########################################################################## # # Portions of this file are under the following copyright and license: # # # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Danny Brewer # d29583@groovegarden.com # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # See: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html # # # and other portions are under the following copyright and license: # # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution>.. # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenERP SA (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # ############################################################################## import uno import string import unohelper import xmlrpclib from com.sun.star.task import XJobExecutor if __name__<>"package": from lib.gui import * from lib.functions import * from lib.error import ErrorDialog from LoginTest import * from lib.logreport import * from lib.rpc import * database="report" uid = 3 class Fields(unohelper.Base, XJobExecutor ): def __init__(self,sVariable="",sFields="",sDisplayName="",bFromModify=False): LoginTest() if not loginstatus and __name__=="package": exit(1) self.logobj=Logger() self.win = DBModalDialog(60, 50, 200, 225, "Field Builder") self.win.addFixedText("lblVariable", 27, 12, 60, 15, "Variable :") self.win.addComboBox("cmbVariable", 180-120-2, 10, 130, 15,True, itemListenerProc=self.cmbVariable_selected) self.insVariable = self.win.getControl( "cmbVariable" ) self.win.addFixedText("lblFields", 10, 32, 60, 15, "Variable Fields :") self.win.addComboListBox("lstFields", 180-120-2, 30, 130, 150, False,True,itemListenerProc=self.lstbox_selected) self.insField = self.win.getControl( "lstFields" ) self.win.addFixedText("lblUName", 8, 187, 60, 15, "Displayed name :") self.win.addEdit("txtUName", 180-120-2, 185, 130, 15,) self.win.addButton('btnOK',-5 ,-5,45,15,'Ok' ,actionListenerProc = self.btnOk_clicked ) self.win.addButton('btnCancel',-5 - 45 - 5 ,-5,45,15,'Cancel' ,actionListenerProc = self.btnCancel_clicked ) global passwd self.password = passwd global url self.sock=RPCSession(url) self.sValue=None self.sObj=None self.aSectionList=[] self.sGDisplayName=sDisplayName self.aItemList=[] self.aComponentAdd=[] self.aObjectList=[] self.aListFields=[] self.aVariableList=[] EnumDocument(self.aItemList,self.aComponentAdd) desktop=getDesktop() doc =desktop.getCurrentComponent() docinfo=doc.getDocumentInfo() self.sMyHost= "" if not docinfo.getUserFieldValue(3) == "" and not docinfo.getUserFieldValue(0)=="": self.sMyHost = docinfo.getUserFieldValue(0) self.count = 0 oParEnum = doc.getTextFields().createEnumeration() while oParEnum.hasMoreElements(): oPar = oParEnum.nextElement() if oPar.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DropDown"): self.count += 1 getList(self.aObjectList, self.sMyHost,self.count) cursor = doc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor() text = cursor.getText() tcur = text.createTextCursorByRange(cursor) self.aVariableList.extend( filter( lambda obj: obj[:obj.find("(")] == "Objects", self.aObjectList ) ) for i in range(len(self.aItemList)): try: anItem = self.aItemList[i][1] component = self.aComponentAdd[i] if component == "Document": sLVal = anItem[anItem.find(",'") + 2:anItem.find("')")] self.aVariableList.extend( filter( lambda obj: obj[:obj.find("(")] == sLVal, self.aObjectList ) ) if tcur.TextSection: getRecersiveSection(tcur.TextSection,self.aSectionList) if component in self.aSectionList: sLVal = anItem[anItem.find(",'") + 2:anItem.find("')")] self.aVariableList.extend( filter( lambda obj: obj[:obj.find("(")] == sLVal, self.aObjectList ) ) if tcur.TextTable: if not component == "Document" and component[component.rfind(".")+1:] == tcur.TextTable.Name: VariableScope(tcur, self.aVariableList, self.aObjectList, self.aComponentAdd, self.aItemList, component) except: import traceback,sys info = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) self.logobj.log_write('Fields', LOG_ERROR, info) self.bModify=bFromModify if self.bModify==True: sItem="" for anObject in self.aObjectList: if anObject[:anObject.find("(")] == sVariable: sItem = anObject self.insVariable.setText(sItem) genTree( sItem[sItem.find("(")+1:sItem.find(")")], self.aListFields, self.insField, self.sMyHost, 2, ending_excl=['one2many','many2one','many2many','reference'], recur=['many2one'] ) self.sValue= self.win.getListBoxItem("lstFields",self.aListFields.index(sFields)) for var in self.aVariableList: self.model_ids =self.sock.execute(database, uid, self.password, 'ir.model' , 'search', [('model','=',var[var.find("(")+1:var.find(")")])]) fields=['name','model'] self.model_res = self.sock.execute(database, uid, self.password, 'ir.model', 'read', self.model_ids,fields) if self.model_res <> []: self.insVariable.addItem(var[:var.find("(")+1] + self.model_res[0]['name'] + ")" ,self.insVariable.getItemCount()) else: self.insVariable.addItem(var ,self.insVariable.getItemCount()) self.win.doModalDialog("lstFields",self.sValue) else: ErrorDialog("Please insert user define field Field-1 or Field-4","Just go to File->Properties->User Define \nField-1 Eg. http://localhost:8069 \nOR \nField-4 Eg. account.invoice") self.win.endExecute() def lstbox_selected(self,oItemEvent): try: desktop=getDesktop() doc =desktop.getCurrentComponent() docinfo=doc.getDocumentInfo() sItem= self.win.getComboBoxText("cmbVariable") for var in self.aVariableList: if var[:var.find("(")+1]==sItem[:sItem.find("(")+1]: sItem = var sMain=self.aListFields[self.win.getListBoxSelectedItemPos("lstFields")] sObject=self.getRes(self.sock,sItem[sItem.find("(")+1:-1],sMain[1:]) ids = self.sock.execute(database, uid, self.password, sObject , 'search', []) res = self.sock.execute(database, uid, self.password, sObject , 'read',[ids[0]]) self.win.setEditText("txtUName",res[0][sMain[sMain.rfind("/")+1:]]) except: import traceback,sys info = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) self.logobj.log_write('Fields', LOG_ERROR, info) self.win.setEditText("txtUName","TTT") if self.bModify: self.win.setEditText("txtUName",self.sGDisplayName) def getRes(self,sock ,sObject,sVar): desktop=getDesktop() doc =desktop.getCurrentComponent() docinfo=doc.getDocumentInfo() res = sock.execute(database, uid, self.password, sObject , 'fields_get') key = res.keys() key.sort() myval=None if not sVar.find("/")==-1: myval=sVar[:sVar.find("/")] else: myval=sVar if myval in key: if (res[myval]['type'] in ['many2one']): sObject = res[myval]['relation'] return self.getRes(sock,res[myval]['relation'], sVar[sVar.find("/")+1:]) else: return sObject def cmbVariable_selected(self,oItemEvent): if self.count > 0 : try: desktop=getDesktop() doc =desktop.getCurrentComponent() docinfo=doc.getDocumentInfo() self.win.removeListBoxItems("lstFields", 0, self.win.getListBoxItemCount("lstFields")) self.aListFields=[] tempItem = self.win.getComboBoxText("cmbVariable") for var in self.aVariableList: if var[:var.find("(")] == tempItem[:tempItem.find("(")]: sItem=var genTree( sItem[sItem.find("(")+1:sItem.find(")")], self.aListFields, self.insField, self.sMyHost, 2, ending_excl=['one2many','many2one','many2many','reference'], recur=['many2one'] ) except: import traceback,sys info = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) self.logobj.log_write('Fields', LOG_ERROR, info) def btnOk_clicked( self, oActionEvent ): desktop=getDesktop() doc = desktop.getCurrentComponent() cursor = doc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor() for i in self.win.getListBoxSelectedItemsPos("lstFields"): itemSelected = self.aListFields[i] itemSelectedPos = i txtUName=self.win.getEditText("txtUName") sKey=u""+txtUName if itemSelected != "" and txtUName != "" and self.bModify==True : txtUName=self.sGDisplayName sKey=u""+txtUName txtUName=self.sGDisplayName oCurObj=cursor.TextField sObjName=self.insVariable.getText() sObjName=sObjName[:sObjName.find("(")] sValue=u"[[ " + sObjName + self.aListFields[itemSelectedPos].replace("/",".") + " ]]" oCurObj.Items = (sKey,sValue) oCurObj.update() self.win.endExecute() elif itemSelected != "" and txtUName != "" : oInputList = doc.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.DropDown") sObjName=self.win.getComboBoxText("cmbVariable") sObjName=sObjName[:sObjName.find("(")] widget = ( cursor.TextTable and cursor.TextTable.getCellByName( cursor.Cell.CellName ) or doc.Text ) sValue = u"[[ " + sObjName + self.aListFields[itemSelectedPos].replace("/",".") + " ]]" oInputList.Items = (sKey,sValue) widget.insertTextContent(cursor,oInputList,False) self.win.endExecute() else: ErrorDialog("Please Fill appropriate data in Name field \nor select perticular value from the list of fields") def btnCancel_clicked( self, oActionEvent ): self.win.endExecute() if __name__<>"package" and __name__=="__main__": Fields() elif __name__=="package": g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( Fields, "org.openoffice.openerp.report.fields", ("com.sun.star.task.Job",),) # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: