Stage - Search Stages form

Click to set a new stage in your lead/opportunity pipeline.

Stages will allow salespersons to easily track how a specific lead or opportunity is positioned in the sales cycle.

Sales Tags form [('object_id.model', '=', 'crm.lead')]

Click to define a new sales tag.

Create specific tags that fit your company's activities to better classify and analyse your leads and opportunities. Such categories could for instance reflect your product structure or the different types of sales you do.

CRM - Leads Form crm.lead
Opportunities crm.lead Leads crm.lead CRM - Leads Calendar crm.lead CRM - Leads Kanban crm.lead
oe_kanban_text_red :
CRM - Leads Search crm.lead Opportunities crm.lead 20
Opportunities Tree crm.lead CRM - Opportunities Search crm.lead Mark As Lost code if context.get('active_model') == 'crm.lead' and context.get('active_ids'): self.case_mark_lost(cr, uid, context['active_ids'], context=context) Mark As Lost