Contract expiration reminder ${( or '')|safe} Contract expiration reminder ${} ${|safe} ${object.lang} Customer Contract Dates Prepaid Units Contact % for partner, accounts in values: % for account in accounts: ${} ${} ${account.date_start} to ${ and or '???'} % if account.quantity_max != 0.0: ${account.remaining_hours}/${account.quantity_max} units % endif ${ or ''}, ${ or ''} % endfor % endfor % endmacro % if "new" in ctx["data"]:

The following contracts just expired:

${account_table(ctx["data"]["new"].iteritems())} % endif % if "old" in ctx["data"]:

The following expired contracts are still not processed:

${account_table(ctx["data"]["old"].iteritems())} % endif % if "future" in ctx["data"]:

The following contracts will expire in less than one month:

${account_table(ctx["data"]["future"].iteritems())} % endif

You can check all contracts to be renewed using the menu:

  • Sales / Invoicing / Contracts to Renew


OpenERP Automatic Email
Contract expiration reminder 1 weeks -1