# # Use this module to retrive the fields you need according to the type # of the OpenOffice operation: # * Insert a Field # * Insert a RepeatIn # import xmlrpclib import time sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/object') def get(object, level=3, ending=[], ending_excl=[], recur=[], root=''): res = sock.execute('terp', 3, 'admin', 'account.invoice', 'fields_get') key = res.keys() key.sort() for k in key: if (not ending or res[k]['type'] in ending) and ((not ending_excl) or not (res[k]['type'] in ending_excl)): print root+'/'+k if res[k]['type'] in recur: print root+'/'+k if (res[k]['type'] in recur) and (level>0): get(res[k]['relation'], level-1, ending, ending_excl, recur, root+'/'+k) print 'Field selection for a rields', '='*40 get('account.invoice', level=0, ending_excl=['one2many','many2one','many2many','reference'], recur=['many2one']) print print 'Field selection for a repeatIn', '='*40 get('account.invoice', level=0, ending=['one2many','many2many'], recur=['many2one'])