- Demo for Account Voucher - !record {model: account.voucher, id: account_voucher_voucheraxelor0again, view: view_sale_receipt_form}: type: sale account_id: account.cash company_id: base.main_company journal_id: account.bank_journal name: Voucher Axelor narration: PC Assemble SC234 amount: 1000.0 line_ids: - account_id: account.cash amount: 1000.0 name: Voucher Axelor period_id: account.period_6 - In order to test the PDF reports defined on a account_voucher, we will print account voucher Report - !python {model: account.voucher}: | import os import openerp.report from openerp import tools data, format = openerp.report.render_report(cr, uid, [ref("account_voucher_voucheraxelor0again")], 'voucher.cash_receipt.drcr', {}, {}) if tools.config['test_report_directory']: file(os.path.join(tools.config['test_report_directory'], 'account_voucher-report.'+format), 'wb+').write(data)