#@+leo-ver=4 #@+node:@file resource.py #@@language python #@<< Copyright >> #@+node:<< Copyright >> ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Reithinger GmbH # mreithinger@web.de # # This file is part of faces. # # faces is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # faces is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ############################################################################ #@-node:<< Copyright >> #@nl #@<< Imports >> #@+node:<< Imports >> import pcalendar import datetime import utils import string import bisect import plocale #@-node:<< Imports >> #@nl _is_source = True _to_datetime = pcalendar.to_datetime _ = plocale.get_gettext() #@+others #@+node:_isattrib #@+doc #@nonl # is used to find snapshot attributes #@-doc #@@code def _isattrib(obj, a): return a[0] != "_" \ and not callable(getattr(obj, a)) \ and not a.endswith("_members") \ and a not in ("name") #@-node:_isattrib #@+node:class ResourceCalendar class ResourceCalendar(object): """ The resource calendar saves the load time of a resource. Is ia sequence of time intervals of loads. An example of such a sequence is: [ (datetime.min, 0), (2006/1/1, 1.0), (2006/1/10, 0.5), (2006/1/15, 0) ] That means the resource: is free till january the first 2006 is fully booked from january the first to january 10th is half booked from january 10th to january 15th is free since january 15th """ #@ @+others #@+node:__init__ def __init__(self, src=None): if src: self.bookings = list(src.bookings) else: self.bookings = [ (datetime.datetime.min, 0) ] #@-node:__init__ #@+node:__str__ def __str__(self): return str(self.bookings) #@-node:__str__ #@+node:__repr__ def __repr__(self): return "" % (str(self)) #@-node:__repr__ #@+node:add_load def add_load(self, start, end, load): start = _to_datetime(start) end = _to_datetime(end) bookings = self.bookings # the load will be converted in an integer to avoid # rouning problems load = int(load * 10000) start_item = (start, 0) start_pos = bisect.bisect_left(bookings, start_item) left_load = 0 left_load = bookings[start_pos - 1][1] if start_pos < len(bookings) and bookings[start_pos][0] == start: prev_load = bookings[start_pos][1] if prev_load + load == left_load: del bookings[start_pos] else: bookings[start_pos] = (start, prev_load + load) start_pos += 1 else: bookings.insert(start_pos, (start, load + left_load)) start_pos += 1 item = (datetime.datetime.min, 0) for i in range(start_pos, len(bookings)): end_pos = i item = bookings[i] if item[0] >= end: break bookings[i] = (item[0], item[1] + load) else: end_pos = len(bookings) left_load = bookings[end_pos - 1][1] if item[0] == end: if item[1] == left_load: del bookings[end_pos] else: bookings.insert(end_pos, (end, left_load - load)) #@-node:add_load #@+node:end_of_booking_interval def end_of_booking_interval(self, date): date = _to_datetime(date) bookings = self.bookings date_item = (date, 999999) date_pos = bisect.bisect_left(bookings, date_item) - 1 next_date = datetime.datetime.max load = 0 try: book_item = bookings[date_pos] load = bookings[date_pos][1] / 10000.0 next_date = bookings[date_pos + 1][0] except: pass return next_date, load #@-node:end_of_booking_interval #@+node:find_free_time def find_free_time(self, start, length, load, max_load): bookings = self.bookings if isinstance(start, datetime.datetime): adjust_date = _to_datetime else: adjust_date = start.calendar.EndDate start = _to_datetime(start) load = int(load * 10000) max_load = int(max_load * 10000) lb = len(bookings) def next_possible(index): while index < lb: sd, lo = bookings[index] if lo + load <= max_load: break index += 1 sd = adjust_date(max(start, sd)) ed = sd + length end = _to_datetime(ed) index += 1 while index < lb: date, lo = bookings[index] if date >= end: #I found a good start date return None, sd if lo + load > max_load: return index + 1, None index += 1 return None, sd start_item = (start, 1000000) i = bisect.bisect_left(bookings, start_item) - 1 next_start = None while not next_start and i < lb: i, next_start = next_possible(i) assert(next_start is not None) return next_start #@-node:find_free_time #@+node:get_bookings def get_bookings(self, start, end): start = _to_datetime(start) end = _to_datetime(end) bookings = self.bookings start_item = (start, 0) start_pos = bisect.bisect_left(bookings, start_item) if start_pos >= len(bookings) or bookings[start_pos][0] > start: start_pos -= 1 end_item = (end, 0) end_pos = bisect.bisect_left(bookings, end_item) return start_pos, end_pos, bookings #@-node:get_bookings #@+node:get_load def get_load(self, date): date = _to_datetime(date) bookings = self.bookings item = (date, 100000) pos = bisect.bisect_left(bookings, item) - 1 return bookings[pos][1] / 10000.0 #@-node:get_load #@-others #@-node:class ResourceCalendar #@+node:class _ResourceBase class _ResourceBase(object): pass #@-node:class _ResourceBase #@+node:class _MetaResource class _MetaResource(type): doc_template = """ A resource class. The resources default attributes can be changed when the class ist instanciated, i.e. %(name)s(max_load=2.0) @var max_load: Specify the maximal allowed load sum of all simultaneously allocated tasks of a resource. A ME{max_load} of 1.0 (default) means the resource may be fully allocated. A ME{max_load} of 1.3 means the resource may be allocated with 30%% overtime. @var title: Specifies an alternative more descriptive name for the task. @var efficiency: The efficiency of a resource can be used for two purposes. First you can use it as a crude way to model a team. A team of 5 people should have an efficiency of 5.0. Keep in mind that you cannot track the member of the team individually if you use this feature. The other use is to model performance variations between your resources. @var vacation: Specifies the vacation of the resource. This attribute is specified as a list of date literals or date literal intervals. Be aware that the end of an interval is excluded, i.e. it is the first working date. """ #@ @+others #@+node:__init__ def __init__(self, name, bases, dict_): super(_MetaResource, self).__init__(name, bases, dict_) self.name = name self.title = dict_.get("title", name) self._calendar = { None: ResourceCalendar() } self._tasks = { } self.__set_vacation() self.__add_resource(bases[0]) self.__doc__ = dict_.get("__doc__", self.doc_template) % locals() #@-node:__init__ #@+node:__or__ def __or__(self, other): return self().__or__(other) #@-node:__or__ #@+node:__and__ def __and__(self, other): return self().__and__(other) #@-node:__and__ #@+node:__cmp__ def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.name, getattr(other, "name", None)) #@-node:__cmp__ #@+node:__repr__ def __repr__(self): return "" % self.name #@-node:__repr__ #@+node:__str__ def __str__(self): return repr(self) #@-node:__str__ #@+node:__set_vacation def __set_vacation(self): vacation = self.vacation if isinstance(vacation, (tuple, list)): for v in vacation: if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): self.add_vacation(v[0], v[1]) else: self.add_vacation(v) else: self.add_vacation(vacation) #@-node:__set_vacation #@+node:__add_resource def __add_resource(self, base): if issubclass(base, _ResourceBase): members = getattr(base, base.__name__ + "_members", []) members.append(self) setattr(base, base.__name__ + "_members", members) #@-node:__add_resource #@+node:get_members def get_members(self): return getattr(self, self.__name__ + "_members", []) #@-node:get_members #@+node:add_vacation def add_vacation(self, start, end=None): start_date = _to_datetime(start) if not end: end_date = start_date.replace(hour=23, minute=59) else: end_date = _to_datetime(end) for cal in self._calendar.itervalues(): cal.add_load(start_date, end_date, 1) tp = Booking() tp.start = start_date tp.end = end_date tp.book_start = start_date tp.book_end = end_date tp.work_time = end_date - start_date tp.load = 1.0 tp.name = tp.title = _("(vacation)") tp._id = "" self._tasks.setdefault("", []).append(tp) #@-node:add_vacation #@+node:calendar def calendar(self, scenario): try: return self._calendar[scenario] except KeyError: cal = self._calendar[scenario] = ResourceCalendar(self._calendar[None]) return cal #@-node:calendar #@-others #@-node:class _MetaResource #@+node:make_team def make_team(resource): members = resource.get_members() if not members: return resource result = make_team(members[0]) for r in members[1:]: result = result & make_team(r) return result #@-node:make_team #@+node:class Booking class Booking(object): """ A booking unit for a task. """ #@ << declarations >> #@+node:<< declarations >> book_start = datetime.datetime.min book_end = datetime.datetime.max actual = False _id = "" #@-node:<< declarations >> #@nl #@ @+others #@+node:__init__ def __init__(self, task=None): self.__task = task #@-node:__init__ #@+node:__cmp__ def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self._id, other._id) #@-node:__cmp__ #@+node:path def path(self): first_dot = self._id.find(".") return "root" + self._id[first_dot:] path = property(path) #@nonl #@-node:path #@+node:_idendity_ def _idendity_(self): return self._id #@-node:_idendity_ #@+node:__getattr__ def __getattr__(self, name): if self.__task: return getattr(self.__task, name) raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a valid attribute" % (name)) #@-node:__getattr__ #@-others #@-node:class Booking #@+node:class ResourceList class ResourceList(list): #@ @+others #@+node:__init__ def __init__(self, *args): if args: self.extend(args) #@-node:__init__ #@-others #@-node:class ResourceList #@+node:class Resource class Resource(_ResourceBase): #@ << declarations >> #@+node:<< declarations >> __metaclass__ = _MetaResource __attrib_completions__ = {\ "max_load": 'max_load = ', "title": 'title = "|"', "efficiency": 'efficiency = ', "vacation": 'vacation = [("|2002-02-01", "2002-02-05")]' } __type_image__ = "resource16" max_load = None # the maximum sum load for all task vacation = () efficiency = 1.0 #@-node:<< declarations >> #@nl #@ @+others #@+node:__init__ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) #@-node:__init__ #@+node:_idendity_ def _idendity_(cls): return "resource:" + cls.__name__ _idendity_ = classmethod(_idendity_) #@-node:_idendity_ #@+node:__repr__ def __repr__(self): return "" % self.__class__.__name__ #@-node:__repr__ #@+node:__str__ def __str__(self): return repr(self) #@-node:__str__ #@+node:__call__ def __call__(self): return self #@-node:__call__ #@+node:__hash__ def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__) #@-node:__hash__ #@+node:__cmp__ def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.name, other.name) #@-node:__cmp__ #@+node:__or__ def __or__(self, other): if type(other) is _MetaResource: other = other() result = Resource() result._subresource = _OrResourceGroup(self, other) return result #@-node:__or__ #@+node:__and__ def __and__(self, other): if type(other) is _MetaResource: other = other() result = Resource() result._subresource = _AndResourceGroup(self, other) return result #@-node:__and__ #@+node:_permutation_count def _permutation_count(self): if hasattr(self, "_subresource"): return self._subresource._permutation_count() return 1 #@-node:_permutation_count #@+node:_get_resources def _get_resources(self, state): if hasattr(self, "_subresource"): result = self._subresource._get_resources(state) if self.name != "Resource": result.name = self.name if self.title != "Resource": result.title = self.title return result result = ResourceList(self) return result #@-node:_get_resources #@+node:all_members def all_members(self): if hasattr(self, "_subresource"): return self._subresource.all_members() return [ self.__class__ ] #@-node:all_members #@+node:unbook_tasks_of_project def unbook_tasks_of_project(cls, project_id, scenario): try: task_list = cls._tasks[scenario] except KeyError: return add_load = cls.calendar(scenario).add_load for task_id, bookings in task_list.items(): if task_id.startswith(project_id): for item in bookings: add_load(item.book_start, item.book_end, -item.load) del task_list[task_id] if not task_list: del cls._tasks[scenario] unbook_tasks_of_project = classmethod(unbook_tasks_of_project) #@-node:unbook_tasks_of_project #@+node:unbook_task def unbook_task(cls, task): identdity = task._idendity_() scenario = task.scenario try: task_list = cls._tasks[scenario] bookings = task_list[identdity] except KeyError: return add_load = cls.calendar(scenario).add_load for b in bookings: add_load(b.book_start, b.book_end, -b.load) del task_list[identdity] if not task_list: del cls._tasks[scenario] unbook_task = classmethod(unbook_task) #@-node:unbook_task #@+node:correct_bookings def correct_bookings(cls, task): #correct the booking data with the actual task data try: tasks = cls._tasks[task.scenario][task._idendity_()] except KeyError: return for t in tasks: t.start = task.start.to_datetime() t.end = task.end.to_datetime() correct_bookings = classmethod(correct_bookings) #@-node:correct_bookings #@+node:book_task def book_task(cls, task, start, end, load, work_time, actual): if not work_time: return start = _to_datetime(start) end = _to_datetime(end) identdity = task._idendity_() task_list = cls._tasks.setdefault(task.scenario, {}) bookings = task_list.setdefault(identdity, []) add_load = cls.calendar(task.scenario).add_load tb = Booking(task) tb.book_start = start tb.book_end = end tb._id = identdity tb.load = load tb.start = _to_datetime(task.start) tb.end = _to_datetime(task.end) tb.title = task.title tb.name = task.name tb.work_time = int(work_time) tb.actual = actual bookings.append(tb) result = add_load(start, end, load) return result book_task = classmethod(book_task) #@-node:book_task #@+node:length_of def length_of(cls, task): cal = task.root.calendar bookings = cls.get_bookings(task) return sum(map(lambda b: task._to_delta(b.work_time).round(), bookings)) length_of = classmethod(length_of) #@-node:length_of #@+node:done_of def done_of(self, task): cal = task.root.calendar now = cal.now bookings = self.get_bookings(task) if task.__dict__.has_key("effort"): efficiency = self.efficiency * task.efficiency else: efficiency = 1 def book_done(booking): if booking.book_start >= now: return 0 factor = 1 if booking.book_end > now: start = task._to_start(booking.book_start) end = task._to_end(booking.book_end) cnow = task._to_start(now) factor = float(cnow - start) / ((end - start) or 1) return factor * booking.work_time * efficiency return task._to_delta(sum(map(book_done, bookings))) #@-node:done_of #@+node:todo_of def todo_of(self, task): cal = task.root.calendar now = cal.now bookings = self.get_bookings(task) if task.__dict__.has_key("effort"): efficiency = self.efficiency * task.efficiency else: efficiency = 1 def book_todo(booking): if booking.book_end <= now: return 0 factor = 1 if booking.book_start < now: start = task._to_start(booking.book_start) end = task._to_end(booking.book_end) cnow = task._to_start(now) factor = float(end - cnow) / ((end - start) or 1) return factor * booking.work_time * efficiency return task._to_delta(sum(map(book_todo, bookings))) #@-node:todo_of #@+node:get_bookings def get_bookings(cls, task): return cls._tasks.get(task.scenario, {}).get(task._idendity_(), ()) get_bookings = classmethod(get_bookings) #@-node:get_bookings #@+node:get_bookings_at def get_bookings_at(cls, start, end, scenario): result = [] try: items = cls._tasks[scenario].iteritems() except KeyError: return () for task_id, bookings in items: result += [ booking for booking in bookings if booking.book_start < end and booking.book_end > start ] vacations = cls._tasks.get("", ()) result += [ booking for booking in vacations if booking.book_start < end and booking.book_end > start ] return result get_bookings_at = classmethod(get_bookings_at) #@-node:get_bookings_at #@+node:find_free_time def find_free_time(cls, start, length, load, max_load, scenario): return cls.calendar(scenario).find_free_time(start, length, load, max_load) find_free_time = classmethod(find_free_time) #@-node:find_free_time #@+node:get_load def get_load(cls, date, scenario): return cls.calendar(scenario).get_load(date) get_load = classmethod(get_load) #@-node:get_load #@+node:end_of_booking_interval def end_of_booking_interval(cls, date, task): return cls.calendar(task.scenario).end_of_booking_interval(date) end_of_booking_interval = classmethod(end_of_booking_interval) #@-node:end_of_booking_interval #@+node:snapshot def snapshot(self): from task import _as_string def isattrib(a): if a == "max_load" and self.max_load is None: return False if a in ("name", "title", "vacation"): return False return _isattrib(self, a) attribs = filter(isattrib, dir(self)) attribs = map(lambda a: "%s=%s" % (a, _as_string(getattr(self, a))), attribs) return self.name + "(%s)" % ", ".join(attribs) #@-node:snapshot #@-others #@-node:class Resource #@+node:class _ResourceGroup class _ResourceGroup(object): #@ @+others #@+node:__init__ def __init__(self, *args): self.resources = [] for a in args: self.__append(a) #@-node:__init__ #@+node:all_members def all_members(self): group = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b.all_members(), self.resources, []) group = map(lambda r: (r, True), group) group = dict(group) group = group.keys() return group #@-node:all_members #@+node:_permutation_count def _permutation_count(self): abstract #@-node:_permutation_count #@+node:_refactor def _refactor(self, arg): pass #@-node:_refactor #@+node:__append def __append(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, self.__class__): self.resources += arg.resources for r in arg.resources: self._refactor(r) return elif isinstance(arg, Resource): subresources = getattr(arg, "_subresource", None) if subresources: self.__append(subresources) return else: self.resources.append(arg) else: assert(isinstance(arg, _ResourceGroup)) self.resources.append(arg) self._refactor(arg) #@-node:__append #@+node:__str__ def __str__(self): op = lower(self.__class__.__name__[0:-13]) return "(" + \ string.join([str(r) for r in self.resources], " " + op + " ") + \ ")" #@-node:__str__ #@-others #@-node:class _ResourceGroup #@+node:class _OrResourceGroup class _OrResourceGroup(_ResourceGroup): #@ @+others #@+node:_get_resources def _get_resources(self, state): for r in self.resources: c = r._permutation_count() if c <= state: state -= c else: return r._get_resources(state) assert(0) #@-node:_get_resources #@+node:_permutation_count def _permutation_count(self): return sum([ r._permutation_count() for r in self.resources]) #@-node:_permutation_count #@-others #@-node:class _OrResourceGroup #@+node:class _AndResourceGroup class _AndResourceGroup(_ResourceGroup): #@ @+others #@+node:__init__ def __init__(self, *args): self.factors = [ 1 ] _ResourceGroup.__init__(self, *args) #@-node:__init__ #@+node:_refactor def _refactor(self, arg): count = arg._permutation_count() self.factors = [ count * f for f in self.factors ] self.factors.append(1) #@-node:_refactor #@+node:_permutation_count #print "AndResourceGroup", count, arg, self.factors def _permutation_count(self): return self.factors[0] #@-node:_permutation_count #@+node:_get_resources def _get_resources(self, state): """delivers None when there are duplicate resources""" result = [] for i in range(1, len(self.factors)): f = self.factors[i] substate = state / f state %= f result.append(self.resources[i - 1]._get_resources(substate)) result = ResourceList(*list(utils.flatten(result))) dupl_test = { } for r in result: if dupl_test.has_key(r): return None else: dupl_test[r] = 1 return result #@-node:_get_resources #@+node:_has_duplicates def _has_duplicates(self, state): resources = self._get_resources(state) tmp = { } for r in resources: if tmp.has_key(r): return True tmp[r] = 1 return False #@-node:_has_duplicates #@-others #@-node:class _AndResourceGroup #@-others #@-node:@file resource.py #@-leo # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: