.. queue:: website/series ================== Building a website ================== .. warning:: * This guide assumes `basic knowledge of Python `_ * This guide assumes an installed Odoo Creating a basic module ======================= In Odoo, tasks are performed by creating modules. Modules customize the behavior of an Odoo installation, either by adding new behaviors or by altering existing ones (including behaviors added by other modules). First let's create a *module directory* which will contain a single module in our case but may store multiple related (a project's) or not really related (a company's) modules: .. code-block:: console $ mkdir my-modules then let's create the module's own directory: .. code-block:: console $ mkdir my-modules/academy An Odoo module is a valid `Python package `_ so it needs an empty ``__init__.py`` file. Finally the mark of an Odoo module is the :ref:`manifest file `, a Python dictionary describing various module metadata. .. patch:: A demonstration module ====================== We have a "complete" module ready for installation. Although it does absolutely nothing yet we can install it: * start the Odoo server .. code-block:: console $ ./odoo.py --addons-path addons,my-modules * go to http://localhost:8069 * create a new database including demonstration data * to go :menuselection:`Settings --> Modules --> Installed Modules` * in the top-right corner remove the *Installed* filter and search for *academy* * click the :guilabel:`Install` button for the *Academy* module .. seealso:: * In a production development setting, modules should generally be created using :ref:`Odoo's scaffolding ` rather than by hand To the browser ============== :ref:`Controllers ` interpret browser requests and send data back. Add a simple controller and import it (so Odoo can find it): .. patch:: Shut down your server (:kbd:`^C`) then restart it: .. code-block:: console $ ./odoo.py --addons-path addons,my-modules and open a page to http://localhost:8069/academy/, you should see your "page" appear: .. figure:: website/helloworld.png Templates ========= Generating HTML in Python isn't very pleasant. The usual solution is templates_, pseudo-documents with placeholders and display logic. Odoo allows any Python templating system, but provides its own :ref:`QWeb ` templating system which integrates with other Odoo features. Let's create an XML file for our first template, register the template in the manifest and alter the controller to use our template: .. patch:: The templates iterates (``t-foreach``) on all the teachers (passed through the *template context*), and prints each teacher in its own paragraph. Finally restart Odoo and update the module's data (to install the template) by going to :menuselection:`Settings --> Modules --> Installed Modules --> Academy` and clicking :guilabel:`Upgrade`. .. tip:: Alternatively, Odoo can be restarted :option:`and update modules at the same time`: .. code-block:: console $ odoo.py --addons-path addons,my-modules -d academy -u academy Going to http://localhost:8069/academy/ should now result in: .. image:: website/basic-list.png Storing data in Odoo ==================== :ref:`Odoo models ` map to database tables. In the previous section we just displayed a list of string entered statically in the Python code. This doesn't allow modifications and persistent storage thereof, so we're now going to move our data to the database. Defining the data model ----------------------- First define an Odoo model file and import it: .. patch:: Then setup :ref:`basic access control ` for the model and and add them to the manifest: .. patch:: this simply gives read access (``perm_read``) to all users (``group_id:id`` left empty). .. note:: :ref:`Data files ` (XML or CSV) have to be added to the module manifest, Python files (models or controllers) don't but have to be imported from ``__init__.py`` (directly or indirectly) .. warning:: the administrator user bypasses access control, he has access to all models even if not given access Demonstration data ------------------ The second step is to add some demonstration data to the system so it's possible to test it easily. This is done by adding a ``demo`` :ref:`data file ` to the manifest: .. patch:: .. tip:: :ref:`Data files ` can be used for demo and non-demo data. Demo data are only loaded in "demonstration mode" and can be used for flow testing and demonstration, non-demo data are always loaded and used as initial system setup. In this case we're using demonstration data because an actual user of the system would want to input or import their own teachers list, this list is only useful for testing. Accessing the data ------------------ The last step is to alter model and template to use our demonstration data: #. fetch the records from the database instead of having a static list #. Because :meth:`~openerp.models.Model.search` returns a set of records matching the filter ("all records" here), alter the template to print each teacher's ``name`` .. patch:: Restart the server and update the module (in order to update the manifest and templates and load the demo file) then navigate to http://localhost:8069/academy/. The page should look little different: names should simply be prefixed by a number (the database identifier for the teacher). Website support =============== Odoo bundles a module dedicated to building websites. So far we've used controllers fairly directly, but Odoo 8 added deeper integration and a few other services (e.g. default styling, theming) via the ``website`` module. #. first, add ``website`` as a dependency to ``academy`` #. then add the ``website=True`` flag on the controller, this sets up a few new variables on :ref:`the request object ` and allows using the website layout in our template #. use the wesite layout in the template .. patch:: After restarting the server while updating the module (in order to update the manifest and template) access http://localhost:8069/academy/ should yield a nicer looking page with branding and a number of built-in page elements (top-level menu, footer, …) .. image:: website/layout.png The website layout also provides support for edition tools: click :guilabel:`Sign In` (in the top-right), fill the credentials in (``admin`` / ``admin`` by default) then click :guilabel:`Log In`. You're now in Odoo "proper": the administrative interface. For now click on the :guilabel:`Website` menu item (top-left corner. We're back in the website but as an administrator, with access to advanced edition features provided by the *website* support: * a template code editor (:menuselection:`Customize --> HTML Editor`) where you can see and edit all templates used for the current page * the :guilabel:`Edit` button in the top-left switches to "edition mode" where blocks (snippets) and rich text edition are available * a number of other features such as mobile preview or :abbr:`SEO (Search Engine Optimization)` URLs and routing ================ Controller methods are associated with *routes* via the :func:`~openerp.http.route` decorator which takes a routing string and a number of attributes to customise its behavior or security. We've seen a "literal" routing string, which matches a URL section exactly, but routing strings can also use `converter patterns`_ which match bits of URLs and make those available as local variables. For instance we can create a new controller method which takes a bit of URL and prints it out: .. patch:: restart Odoo, access http://localhost:8069/academy/Alice/ and http://localhost:8069/academy/Bob/ and see the difference. As the name indicates, `converter patterns`_ don't just do extraction, they also do *validation* and *conversion*, so we can change the new controller to only accept integers: .. patch:: Restart Odoo, access http://localhost:8069/academy/2, note how the old value was a string, but the new one was converted to an integers. Try accessing http://localhost:8069/academy/Carol/ and note that the page was not found: since "Carol" is not an integer, the route was ignored and no route could be found. Odoo provides an additional converter called ``model`` which provides records directly when given their id, let's use that and create a generic page for teacher biographies: .. patch:: then change the list of model to link to our new controller: .. patch:: Restart Odoo and upgrade the module, then you can visit each teacher's page. As an exercise, try adding blocks to a teacher's page to write a biography, then go to another teacher's page and so forth. You will discover, that your biography is shared between all teachers, because blocks are added to the *template*, and the *biography* template is shared between all teachers, when one page is edited they're all edited at the same time. Field edition ============= Data which is specific to a record should be saved on that record, so let us add a new biography field to our teachers: .. patch:: Restart Odoo and update the views, reload the teacher's page and… the field is invisible since it contains nothing. .. todo:: the view has been set to noupdate because modified previously, force via ``-i`` or do something else? For record fields, templates can use a special ``t-field`` directive which allows editing the field content from the website using field-specific interfaces. Change the *person* template to use ``t-field``: .. patch:: Restart Odoo and upgrade the modile, there is now a placeholder under the teacher's name and a new zone for blocks in :guilabel:`Edit` mode. Content dropped there is stored in the correspoding teacher's ``biography`` field, and thus specific to that teacher. The teacher's name is also editable, and when saved the change is visible on the index page. ``t-field`` can also take formatting options which depend on the exact field. For instance if we display the modification date for a teacher's record: .. patch:: it is displayed in a very "computery" manner and hard to read, but we could ask for a human-readable version: .. patch:: or a relative display: .. patch:: Administration and ERP integration ================================== A brief and incomplete introduction to the Odoo administration -------------------------------------------------------------- The Odoo administration was briefly seen during the `website support` section. We can go back to it using :menuselection:`Administrator --> Administrator` in the menu (or :guilabel:`Sign In` if you're signed out). The conceptual structure of the Odoo backend is simple: #. first are menus, a tree (menus can have sub-menus) of records. Menus without children map to… #. actions. Actions have various types: links, reports, code which Odoo should execute or data display. Data display actions are called *window actions*, and tell Odoo to display a given *model* according to a set of views… #. a view has a type, a the broad category to which it corresponds (a list, a graph, a calendar) and an *architecture* which customises the way the model is displayed inside the view. Editing in the Odoo administration ---------------------------------- By default, an Odoo model is essentially invisible to a user. To make it visible it must be available through an action, which itself needs to be reachable, generally through a menu. Let's create a menu for our model: .. patch:: then accessing http://localhost:8069/web/ in the top left should be a menu :guilabel:`Academy`, which is selected by default, as it is the first menu, and having opened a listing of teachers. From the listing it is possible to :guilabel:`Create` new teacher records, and to switch to the "form" by-record view. If there is no definition of how to present records (a :ref:`view `) Odoo will automatically create a basic one on-the-fly. In our case it works for the "list" view for now (only displays the teacher's name) but in the "form" view the HTML ``biography`` field is displayed side-by-side with the ``name`` field and not given enough space. Let's define a custom form view to make viewing and editing teacher records a better experience: .. patch:: Relations between models ------------------------ We have seen a pair of "basic" fields stored directly in the record. There are :ref:`a number of basic fields `. The second broad categories of fields are :ref:`relational ` and used to link records to one another (within a model or across models). For demonstration, let's create a *courses* model. Each course should have a ``teacher`` field, linking to a single teacher record, but each teacher can teach many courses: .. patch:: let's also add views so we can see and edit a course's teacher: .. patch:: It should also be possible to create new courses directly from a teacher's page, or to see all the courses a teacher gives, so add :class:`the inverse relationship ` without giving it a new :attr:`~openerp.models.Model._name` * ``product.template`` already uses the discussions system, so we don't can remove it from our extension model * we're creating our courses as *published* by default so they can be seen without having to log in Altering existing views ----------------------- So far, we have briefly seen: * the creation of new models * the creation of new views * the creation of new records * the alteration of existing models We're left with the alteration of existing records and the alteration of existing views. We'll do both on the :guilabel:`Shop` pages. View alteration is done by creating *extension* views, which are applied on top of the original view and alter it. These alteration views can be added or removed without modifying the original, making it easier to try things out and roll changes back. Since our courses are free, there is no reason to display their price on the shop page, so we're going to alter the view and hide the price if it's 0. The first task is finding out which view displays the price, this can be done via :menuselection:`Customize --> HTML Editor` which lets us read the various templates involved in rendering a page. Going through a few of them, "Product item" looks a likely culprit. Altering view architectures is done in 3 steps: #. Create a new view #. Extend the view to modify by setting the new view's ``inherit_id`` to the modified view's external id #. In the architecture, use the ``xpath`` tag to select and alter elements from the modified view .. patch:: The second thing we will change is making the product categories sidebar visible by default: :menuselection:`Customize --> Product Categories` lets you toggle a tree of product categories (used to filter the main display) on and off. This is done via the ``customize_show`` and ``active`` fields of extension templates: an extension template (such as the one we've just created) can be *customize_show=True*. This choice will display the view in the :guilabel:`Customize` menu with a check box, allowing administrators to activate or disable them (and easily customize their website pages). We simply need to modify the *Product Categories* record and set its default to *active="True"*: .. patch:: With this, the *Product Categories* sidebar will automatically be enabled when the *Academy* module is installed. .. _templates: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_template .. _postgres: .. _postgresql: http://www.postgresql.org .. _converter pattern: .. _converter patterns: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/routing/#rule-format