# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tiny SPRL (). All Rights Reserved # $Id$ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import pooler import time import re import rml_parse import datetime from report import report_sxw class third_party_ledger(rml_parse.rml_parse): def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context): self.date_lst = [] self.date_lst_string = '' super(third_party_ledger, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context) self.localcontext.update( { 'time': time, 'lines': self.lines, 'sum_debit_partner': self._sum_debit_partner, 'sum_credit_partner': self._sum_credit_partner, 'sum_debit': self._sum_debit, 'sum_credit': self._sum_credit, 'get_company': self._get_company, 'get_currency': self._get_currency, 'comma_me' : self.comma_me, }) def date_range(self,start,end): start = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(start,"%Y-%m-%d"))) end = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(end,"%Y-%m-%d"))) full_str_date = [] # r = (end+datetime.timedelta(days=1)-start).days # date_array = [start+datetime.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(r)] for date in date_array: full_str_date.append(str(date)) return full_str_date # def transform_period_into_date_array(self,data): ## Get All Period Date if not data['form']['periods'][0][2] : periods_id = self.pool.get('account.period').search(self.cr, self.uid, [('fiscalyear_id','=',data['form']['fiscalyear'])]) else: periods_id = data['form']['periods'][0][2] date_array = [] for period_id in periods_id: period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period').browse(self.cr, self.uid, period_id) date_array = date_array + self.date_range(period_obj.date_start,period_obj.date_stop) self.date_lst = date_array self.date_lst.sort() def transform_date_into_date_array(self,data): return_array = self.date_range(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) self.date_lst = return_array self.date_lst.sort() def transform_both_into_date_array(self,data): if not data['form']['periods'][0][2] : periods_id = self.pool.get('account.period').search(self.cr, self.uid, [('fiscalyear_id','=',data['form']['fiscalyear'])]) else: periods_id = data['form']['periods'][0][2] date_array = [] for period_id in periods_id: period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period').browse(self.cr, self.uid, period_id) date_array = date_array + self.date_range(period_obj.date_start,period_obj.date_stop) period_start_date = date_array[0] date_start_date = data['form']['date1'] period_stop_date = date_array[-1] date_stop_date = data['form']['date2'] if period_start_date'\g<2>", amount) if orig == new: return new else: return self.comma_me(new) def special_map(self): string_map = '' for date_string in self.date_lst: string_map = date_string + ',' return string_map def preprocess(self, objects, data, ids): PARTNER_REQUEST = '' if (data['model'] == 'res.partner'): ## Si on imprime depuis les partenaires if ids: PARTNER_REQUEST = "AND line.partner_id IN (" + ','.join(map(str, ids)) + ")" # Transformation des date # # # if data['form']['fiscalyear']: # self.transform_period_into_date_array(data) # else: # self.transform_date_into_date_array(data) ## if data['form']['state'] == 'none': self.transform_none_into_date_array(data) elif data['form']['state'] == 'bydate': self.transform_date_into_date_array(data) elif data['form']['state'] == 'byperiod': self.transform_period_into_date_array(data) elif data['form']['state'] == 'all': self.transform_both_into_date_array(data) self.date_lst_string = '\'' + '\',\''.join(map(str,self.date_lst)) + '\'' # #new_ids = [id for (id,) in self.cr.fetchall()] if data['form']['result_selection'] == 'supplier': self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = "('receivable')" elif data['form']['result_selection'] == 'customer': self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = "('payable')" elif data['form']['result_selection'] == 'all': self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = "('payable','receivable')" self.cr.execute( "SELECT a.id " \ "FROM account_account a " \ "LEFT JOIN account_account_type t " \ "ON (a.type=t.code) " \ "WHERE a.company_id = %d " \ 'AND a.type IN ' + self.ACCOUNT_TYPE + " " \ "AND a.active", (data['form']['company_id'],)) self.account_ids = ','.join([str(a) for (a,) in self.cr.fetchall()]) print"self.account_ids",self.account_ids account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line') partner_to_use = [] if data['form']['soldeinit'] : self.cr.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT line.partner_id " \ "FROM account_move_line AS line, account_account AS account " \ "WHERE line.partner_id IS NOT NULL " \ "AND line.account_id = account.id " \ "AND line.date <= %s " \ "AND line.reconcile_id IS NULL " \ "AND line.account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ " " + PARTNER_REQUEST + " " \ "AND account.company_id = %d " \ "AND account.active " , (self.date_lst[len(self.date_lst)-1],data['form']['company_id'])) else: self.cr.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT line.partner_id " \ "FROM account_move_line AS line, account_account AS account " \ "WHERE line.partner_id IS NOT NULL " \ "AND line.account_id = account.id " \ "AND line.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ") " \ "AND line.account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ " " + PARTNER_REQUEST + " " \ "AND account.company_id = %d " \ "AND account.active " , (data['form']['company_id'])) res = self.cr.dictfetchall() print"res",res for res_line in res: partner_to_use.append(res_line['partner_id']) new_ids = partner_to_use self.partner_ids = ','.join(map(str, new_ids)) objects = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(self.cr, self.uid, new_ids) super(third_party_ledger, self).preprocess(objects, data, new_ids) def lines(self, partner,data): account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line') full_account = [] if data['form']['reconcil'] : RECONCILE_TAG = " " else: RECONCILE_TAG = "AND l.reconcile_id IS NULL" if data['form']['soldeinit'] : self.cr.execute( "SELECT l.id,l.date,j.code, l.ref, l.name, l.debit, l.credit " \ "FROM account_move_line l " \ "LEFT JOIN account_journal j " \ "ON (l.journal_id = j.id) " \ "WHERE l.partner_id = %d " \ "AND l.account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ "AND l.date < %s " \ "AND l.reconcile_id IS NULL " "ORDER BY l.id", (partner.id, self.date_lst[0])) res = self.cr.dictfetchall() sum = 0.0 for r in res: sum = r['debit'] - r['credit'] r['progress'] = sum full_account.append(r) self.cr.execute( "SELECT l.id,l.date,j.code, l.ref, l.name, l.debit, l.credit " \ "FROM account_move_line l " \ "LEFT JOIN account_journal j " \ "ON (l.journal_id = j.id) " \ "WHERE l.partner_id = %d " \ "AND l.account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ "AND l.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ") " \ " " + RECONCILE_TAG + " "\ "ORDER BY l.id", (partner.id,)) res = self.cr.dictfetchall() sum = 0.0 for r in res: sum = r['debit'] - r['credit'] r['progress'] = sum full_account.append(r) return full_account def _sum_debit_partner(self, partner,data): account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line') result_tmp = 0.0 if data['form']['reconcil'] : RECONCILE_TAG = " " else: RECONCILE_TAG = "AND reconcile_id IS NULL" if data['form']['soldeinit'] : self.cr.execute( "SELECT sum(debit) " \ "FROM account_move_line " \ "WHERE partner_id = %d " \ "AND account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ "AND reconcile_id IS NULL " \ "AND date < %s " , (partner.id, self.date_lst[0],)) contemp = self.cr.fetchone() if contemp != None: result_tmp = contemp[0] or 0.0 else: result_tmp = result_tmp + 0.0 self.cr.execute( "SELECT sum(debit) " \ "FROM account_move_line " \ "WHERE partner_id = %d " \ "AND account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ " " + RECONCILE_TAG + " " \ "AND date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ") " , (partner.id,)) contemp = self.cr.fetchone() if contemp != None: result_tmp = contemp[0] or 0.0 else: result_tmp = result_tmp + 0.0 return result_tmp def _sum_credit_partner(self, partner,data): account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line') result_tmp = 0.0 if data['form']['reconcil'] : RECONCILE_TAG = " " else: RECONCILE_TAG = "AND reconcile_id IS NULL" if data['form']['soldeinit'] : self.cr.execute( "SELECT sum(credit) " \ "FROM account_move_line " \ "WHERE partner_id=%d " \ "AND account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ "AND reconcile_id IS NULL " \ "AND date < %s " , (partner.id,self.date_lst[0],)) contemp = self.cr.fetchone() if contemp != None: result_tmp = contemp[0] or 0.0 else: result_tmp = result_tmp + 0.0 self.cr.execute( "SELECT sum(credit) " \ "FROM account_move_line " \ "WHERE partner_id=%d " \ "AND account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ " " + RECONCILE_TAG + " " \ "AND date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ") " , (partner.id,)) contemp = self.cr.fetchone() if contemp != None: result_tmp = contemp[0] or 0.0 else: result_tmp = result_tmp + 0.0 return result_tmp def _sum_debit(self,data): if not self.ids: return 0.0 account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line') result_tmp = 0.0 if data['form']['reconcil'] : RECONCILE_TAG = " " else: RECONCILE_TAG = "AND reconcile_id IS NULL" if data['form']['soldeinit'] : self.cr.execute( "SELECT sum(debit) " \ "FROM account_move_line " \ "WHERE partner_id IN (" + self.partner_ids + ") " \ "AND account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ "AND reconcile_id IS NULL " \ "AND date < %s " , (self.date_lst[0],)) contemp = self.cr.fetchone() if contemp != None: result_tmp = contemp[0] or 0.0 else: result_tmp = result_tmp + 0.0 self.cr.execute( "SELECT sum(debit) " \ "FROM account_move_line " \ "WHERE partner_id IN (" + self.partner_ids + ") " \ "AND account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ " " + RECONCILE_TAG + " " \ "AND date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ") " ) contemp = self.cr.fetchone() if contemp != None: result_tmp = contemp[0] or 0.0 else: result_tmp = result_tmp + 0.0 return result_tmp def _sum_credit(self,data): if not self.ids: return 0.0 account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line') result_tmp = 0.0 if data['form']['reconcil'] : RECONCILE_TAG = " " else: RECONCILE_TAG = "AND reconcile_id IS NULL" if data['form']['soldeinit'] : self.cr.execute( "SELECT sum(credit) " \ "FROM account_move_line " \ "WHERE partner_id IN (" + self.partner_ids + ") " \ "AND account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ "AND reconcile_id IS NULL " \ "AND date < %s " , (self.date_lst[0],)) contemp = self.cr.fetchone() if contemp != None: result_tmp = contemp[0] or 0.0 else: result_tmp = result_tmp + 0.0 self.cr.execute( "SELECT sum(credit) " \ "FROM account_move_line " \ "WHERE partner_id IN (" + self.partner_ids + ") " \ "AND account_id IN (" + self.account_ids + ") " \ " " + RECONCILE_TAG + " " \ "AND date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ") " ) contemp = self.cr.fetchone() if contemp != None: result_tmp = contemp[0] or 0.0 else: result_tmp = result_tmp + 0.0 return result_tmp def _get_company(self, form): return pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('res.company').browse(self.cr, self.uid, form['company_id']).name def _get_currency(self, form): return pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('res.company').browse(self.cr, self.uid, form['company_id']).currency_id.name report_sxw.report_sxw('report.account.third_party_ledger', 'res.partner', 'addons/account/report/third_party_ledger.rml',parser=third_party_ledger, header=False)