[[ repeatIn(objects,'o') ]] [[ setLang(o.partner_id.lang) ]] [[ repeatIn(o.dest_address_id and [o.dest_address_id] or [],'addr') ]] Shipping address : [[ o.partner_id.title or '' ]] [[ o.partner_id.name ]] [[ addr.title or '' ]] [[ addr.name ]] [[ addr.street ]] [[ addr.street2 or '' ]] [[ addr.zip or '' ]] [[ addr.city or '' ]] [[ addr.state_id and addr.state_id.name or '' ]] [[ addr.country_id and addr.country_id.name or '' ]] [[ repeatIn((o.warehouse_id and o.warehouse_id.partner_address_id and [o.warehouse_id.partner_address_id]) or [],'addr') ]] [[ o.partner_id.title or '' ]] [[ o.partner_id.name ]] [[ addr.title or '' ]] [[ addr.name ]] [[ addr.street ]] [[ addr.street2 or '' ]] [[ addr.zip or '' ]] [[ addr.city or '' ]] [[ addr.state_id and addr.state_id.name or '' ]] [[ addr.country_id and addr.country_id.name or '' ]] [[ o.partner_id.title or '' ]] [[ o.partner_id.name ]] [[ o.partner_address_id.title or '' ]] [[ o.partner_address_id.name ]] [[ o.partner_address_id.street ]] [[ o.partner_address_id.street2 or '' ]] [[ o.partner_address_id.zip or '' ]] [[ o.partner_address_id.city or '' ]] [[ o.partner_address_id.state_id and o.partner_address_id.state_id.name or '' ]] [[ o.partner_address_id.country_id and o.partner_address_id.country_id.name or '' ]] Tél. : [[ o.partner_address_id.phone or '' ]] Fax : [[ o.partner_address_id.fax or '' ]] TVA : [[ o.partner_id.vat or '' ]] Request for Quotation [[ o.name ]] Our project: [[ o.project_id and o.project_id.complete_name or '/' ]] Other reference : [[ o.ref or '' ]] Printed: [[ time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') ]] Please find hereby a request for quotation. Product Date Qty
[[ repeatIn(o.order_line,'line') ]] [[ line.product_id and line.product_id.default_code or '' ]] - [[ line.name ]] [[ time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y', time.strptime( line.date_planned, '%Y-%m-%d')) ]] [[ line.product_qty ]] [[ line.product_uom.name ]] [[ repeatIn((line.notes and [line.notes]) or [], 'l') ]] [[ l or removeParentNode('table') ]]
[[ o.notes or '' ]] [[ setTag('para','xpre') ]] Thanks, [[ user.signature ]]