.. _controller: WebsiteBlog(controller) ======================= Methods +++++++ - ``blog`` : remove routing related to date. - ``blog_post`` : updated with , suggestion of next post to the user based on cookie and number of views. - ``discussion`` : added method , contains a detail of discussion on every paragraph, if count is true it only return len of ids else return full detail. def discussion(self, post_id=0, discussion=None, count=False, **post) - ``post_discussion`` : added methodt, that allow to post discussion on any paragraph. def post_discussion(self, blog_post_id=0, **post) - ``change_bg`` : added method allow a user to change background image on blog post from front-end. def change_bg(self, post_id=0, image=None, **post) - ``get_user`` : added method , that will return True if user is public else False. def get_user(self, **post): return [False if request.session.uid else True]