# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Tiny SPRL (http://tiny.be) All Rights Reserved. # # $Id$ # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ############################################################################### #!/usr/bin/python # trml2pdf - An RML to PDF converter # Copyright (C) 2003, Fabien Pinckaers, UCL, FSA # Contributors # Richard Waid # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import sys import StringIO import xml.dom.minidom import copy import reportlab import re from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab import platypus import utils import color import os # # Change this to UTF-8 if you plan tu use Reportlab's UTF-8 support # # reportlab use "code page 1252" encoding by default. cfr reportlab user guide p.46 encoding = 'utf-8' def str2xml(s): return s.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') def _child_get(node, childs): clds = [] for n in node.childNodes: if (n.nodeType==n.ELEMENT_NODE) and (n.localName==childs): clds.append(n) return clds class PageCount(platypus.Flowable): def draw(self): self.canv.beginForm("pageCount") self.canv.setFont("Helvetica", utils.unit_get(str(8))) self.canv.drawString(0, 0, str(self.canv.getPageNumber())) self.canv.endForm() class PageReset(platypus.Flowable): def draw(self): self.canv._pageNumber = 0 class _rml_styles(object): def __init__(self, nodes): self.styles = {} self.names = {} self.table_styles = {} for node in nodes: for style in node.getElementsByTagName('blockTableStyle'): self.table_styles[style.getAttribute('id')] = self._table_style_get(style) for style in node.getElementsByTagName('paraStyle'): self.styles[style.getAttribute('name')] = self._para_style_update(style) for variable in node.getElementsByTagName('initialize'): for name in variable.getElementsByTagName('name'): self.names[ name.getAttribute('id')] = name.getAttribute('value') def _para_style_update(self, node): data = {} for attr in ['textColor', 'backColor', 'bulletColor', 'borderColor']: if node.hasAttribute(attr): data[attr] = color.get(node.getAttribute(attr)) for attr in ['fontName', 'bulletFontName', 'bulletText']: if node.hasAttribute(attr): data[attr] = node.getAttribute(attr) for attr in ['fontSize', 'leftIndent', 'rightIndent', 'spaceBefore', 'spaceAfter', 'firstLineIndent', 'bulletIndent', 'bulletFontSize', 'leading', 'borderWidth','borderPadding','borderRadius']: if node.hasAttribute(attr): data[attr] = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute(attr)) if node.hasAttribute('alignment'): align = { 'right':reportlab.lib.enums.TA_RIGHT, 'center':reportlab.lib.enums.TA_CENTER, 'justify':reportlab.lib.enums.TA_JUSTIFY } data['alignment'] = align.get(node.getAttribute('alignment').lower(), reportlab.lib.enums.TA_LEFT) return data def _table_style_get(self, style_node): styles = [] for node in style_node.childNodes: if node.nodeType==node.ELEMENT_NODE: start = utils.tuple_int_get(node, 'start', (0,0) ) stop = utils.tuple_int_get(node, 'stop', (-1,-1) ) if node.localName=='blockValign': styles.append(('VALIGN', start, stop, str(node.getAttribute('value')))) elif node.localName=='blockFont': styles.append(('FONT', start, stop, str(node.getAttribute('name')))) elif node.localName=='blockTextColor': styles.append(('TEXTCOLOR', start, stop, color.get(str(node.getAttribute('colorName'))))) elif node.localName=='blockLeading': styles.append(('LEADING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('length')))) elif node.localName=='blockAlignment': styles.append(('ALIGNMENT', start, stop, str(node.getAttribute('value')))) elif node.localName=='blockSpan': styles.append(('SPAN', start, stop)) elif node.localName=='blockLeftPadding': styles.append(('LEFTPADDING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('length')))) elif node.localName=='blockRightPadding': styles.append(('RIGHTPADDING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('length')))) elif node.localName=='blockTopPadding': styles.append(('TOPPADDING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('length')))) elif node.localName=='blockBottomPadding': styles.append(('BOTTOMPADDING', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('length')))) elif node.localName=='blockBackground': styles.append(('BACKGROUND', start, stop, color.get(node.getAttribute('colorName')))) if node.hasAttribute('size'): styles.append(('FONTSIZE', start, stop, utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('size')))) elif node.localName=='lineStyle': kind = node.getAttribute('kind') kind_list = [ 'GRID', 'BOX', 'OUTLINE', 'INNERGRID', 'LINEBELOW', 'LINEABOVE','LINEBEFORE', 'LINEAFTER' ] assert kind in kind_list thick = 1 if node.hasAttribute('thickness'): thick = float(node.getAttribute('thickness')) styles.append((kind, start, stop, thick, color.get(node.getAttribute('colorName')))) return platypus.tables.TableStyle(styles) def para_style_get(self, node): style = False if node.hasAttribute('style'): if node.getAttribute('style') in self.styles: styles = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet() sname = node.getAttribute('style') style = reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle(sname, styles["Normal"], **self.styles[sname]) else: sys.stderr.write('Warning: style not found, %s - setting default!\n' % (node.getAttribute('style'),) ) if not style: styles = reportlab.lib.styles.getSampleStyleSheet() style = copy.deepcopy(styles['Normal']) style.__dict__.update(self._para_style_update(node)) return style class _rml_doc(object): def __init__(self, data, images={}, path='.'): self.dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data) self.filename = self.dom.documentElement.getAttribute('filename') self.images = images self.path = path def docinit(self, els): from reportlab.lib.fonts import addMapping from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont for node in els: for font in node.getElementsByTagName('registerFont'): name = font.getAttribute('fontName').encode('ascii') fname = font.getAttribute('fontFile').encode('ascii') pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont(name, fname )) addMapping(name, 0, 0, name) #normal addMapping(name, 0, 1, name) #italic addMapping(name, 1, 0, name) #bold addMapping(name, 1, 1, name) #italic and bold def _textual_image(self, node): import base64 rc = '' for n in node.childNodes: if n.nodeType in (node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, node.TEXT_NODE): rc += n.data return base64.decodestring(rc) def _images(self, el): result = {} for node in el.getElementsByTagName('image'): result[node.getAttribute('name')] = self._textual_image(node) return result def render(self, out): el = self.dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('docinit') if el: self.docinit(el) el = self.dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('stylesheet') self.styles = _rml_styles(el) el = self.dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('images') if el: self.images.update( self._images(el[0]) ) el = self.dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('template') if len(el): pt_obj = _rml_template(out, el[0], self, images=self.images, path=self.path) pt_obj.render(self.dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('story')) else: self.canvas = canvas.Canvas(out) pd = self.dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('pageDrawing')[0] pd_obj = _rml_canvas(self.canvas, None, self, self.images, path=self.path) pd_obj.render(pd) self.canvas.showPage() self.canvas.save() class _rml_canvas(object): def __init__(self, canvas, doc_tmpl=None, doc=None, images={}, path='.'): self.canvas = canvas self.styles = doc.styles self.doc_tmpl = doc_tmpl self.doc = doc self.images = images self.path = path def _textual(self, node, x=0, y=0): rc = '' for n in node.childNodes: if n.nodeType == n.ELEMENT_NODE: if n.localName == 'seq': from reportlab.lib.sequencer import getSequencer seq = getSequencer() rc += str(seq.next(n.getAttribute('id'))) if n.localName == 'pageCount': if x or y: self.canvas.translate(x,y) self.canvas.doForm('pageCount') if x or y: self.canvas.translate(-x,-y) if n.localName == 'pageNumber': rc += str(self.canvas.getPageNumber()) elif n.nodeType in (node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, node.TEXT_NODE): # this doesn't need to be "entities" encoded like flowables need to rc += n.data return rc.encode(encoding, 'replace') def _drawString(self, node): v = utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y']) self.canvas.drawString(text=self._textual(node, **v), **v) def _drawCenteredString(self, node): v = utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y']) self.canvas.drawCentredString(text=self._textual(node, **v), **v) def _drawRightString(self, node): v = utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y']) self.canvas.drawRightString(text=self._textual(node, **v), **v) def _rect(self, node): if node.hasAttribute('round'): self.canvas.roundRect(radius=utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('round')), **utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y','width','height'], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'})) else: self.canvas.rect(**utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y','width','height'], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'})) def _ellipse(self, node): x1 = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('x')) x2 = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('width')) y1 = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('y')) y2 = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('height')) self.canvas.ellipse(x1,y1,x2,y2, **utils.attr_get(node, [], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'})) def _curves(self, node): line_str = utils.text_get(node).split() lines = [] while len(line_str)>7: self.canvas.bezier(*[utils.unit_get(l) for l in line_str[0:8]]) line_str = line_str[8:] def _lines(self, node): line_str = utils.text_get(node).split() lines = [] while len(line_str)>3: lines.append([utils.unit_get(l) for l in line_str[0:4]]) line_str = line_str[4:] self.canvas.lines(lines) def _grid(self, node): xlist = [utils.unit_get(s) for s in node.getAttribute('xs').split(',')] ylist = [utils.unit_get(s) for s in node.getAttribute('ys').split(',')] self.canvas.grid(xlist, ylist) def _translate(self, node): dx = 0 dy = 0 if node.hasAttribute('dx'): dx = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('dx')) if node.hasAttribute('dy'): dy = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('dy')) self.canvas.translate(dx,dy) def _circle(self, node): self.canvas.circle(x_cen=utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('x')), y_cen=utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('y')), r=utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('radius')), **utils.attr_get(node, [], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'})) def _place(self, node): flows = _rml_flowable(self.doc, images=self.images, path=self.path).render(node) infos = utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y','width','height']) infos['y']+=infos['height'] for flow in flows: w,h = flow.wrap(infos['width'], infos['height']) if w<=infos['width'] and h<=infos['height']: infos['y']-=h flow.drawOn(self.canvas,infos['x'],infos['y']) infos['height']-=h else: raise ValueError, "Not enough space" def _line_mode(self, node): ljoin = {'round':1, 'mitered':0, 'bevelled':2} lcap = {'default':0, 'round':1, 'square':2} if node.hasAttribute('width'): self.canvas.setLineWidth(utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('width'))) if node.hasAttribute('join'): self.canvas.setLineJoin(ljoin[node.getAttribute('join')]) if node.hasAttribute('cap'): self.canvas.setLineCap(lcap[node.getAttribute('cap')]) if node.hasAttribute('miterLimit'): self.canvas.setDash(utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('miterLimit'))) if node.hasAttribute('dash'): dashes = node.getAttribute('dash').split(',') for x in range(len(dashes)): dashes[x]=utils.unit_get(dashes[x]) self.canvas.setDash(node.getAttribute('dash').split(',')) def _image(self, node): import urllib from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader if not node.hasAttribute('file'): if node.hasAttribute('name'): image_data = self.images[node.getAttribute('name')] s = StringIO.StringIO(image_data) else: import base64 image_data = base64.decodestring(node.firstChild.nodeValue) if not image_data: return False s = StringIO.StringIO(image_data) else: if node.getAttribute('file') in self.images: s = StringIO.StringIO(self.images[node.getAttribute('file')]) else: try: u = urllib.urlopen(str(node.getAttribute('file'))) s = StringIO.StringIO(u.read()) except: u = file(os.path.join(self.path,str(node.getAttribute('file'))), 'rb') s = StringIO.StringIO(u.read()) img = ImageReader(s) (sx,sy) = img.getSize() args = {} for tag in ('width','height','x','y'): if node.hasAttribute(tag): args[tag] = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute(tag)) if ('width' in args) and (not 'height' in args): args['height'] = sy * args['width'] / sx elif ('height' in args) and (not 'width' in args): args['width'] = sx * args['height'] / sy elif ('width' in args) and ('height' in args): if (float(args['width'])/args['height'])>(float(sx)>sy): args['width'] = sx * args['height'] / sy else: args['height'] = sy * args['width'] / sx self.canvas.drawImage(img, **args) def _path(self, node): self.path = self.canvas.beginPath() self.path.moveTo(**utils.attr_get(node, ['x','y'])) for n in node.childNodes: if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if n.localName=='moveto': vals = utils.text_get(n).split() self.path.moveTo(utils.unit_get(vals[0]), utils.unit_get(vals[1])) elif n.localName=='curvesto': vals = utils.text_get(n).split() while len(vals)>5: pos=[] while len(pos)<6: pos.append(utils.unit_get(vals.pop(0))) self.path.curveTo(*pos) elif (n.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE): data = n.data.split() # Not sure if I must merge all TEXT_NODE ? while len(data)>1: x = utils.unit_get(data.pop(0)) y = utils.unit_get(data.pop(0)) self.path.lineTo(x,y) if (not node.hasAttribute('close')) or utils.bool_get(node.getAttribute('close')): self.path.close() self.canvas.drawPath(self.path, **utils.attr_get(node, [], {'fill':'bool','stroke':'bool'})) def render(self, node): tags = { 'drawCentredString': self._drawCenteredString, 'drawRightString': self._drawRightString, 'drawString': self._drawString, 'rect': self._rect, 'ellipse': self._ellipse, 'lines': self._lines, 'grid': self._grid, 'curves': self._curves, 'fill': lambda node: self.canvas.setFillColor(color.get(node.getAttribute('color'))), 'stroke': lambda node: self.canvas.setStrokeColor(color.get(node.getAttribute('color'))), 'setFont': lambda node: self.canvas.setFont(node.getAttribute('name'), utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('size'))), 'place': self._place, 'circle': self._circle, 'lineMode': self._line_mode, 'path': self._path, 'rotate': lambda node: self.canvas.rotate(float(node.getAttribute('degrees'))), 'translate': self._translate, 'image': self._image } for nd in node.childNodes: if nd.nodeType==nd.ELEMENT_NODE: for tag in tags: if nd.localName==tag: tags[tag](nd) break class _rml_draw(object): def __init__(self, node, styles, images={}, path='.'): self.node = node self.styles = styles self.canvas = None self.images = images self.path = path def render(self, canvas, doc): canvas.saveState() cnv = _rml_canvas(canvas, doc, self.styles, images=self.images, path=self.path) cnv.render(self.node) canvas.restoreState() class _rml_flowable(object): def __init__(self, doc, images={}, path='.'): self.doc = doc self.styles = doc.styles self.images = images self.path = path def _textual(self, node): rc = '' for n in node.childNodes: if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if n.localName == 'getName': newNode = self.doc.dom.createTextNode(self.styles.names.get(n.getAttribute('id'),'Unknown name')) node.insertBefore(newNode, n) node.removeChild(n) n = newNode elif n.localName == 'pageNumber': rc += '' # TODO: change this ! else: #CHECKME: I wonder if this is useful since we don't stock the result. Maybe for the getName tag? self._textual(n) rc += n.toxml() elif n.nodeType in (node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, node.TEXT_NODE): rc += str2xml(n.data) return rc.encode(encoding, 'replace') def _table(self, node): length = 0 colwidths = None rowheights = None data = [] childs = _child_get(node,'tr') if not childs: return None posy = 0 styles = [] for tr in childs: paraStyle = None if tr.hasAttribute('style'): st = copy.deepcopy(self.styles.table_styles[tr.getAttribute('style')]) for s in st._cmds: s[1][1] = posy s[2][1] = posy styles.append(st) if tr.hasAttribute('paraStyle'): paraStyle = self.styles.styles[tr.getAttribute('paraStyle')] data2 = [] posx = 0 for td in _child_get(tr, 'td'): if td.hasAttribute('style'): st = copy.deepcopy(self.styles.table_styles[td.getAttribute('style')]) for s in st._cmds: s[1][1] = posy s[2][1] = posy s[1][0] = posx s[2][0] = posx styles.append(st) if td.hasAttribute('paraStyle'): # TODO: merge styles paraStyle = self.styles.styles[td.getAttribute('paraStyle')] posx += 1 flow = [] for n in td.childNodes: if n.nodeType==node.ELEMENT_NODE: fl = self._flowable(n, extra_style=paraStyle) flow.append( fl ) if not len(flow): flow = self._textual(td) data2.append( flow ) if len(data2)>length: length=len(data2) for ab in data: while len(ab)(float(sx)>sy): args['width'] = sx * args['height'] / sy else: args['height'] = sy * args['width'] / sx return platypus.Image(name, mask=(250,255,250,255,250,255), **args) elif node.localName=='spacer': if node.hasAttribute('width'): width = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('width')) else: width = utils.unit_get('1cm') length = utils.unit_get(node.getAttribute('length')) return platypus.Spacer(width=width, height=length) elif node.localName=='section': return self.render(node) elif node.localName == 'pageNumberReset': return PageReset() elif node.localName in ('pageBreak', 'nextPage'): return platypus.PageBreak() elif node.localName=='condPageBreak': return platypus.CondPageBreak(**(utils.attr_get(node, ['height']))) elif node.localName=='setNextTemplate': return platypus.NextPageTemplate(str(node.getAttribute('name'))) elif node.localName=='nextFrame': return platypus.CondPageBreak(1000) # TODO: change the 1000 ! elif node.localName == 'setNextFrame': from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import NextFrameFlowable return NextFrameFlowable(str(node.getAttribute('name'))) elif node.localName == 'currentFrame': from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import CurrentFrameFlowable return CurrentFrameFlowable(str(node.getAttribute('name'))) elif node.localName == 'frameEnd': return EndFrameFlowable() else: sys.stderr.write('Warning: flowable not yet implemented: %s !\n' % (node.localName,)) return None def render(self, node_story): story = [] node = node_story.firstChild while node: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: flow = self._flowable(node) if flow: if type(flow) == type([]): story = story + flow else: story.append(flow) node = node.nextSibling return story from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import ActionFlowable class EndFrameFlowable(ActionFlowable): def __init__(self,resume=0): ActionFlowable.__init__(self,('frameEnd',resume)) class TinyDocTemplate(platypus.BaseDocTemplate): def ___handle_pageBegin(self): self.page = self.page + 1 self.pageTemplate.beforeDrawPage(self.canv,self) self.pageTemplate.checkPageSize(self.canv,self) self.pageTemplate.onPage(self.canv,self) for f in self.pageTemplate.frames: f._reset() self.beforePage() #keep a count of flowables added to this page. zero indicates bad stuff self._curPageFlowableCount = 0 if hasattr(self,'_nextFrameIndex'): del self._nextFrameIndex for f in self.pageTemplate.frames: if f.id == 'first': self.frame = f break self.handle_frameBegin() def afterFlowable(self, flowable): if isinstance(flowable, PageReset): self.canv._pageNumber = 0 class _rml_template(object): def __init__(self, out, node, doc, images={}, path='.'): self.images= images self.path = path if not node.hasAttribute('pageSize'): pageSize = (utils.unit_get('21cm'), utils.unit_get('29.7cm')) else: ps = map(lambda x:x.strip(), node.getAttribute('pageSize').replace(')', '').replace('(', '').split(',')) pageSize = ( utils.unit_get(ps[0]),utils.unit_get(ps[1]) ) cm = reportlab.lib.units.cm self.doc_tmpl = TinyDocTemplate(out, pagesize=pageSize, **utils.attr_get(node, ['leftMargin','rightMargin','topMargin','bottomMargin'], {'allowSplitting':'int','showBoundary':'bool','title':'str','author':'str'})) self.page_templates = [] self.styles = doc.styles self.doc = doc pts = node.getElementsByTagName('pageTemplate') for pt in pts: frames = [] for frame_el in pt.getElementsByTagName('frame'): frame = platypus.Frame( **(utils.attr_get(frame_el, ['x1','y1', 'width','height', 'leftPadding', 'rightPadding', 'bottomPadding', 'topPadding'], {'id':'str', 'showBoundary':'bool'})) ) if utils.attr_get(frame_el, ['last']): frame.lastFrame = True frames.append( frame ) gr = pt.getElementsByTagName('pageGraphics') if len(gr): drw = _rml_draw(gr[0], self.doc, images=images, path=self.path) self.page_templates.append( platypus.PageTemplate(frames=frames, onPage=drw.render, **utils.attr_get(pt, [], {'id':'str'}) )) else: self.page_templates.append( platypus.PageTemplate(frames=frames, **utils.attr_get(pt, [], {'id':'str'}) )) self.doc_tmpl.addPageTemplates(self.page_templates) def render(self, node_stories): fis = [] r = _rml_flowable(self.doc,images=self.images, path=self.path) for node_story in node_stories: fis += r.render(node_story) if node_story==node_stories[-1]: fis.append(PageCount()) fis.append(platypus.PageBreak()) self.doc_tmpl.build(fis) def parseString(data, fout=None, images={}, path='.'): r = _rml_doc(data, images, path) if fout: fp = file(fout,'wb') r.render(fp) fp.close() return fout else: fp = StringIO.StringIO() r.render(fp) return fp.getvalue() def trml2pdf_help(): print 'Usage: trml2pdf input.rml >output.pdf' print 'Render the standard input (RML) and output a PDF file' sys.exit(0) if __name__=="__main__": if len(sys.argv)>1: if sys.argv[1]=='--help': trml2pdf_help() print parseString(file(sys.argv[1], 'r').read()), else: print 'Usage: trml2pdf input.rml >output.pdf' print 'Try \'trml2pdf --help\' for more information.' # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: