# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 import datetime import logging import time import uuid import random import simplejson import openerp from openerp.http import request from openerp.osv import osv, fields from openerp.tools.misc import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT from openerp.addons.bus.bus import TIMEOUT _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DISCONNECTION_TIMER = TIMEOUT + 5 AWAY_TIMER = 600 # 10 minutes #---------------------------------------------------------- # Models #---------------------------------------------------------- class im_chat_conversation_state(osv.Model): """ Adds a state on the m2m between user and session. """ _name = 'im_chat.conversation_state' _table = "im_chat_session_res_users_rel" _columns = { "state" : fields.selection([('open', 'Open'), ('folded', 'Folded'), ('closed', 'Closed')]), "session_id" : fields.many2one('im_chat.session', 'Session', required=True, ondelete="cascade"), "user_id" : fields.many2one('res.users', 'Users', required=True, ondelete="cascade"), } _defaults = { "state" : 'open' } class im_chat_session(osv.Model): """ Conversations.""" _order = 'id desc' _name = 'im_chat.session' _rec_name = 'uuid' _columns = { 'uuid': fields.char('UUID', size=50, select=True), 'message_ids': fields.one2many('im_chat.message', 'to_id', 'Messages'), 'user_ids': fields.many2many('res.users', 'im_chat_session_res_users_rel', 'session_id', 'user_id', "Session Users"), 'session_res_users_rel': fields.one2many('im_chat.conversation_state', 'session_id', 'Relation Session Users'), } _defaults = { 'uuid': lambda *args: '%s' % uuid.uuid4(), } def users_infos(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ get the user infos for all the user in the session """ for session in self.pool["im_chat.session"].browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): users_infos = self.pool["res.users"].read(cr, uid, [u.id for u in session.user_ids], ['id','name', 'im_status'], context=context) return users_infos def is_private(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for session_id in ids: """ return true if the session is private between users no external messages """ mess_ids = self.pool["im_chat.message"].search(cr, uid, [('to_id','=',session_id),('from_id','=',None)], context=context) return len(mess_ids) == 0 def session_info(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ get the session info/header of a given session """ for session in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): info = { 'uuid': session.uuid, 'users': session.users_infos(), 'state': 'open', } # add uid_state if available if uid: domain = [('user_id','=',uid), ('session_id','=',session.id)] uid_state = self.pool['im_chat.conversation_state'].search_read(cr, uid, domain, ['state'], context=context) if uid_state: info['state'] = uid_state[0]['state'] return info def session_get(self, cr, uid, user_to, context=None): """ returns the canonical session between 2 users, create it if needed """ session_id = False if user_to: sids = self.search(cr, uid, [('user_ids','in', user_to),('user_ids', 'in', [uid])], context=context, limit=1) for sess in self.browse(cr, uid, sids, context=context): if len(sess.user_ids) == 2 and sess.is_private(): session_id = sess.id break else: session_id = self.create(cr, uid, { 'user_ids': [(6,0, (user_to, uid))] }, context=context) return self.session_info(cr, uid, [session_id], context=context) def update_state(self, cr, uid, uuid, state=None, context=None): """ modify the fold_state of the given session, and broadcast to himself (e.i. : to sync multiple tabs) """ domain = [('user_id','=',uid), ('session_id.uuid','=',uuid)] ids = self.pool['im_chat.conversation_state'].search(cr, uid, domain, context=context) for sr in self.pool['im_chat.conversation_state'].browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): if not state: state = sr.state if sr.state == 'open': state = 'folded' else: state = 'open' self.pool['im_chat.conversation_state'].write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': state}, context=context) self.pool['bus.bus'].sendone(cr, uid, (cr.dbname, 'im_chat.session', uid), sr.session_id.session_info()) def add_user(self, cr, uid, uuid, user_id, context=None): """ add the given user to the given session """ sids = self.search(cr, uid, [('uuid', '=', uuid)], context=context, limit=1) for session in self.browse(cr, uid, sids, context=context): if user_id not in [u.id for u in session.user_ids]: self.write(cr, uid, [session.id], {'user_ids': [(4, user_id)]}, context=context) # notify the all the channel users and anonymous channel notifications = [] for channel_user_id in session.user_ids: info = self.session_info(cr, channel_user_id.id, [session.id], context=context) notifications.append([(cr.dbname, 'im_chat.session', channel_user_id.id), info]) # Anonymous are not notified when a new user is added : cannot exec session_info as uid = None info = self.session_info(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, [session.id], context=context) notifications.append([session.uuid, info]) self.pool['bus.bus'].sendmany(cr, uid, notifications) # send a message to the conversation user = self.pool['res.users'].read(cr, uid, user_id, ['name'], context=context) self.pool["im_chat.message"].post(cr, uid, uid, session.uuid, "meta", user['name'] + " joined the conversation.", context=context) def get_image(self, cr, uid, uuid, user_id, context=None): """ get the avatar of a user in the given session """ #default image image_b64 = 'R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==' # get the session if user_id: session_id = self.pool["im_chat.session"].search(cr, uid, [('uuid','=',uuid), ('user_ids','in', user_id)]) if session_id: # get the image of the user res = self.pool["res.users"].read(cr, uid, [user_id], ["image_small"])[0] image_b64 = res["image_small"] return image_b64 class im_chat_message(osv.Model): """ Sessions messsages type can be 'message' or 'meta'. For anonymous message, the from_id is False. Messages are sent to a session not to users. """ _name = 'im_chat.message' _order = "id desc" _columns = { 'create_date': fields.datetime('Create Date', required=True, select=True), 'from_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Author'), 'to_id': fields.many2one('im_chat.session', 'Session To', required=True, select=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'type': fields.selection([('message','Message'), ('meta','Meta')], 'Type'), 'message': fields.char('Message'), } _defaults = { 'type' : 'message', } def init_messages(self, cr, uid, context=None): """ get unread messages and old messages received less than AWAY_TIMER ago and the session_info for open or folded window """ # get the message since the AWAY_TIMER threshold = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=AWAY_TIMER) threshold = threshold.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) domain = [('to_id.user_ids', 'in', [uid]), ('create_date','>',threshold)] # get the message since the last poll of the user presence_ids = self.pool['im_chat.presence'].search(cr, uid, [('user_id', '=', uid)], context=context) if presence_ids: presence = self.pool['im_chat.presence'].browse(cr, uid, presence_ids, context=context)[0] threshold = presence.last_poll domain.append(('create_date','>',threshold)) messages = self.search_read(cr, uid, domain, ['from_id','to_id','create_date','type','message'], order='id asc', context=context) # get the session of the messages and the not-closed ones session_ids = map(lambda m: m['to_id'][0], messages) domain = [('user_id','=',uid), '|', ('state','!=','closed'), ('session_id', 'in', session_ids)] session_rels_ids = self.pool['im_chat.conversation_state'].search(cr, uid, domain, context=context) # re-open the session where a message have been recieve recently session_rels = self.pool['im_chat.conversation_state'].browse(cr, uid, session_rels_ids, context=context) reopening_session = [] notifications = [] for sr in session_rels: si = sr.session_id.session_info() si['state'] = sr.state if sr.state == 'closed': si['state'] = 'folded' reopening_session.append(sr.id) notifications.append([(cr.dbname,'im_chat.session', uid), si]) for m in messages: notifications.append([(cr.dbname,'im_chat.session', uid), m]) self.pool['im_chat.conversation_state'].write(cr, uid, reopening_session, {'state': 'folded'}, context=context) return notifications def post(self, cr, uid, from_uid, uuid, message_type, message_content, context=None): """ post and broadcast a message, return the message id """ message_id = False Session = self.pool['im_chat.session'] session_ids = Session.search(cr, uid, [('uuid','=',uuid)], context=context) notifications = [] for session in Session.browse(cr, uid, session_ids, context=context): # build the new message vals = { "from_id": from_uid, "to_id": session.id, "type": message_type, "message": message_content, } # save it message_id = self.create(cr, uid, vals, context=context) # broadcast it to channel (anonymous users) and users_ids data = self.read(cr, uid, [message_id], ['from_id','to_id','create_date','type','message'], context=context)[0] notifications.append([uuid, data]) for user in session.user_ids: notifications.append([(cr.dbname, 'im_chat.session', user.id), data]) self.pool['bus.bus'].sendmany(cr, uid, notifications) return message_id class im_chat_presence(osv.Model): """ im_chat_presence status can be: online, away or offline. This model is a one2one, but is not attached to res_users to avoid database concurrence errors """ _name = 'im_chat.presence' _columns = { 'user_id' : fields.many2one('res.users', 'Users', required=True, select=True), 'last_poll': fields.datetime('Last Poll'), 'last_presence': fields.datetime('Last Presence'), 'status' : fields.selection([('online','Online'), ('away','Away'), ('offline','Offline')], 'IM Status'), } _defaults = { 'last_poll' : fields.datetime.now, 'last_presence' : fields.datetime.now, 'status' : 'offline' } _sql_constraints = [('im_chat_user_status_unique','unique(user_id)', 'A user can only have one IM status.')] def update(self, cr, uid, presence=True, context=None): """ register the poll, and change its im status if necessary. It also notify the Bus if the status has changed. """ presence_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('user_id', '=', uid)], context=context) presences = self.browse(cr, uid, presence_ids, context=context) # set the default values send_notification = True vals = { 'last_poll': time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), 'status' : presences and presences[0].status or 'offline' } # update the user or a create a new one if not presences: vals['status'] = 'online' vals['user_id'] = uid self.create(cr, uid, vals, context=context) else: if presence: vals['last_presence'] = time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) vals['status'] = 'online' else: threshold = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=AWAY_TIMER) if datetime.datetime.strptime(presences[0].last_presence, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) < threshold: vals['status'] = 'away' send_notification = presences[0].status != vals['status'] # write only if the last_poll is passed TIMEOUT, or if the status has changed delta = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.strptime(presences[0].last_poll, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) if (delta > datetime.timedelta(seconds=TIMEOUT) or send_notification): self.write(cr, uid, presence_ids, vals, context=context) # avoid TransactionRollbackError cr.commit() # notify if the status has changed if send_notification: self.pool['bus.bus'].sendone(cr, uid, (cr.dbname,'im_chat.presence'), {'id': uid, 'im_status': vals['status']}) # gc : disconnect the users having a too old last_poll. 1 on 100 chance to do it. if random.random() < 0.01: self.check_users_disconnection(cr, uid, context=context) return True def check_users_disconnection(self, cr, uid, context=None): """ disconnect the users having a too old last_poll """ dt = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(0, DISCONNECTION_TIMER)).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) presence_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('last_poll', '<', dt), ('status' , '!=', 'offline')], context=context) self.write(cr, uid, presence_ids, {'status': 'offline'}, context=context) presences = self.browse(cr, uid, presence_ids, context=context) notifications = [] for presence in presences: notifications.append([(cr.dbname,'im_chat.presence'), {'id': presence.user_id.id, 'im_status': presence.status}]) self.pool['bus.bus'].sendmany(cr, uid, notifications) return True class res_users(osv.Model): _inherit = "res.users" def _get_im_status(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, arg, context=None): """ function computing the im_status field of the users """ r = dict((i, 'offline') for i in ids) status_ids = self.pool['im_chat.presence'].search(cr, uid, [('user_id', 'in', ids)], context=context) status = self.pool['im_chat.presence'].browse(cr, uid, status_ids, context=context) for s in status: r[s.user_id.id] = s.status return r _columns = { 'im_status' : fields.function(_get_im_status, type="char", string="IM Status"), } def im_search(self, cr, uid, name, limit, context=None): """ search users with a name and return its id, name and im_status """ group_user_id = self.pool.get("ir.model.data").get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'base', 'group_user')[1] user_ids = self.name_search(cr, uid, name, [('id','!=', uid), ('groups_id', 'in', [group_user_id])], limit=limit, context=context) domain = [('user_id', 'in', [i[0] for i in user_ids])] ids = self.pool['im_chat.presence'].search(cr, uid, domain, order="last_poll desc", context=context) presences = self.pool['im_chat.presence'].read(cr, uid, ids, ['user_id','status'], context=context) res = [] for user_id in user_ids: user = { 'id' : user_id[0], 'name' : user_id[1] } tmp = filter(lambda p: p['user_id'][0] == user_id[0], presences) user['im_status'] = len(tmp) > 0 and tmp[0]['status'] or 'offline' res.append(user) return res #---------------------------------------------------------- # Controllers #---------------------------------------------------------- class Controller(openerp.addons.bus.bus.Controller): def _poll(self, dbname, channels, last, options): if request.session.uid: registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, request.session.uid, request.context registry.get('im_chat.presence').update(cr, uid, ('im_presence' in options), context=context) # listen to connection and disconnections channels.append((request.db,'im_chat.presence')) # channel to receive message channels.append((request.db,'im_chat.session', request.uid)) return super(Controller, self)._poll(dbname, channels, last, options) @openerp.http.route('/im_chat/init', type="json", auth="none") def init(self): registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, request.session.uid, request.context notifications = registry['im_chat.message'].init_messages(cr, uid, context=context) return notifications @openerp.http.route('/im_chat/post', type="json", auth="none") def post(self, uuid, message_type, message_content): registry, cr, uid, context = request.registry, request.cr, request.session.uid, request.context # execute the post method as SUPERUSER_ID message_id = registry["im_chat.message"].post(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, uid, uuid, message_type, message_content, context=context) return message_id @openerp.http.route(['/im_chat/image//'], type='http', auth="none") def image(self, uuid, user_id): registry, cr, context, uid = request.registry, request.cr, request.context, request.session.uid # get the image Session = registry.get("im_chat.session") image_b64 = Session.get_image(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, uuid, simplejson.loads(user_id), context) # built the response image_data = base64.b64decode(image_b64) headers = [('Content-Type', 'image/png')] headers.append(('Content-Length', len(image_data))) return request.make_response(image_data, headers) # vim:et: