Phone Calls crm.phonecall form tree,calendar {"search_default_user_id":uid, 'search_default_section_id': section_id} tree calendar form Logged Calls crm.phonecall form tree,calendar [] This tool allows you to log your inbound calls on the fly. Each call you get will appear on the partner form to trace every contact you have with a partner. From the phone call form, you can trigger a request for another call, a meeting or an opportunity. tree calendar form Scheduled Calls crm.phonecall form tree,calendar [('state','!=','done')] Scheduled calls list all the calls to be done by your sales team. A salesman can record the information about the call in the form view. This information will be stored in the partner form to trace every contact you have with a customer. You can also import a .CSV file with a list of calls to be done by your sales team. tree calendar form