openerp.google_calendar = function(instance) { var _t = instance.web._t, _lt = instance.web._lt; var QWeb = instance.web.qweb; instance.web_calendar.CalendarView.include({ view_loading: function(r) { var self = this; this.$el.on('click', 'div.oe_cal_sync_button', function() { self.sync_calendar(r); }); return this._super(r); }, sync_calendar: function(res, button) { var self = this; var context = instance.web.pyeval.eval('context'); //$('div.oe_cal_sync_button').hide(); $('div.oe_cal_sync_button').prop('disabled', true); self.rpc('/google_calendar/sync_data', { arch: res.arch, fields: res.fields, model: res.model, fromurl: window.location.href, local_context: context }).done(function(o) { if (o.status === "need_auth") { alert(_t("You will be redirected on gmail to authorize your Odoo to access your calendar !")); instance.web.redirect(o.url); } else if (o.status === "need_config_from_admin"){ if (!_.isUndefined(o.action) && parseInt(o.action)){ if (confirm(_t("An admin need to configure Google Synchronization before to use it, do you want to configure it now ? !"))){ self.do_action(o.action); } } else{ alert(_t("An admin need to configure Google Synchronization before to use it !")); } } else if (o.status === "need_refresh"){ self.$calendar.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); } else if (o.status === "need_reset"){ if (confirm(_t("The account that you are trying to synchronize (" + + "), is not the same that the last one used \ (" + + "! )" + "\r\n\r\nDo you want remove all references from the old account ?"))){ self.rpc('/google_calendar/remove_references', { model:res.model, local_context:context }).done(function(o) { if (o.status === "OK") { alert(_t("All old references have been deleted. You can now restart the synchronization")); } else if (o.status === "KO") { alert(_t("An error has occured when we was removing all old references. Please retry or contact your administrator.")); } //else NOP }); } } }).always(function(o) { $('div.oe_cal_sync_button').prop('disabled',false); }); } }); instance.web_calendar.CalendarView.include({ extraSideBar: function() { this._super(); if (this.dataset.model == "calendar.event") { this.$el.find('.oe_calendar_filter').prepend(QWeb.render('GoogleCalendar.buttonSynchro')); } } }); };