# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications # Copyright (c) 2012-TODAY OpenERP S.A. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## from openerp.addons.mail.mail_mail import mail_mail from openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread import mail_thread from openerp.addons.mail.tests.common import TestMail from openerp.tools import mute_logger, email_split, html2plaintext from openerp.tools.mail import html_sanitize class test_mail(TestMail): def test_000_alias_setup(self): """ Test basic mail.alias setup works, before trying to use them for routing """ cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid self.user_valentin_id = self.res_users.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Valentin Cognito', 'email': 'valentin.cognito@gmail.com', 'login': 'valentin.cognito', 'alias_name': 'valentin.cognito'}) self.user_valentin = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, self.user_valentin_id) self.assertEquals(self.user_valentin.alias_name, self.user_valentin.login, "Login should be used as alias") self.user_pagan_id = self.res_users.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Pagan Le Marchant', 'email': 'plmarchant@gmail.com', 'login': 'plmarchant@gmail.com', 'alias_name': 'plmarchant@gmail.com'}) self.user_pagan = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, self.user_pagan_id) self.assertEquals(self.user_pagan.alias_name, 'plmarchant', "If login is an email, the alias should keep only the local part") self.user_barty_id = self.res_users.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Bartholomew Ironside', 'email': 'barty@gmail.com', 'login': 'b4r+_#_R3wl$$', 'alias_name': 'b4r+_#_R3wl$$'}) self.user_barty = self.res_users.browse(cr, uid, self.user_barty_id) self.assertEquals(self.user_barty.alias_name, 'b4r+_-_r3wl-', 'Disallowed chars should be replaced by hyphens') def test_00_followers_function_field(self): """ Tests designed for the many2many function field 'follower_ids'. We will test to perform writes using the many2many commands 0, 3, 4, 5 and 6. """ cr, uid, user_admin, partner_bert_id, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.partner_bert_id, self.group_pigs # Data: create 'disturbing' values in mail.followers: same res_id, other res_model; same res_model, other res_id group_dummy_id = self.mail_group.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Dummy group'}, {'mail_create_nolog': True}) self.mail_followers.create(cr, uid, {'res_model': 'mail.thread', 'res_id': self.group_pigs_id, 'partner_id': partner_bert_id}) self.mail_followers.create(cr, uid, {'res_model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_dummy_id, 'partner_id': partner_bert_id}) # Pigs just created: should be only Admin as follower follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]) self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'Admin should be the only Pigs fan') # Subscribe Bert through a '4' command group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(4, partner_bert_id)]}) group_pigs.refresh() follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]) self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id, user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'Bert and Admin should be the only Pigs fans') # Unsubscribe Bert through a '3' command group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(3, partner_bert_id)]}) group_pigs.refresh() follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]) self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'Admin should be the only Pigs fan') # Set followers through a '6' command group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(6, 0, [partner_bert_id])]}) group_pigs.refresh() follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]) self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id]), 'Bert should be the only Pigs fan') # Add a follower created on the fly through a '0' command group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': 'Patrick Fiori'})]}) partner_patrick_id = self.res_partner.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Patrick Fiori')])[0] group_pigs.refresh() follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]) self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id, partner_patrick_id]), 'Bert and Patrick should be the only Pigs fans') # Finally, unlink through a '5' command group_pigs.write({'message_follower_ids': [(5, 0)]}) group_pigs.refresh() follower_ids = set([follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]) self.assertFalse(follower_ids, 'Pigs group should not have fans anymore') # Test dummy data has not been altered fol_obj_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.thread'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)]) follower_ids = set([follower.partner_id.id for follower in self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_obj_ids)]) self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id]), 'Bert should be the follower of dummy mail.thread data') fol_obj_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', group_dummy_id)]) follower_ids = set([follower.partner_id.id for follower in self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_obj_ids)]) self.assertEqual(follower_ids, set([partner_bert_id, user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'Bert and Admin should be the followers of dummy mail.group data') def test_05_message_followers_and_subtypes(self): """ Tests designed for the subscriber API as well as message subtypes """ cr, uid, user_admin, user_raoul, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.user_raoul, self.group_pigs # Data: message subtypes self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_mg_def', 'default': True, 'res_model': 'mail.group'}) self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_other_def', 'default': True, 'res_model': 'crm.lead'}) self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_all_def', 'default': True, 'res_model': False}) mt_mg_nodef = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_mg_nodef', 'default': False, 'res_model': 'mail.group'}) mt_all_nodef = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_all_nodef', 'default': False, 'res_model': False}) default_group_subtypes = self.mail_message_subtype.search(cr, uid, [('default', '=', True), '|', ('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_model', '=', False)]) # ---------------------------------------- # CASE1: test subscriptions with subtypes # ---------------------------------------- # Do: subscribe Raoul, should have default subtypes group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([user_raoul.id]) group_pigs.refresh() # Test: 2 followers (Admin and Raoul) follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids] self.assertEqual(set(follower_ids), set([user_raoul.partner_id.id, user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'message_subscribe: Admin and Raoul should be the only 2 Pigs fans') # Raoul follows default subtypes fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [ ('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id), ('partner_id', '=', user_raoul.partner_id.id) ]) fol_obj = self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_ids)[0] fol_subtype_ids = set([subtype.id for subtype in fol_obj.subtype_ids]) self.assertEqual(set(fol_subtype_ids), set(default_group_subtypes), 'message_subscribe: Raoul subscription subtypes are incorrect, should be all default ones') # Do: subscribe Raoul with specified new subtypes group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([user_raoul.id], subtype_ids=[mt_mg_nodef]) # Test: 2 followers (Admin and Raoul) follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids] self.assertEqual(set(follower_ids), set([user_raoul.partner_id.id, user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'message_subscribe: Admin and Raoul should be the only 2 Pigs fans') # Test: 2 lines in mail.followers (no duplicate for Raoul) fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [ ('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id), ]) self.assertEqual(len(fol_ids), 2, 'message_subscribe: subscribing an already-existing follower should not create new entries in mail.followers') # Test: Raoul follows only specified subtypes fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [ ('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id), ('partner_id', '=', user_raoul.partner_id.id) ]) fol_obj = self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_ids)[0] fol_subtype_ids = set([subtype.id for subtype in fol_obj.subtype_ids]) self.assertEqual(set(fol_subtype_ids), set([mt_mg_nodef]), 'message_subscribe: Raoul subscription subtypes are incorrect, should be only specified') # Do: Subscribe Raoul without specified subtypes: should not erase existing subscription subtypes group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([user_raoul.id, user_raoul.id]) group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([user_raoul.id]) group_pigs.refresh() # Test: 2 followers (Admin and Raoul) follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids] self.assertEqual(set(follower_ids), set([user_raoul.partner_id.id, user_admin.partner_id.id]), 'message_subscribe: Admin and Raoul should be the only 2 Pigs fans') # Test: Raoul follows default subtypes fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [ ('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id), ('partner_id', '=', user_raoul.partner_id.id) ]) fol_obj = self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_ids)[0] fol_subtype_ids = set([subtype.id for subtype in fol_obj.subtype_ids]) self.assertEqual(set(fol_subtype_ids), set([mt_mg_nodef]), 'message_subscribe: Raoul subscription subtypes are incorrect, should be only specified') # Do: Unsubscribe Raoul twice through message_unsubscribe_users group_pigs.message_unsubscribe_users([user_raoul.id, user_raoul.id]) group_pigs.refresh() # Test: 1 follower (Admin) follower_ids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids] self.assertEqual(follower_ids, [user_admin.partner_id.id], 'Admin must be the only Pigs fan') # Test: 1 lines in mail.followers (no duplicate for Raoul) fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [ ('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id) ]) self.assertEqual(len(fol_ids), 1, 'message_subscribe: group should have only 1 entry in mail.follower for 1 follower') # Do: subscribe Admin with subtype_ids group_pigs.message_subscribe_users([uid], [mt_mg_nodef, mt_all_nodef]) fol_ids = self.mail_followers.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id), ('partner_id', '=', user_admin.partner_id.id)]) fol_obj = self.mail_followers.browse(cr, uid, fol_ids)[0] fol_subtype_ids = set([subtype.id for subtype in fol_obj.subtype_ids]) self.assertEqual(set(fol_subtype_ids), set([mt_mg_nodef, mt_all_nodef]), 'subscription subtypes are incorrect') # ---------------------------------------- # CASE2: test mail_thread fields # ---------------------------------------- subtype_data = group_pigs._get_subscription_data(None, None)[group_pigs.id]['message_subtype_data'] self.assertEqual(set(subtype_data.keys()), set(['Discussions', 'mt_mg_def', 'mt_all_def', 'mt_mg_nodef', 'mt_all_nodef']), 'mail.group available subtypes incorrect') self.assertFalse(subtype_data['Discussions']['followed'], 'Admin should not follow Discussions in pigs') self.assertTrue(subtype_data['mt_mg_nodef']['followed'], 'Admin should follow mt_mg_nodef in pigs') self.assertTrue(subtype_data['mt_all_nodef']['followed'], 'Admin should follow mt_all_nodef in pigs') def test_11_notification_url(self): """ Tests designed to test the URL added in notification emails. """ cr, uid, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.group_pigs # Test URL formatting base_url = self.registry('ir.config_parameter').get_param(cr, uid, 'web.base.url') # Partner data partner_raoul = self.res_partner.browse(cr, uid, self.partner_raoul_id) partner_bert_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'bert'}) partner_bert = self.res_partner.browse(cr, uid, partner_bert_id) # Mail data mail_mail_id = self.mail_mail.create(cr, uid, {'state': 'exception'}) mail = self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_mail_id) # Test: link for nobody -> None url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail) self.assertEqual(url, None, 'notification email: mails not send to a specific partner should not have any URL') # Test: link for partner -> None url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail, partner=partner_bert) self.assertEqual(url, None, 'notification email: mails send to a not-user partner should not have any URL') # Test: link for user -> signin url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail, partner=partner_raoul) self.assertIn(base_url, url, 'notification email: link should contain web.base.url') self.assertIn('db=%s' % cr.dbname, url, 'notification email: link should contain database name') self.assertIn('action=mail.action_mail_redirect', url, 'notification email: link should contain the redirect action') self.assertIn('login=%s' % partner_raoul.user_ids[0].login, url, 'notification email: link should contain the user login') # Test: link for user -> with model and res_id mail_mail_id = self.mail_mail.create(cr, uid, {'model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_pigs.id}) mail = self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_mail_id) url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail, partner=partner_raoul) self.assertIn(base_url, url, 'notification email: link should contain web.base.url') self.assertIn('db=%s' % cr.dbname, url, 'notification email: link should contain database name') self.assertIn('action=mail.action_mail_redirect', url, 'notification email: link should contain the redirect action') self.assertIn('login=%s' % partner_raoul.user_ids[0].login, url, 'notification email: link should contain the user login') self.assertIn('model=mail.group', url, 'notification email: link should contain the model when having not notification email on a record') self.assertIn('res_id=%s' % group_pigs.id, url, 'notification email: link should contain the res_id when having not notification email on a record') # Test: link for user -> with model and res_id mail_mail_id = self.mail_mail.create(cr, uid, {'notification': True, 'model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_pigs.id}) mail = self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_mail_id) url = mail_mail._get_partner_access_link(self.mail_mail, cr, uid, mail, partner=partner_raoul) self.assertIn(base_url, url, 'notification email: link should contain web.base.url') self.assertIn('db=%s' % cr.dbname, url, 'notification email: link should contain database name') self.assertIn('action=mail.action_mail_redirect', url, 'notification email: link should contain the redirect action') self.assertIn('login=%s' % partner_raoul.user_ids[0].login, url, 'notification email: link should contain the user login') self.assertIn('message_id=%s' % mail.mail_message_id.id, url, 'notification email: link based on message should contain the mail_message id') self.assertNotIn('model=mail.group', url, 'notification email: link based on message should not contain model') self.assertNotIn('res_id=%s' % group_pigs.id, url, 'notification email: link based on message should not contain res_id') @mute_logger('openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread', 'openerp.models') def test_12_inbox_redirection(self): """ Tests designed to test the inbox redirection of emails notification URLs. """ cr, uid, user_admin, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.group_pigs model, act_id = self.ir_model_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'mail', 'action_mail_inbox_feeds') # Data: post a message on pigs msg_id = self.group_pigs.message_post(body='My body', partner_ids=[self.partner_bert_id], type='comment', subtype='mail.mt_comment') # No specific parameters -> should redirect to Inbox action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_raoul_id, {'params': {}}) self.assertEqual( action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.client', 'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox' ) self.assertEqual( action.get('id'), act_id, 'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox' ) # Raoul has read access to Pigs -> should redirect to form view of Pigs action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_raoul_id, {'params': {'message_id': msg_id}}) self.assertEqual( action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.act_window', 'URL redirection: action with message_id for read-accredited user should redirect to Pigs' ) self.assertEqual( action.get('res_id'), group_pigs.id, 'URL redirection: action with message_id for read-accredited user should redirect to Pigs' ) action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_raoul_id, {'params': {'model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_pigs.id}}) self.assertEqual( action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.act_window', 'URL redirection: action with message_id for read-accredited user should redirect to Pigs' ) self.assertEqual( action.get('res_id'), group_pigs.id, 'URL redirection: action with message_id for read-accredited user should redirect to Pigs' ) # Bert has no read access to Pigs -> should redirect to Inbox action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_bert_id, {'params': {'message_id': msg_id}}) self.assertEqual( action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.client', 'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox' ) self.assertEqual( action.get('id'), act_id, 'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox' ) action = mail_thread.message_redirect_action(self.mail_thread, cr, self.user_bert_id, {'params': {'model': 'mail.group', 'res_id': group_pigs.id}}) self.assertEqual( action.get('type'), 'ir.actions.client', 'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox' ) self.assertEqual( action.get('id'), act_id, 'URL redirection: action without parameters should redirect to client action Inbox' ) def test_20_message_post(self): """ Tests designed for message_post. """ cr, uid, user_raoul, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_raoul, self.group_pigs # -------------------------------------------------- # Data creation # -------------------------------------------------- # 0 - Update existing users-partners self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [uid], {'email': 'a@a', 'notify_email': 'always'}) self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [self.user_raoul_id], {'email': 'r@r'}) # 1 - Bert Tartopoils, with email, should receive emails for comments and emails p_b_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Bert Tartopoils', 'email': 'b@b'}) # 2 - Carine Poilvache, with email, should receive emails for emails p_c_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Carine Poilvache', 'email': 'c@c', 'notify_email': 'none'}) # 3 - Dédé Grosbedon, without email, to test email verification; should receive emails for every message p_d_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Dédé Grosbedon', 'email': 'd@d', 'notify_email': 'always'}) # 4 - Attachments attach1_id = self.ir_attachment.create(cr, user_raoul.id, { 'name': 'Attach1', 'datas_fname': 'Attach1', 'datas': 'bWlncmF0aW9uIHRlc3Q=', 'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'res_id': 0}) attach2_id = self.ir_attachment.create(cr, user_raoul.id, { 'name': 'Attach2', 'datas_fname': 'Attach2', 'datas': 'bWlncmF0aW9uIHRlc3Q=', 'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'res_id': 0}) attach3_id = self.ir_attachment.create(cr, user_raoul.id, { 'name': 'Attach3', 'datas_fname': 'Attach3', 'datas': 'bWlncmF0aW9uIHRlc3Q=', 'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'res_id': 0}) # 5 - Mail data _subject = 'Pigs' _mail_subject = 'Re: %s' % (group_pigs.name) _body1 = '

Pigs rules

' _body2 = 'Pigs rocks' _attachments = [ ('List1', 'My first attachment'), ('List2', 'My second attachment') ] # -------------------------------------------------- # CASE1: post comment + partners + attachments # -------------------------------------------------- # Data: set alias_domain to see emails with alias self.registry('ir.config_parameter').set_param(self.cr, self.uid, 'mail.catchall.domain', 'schlouby.fr') # Data: change Pigs name to test reply_to self.mail_group.write(cr, uid, [self.group_pigs_id], {'name': '"Pigs" !ù $%-'}) # Do: subscribe Raoul new_follower_ids = [self.partner_raoul_id] group_pigs.message_subscribe(new_follower_ids) # Test: group followers = Raoul + uid group_fids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids] test_fids = new_follower_ids + [self.partner_admin_id] self.assertEqual(set(test_fids), set(group_fids), 'message_subscribe: incorrect followers after subscribe') # Do: Raoul message_post on Pigs self._init_mock_build_email() msg1_id = self.mail_group.message_post(cr, user_raoul.id, self.group_pigs_id, body=_body1, subject=_subject, partner_ids=[p_b_id, p_c_id], attachment_ids=[attach1_id, attach2_id], attachments=_attachments, type='comment', subtype='mt_comment') msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg1_id) msg_message_id = msg.message_id msg_pids = [partner.id for partner in msg.notified_partner_ids] msg_aids = [attach.id for attach in msg.attachment_ids] sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list # Test: mail_message: subject and body not modified self.assertEqual(_subject, msg.subject, 'message_post: mail.message subject incorrect') self.assertEqual(_body1, msg.body, 'message_post: mail.message body incorrect') # Test: mail_message: notified_partner_ids = group followers + partner_ids - author test_pids = set([self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id]) self.assertEqual(test_pids, set(msg_pids), 'message_post: mail.message notified partners incorrect') # Test: mail_message: attachments (4, attachment_ids + attachments) test_aids = set([attach1_id, attach2_id]) msg_attach_names = set([attach.name for attach in msg.attachment_ids]) test_attach_names = set(['Attach1', 'Attach2', 'List1', 'List2']) self.assertEqual(len(msg_aids), 4, 'message_post: mail.message wrong number of attachments') self.assertEqual(msg_attach_names, test_attach_names, 'message_post: mail.message attachments incorrectly added') self.assertTrue(test_aids.issubset(set(msg_aids)), 'message_post: mail.message attachments duplicated') for attach in msg.attachment_ids: self.assertEqual(attach.res_model, 'mail.group', 'message_post: mail.message attachments were not linked to the document') self.assertEqual(attach.res_id, group_pigs.id, 'message_post: mail.message attachments were not linked to the document') if 'List' in attach.name: self.assertIn((attach.name, attach.datas.decode('base64')), _attachments, 'message_post: mail.message attachment name / data incorrect') dl_attach = self.mail_message.download_attachment(cr, user_raoul.id, id_message=msg.id, attachment_id=attach.id) self.assertIn((dl_attach['filename'], dl_attach['base64'].decode('base64')), _attachments, 'message_post: mail.message download_attachment is incorrect') # Test: followers: same as before (author was already subscribed) group_pigs.refresh() group_fids = [follower.id for follower in group_pigs.message_follower_ids] test_fids = new_follower_ids + [self.partner_admin_id] self.assertEqual(set(test_fids), set(group_fids), 'message_post: wrong followers after posting') # Test: mail_mail: notifications have been deleted self.assertFalse(self.mail_mail.search(cr, uid, [('mail_message_id', '=', msg1_id)]), 'message_post: mail.mail notifications should have been auto-deleted!') # Test: notifications emails: to a and b, c is email only, r is author test_emailto = ['Administrator ', 'Bert Tartopoils '] # test_emailto = ['"Followers of -Pigs-" ', '"Followers of -Pigs-" '] self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 2, 'message_post: notification emails wrong number of send emails') self.assertEqual(set([m['email_to'][0] for m in sent_emails]), set(test_emailto), 'message_post: notification emails wrong recipients (email_to)') for sent_email in sent_emails: self.assertEqual(sent_email['email_from'], 'Raoul Grosbedon ', 'message_post: notification email wrong email_from: should use alias of sender') self.assertEqual(len(sent_email['email_to']), 1, 'message_post: notification email sent to more than one email address instead of a precise partner') self.assertIn(sent_email['email_to'][0], test_emailto, 'message_post: notification email email_to incorrect') self.assertEqual(sent_email['reply_to'], u'"YourCompany \\"Pigs\\" !ù $%-" ', 'message_post: notification email reply_to incorrect') self.assertEqual(_subject, sent_email['subject'], 'message_post: notification email subject incorrect') self.assertIn(_body1, sent_email['body'], 'message_post: notification email body incorrect') self.assertIn('Pigs rules', sent_email['body_alternative'], 'message_post: notification email body alternative should contain the body') self.assertNotIn('

', sent_email['body_alternative'], 'message_post: notification email body alternative still contains html') self.assertFalse(sent_email['references'], 'message_post: references should be False when sending a message that is not a reply') # Test: notification linked to this message = group followers = notified_partner_ids notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [('message_id', '=', msg1_id)]) notif_pids = set([notif.partner_id.id for notif in self.mail_notification.browse(cr, uid, notif_ids)]) self.assertEqual(notif_pids, test_pids, 'message_post: mail.message created mail.notification incorrect') # Data: Pigs name back to normal self.mail_group.write(cr, uid, [self.group_pigs_id], {'name': 'Pigs'}) # -------------------------------------------------- # CASE2: reply + parent_id + parent notification # -------------------------------------------------- # Data: remove alias_domain to see emails with alias param_ids = self.registry('ir.config_parameter').search(cr, uid, [('key', '=', 'mail.catchall.domain')]) self.registry('ir.config_parameter').unlink(cr, uid, param_ids) # Do: Raoul message_post on Pigs self._init_mock_build_email() msg2_id = self.mail_group.message_post(cr, user_raoul.id, self.group_pigs_id, body=_body2, type='email', subtype='mt_comment', partner_ids=[p_d_id], parent_id=msg1_id, attachment_ids=[attach3_id], context={'mail_post_autofollow': True}) msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg2_id) msg_pids = [partner.id for partner in msg.notified_partner_ids] msg_aids = [attach.id for attach in msg.attachment_ids] sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list # Test: mail_message: subject is False, body, parent_id is msg_id self.assertEqual(msg.subject, False, 'message_post: mail.message subject incorrect') self.assertEqual(msg.body, html_sanitize(_body2), 'message_post: mail.message body incorrect') self.assertEqual(msg.parent_id.id, msg1_id, 'message_post: mail.message parent_id incorrect') # Test: mail_message: notified_partner_ids = group followers test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, p_d_id] self.assertEqual(set(test_pids), set(msg_pids), 'message_post: mail.message partners incorrect') # Test: mail_message: notifications linked to this message = group followers = notified_partner_ids notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [('message_id', '=', msg2_id)]) notif_pids = [notif.partner_id.id for notif in self.mail_notification.browse(cr, uid, notif_ids)] self.assertEqual(set(test_pids), set(notif_pids), 'message_post: mail.message notification partners incorrect') # Test: mail_mail: notifications deleted self.assertFalse(self.mail_mail.search(cr, uid, [('mail_message_id', '=', msg2_id)]), 'mail.mail notifications should have been auto-deleted!') # Test: emails send by server (to a, b, c, d) test_emailto = [u'Administrator ', u'Bert Tartopoils ', u'Carine Poilvache ', u'D\xe9d\xe9 Grosbedon '] # test_emailto = [u'"Followers of Pigs" ', u'"Followers of Pigs" ', u'"Followers of Pigs" ', u'"Followers of Pigs" '] # self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 3, 'sent_email number of sent emails incorrect') for sent_email in sent_emails: self.assertEqual(sent_email['email_from'], 'Raoul Grosbedon ', 'message_post: notification email wrong email_from: should use email of sender when no alias domain set') self.assertEqual(len(sent_email['email_to']), 1, 'message_post: notification email sent to more than one email address instead of a precise partner') self.assertIn(sent_email['email_to'][0], test_emailto, 'message_post: notification email email_to incorrect') self.assertEqual(email_split(sent_email['reply_to']), ['r@r'], # was '"Followers of Pigs" ', but makes no sense 'message_post: notification email reply_to incorrect: should have raoul email') self.assertEqual(_mail_subject, sent_email['subject'], 'message_post: notification email subject incorrect') self.assertIn(html_sanitize(_body2), sent_email['body'], 'message_post: notification email does not contain the body') self.assertIn('Pigs rocks', sent_email['body_alternative'], 'message_post: notification email body alternative should contain the body') self.assertNotIn('

', sent_email['body_alternative'], 'message_post: notification email body alternative still contains html') self.assertIn(msg_message_id, sent_email['references'], 'message_post: notification email references lacks parent message message_id') # Test: attachments + download for attach in msg.attachment_ids: self.assertEqual(attach.res_model, 'mail.group', 'message_post: mail.message attachment res_model incorrect') self.assertEqual(attach.res_id, self.group_pigs_id, 'message_post: mail.message attachment res_id incorrect') # Test: Dédé has been notified -> should also have been notified of the parent message msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg1_id) msg_pids = set([partner.id for partner in msg.notified_partner_ids]) test_pids = set([self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id, p_d_id]) self.assertEqual(test_pids, msg_pids, 'message_post: mail.message parent notification not created') # Do: reply to last message msg3_id = self.mail_group.message_post(cr, user_raoul.id, self.group_pigs_id, body='Test', parent_id=msg2_id) msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg3_id) # Test: check that its parent will be the first message self.assertEqual(msg.parent_id.id, msg1_id, 'message_post did not flatten the thread structure') def test_25_message_compose_wizard(self): """ Tests designed for the mail.compose.message wizard. """ cr, uid, user_raoul, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_raoul, self.group_pigs mail_compose = self.registry('mail.compose.message') # -------------------------------------------------- # Data creation # -------------------------------------------------- # 0 - Update existing users-partners self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [uid], {'email': 'a@a'}) self.res_users.write(cr, uid, [self.user_raoul_id], {'email': 'r@r'}) # 1 - Bert Tartopoils, with email, should receive emails for comments and emails p_b_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Bert Tartopoils', 'email': 'b@b'}) # 2 - Carine Poilvache, with email, should receive emails for emails p_c_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Carine Poilvache', 'email': 'c@c', 'notify_email': 'always'}) # 3 - Dédé Grosbedon, without email, to test email verification; should receive emails for every message p_d_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Dédé Grosbedon', 'email': 'd@d', 'notify_email': 'always'}) # 4 - Create a Bird mail.group, that will be used to test mass mailing group_bird_id = self.mail_group.create(cr, uid, { 'name': 'Bird', 'description': 'Bird resistance', }, context={'mail_create_nolog': True}) group_bird = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, group_bird_id) # 5 - Mail data _subject = 'Pigs' _body = 'Pigs rule' _reply_subject = 'Re: %s' % _subject _attachments = [ {'name': 'First', 'datas_fname': 'first.txt', 'datas': 'My first attachment'.encode('base64')}, {'name': 'Second', 'datas_fname': 'second.txt', 'datas': 'My second attachment'.encode('base64')} ] _attachments_test = [('first.txt', 'My first attachment'), ('second.txt', 'My second attachment')] # 6 - Subscribe Bert to Pigs group_pigs.message_subscribe([p_b_id]) # -------------------------------------------------- # CASE1: wizard + partners + context keys # -------------------------------------------------- # Do: Raoul wizard-composes on Pigs with auto-follow for partners, not for author compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, user_raoul.id, { 'subject': _subject, 'body': _body, 'partner_ids': [(4, p_c_id), (4, p_d_id)], }, context={ 'default_composition_mode': 'comment', 'default_model': 'mail.group', 'default_res_id': self.group_pigs_id, }) compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id) # Test: mail.compose.message: composition_mode, model, res_id self.assertEqual(compose.composition_mode, 'comment', 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect composition_mode') self.assertEqual(compose.model, 'mail.group', 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect model') self.assertEqual(compose.res_id, self.group_pigs_id, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect res_id') # Do: Post the comment mail_compose.send_mail(cr, user_raoul.id, [compose_id], {'mail_post_autofollow': True, 'mail_create_nosubscribe': True}) group_pigs.refresh() message = group_pigs.message_ids[0] # Test: mail.group: followers (c and d added by auto follow key; raoul not added by nosubscribe key) pigs_pids = [p.id for p in group_pigs.message_follower_ids] test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id, p_d_id] self.assertEqual(set(pigs_pids), set(test_pids), 'compose wizard: mail_post_autofollow and mail_create_nosubscribe context keys not correctly taken into account') # Test: mail.message: subject, body inside p self.assertEqual(message.subject, _subject, 'compose wizard: mail.message incorrect subject') self.assertEqual(message.body, '


' % _body, 'compose wizard: mail.message incorrect body') # Test: mail.message: notified_partner_ids = admin + bert (followers) + c + d (recipients) msg_pids = [partner.id for partner in message.notified_partner_ids] test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id, p_d_id] self.assertEqual(set(msg_pids), set(test_pids), 'compose wizard: mail.message notified_partner_ids incorrect') # -------------------------------------------------- # CASE2: reply + attachments # -------------------------------------------------- # Do: Reply with attachments compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, user_raoul.id, { 'attachment_ids': [(0, 0, _attachments[0]), (0, 0, _attachments[1])] }, context={ 'default_composition_mode': 'comment', 'default_res_id': self.group_pigs_id, 'default_parent_id': message.id }) compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id) # Test: mail.compose.message: model, res_id, parent_id self.assertEqual(compose.model, 'mail.group', 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect model') self.assertEqual(compose.res_id, self.group_pigs_id, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect res_id') self.assertEqual(compose.parent_id.id, message.id, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect parent_id') # Test: mail.compose.message: subject as Re:.., body, parent_id self.assertEqual(compose.subject, _reply_subject, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message incorrect subject') self.assertFalse(compose.body, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message body should not contain parent message body') self.assertEqual(compose.parent_id and compose.parent_id.id, message.id, 'compose wizard: mail.compose.message parent_id incorrect') # Test: mail.compose.message: attachments for attach in compose.attachment_ids: self.assertIn((attach.datas_fname, attach.datas.decode('base64')), _attachments_test, 'compose wizard: mail.message attachment name / data incorrect') # -------------------------------------------------- # CASE3: mass_mail on Pigs and Bird # -------------------------------------------------- # Do: Compose in mass_mail_mode on pigs and bird compose_id = mail_compose.create( cr, user_raoul.id, { 'subject': _subject, 'body': '${object.description}', 'partner_ids': [(4, p_c_id), (4, p_d_id)], }, context={ 'default_composition_mode': 'mass_mail', 'default_model': 'mail.group', 'default_res_id': False, 'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, group_bird_id], }) compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id) # Do: Post the comment, get created message for each group mail_compose.send_mail(cr, user_raoul.id, [compose_id], context={ 'default_res_id': -1, 'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, group_bird_id] }) # check mail_mail mail_mail_ids = self.mail_mail.search(cr, uid, [('subject', '=', _subject)]) for mail_mail in self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_mail_ids): self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in mail_mail.recipient_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]), 'compose wizard: mail_mail mass mailing: mail.mail in mass mail incorrect recipients') # check logged messages group_pigs.refresh() group_bird.refresh() message1 = group_pigs.message_ids[0] message2 = group_bird.message_ids[0] # Test: Pigs and Bird did receive their message test_msg_ids = self.mail_message.search(cr, uid, [], limit=2) self.assertIn(message1.id, test_msg_ids, 'compose wizard: Pigs did not receive its mass mailing message') self.assertIn(message2.id, test_msg_ids, 'compose wizard: Bird did not receive its mass mailing message') # Test: mail.message: subject, body, subtype, notified partners (nobody + specific recipients) self.assertEqual(message1.subject, _subject, 'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail subject incorrect') self.assertEqual(message1.body, '


' % group_pigs.description, 'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail body incorrect') # self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in message1.notified_partner_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]), # 'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail incorrect notified partners') self.assertEqual(message2.subject, _subject, 'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail subject incorrect') self.assertEqual(message2.body, '


' % group_bird.description, 'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail body incorrect') # self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in message2.notified_partner_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]), # 'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail incorrect notified partners') # Test: mail.group followers: author not added as follower in mass mail mode pigs_pids = [p.id for p in group_pigs.message_follower_ids] test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, p_b_id, p_c_id, p_d_id] self.assertEqual(set(pigs_pids), set(test_pids), 'compose wizard: mail_post_autofollow and mail_create_nosubscribe context keys not correctly taken into account') bird_pids = [p.id for p in group_bird.message_follower_ids] test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id] self.assertEqual(set(bird_pids), set(test_pids), 'compose wizard: mail_post_autofollow and mail_create_nosubscribe context keys not correctly taken into account') # Do: Compose in mass_mail, coming from list_view, we have an active_domain that should be supported compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, user_raoul.id, { 'subject': _subject, 'body': '${object.description}', 'partner_ids': [(4, p_c_id), (4, p_d_id)], }, context={ 'default_composition_mode': 'mass_mail', 'default_model': 'mail.group', 'default_res_id': False, 'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id], 'active_domain': [('name', 'in', ['Pigs', 'Bird'])], }) compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id) # Do: Post the comment, get created message for each group mail_compose.send_mail( cr, user_raoul.id, [compose_id], context={ 'default_res_id': -1, 'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, group_bird_id] }) group_pigs.refresh() group_bird.refresh() message1 = group_pigs.message_ids[0] message2 = group_bird.message_ids[0] # Test: Pigs and Bird did receive their message test_msg_ids = self.mail_message.search(cr, uid, [], limit=2) self.assertIn(message1.id, test_msg_ids, 'compose wizard: Pigs did not receive its mass mailing message') self.assertIn(message2.id, test_msg_ids, 'compose wizard: Bird did not receive its mass mailing message') def test_30_needaction(self): """ Tests for mail.message needaction. """ cr, uid, user_admin, user_raoul, group_pigs = self.cr, self.uid, self.user_admin, self.user_raoul, self.group_pigs na_admin_base = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain=[]) na_demo_base = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, user_raoul.id, domain=[]) # Test: number of unread notification = needaction on mail.message notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [ ('partner_id', '=', user_admin.partner_id.id), ('is_read', '=', False) ]) na_count = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain=[]) self.assertEqual(len(notif_ids), na_count, 'unread notifications count does not match needaction count') # Do: post 2 message on group_pigs as admin, 3 messages as demo user for dummy in range(2): group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subtype='mt_comment') raoul_pigs = group_pigs.sudo(user_raoul) for dummy in range(3): raoul_pigs.message_post(body='My Demo Body', subtype='mt_comment') # Test: admin has 3 new notifications (from demo), and 3 new needaction notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [ ('partner_id', '=', user_admin.partner_id.id), ('is_read', '=', False) ]) self.assertEqual(len(notif_ids), na_admin_base + 3, 'Admin should have 3 new unread notifications') na_admin = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain=[]) na_admin_group = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, uid, domain=[('model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)]) self.assertEqual(na_admin, na_admin_base + 3, 'Admin should have 3 new needaction') self.assertEqual(na_admin_group, 3, 'Admin should have 3 needaction related to Pigs') # Test: demo has 0 new notifications (not a follower, not receiving its own messages), and 0 new needaction notif_ids = self.mail_notification.search(cr, uid, [ ('partner_id', '=', user_raoul.partner_id.id), ('is_read', '=', False) ]) self.assertEqual(len(notif_ids), na_demo_base + 0, 'Demo should have 0 new unread notifications') na_demo = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, user_raoul.id, domain=[]) na_demo_group = self.mail_message._needaction_count(cr, user_raoul.id, domain=[('model', '=', 'mail.group'), ('res_id', '=', self.group_pigs_id)]) self.assertEqual(na_demo, na_demo_base + 0, 'Demo should have 0 new needaction') self.assertEqual(na_demo_group, 0, 'Demo should have 0 needaction related to Pigs') def test_40_track_field(self): """ Testing auto tracking of fields. """ def _strip_string_spaces(body): return body.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') # Data: subscribe Raoul to Pigs, because he will change the public attribute and may loose access to the record cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid self.mail_group.message_subscribe_users(cr, uid, [self.group_pigs_id], [self.user_raoul_id]) # Data: res.users.group, to test group_public_id automatic logging group_system_ref = self.registry('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'base', 'group_system') group_system_id = group_system_ref and group_system_ref[1] or False # Data: custom subtypes mt_private_id = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'private', 'description': 'Private public'}) self.ir_model_data.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_private', 'model': 'mail.message.subtype', 'module': 'mail', 'res_id': mt_private_id}) mt_name_supername_id = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'name_supername', 'description': 'Supername name'}) self.ir_model_data.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_name_supername', 'model': 'mail.message.subtype', 'module': 'mail', 'res_id': mt_name_supername_id}) mt_group_public_set_id = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'group_public_set', 'description': 'Group set'}) self.ir_model_data.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_group_public_set', 'model': 'mail.message.subtype', 'module': 'mail', 'res_id': mt_group_public_set_id}) mt_group_public_id = self.mail_message_subtype.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'group_public', 'description': 'Group changed'}) self.ir_model_data.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'mt_group_public', 'model': 'mail.message.subtype', 'module': 'mail', 'res_id': mt_group_public_id}) # Data: alter mail_group model for testing purposes (test on classic, selection and many2one fields) cls = type(self.mail_group) self.assertNotIn('_track', cls.__dict__) cls._track = { 'public': { 'mail.mt_private': lambda self, cr, uid, obj, ctx=None: obj.public == 'private', }, 'name': { 'mail.mt_name_supername': lambda self, cr, uid, obj, ctx=None: obj.name == 'supername', }, 'group_public_id': { 'mail.mt_group_public_set': lambda self, cr, uid, obj, ctx=None: obj.group_public_id, 'mail.mt_group_public': lambda self, cr, uid, obj, ctx=None: True, }, } visibility = {'public': 'onchange', 'name': 'always', 'group_public_id': 'onchange'} for key in visibility: self.assertFalse(hasattr(getattr(cls, key), 'track_visibility')) getattr(cls, key).track_visibility = visibility[key] @self.addCleanup def cleanup(): delattr(cls, '_track') for key in visibility: del getattr(cls, key).track_visibility # Test: change name -> always tracked, not related to a subtype self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'public': 'public'}) self.group_pigs.refresh() self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 1, 'tracked: a message should have been produced') # Test: first produced message: no subtype, name change tracked last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-1] self.assertFalse(last_msg.subtype_id, 'tracked: message should not have been linked to a subtype') self.assertIn(u'SelectedGroupOnly\u2192Public', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body incorrect') self.assertIn('Pigs', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold always tracked field') # Test: change name as supername, public as private -> 2 subtypes self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'name': 'supername', 'public': 'private'}) self.group_pigs.refresh() self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 3, 'tracked: two messages should have been produced') # Test: first produced message: mt_name_supername last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-2] self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_private_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_private subtype') self.assertIn('Private public', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description') self.assertIn(u'Pigs\u2192supername', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body incorrect') # Test: second produced message: mt_name_supername last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-3] self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_name_supername_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_name_supername subtype') self.assertIn('Supername name', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description') self.assertIn(u'Public\u2192Private', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body incorrect') self.assertIn(u'Pigs\u2192supername', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked feature: message body does not hold always tracked field') # Test: change public as public, group_public_id -> 2 subtypes, name always tracked self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'public': 'public', 'group_public_id': group_system_id}) self.group_pigs.refresh() self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 5, 'tracked: one message should have been produced') # Test: first produced message: mt_group_public_set_id, with name always tracked, public tracked on change last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-4] self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_group_public_set_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_group_public_set_id') self.assertIn('Group set', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description') self.assertIn(u'Private\u2192Public', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold changed tracked field') self.assertIn(u'HumanResources/Employee\u2192Administration/Settings', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold always tracked field') # Test: second produced message: mt_group_public_id, with name always tracked, public tracked on change last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-5] self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_group_public_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_group_public_id') self.assertIn('Group changed', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description') self.assertIn(u'Private\u2192Public', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold changed tracked field') self.assertIn(u'HumanResources/Employee\u2192Administration/Settings', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold always tracked field') # Test: change group_public_id to False -> 1 subtype, name always tracked self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'group_public_id': False}) self.group_pigs.refresh() self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 6, 'tracked: one message should have been produced') # Test: first produced message: mt_group_public_set_id, with name always tracked, public tracked on change last_msg = self.group_pigs.message_ids[-6] self.assertEqual(last_msg.subtype_id.id, mt_group_public_id, 'tracked: message should be linked to mt_group_public_id') self.assertIn('Group changed', last_msg.body, 'tracked: message body does not hold the subtype description') self.assertIn(u'Administration/Settings\u2192', _strip_string_spaces(last_msg.body), 'tracked: message body does not hold always tracked field') # Test: change not tracked field, no tracking message self.mail_group.write(cr, self.user_raoul_id, [self.group_pigs_id], {'description': 'Dummy'}) self.group_pigs.refresh() self.assertEqual(len(self.group_pigs.message_ids), 6, 'tracked: No message should have been produced')