense_ok': fields.boolean('Can be Expensed', help="Determine if the product can be visible in the list of product within a selection from an HR expense sheet line."),
class hr_expense_line(osv.osv):
_name = "hr.expense.line"
_description = "Expense Line"
def _amount(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context):
if not len(ids):
return {}
id_set = ",".join(map(str, ids))
cr.execute("SELECT l.id,COALESCE(SUM(l.unit_amount*l.unit_quantity),0) AS amount FROM hr_expense_line l WHERE id IN ("+id_set+") GROUP BY l.id ")
res = dict(cr.fetchall())
return res
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Short Description', size=128, required=True),
'date_value': fields.date('Date', required=True),
'expense_id': fields.many2one('hr.expense.expense', 'Expense', ondelete='cascade', select=True),
'total_amount': fields.function(_amount, method=True, string='Total'),
'unit_amount': fields.float('Unit Price'),
'unit_quantity': fields.float('Quantities' ),
'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', domain=[('hr_expense_ok','=',True)]),
'uom_id': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'UoM' ),
'description': fields.text('Description'),
'analytic_account': fields.many2one('account.analytic.account','Analytic account'),
'ref': fields.char('Reference', size=32),
'sequence' : fields.integer('Sequence'),
_defaults = {
'unit_quantity': lambda *a: 1,
'date_value' : lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
_order = "sequence"
def onchange_product_id(self, cr, uid, ids, product_id, uom_id, context={}):
if product_id:
product=self.pool.get('product.product').browse(cr,uid,product_id, context=context)
if not uom_id:
return {'value':v}
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