# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## from osv import fields,osv import tools import time from tools.config import config from tools.translate import _ import netsvc import re import copy import sys try: from xml import dom, xpath except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Import xpath module\n") sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Try to install the old python-xml package\n") sys.exit(2) class actions(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.actions.actions' _table = 'ir_actions' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Action Name', required=True, size=64), 'type': fields.char('Action Type', required=True, size=32), 'usage': fields.char('Action Usage', size=32), } _defaults = { 'usage': lambda *a: False, } actions() class report_custom(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.actions.report.custom' _table = 'ir_act_report_custom' _sequence = 'ir_actions_id_seq' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Report Name', size=64, required=True, translate=True), 'type': fields.char('Report Type', size=32, required=True), 'model':fields.char('Object', size=64, required=True), 'report_id': fields.integer('Report Ref.', required=True), 'usage': fields.char('Action Usage', size=32), 'multi': fields.boolean('On multiple doc.', help="If set to true, the action will not be displayed on the right toolbar of a form view.") } _defaults = { 'multi': lambda *a: False, 'type': lambda *a: 'ir.actions.report.custom', } report_custom() class report_xml(osv.osv): def _report_content(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None): res = {} for report in self.browse(cursor, user, ids, context=context): data = report[name + '_data'] if not data and report[name[:-8]]: try: fp = tools.file_open(report[name[:-8]], mode='rb') data = fp.read() except: data = False res[report.id] = data return res def _report_content_inv(self, cursor, user, id, name, value, arg, context=None): self.write(cursor, user, id, {name+'_data': value}, context=context) def _report_sxw(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None): res = {} for report in self.browse(cursor, user, ids, context=context): if report.report_rml: res[report.id] = report.report_rml.replace('.rml', '.sxw') else: res[report.id] = False return res _name = 'ir.actions.report.xml' _table = 'ir_act_report_xml' _sequence = 'ir_actions_id_seq' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Name', size=64, required=True, translate=True), 'type': fields.char('Report Type', size=32, required=True), 'model': fields.char('Object', size=64, required=True), 'report_name': fields.char('Internal Name', size=64, required=True), 'report_xsl': fields.char('XSL path', size=256), 'report_xml': fields.char('XML path', size=256), 'report_rml': fields.char('RML path', size=256, help="The .rml path of the file or NULL if the content is in report_rml_content"), 'report_sxw': fields.function(_report_sxw, method=True, type='char', string='SXW path'), 'report_sxw_content_data': fields.binary('SXW content'), 'report_rml_content_data': fields.binary('RML content'), 'report_sxw_content': fields.function(_report_content, fnct_inv=_report_content_inv, method=True, type='binary', string='SXW content',), 'report_rml_content': fields.function(_report_content, fnct_inv=_report_content_inv, method=True, type='binary', string='RML content'), 'auto': fields.boolean('Automatic XSL:RML', required=True), 'usage': fields.char('Action Usage', size=32), 'header': fields.boolean('Add RML header', help="Add or not the coporate RML header"), 'multi': fields.boolean('On multiple doc.', help="If set to true, the action will not be displayed on the right toolbar of a form view."), 'report_type': fields.selection([ ('pdf', 'pdf'), ('html', 'html'), ('raw', 'raw'), ('sxw', 'sxw'), ('odt', 'odt'), ('html2html','HTML from HTML'), ('mako2html','Mako from HTML'), ], string='Type', required=True), 'groups_id': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'res_groups_report_rel', 'uid', 'gid', 'Groups'), 'attachment': fields.char('Save As Attachment Prefix', size=128, help='This is the filename of the attachment used to store the printing result. Keep empty to not save the printed reports. You can use a python expression with the object and time variables.'), 'attachment_use': fields.boolean('Reload from Attachment', help='If you check this, then the second time the user prints with same attachment name, it returns the previous report.') } _defaults = { 'type': lambda *a: 'ir.actions.report.xml', 'multi': lambda *a: False, 'auto': lambda *a: True, 'header': lambda *a: True, 'report_sxw_content': lambda *a: False, 'report_type': lambda *a: 'pdf', 'attachment': lambda *a: False, } report_xml() class act_window(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.actions.act_window' _table = 'ir_act_window' _sequence = 'ir_actions_id_seq' def _check_model(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}): for action in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): if not self.pool.get(action.res_model): return False if action.src_model and not self.pool.get(action.src_model): return False return True _constraints = [ (_check_model, 'Invalid model name in the action definition.', ['res_model','src_model']) ] def get_filters(self, cr, uid, model): cr.execute('select id from ir_act_window a where a.id not in (select act_id from ir_act_window_user_rel) and a.res_model=\''+model+'\' and a.filter=\'1\';') all_ids = cr.fetchall() filter_ids = map(lambda x:x[0],all_ids) act_ids = self.search(cr,uid,[('res_model','=',model),('filter','=',1),('default_user_ids','in',(','.join(map(str,[uid,])),))]) act_ids += filter_ids act_ids = list(set(act_ids)) my_acts = self.read(cr, uid, act_ids, ['name', 'domain']) return my_acts def _views_get_fnc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}): res={} for act in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): res[act.id]=[(view.view_id.id, view.view_mode) for view in act.view_ids] modes = act.view_mode.split(',') if len(modes)>len(act.view_ids): find = False if act.view_id: res[act.id].append((act.view_id.id, act.view_id.type)) for t in modes[len(act.view_ids):]: if act.view_id and (t == act.view_id.type) and not find: find = True continue res[act.id].append((False, t)) return res def _search_view(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}): res = {} def encode(s): if isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode('utf8') return s for act in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): fields_from_fields_get = self.pool.get(act.res_model).fields_get(cr, uid) if act.search_view_id: field_get = self.pool.get(act.res_model).fields_view_get(cr, uid, act.search_view_id.id, 'search', context) fields_from_fields_get.update(field_get['fields']) field_get['fields'] = fields_from_fields_get res[act.id] = str(field_get) else: def process_child(node, new_node, doc): for child in node.childNodes: if child.localName=='field' and child.hasAttribute('select') and child.getAttribute('select')=='1': if child.childNodes: fld = doc.createElement('field') for attr in child.attributes.keys(): fld.setAttribute(attr, child.getAttribute(attr)) new_node.appendChild(fld) else: new_node.appendChild(child) elif child.localName in ('page','group','notebook'): process_child(child, new_node, doc) form_arch = self.pool.get(act.res_model).fields_view_get(cr, uid, False, 'form', context) dom_arc = dom.minidom.parseString(encode(form_arch['arch'])) new_node = copy.deepcopy(dom_arc) for child_node in new_node.childNodes[0].childNodes: if child_node.nodeType == child_node.ELEMENT_NODE: new_node.childNodes[0].removeChild(child_node) process_child(dom_arc.childNodes[0],new_node.childNodes[0],dom_arc) form_arch['arch'] = new_node.toxml() form_arch['fields'].update(fields_from_fields_get) res[act.id] = str(form_arch) return res _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Action Name', size=64, translate=True), 'type': fields.char('Action Type', size=32, required=True), 'view_id': fields.many2one('ir.ui.view', 'View Ref.', ondelete='cascade'), 'domain': fields.char('Domain Value', size=250), 'context': fields.char('Context Value', size=250), 'res_model': fields.char('Object', size=64), 'src_model': fields.char('Source Object', size=64), 'target': fields.selection([('current','Current Window'),('new','New Window')], 'Target Window'), 'view_type': fields.selection((('tree','Tree'),('form','Form')),string='View Type'), 'view_mode': fields.char('View Mode', size=250), 'usage': fields.char('Action Usage', size=32), 'view_ids': fields.one2many('ir.actions.act_window.view', 'act_window_id', 'Views'), 'views': fields.function(_views_get_fnc, method=True, type='binary', string='Views'), 'limit': fields.integer('Limit', help='Default limit for the list view'), 'auto_refresh': fields.integer('Auto-Refresh', help='Add an auto-refresh on the view'), 'groups_id': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'ir_act_window_group_rel', 'act_id', 'gid', 'Groups'), 'search_view_id': fields.many2one('ir.ui.view', 'Search View Ref.'), 'filter': fields.boolean('Filter'), 'default_user_ids': fields.many2many('res.users', 'ir_act_window_user_rel', 'act_id', 'uid', 'Users'), 'search_view' : fields.function(_search_view, type='text', method=True, string='Search View'), 'menus': fields.char('Menus', size=4096) } _defaults = { 'type': lambda *a: 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_type': lambda *a: 'form', 'view_mode': lambda *a: 'tree,form', 'context': lambda *a: '{}', 'limit': lambda *a: 80, 'target': lambda *a: 'current', 'auto_refresh': lambda *a: 0, } act_window() class act_window_view(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.actions.act_window.view' _table = 'ir_act_window_view' _rec_name = 'view_id' _columns = { 'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence'), 'view_id': fields.many2one('ir.ui.view', 'View'), 'view_mode': fields.selection(( ('tree', 'Tree'), ('form', 'Form'), ('graph', 'Graph'), ('calendar', 'Calendar'), ('gantt', 'Gantt')), string='View Type', required=True), 'act_window_id': fields.many2one('ir.actions.act_window', 'Action', ondelete='cascade'), 'multi': fields.boolean('On Multiple Doc.', help="If set to true, the action will not be displayed on the right toolbar of a form view."), } _defaults = { 'multi': lambda *a: False, } _order = 'sequence' act_window_view() class act_wizard(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.actions.wizard' _inherit = 'ir.actions.actions' _table = 'ir_act_wizard' _sequence = 'ir_actions_id_seq' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Wizard Info', size=64, required=True, translate=True), 'type': fields.char('Action Type', size=32, required=True), 'wiz_name': fields.char('Wizard Name', size=64, required=True), 'multi': fields.boolean('Action on Multiple Doc.', help="If set to true, the wizard will not be displayed on the right toolbar of a form view."), 'groups_id': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'res_groups_wizard_rel', 'uid', 'gid', 'Groups'), 'model': fields.char('Object', size=64), } _defaults = { 'type': lambda *a: 'ir.actions.wizard', 'multi': lambda *a: False, } act_wizard() class act_url(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.actions.url' _table = 'ir_act_url' _sequence = 'ir_actions_id_seq' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Action Name', size=64, translate=True), 'type': fields.char('Action Type', size=32, required=True), 'url': fields.text('Action URL',required=True), 'target': fields.selection(( ('new', 'New Window'), ('self', 'This Window')), 'Action Target', required=True ) } _defaults = { 'type': lambda *a: 'ir.actions.act_url', 'target': lambda *a: 'new' } act_url() def model_get(self, cr, uid, context={}): wkf_pool = self.pool.get('workflow') ids = wkf_pool.search(cr, uid, []) osvs = wkf_pool.read(cr, uid, ids, ['osv']) res = [] mpool = self.pool.get('ir.model') for osv in osvs: model = osv.get('osv') id = mpool.search(cr, uid, [('model','=',model)]) name = mpool.read(cr, uid, id)[0]['name'] res.append((model, name)) return res class ir_model_fields(osv.osv): _inherit = 'ir.model.fields' _rec_name = 'field_description' _columns = { 'complete_name': fields.char('Complete Name', size=64, select=1), } def name_search(self, cr, uid, name, args=None, operator='ilike', context=None, limit=80): return super(ir_model_fields, self).name_search(cr, uid, name, args, operator, context, limit) # def get_fields(cr, uid, field, rel): # result = [] # mobj = self.pool.get('ir.model') # id = mobj.search(cr, uid, [('model','=',rel)]) # obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.fields') # ids = obj.search(cr, uid, [('model_id','in',id)]) # records = obj.read(cr, uid, ids) # for record in records: # id = record['id'] # fld = field + '/' + record['name'] # result.append((id, fld)) # return result # if not args: # args=[] # if not context: # context={} # return super(ir_model_fields, self).name_search(cr, uid, name, args, operator, context, limit) # if context.get('key') != 'server_action': # return super(ir_model_fields, self).name_search(cr, uid, name, args, operator, context, limit) # result = [] # obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.fields') # ids = obj.search(cr, uid, args) # records = obj.read(cr, uid, ids) # for record in records: # id = record['id'] # field = record['name'] # if record['ttype'] == 'many2one': # rel = record['relation'] # res = get_fields(cr, uid, field, record['relation']) # for rs in res: # result.append(rs) # result.append((id, field)) # for rs in result: # obj.write(cr, uid, [rs[0]], {'complete_name':rs[1]}) # iids = [] # for rs in result: # iids.append(rs[0]) # result = super(ir_model_fields, self).name_search(cr, uid, name, [('complete_name','ilike',name), ('id','in',iids)], operator, context, limit) # return result ir_model_fields() class server_object_lines(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.server.object.lines' _sequence = 'ir_actions_id_seq' _columns = { 'server_id': fields.many2one('ir.actions.server', 'Object Mapping'), 'col1': fields.many2one('ir.model.fields', 'Destination', required=True), 'value': fields.text('Value', required=True), 'type': fields.selection([ ('value','Value'), ('equation','Formula') ], 'Type', required=True, size=32, change_default=True), } _defaults = { 'type': lambda *a: 'equation', } server_object_lines() ## # Actions that are run on the server side # class actions_server(osv.osv): def _select_signals(self, cr, uid, context={}): cr.execute("select distinct t.signal as key, t.signal || ' - [ ' || w.osv || ' ] ' as val from wkf w, wkf_activity a, wkf_transition t "\ " where w.id = a.wkf_id " \ " and t.act_from = a.wkf_id " \ " or t.act_to = a.wkf_id and t.signal not in (null, NULL)") result = cr.fetchall() or [] res = [] for rs in result: if not rs[0] == None and not rs[1] == None: res.append(rs) return res _name = 'ir.actions.server' _table = 'ir_act_server' _sequence = 'ir_actions_id_seq' _order = 'sequence' _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Action Name', required=True, size=64, help="Easy to Refer action by name e.g. One Sales Order -> Many Invoices", translate=True), 'condition' : fields.char('Condition', size=256, required=True, help="Condition that is to be tested before action is executed, e.g. object.list_price > object.cost_price"), 'state': fields.selection([ ('client_action','Client Action'), ('dummy','Dummy'), ('loop','Iteration'), ('code','Python Code'), ('trigger','Trigger'), ('email','Email'), ('sms','SMS'), ('object_create','Create Object'), ('object_write','Write Object'), ('other','Multi Actions'), ], 'Action Type', required=True, size=32, help="Type of the Action that is to be executed"), 'code':fields.text('Python Code', help="Python code to be executed"), 'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence', help="Important when you deal with multiple actions, the execution order will be decided based on this, low number is higher priority."), 'model_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Object', required=True, help="Select the object on which the action will work (read, write, create)."), 'action_id': fields.many2one('ir.actions.actions', 'Client Action', help="Select the Action Window, Report, Wizard to be executed."), 'trigger_name': fields.selection(_select_signals, string='Trigger Name', size=128, help="Select the Signal name that is to be used as the trigger."), 'wkf_model_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Workflow On', help="Workflow to be executed on this model."), 'trigger_obj_id': fields.many2one('ir.model.fields','Trigger On', help="Select the object from the model on which the workflow will executed."), 'email': fields.char('Email Address', size=512, help="Provides the fields that will be used to fetch the email address, e.g. when you select the invoice, then `object.invoice_address_id.email` is the field which gives the correct address"), 'subject': fields.char('Subject', size=1024, translate=True, help="Specify the subject. You can use fields from the object, e.g. `Hello [[ object.partner_id.name ]]`"), 'message': fields.text('Message', translate=True, help="Specify the message. You can use the fields from the object. e.g. `Dear [[ object.partner_id.name ]]`"), 'mobile': fields.char('Mobile No', size=512, help="Provides fields that be used to fetch the mobile number, e.g. you select the invoice, then `object.invoice_address_id.mobile` is the field which gives the correct mobile number"), 'sms': fields.char('SMS', size=160, translate=True), 'child_ids': fields.many2many('ir.actions.server', 'rel_server_actions', 'server_id', 'action_id', 'Other Actions'), 'usage': fields.char('Action Usage', size=32), 'type': fields.char('Action Type', size=32, required=True), 'srcmodel_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Model', help="Object in which you want to create / write the object. If it is empty then refer to the Object field."), 'fields_lines': fields.one2many('ir.server.object.lines', 'server_id', 'Field Mappings.'), 'record_id':fields.many2one('ir.model.fields', 'Create Id', help="Provide the field name where the record id is stored after the create operations. If it is empty, you can not track the new record."), 'write_id':fields.char('Write Id', size=256, help="Provide the field name that the record id refers to for the write operation. If it is empty it will refer to the active id of the object."), 'loop_action':fields.many2one('ir.actions.server', 'Loop Action', help="Select the action that will be executed. Loop action will not be avaliable inside loop."), 'expression':fields.char('Loop Expression', size=512, help="Enter the field/expression that will return the list. E.g. select the sale order in Object, and you can have loop on the sales order line. Expression = `object.order_line`."), } _defaults = { 'state': lambda *a: 'dummy', 'condition': lambda *a: 'True', 'type': lambda *a: 'ir.actions.server', 'sequence': lambda *a: 5, 'code': lambda *a: """# You can use the following variables # - object # - object2 # - time # - cr # - uid # - ids # If you plan to return an action, assign: action = {...} """, } def get_email(self, cr, uid, action, context): logger = netsvc.Logger() obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) id = context.get('active_id') obj = obj_pool.browse(cr, uid, id) fields = None if '/' in action.email.complete_name: fields = action.email.complete_name.split('/') elif '.' in action.email.complete_name: fields = action.email.complete_name.split('.') for field in fields: try: obj = getattr(obj, field) except Exception,e : logger.notifyChannel('Workflow', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Failed to parse : %s' % (field)) return obj def get_mobile(self, cr, uid, action, context): logger = netsvc.Logger() obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) id = context.get('active_id') obj = obj_pool.browse(cr, uid, id) fields = None if '/' in action.mobile.complete_name: fields = action.mobile.complete_name.split('/') elif '.' in action.mobile.complete_name: fields = action.mobile.complete_name.split('.') for field in fields: try: obj = getattr(obj, field) except Exception,e : logger.notifyChannel('Workflow', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Failed to parse : %s' % (field)) return obj def merge_message(self, cr, uid, keystr, action, context): logger = netsvc.Logger() def merge(match): obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) id = context.get('active_id') obj = obj_pool.browse(cr, uid, id) exp = str(match.group()[2:-2]).strip() result = eval(exp, {'object':obj, 'context': context,'time':time}) if result in (None, False): return str("--------") return str(result) com = re.compile('(\[\[.+?\]\])') message = com.sub(merge, keystr) return message # Context should contains: # ids : original ids # id : current id of the object # OUT: # False : Finnished correctly # ACTION_ID : Action to launch def run(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}): logger = netsvc.Logger() for action in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) obj = obj_pool.browse(cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context) cxt = { 'context':context, 'object': obj, 'time':time, 'cr': cr, 'pool' : self.pool, 'uid' : uid } expr = eval(str(action.condition), cxt) if not expr: continue if action.state=='client_action': if not action.action_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _("Please specify an action to launch !")) result = self.pool.get(action.action_id.type).read(cr, uid, action.action_id.id, context=context) return result if action.state == 'code': localdict = { 'self': self.pool.get(action.model_id.model), 'context': context, 'time': time, 'ids': ids, 'cr': cr, 'uid': uid, 'obj':obj } exec action.code in localdict if 'action' in localdict: return localdict['action'] if action.state == 'email': user = config['email_from'] address = str(action.email) try: address = eval(str(action.email), cxt) except: pass if not address: logger.notifyChannel('email', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'Partner Email address not Specified!') continue if not user: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _("Please specify server option --smtp-from !")) subject = self.merge_message(cr, uid, str(action.subject), action, context) body = self.merge_message(cr, uid, str(action.message), action, context) if tools.email_send(user, [address], subject, body, debug=False, subtype='html') == True: logger.notifyChannel('email', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'Email successfully send to : %s' % (address)) else: logger.notifyChannel('email', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Failed to send email to : %s' % (address)) if action.state == 'trigger': wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow") model = action.wkf_model_id.model obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) res_id = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model).read(cr, uid, [context.get('active_id')], [action.trigger_obj_id.name]) id = res_id [0][action.trigger_obj_id.name] wf_service.trg_validate(uid, model, int(id), action.trigger_name, cr) if action.state == 'sms': #TODO: set the user and password from the system # for the sms gateway user / password api_id = '' text = action.sms to = self.get_mobile(cr, uid, action, context) #TODO: Apply message mearge with the field if tools.sms_send(user, password, api_id, text, to) == True: logger.notifyChannel('sms', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'SMS successfully send to : %s' % (action.address)) else: logger.notifyChannel('sms', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Failed to send SMS to : %s' % (action.address)) if action.state == 'other': res = [] for act in action.child_ids: context['active_id'] = context['active_ids'][0] result = self.run(cr, uid, [act.id], context) if result: res.append(result) return res if action.state == 'loop': obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) obj = obj_pool.browse(cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context) cxt = { 'context':context, 'object': obj, 'time':time, 'cr': cr, 'pool' : self.pool, 'uid' : uid } expr = eval(str(action.expression), cxt) context['object'] = obj for i in expr: context['active_id'] = i.id result = self.run(cr, uid, [action.loop_action.id], context) if action.state == 'object_write': res = {} for exp in action.fields_lines: euq = exp.value if exp.type == 'equation': obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) obj = obj_pool.browse(cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context) cxt = {'context':context, 'object': obj, 'time':time} expr = eval(euq, cxt) else: expr = exp.value res[exp.col1.name] = expr if not action.write_id: if not action.srcmodel_id: obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) obj_pool.write(cr, uid, [context.get('active_id')], res) else: write_id = context.get('active_id') obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.srcmodel_id.model) obj_pool.write(cr, uid, [write_id], res) elif action.write_id: obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.srcmodel_id.model) rec = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model).browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_id')) id = eval(action.write_id, {'object': rec}) try: id = int(id) except: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _("Problem in configuration `Record Id` in Server Action!")) if type(id) != type(1): raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _("Problem in configuration `Record Id` in Server Action!")) write_id = id obj_pool.write(cr, uid, [write_id], res) if action.state == 'object_create': res = {} for exp in action.fields_lines: euq = exp.value if exp.type == 'equation': obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.model_id.model) obj = obj_pool.browse(cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context) expr = eval(euq, {'context':context, 'object': obj, 'time':time}) else: expr = exp.value res[exp.col1.name] = expr obj_pool = None res_id = False obj_pool = self.pool.get(action.srcmodel_id.model) res_id = obj_pool.create(cr, uid, res) cr.commit() if action.record_id: self.pool.get(action.model_id.model).write(cr, uid, [context.get('active_id')], {action.record_id.name:res_id}) return False actions_server() class act_window_close(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.actions.act_window_close' _inherit = 'ir.actions.actions' _table = 'ir_actions' _defaults = { 'type': lambda *a: 'ir.actions.act_window_close', } act_window_close() # This model use to register action services. # if action type is 'configure', it will be start on configuration wizard. # if action type is 'service', # - if start_type= 'at once', it will be start at one time on start date # - if start_type='auto', it will be start on auto starting from start date, and stop on stop date # - if start_type="manual", it will start and stop on manually class ir_actions_todo(osv.osv): _name = 'ir.actions.todo' _columns={ 'name':fields.char('Name',size=64,required=True, select=True), 'note':fields.text('Text', translate=True), 'start_date': fields.datetime('Start Date'), 'end_date': fields.datetime('End Date'), 'action_id':fields.many2one('ir.actions.act_window', 'Action', select=True,required=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'sequence':fields.integer('Sequence'), 'active': fields.boolean('Active'), 'type':fields.selection([('configure', 'Configure'),('service', 'Service'),('other','Other')], string='Type', required=True), 'start_on':fields.selection([('at_once', 'At Once'),('auto', 'Auto'),('manual','Manual')], string='Start On'), 'groups_id': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'res_groups_act_todo_rel', 'act_todo_id', 'group_id', 'Groups'), 'users_id': fields.many2many('res.users', 'res_users_act_todo_rel', 'act_todo_id', 'user_id', 'Users'), 'state':fields.selection([('open', 'Not Started'),('done', 'Done'),('skip','Skipped'),('cancel','Cancel')], string='State', required=True) } _defaults={ 'state': lambda *a: 'open', 'sequence': lambda *a: 10, 'active':lambda *a:True, 'type':lambda *a:'configure' } _order="sequence" ir_actions_todo() # This model to use run all configuration actions class ir_actions_configuration_wizard(osv.osv_memory): _name='ir.actions.configuration.wizard' def next_configuration_action(self,cr,uid,context={}): item_obj = self.pool.get('ir.actions.todo') item_ids = item_obj.search(cr, uid, [('type','=','configure'),('state', '=', 'open'),('active','=',True)], limit=1, context=context) if item_ids and len(item_ids): item = item_obj.browse(cr, uid, item_ids[0], context=context) return item return False def _get_action_name(self, cr, uid, context={}): next_action=self.next_configuration_action(cr,uid,context=context) if next_action: return next_action.note else: return "Your database is now fully configured.\n\nClick 'Continue' and enjoy your OpenERP experience..." return False def _get_action(self, cr, uid, context={}): next_action=self.next_configuration_action(cr,uid,context=context) if next_action: return next_action.id return False def _progress_get(self,cr,uid, context={}): total = self.pool.get('ir.actions.todo').search_count(cr, uid, [], context) todo = self.pool.get('ir.actions.todo').search_count(cr, uid, [('type','=','configure'),('active','=',True),('state','<>','open')], context) if total > 0.0: return max(5.0,round(todo*100/total)) else: return 100.0 _columns = { 'name': fields.text('Next Wizard',readonly=True), 'progress': fields.float('Configuration Progress', readonly=True), 'item_id':fields.many2one('ir.actions.todo', 'Next Configuration Wizard',invisible=True, readonly=True), } _defaults={ 'progress': _progress_get, 'item_id':_get_action, 'name':_get_action_name, } def button_next(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None): user_action=self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr,uid,uid) act_obj=self.pool.get(user_action.menu_id.type) action_ids=act_obj.search(cr,uid,[('name','=',user_action.menu_id.name)]) action_open=act_obj.browse(cr,uid,action_ids)[0] if context.get('menu',False): return{ 'view_type': action_open.view_type, 'view_id':action_open.view_id and [action_open.view_id.id] or False, 'res_model': action_open.res_model, 'type': action_open.type, 'domain':action_open.domain } return {'type':'ir.actions.act_window_close'} def button_skip(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None): item_obj = self.pool.get('ir.actions.todo') item_id=self.read(cr,uid,ids)[0]['item_id'] if item_id: item = item_obj.browse(cr, uid, item_id, context=context) item_obj.write(cr, uid, item.id, { 'state': 'skip', }, context=context) return{ 'view_type': 'form', "view_mode": 'form', 'res_model': 'ir.actions.configuration.wizard', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'target':'new', } return self.button_next(cr, uid, ids, context) def button_continue(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): item_obj = self.pool.get('ir.actions.todo') item_id=self.read(cr,uid,ids)[0]['item_id'] if item_id: item = item_obj.browse(cr, uid, item_id, context=context) item_obj.write(cr, uid, item.id, { 'state': 'done', }, context=context) return{ 'view_mode': item.action_id.view_mode, 'view_type': item.action_id.view_type, 'view_id':item.action_id.view_id and [item.action_id.view_id.id] or False, 'res_model': item.action_id.res_model, 'type': item.action_id.type, 'target':item.action_id.target, } return self.button_next(cr, uid, ids, context) ir_actions_configuration_wizard() # 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