
356 lines
11 KiB

# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * im_livechat
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 8.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-21 14:08+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-31 08:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux\n"
"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/odoo/odoo-8/language/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:im_livechat.action_support_channels
msgid ""
"<p class=\"oe_view_nocontent_create\">\n"
" Click to define a new live chat channel.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" You can create channels for each website on which you want\n"
" to integrate the live chat widget, allowing you website\n"
" visitors to talk in real time with your operators.\n"
" </p><p>\n"
" Each channel has it's own URL that you can send by email to\n"
" your customers in order to start chatting with you.\n"
" </p>\n"
" "
msgstr "<p class = \"oe_view_nocontent_create\"> \nKlicken, um eine eigenen Live-Chat-Kanal zu erstellen. \n</ p> <p> \nSie können Channels auf jeder Webseite erstellen, auf der Sie \nein Live-Chat-Widget integrieren wollen, um Ihren Besuchern \neine Kommunikation mit Ihnen in Echtzeit zu ermöglichen. \n</ p> <p> \nJeder Kanal hat eine eigene URL, die Sie auch per E-Mail an \nhre Kunden senden können, um mit Ihnen zu chatten. </ p>\n "
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_chat.session,anonymous_name:0
msgid "Anonymous Name"
msgstr "Anonymer Name"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,are_you_inside:0
msgid "Are you inside the matrix?"
msgstr "Sind Sie innerhalb der Matrix ?"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_chat.session,channel_id:0
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,name:0
msgid "Channel Name"
msgstr "Kanalname"
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:im_livechat.support_channels
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Kanäle"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,input_placeholder:0
msgid "Chat Input Placeholder"
msgstr "Chat Eingabe Platzhalter"
#. module: im_livechat
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/im_livechat/static/src/js/im_livechat.js:85
#, python-format
msgid "Chat with one of our collaborators"
msgstr "Chat mit einem Ihrer Mitarbeiter"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_chat.session,fullname:0
msgid "Complete name"
msgstr "Vollständiger Name"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid ""
"Copy and paste this code into your website, within the &lt;head&gt; tag:"
msgstr "Kopieren und Einfügen dieses Code in Ihre Webpage, inmitten des &lt;head&gt; tag:"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,create_uid:0
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Erstellt durch"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,create_date:0
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Erstellt am"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_chat.message:im_livechat.im_message_search
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid ""
"For website built with Odoo CMS, please install the website_livechat module."
" Then go to Settings > Website Settings and select the Live Chat Channel you"
" want to add on your website."
msgstr "Für eine Webseite, die Sie mit Odoo erstellt haben, installieren Sie das Modul website_livechat. Dann gehen Sie zu Einstellungen > Webseite Einstellungen und selektieren dort den Live Chat Channel, den Sie Ihrer eigenen Webseite hinzufügen wollen."
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_chat.message:im_livechat.im_message_search
msgid "Group By..."
msgstr "Gruppierung..."
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_chat.message:im_livechat.im_message_form
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:im_livechat.action_history
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:im_livechat.history
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historie"
#. module: im_livechat
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/im_livechat/static/src/js/im_livechat.js:87
#, python-format
msgid "How may I help you?"
msgstr "Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "How to use the Live Chat widget?"
msgstr "Wie wird das Live_Chat Widget installiert ?"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,id:0
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_kanban
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Verbinden"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "Join Channel"
msgstr "Kanal beitreten"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Zuletzt aktualisiert von"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,write_date:0
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Zuletzt aktualisiert am"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "Leave Channel"
msgstr "Kanal verlassen"
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:im_livechat.im_livechat
msgid "Live Chat"
msgstr "Live-Chat"
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:im_livechat.action_support_channels
msgid "Live Chat Channels"
msgstr "Liv-Chat Channels"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:website:im_livechat.support_page
msgid "Live Chat Powered by"
msgstr "Live Chat unterstützt von"
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:ir.module.category,name:im_livechat.module_category_im_livechat
msgid "Live Support"
msgstr "Live Support"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:website:im_livechat.support_page
msgid "Livechat Support Page"
msgstr "Live Chat Support"
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:res.groups,name:im_livechat.group_im_livechat_manager
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Verantwortlicher"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,image_medium:0
msgid "Medium-sized photo"
msgstr "Medium Bildgröße"
#. module: im_livechat
#: help:im_livechat.channel,image_medium:0
msgid ""
"Medium-sized photo of the group. It is automatically resized as a 128x128px "
"image, with aspect ratio preserved. Use this field in form views or some "
"kanban views."
msgstr "Bild mittlerer Größe in dieser Gruppe. Es wird automatisch auf 128x128px heruntergerechnet unter Beibehaltung der Seitenverhältnisse. Benutzen Sie dieses Feld für Formulare oder in Kanban Ansichten."
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_chat.message:im_livechat.im_message_search
msgid "My Sessions"
msgstr "Meine Sitzungen"
#. module: im_livechat
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/im_livechat/static/src/js/im_livechat.js:137
#, python-format
msgid ""
"None of our collaborators seems to be available, please try again later."
msgstr "Niemand Ihrer Mitarbeiter ist im Moment online, bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal."
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:website:im_livechat.support_page
msgid "Odoo"
msgstr "Odoo"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Operatoren"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,image:0
msgid "Photo"
msgstr "Bild"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_kanban
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Schließen"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,script_external:0
msgid "Script (external)"
msgstr "Script (extern)"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,script_internal:0
msgid "Script (internal)"
msgstr "Script (intern)"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_chat.message:im_livechat.im_message_search
msgid "Search history"
msgstr "Suchverlauf"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_chat.message:im_livechat.im_message_search
msgid "Session"
msgstr "Sitzung"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,image_small:0
msgid "Small-sized photo"
msgstr "Bild im Kleinformat"
#. module: im_livechat
#: help:im_livechat.channel,image_small:0
msgid ""
"Small-sized photo of the group. It is automatically resized as a 64x64px "
"image, with aspect ratio preserved. Use this field anywhere a small image is"
" required."
msgstr "Kleines Bild für diese Gruppe. Es wird automatisch auf eine Größe von 64x64px reduziert, unter Beibehaltung des Seitenverhältnisses. Benutzen Sie dieses Feld überall dort, wo sie ein kleines Bild benötigen."
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "Support Channels"
msgstr "Support Kanäle"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Test"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,button_text:0
msgid "Text of the Button"
msgstr "Buttontext"
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:res.groups,comment:im_livechat.group_im_livechat_manager
msgid "The user will be able to delete support channels."
msgstr "Der Benutzer kann Supportkanäle löschen."
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:res.groups,comment:im_livechat.group_im_livechat
msgid "The user will be able to join support channels."
msgstr "Der Benutzer kann Supportkanäle nutzen"
#. module: im_livechat
#: help:im_livechat.channel,image:0
msgid ""
"This field holds the image used as photo for the group, limited to "
msgstr "Diese Feld enthält das auf 1024x1024px limitierte Bild der Gruppe."
#. module: im_livechat
#: help:im_livechat.channel,default_message:0
msgid ""
"This is an automated 'welcome' message that your visitor will see when they "
"initiate a new chat session."
msgstr "Dies ist eine automatische Willkomensnachricht, die Ihre Besucher immer dann sehen, wenn Sie eine neue Chatsitzung starten."
#. module: im_livechat
#: model:res.groups,name:im_livechat.group_im_livechat
msgid "User"
msgstr "Benutzer"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,user_ids:0
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Benutzer"
#. module: im_livechat
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/im_livechat/static/src/js/im_livechat.js:88
#, python-format
msgid "Visitor"
msgstr "Besucher"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,web_page:0
msgid "Web Page"
msgstr "Webseite"
#. module: im_livechat
#: field:im_livechat.channel,default_message:0
msgid "Welcome Message"
msgstr "Willkommensnachricht"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "e.g. Hello, how may I help you?"
msgstr "Hallo, können wir behilflich sein ?"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "e.g. YourWebsite.com"
msgstr "e.g. IhreWebseite.de"
#. module: im_livechat
#: view:im_livechat.channel:im_livechat.support_channel_form
msgid "or copy this url and send it by email to your customers or suppliers:"
msgstr "oder kopieren Sie die URL Adresse von hier und senden diese an Kunden oder Lieferanten:"