# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import time from os import listdir from os.path import join from threading import Thread, Lock from select import select from Queue import Queue, Empty import openerp import openerp.addons.hw_proxy.controllers.main as hw_proxy from openerp import http from openerp.http import request from openerp.tools.translate import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import evdev except ImportError: _logger.error('OpenERP module hw_scanner depends on the evdev python module') evdev = None class Scanner(Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.lock = Lock() self.status = {'status':'connecting', 'messages':[]} self.input_dir = '/dev/input/by-id/' self.barcodes = Queue() self.keymap = { 2: ("1","!"), 3: ("2","@"), 4: ("3","#"), 5: ("4","$"), 6: ("5","%"), 7: ("6","^"), 8: ("7","&"), 9: ("8","*"), 10:("9","("), 11:("0",")"), 12:("-","_"), 13:("=","+"), # 14 BACKSPACE # 15 TAB 16:("q","Q"), 17:("w","W"), 18:("e","E"), 19:("r","R"), 20:("t","T"), 21:("y","Y"), 22:("u","U"), 23:("i","I"), 24:("o","O"), 25:("p","P"), 26:("[","{"), 27:("]","}"), # 28 ENTER # 29 LEFT_CTRL 30:("a","A"), 31:("s","S"), 32:("d","D"), 33:("f","F"), 34:("g","G"), 35:("h","H"), 36:("j","J"), 37:("k","K"), 38:("l","L"), 39:(";",":"), 40:("'","\""), 41:("`","~"), # 42 LEFT SHIFT 43:("\\","|"), 44:("z","Z"), 45:("x","X"), 46:("c","C"), 47:("v","V"), 48:("b","B"), 49:("n","N"), 50:("m","M"), 51:(",","<"), 52:(".",">"), 53:("/","?"), # 54 RIGHT SHIFT 57:(" "," "), } def lockedstart(self): with self.lock: if not self.isAlive(): self.daemon = True self.start() def set_status(self, status, message = None): if status == self.status['status']: if message != None and message != self.status['messages'][-1]: self.status['messages'].append(message) else: self.status['status'] = status if message: self.status['messages'] = [message] else: self.status['messages'] = [] if status == 'error' and message: _logger.error('Barcode Scanner Error: '+message) elif status == 'disconnected' and message: _logger.warning('Disconnected Barcode Scanner: '+message) def get_device(self): try: if not evdev: return None devices = [ device for device in listdir(self.input_dir)] keyboards = [ device for device in devices if ('kbd' in device) and ('keyboard' not in device.lower())] scanners = [ device for device in devices if ('barcode' in device.lower()) or ('scanner' in device.lower())] if len(scanners) > 0: self.set_status('connected','Connected to '+scanners[0]) return evdev.InputDevice(join(self.input_dir,scanners[0])) elif len(keyboards) > 0: self.set_status('connected','Connected to '+keyboards[0]) return evdev.InputDevice(join(self.input_dir,keyboards[0])) else: self.set_status('disconnected','Barcode Scanner Not Found') return None except Exception as e: self.set_status('error',str(e)) return None def get_barcode(self): """ Returns a scanned barcode. Will wait at most 5 seconds to get a barcode, and will return barcode scanned in the past if they are not older than 5 seconds and have not been returned before. This is necessary to catch barcodes scanned while the POS is busy reading another barcode """ self.lockedstart() while True: try: timestamp, barcode = self.barcodes.get(True, 5) if timestamp > time.time() - 5: return barcode except Empty: return '' def get_status(self): self.lockedstart() return self.status def run(self): """ This will start a loop that catches all keyboard events, parse barcode sequences and put them on a timestamped queue that can be consumed by the point of sale's requests for barcode events """ self.barcodes = Queue() barcode = [] shift = False device = None while True: # barcodes loop if device: # ungrab device between barcodes and timeouts for plug & play try: device.ungrab() except Exception as e: self.set_status('error',str(e)) device = self.get_device() if not device: time.sleep(5) # wait until a suitable device is plugged else: try: device.grab() shift = False barcode = [] while True: # keycode loop r,w,x = select([device],[],[],5) if len(r) == 0: # timeout break events = device.read() for event in events: if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY: #_logger.debug('Evdev Keyboard event %s',evdev.categorize(event)) if event.value == 1: # keydown events if event.code in self.keymap: if shift: barcode.append(self.keymap[event.code][1]) else: barcode.append(self.keymap[event.code][0]) elif event.code == 42 or event.code == 54: # SHIFT shift = True elif event.code == 28: # ENTER, end of barcode self.barcodes.put( (time.time(),''.join(barcode)) ) barcode = [] elif event.value == 0: #keyup events if event.code == 42 or event.code == 54: # LEFT SHIFT shift = False except Exception as e: self.set_status('error',str(e)) s = Scanner() hw_proxy.drivers['scanner'] = s class ScannerDriver(hw_proxy.Proxy): @http.route('/hw_proxy/scanner', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def scanner(self): return s.get_barcode()