# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import time from os import listdir from os.path import join from threading import Thread, Lock from select import select from Queue import Queue, Empty from bitstring import BitArray import openerp import openerp.addons.hw_proxy.controllers.main as hw_proxy from openerp import http from openerp.http import request from openerp.tools.translate import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import serial except ImportError: _logger.error('OpenERP module hw_scale depends on the pyserial python module') serial = None class Scale(Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.lock = Lock() self.scalelock = Lock() self.status = {'status':'connecting', 'messages':[]} self.input_dir = '/dev/serial/by-id/' self.weight = 0 self.weight_info = 'ok' self.device = None def lockedstart(self): with self.lock: if not self.isAlive(): self.daemon = True self.start() def set_status(self, status, message = None): if status == self.status['status']: if message != None and message != self.status['messages'][-1]: self.status['messages'].append(message) else: self.status['status'] = status if message: self.status['messages'] = [message] else: self.status['messages'] = [] if status == 'error' and message: _logger.error('Scale Error: '+message) elif status == 'disconnected' and message: _logger.warning('Disconnected Scale: '+message) def get_device(self): try: devices = [ device for device in listdir(self.input_dir)] scales = [ device for device in devices if ('mettler' in device.lower()) or ('toledo' in device.lower()) ] if len(scales) > 0: print join(self.input_dir,scales[0]) self.set_status('connected','Connected to '+scales[0]) # s = serial.Serial("/dev/serial/by-id/usb-METTLER_TOLEDO_15_kg_DI_Firmware_CKOR_F_Ser_CDC-if00",baudrate=9600,bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS,parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN) return serial.Serial(join(self.input_dir,scales[0]), baudrate = 9600, bytesize = serial.SEVENBITS, stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE, parity = serial.PARITY_EVEN, #xonxoff = serial.XON, timeout = 0.01, writeTimeout= 0.01) else: self.set_status('disconnected','Scale Not Found') return None except Exception as e: self.set_status('error',str(e)) return None def get_weight(self): self.lockedstart() return self.weight def get_weight_info(self): self.lockedstart() return self.weight_info def get_status(self): self.lockedstart() return self.status def read_weight(self): with self.scalelock: if self.device: try: self.device.write('W') time.sleep(0.2) answer = [] while True: char = self.device.read(1) if not char: break else: answer.append(char) if '?' in answer: stat = ord(answer[answer.index('?')+1]) if stat == 0: self.weight_info = 'ok' else: self.weight_info = [] if stat & 1 : self.weight_info.append('moving') if stat & 1 << 1: self.weight_info.append('over_capacity') if stat & 1 << 2: self.weight_info.append('negative') if stat & 1 << 3: self.weight_info.append('outside_zero_capture_range') if stat & 1 << 4: self.weight_info.append('center_of_zero') if stat & 1 << 5: self.weight_info.append('net_weight') else: answer = answer[1:-1] if 'N' in answer: answer = answer[0:-1] self.weight = float(''.join(answer)) except Exception as e: self.set_status('error',str(e)) self.device = None def set_zero(self): with self.scalelock: if self.device: try: self.device.write('Z') except Exception as e: self.set_status('error',str(e)) self.device = None def set_tare(self): with self.scalelock: if self.device: try: self.device.write('T') except Exception as e: self.set_status('error',str(e)) self.device = None def clear_tare(self): with self.scalelock: if self.device: try: self.device.write('C') except Exception as e: self.set_status('error',str(e)) self.device = None def run(self): self.device = None while True: if self.device: self.read_weight() time.sleep(0.05) else: with self.scalelock: self.device = self.get_device() if not self.device: time.sleep(5) s = Scale() hw_proxy.drivers['scale'] = s class ScaleDriver(hw_proxy.Proxy): @http.route('/hw_proxy/scale_read/', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def scale_read(self): return {'weight':s.get_weight(), 'unit':'kg', 'info':s.get_weight_info()} @http.route('/hw_proxy/scale_zero/', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def scale_zero(self): s.set_zero() return True @http.route('/hw_proxy/scale_tare/', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def scale_tare(self): s.set_tare() return True @http.route('/hw_proxy/scale_clear_tare/', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def scale_clear_tare(self): s.clear_tare() return True