# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from openerp.addons.website_blog.tests.common import TestWebsiteBlogCommon class TestWebsiteBlogFlow(TestWebsiteBlogCommon): def test_website_blog_followers(self): """ Test the flow of followers and notifications for blogs. Intended flow : - people subscribe to a blog - when creating a new post, nobody except the creator follows it - people subscribed to the blog does not receive comments on posts - when published, a notification is sent to all blog followers - if someone subscribe to the post or comment it, it become follower and receive notification for future comments. """ # Create a new blog, subscribe the employee to the blog test_blog = self.env['blog.blog'].sudo(self.user_blogmanager).create({ 'name': 'New Blog', 'description': 'Presentation of new Odoo features' }) self.assertIn( self.user_blogmanager.partner_id, test_blog.message_follower_ids, 'website_blog: blog create should be in the blog followers') test_blog.message_subscribe([self.user_employee.partner_id.id, self.user_public.partner_id.id]) # Create a new post, blog followers should not follow the post test_blog_post = self.env['blog.post'].sudo(self.user_blogmanager).create({ 'name': 'New Post', 'blog_id': test_blog.id, }) self.assertNotIn( self.user_employee.partner_id, test_blog_post.message_follower_ids, 'website_blog: subscribing to a blog should not subscribe to its posts') self.assertNotIn( self.user_public.partner_id, test_blog_post.message_follower_ids, 'website_blog: subscribing to a blog should not subscribe to its posts') # Publish the blog test_blog_post.write({'website_published': True}) # Check publish message has been sent to blog followers publish_message = next((m for m in test_blog_post.blog_id.message_ids if m.subtype_id.id == self.ref('website_blog.mt_blog_blog_published')), None) self.assertEqual( set(publish_message.notified_partner_ids._ids), set([self.user_employee.partner_id.id, self.user_public.partner_id.id]), 'website_blog: peuple following a blog should be notified of a published post') # Armand posts a message -> becomes follower test_blog_post.sudo().message_post( body='Armande BlogUser Commented', type='comment', author_id=self.user_employee.partner_id.id, subtype='mt_comment', ) self.assertIn( self.user_employee.partner_id, test_blog_post.message_follower_ids, 'website_blog: people commenting a post should follow it afterwards')