openerp.share = function(session) { var _t = session.web._t; var has_action_id = false; function launch_wizard(self, view, user_type, invite) { var action = view.getParent().action; var Share = new session.web.DataSet(self, 'share.wizard', view.dataset.get_context()); var domain = new session.web.CompoundDomain(view.dataset.domain); if (view.fields_view.type == 'form') { domain = new session.web.CompoundDomain(domain, [['id', '=',]]); } if (view.fields_view.type == 'form') rec_name =; else rec_name = ''; session.web.pyeval.eval_domains_and_contexts({ domains: [domain], contexts: [Share.get_context()] }).done(function (result) { Share.create({ name:, record_name: rec_name, domain: result.domain, action_id:, user_type: user_type || 'embedded', view_type: view.fields_view.type, invite: invite || false, }).done(function(share_id) { var step1 ='go_step_1', [[share_id], Share.get_context()]).done(function(result) { var action = result; self.do_action(action); }); }); }); } function has_share(yes, no) { if (!session.session.share_flag) { session.session.share_flag = $.Deferred(function() { var func = new session.web.Model("share.wizard").get_func("has_share"); func(session.session.uid).then(function(res) { if(res) { session.session.share_flag.resolve(); } else { session.session.share_flag.reject(); } }); }); } session.session.share_flag.done(yes).fail(no); } /* Extend the Sidebar to add Share and Embed links in the 'More' menu */ session.web.Sidebar = session.web.Sidebar.extend({ start: function() { var self = this; this._super(this); has_share(function() { self.add_items('other', [ { label: _t('Share'), callback: self.on_click_share, classname: 'oe_share' }, { label: _t('Embed'), callback: self.on_click_share_link, classname: 'oe_share' }, ]); }); }, on_click_share: function(item) { var view = this.getParent() launch_wizard(this, view, 'emails', false); }, on_click_share_link: function(item) { var view = this.getParent() launch_wizard(this, view, 'embedded', false); }, }); /** * Extends mail (Chatter widget) * - show the 'invite' button' only we came on the form view through * an action. We do this because 'invite' is based on the share * mechanism, and it tries to share an action. */ session.mail.RecordThread.include( { start: function() { start_res = this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (has_action_id) { this.$el.find('button.oe_share_invite').show(); } return start_res; } }); session.web.ViewManagerAction.include({ start: function() { var self = this; this.check_if_action_is_defined(); has_share(function() { self.$el.delegate('button.oe_share_invite', 'click', self.on_click_share_invite); }); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, check_if_action_is_defined: function() { if (this.action && { has_action_id = true; } else { has_action_id = false; } }, on_click_share_invite: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); launch_wizard(this, this.views[this.active_view].controller, 'emails', true); }, }); };