- In order to test mrp_byproduct with OpenERP, I add byproduct in bill of material. I make a production order, confirm it so stock moves for byproducts are generated. - I add a sub product in Bill of material for product External Hard Disk. - !record {model: mrp.bom, id: mrp.mrp_bom_9}: product_id: product.product_product_28 name: External Hard Disk + Subproduct product_uom: product.product_uom_unit sub_products: - product_id: product.product_product_33 product_uom: product.product_uom_unit product_qty: 2.0 subproduct_type: fixed - I create a production order for External Hard Disk. - !record {model: mrp.production, id: mrp_production_mo0}: product_id: product.product_product_28 product_qty: 2.0 product_uom: product.product_uom_unit bom_id: mrp.mrp_bom_9 location_src_id: stock.stock_location_stock - I compute the data of production order. - !python {model: mrp.production}: | self.action_compute(cr, uid, [ref("mrp_production_mo0")], {"active_ids": [ref("mrp_production_mo0")],"active_id": ref("mrp_production_mo0")}) - I confirm the production order. - !workflow {model: mrp.production, action: button_confirm, ref: mrp_production_mo0} - I check production order state. - !assert {model: mrp.production, id: mrp_production_mo0, severity: error, string: Production order should be in state confirmed}: - state == 'confirmed' - Now I check the stock moves for the byproduct I created in the bill of material. This move is created automatically when I confirmed the production order. - !python {model: stock.move}: | move_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('product_id','=',ref('product.product_product_33'))]) assert move_ids, 'No moves are created !' - I want to start the production so I force the reservation of products. - !python {model: mrp.production}: | self.force_production(cr, uid, [ref("mrp_production_mo0")], {"active_ids":[ref("mrp.menu_mrp_production_action")], "active_id": ref("mrp.menu_mrp_production_action"),}) - I start the production. - !workflow {model: mrp.production, action: button_produce, ref: mrp_production_mo0} - I consume and produce the production of products. - I create record for selecting mode and quantity of products to produce. - !record {model: mrp.product.produce, id: mrp_product_produce0}: product_qty: 2.00 mode: 'consume_produce' - I finish the production order. - !python {model: mrp.product.produce}: | qty = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('mrp_product_produce0')).product_qty ctx = context.copy() ctx['active_id'] = ref("mrp_production_mo0") lines = self.on_change_qty(cr, uid, [ref('mrp_product_produce0')], qty, [], context=ctx) self.write(cr, uid, [ref('mrp_product_produce0')], lines['value'], context=context) self.do_produce(cr, uid, [ref("mrp_product_produce0")], {"active_model": "mrp.production", "active_ids":[ref("mrp_production_mo0")], "active_id": ref("mrp_production_mo0")}) - I see that stock moves of External Hard Disk including Headset USB are done now. - !python {model: stock.move}: | production_order = self.pool.get('mrp.production').browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_mo0")) move_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('origin','=',production_order.name), ('product_id','in',[ref("product.product_product_28"),ref("product.product_product_33")])]) moves = self.browse(cr, uid, move_ids) assert all(move.state == 'done' for move in moves), 'Moves are not done!'