lot of modifs, still not functionning

bzr revid: nicolas.vanhoren@openerp.com-20121023145858-dg34k7kqi3jkar6z
This commit is contained in:
niv-openerp 2012-10-23 16:58:58 +02:00
parent 587e72300e
commit f6a1c4986d
2 changed files with 146 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -8,85 +8,5 @@ class GraphView(openerp.addons.web.controllers.main.View):
def data_get(self, req, model=None, domain=[], context={}, group_by=[], view_id=False, orientation=False, stacked=False, mode="bar", **kwargs):
obj = req.session.model(model)
res = obj.fields_view_get(view_id, 'graph')
fields = res['fields']
toload = filter(lambda x: x not in fields, group_by)
if toload:
fields.update( obj.fields_get(toload, context) )
tree = etree.fromstring(res['arch'])
pos = 0
xaxis = group_by or []
yaxis = []
for field in tree.iter(tag='field'):
if (field.tag != 'field') or (not field.get('name')):
assert field.get('name'), "This <field> tag must have a 'name' attribute."
if (not group_by) and ((not pos) or field.get('group')):
if pos and not field.get('group'):
pos += 1
assert len(xaxis), "No field for the X axis!"
assert len(yaxis), "No field for the Y axis!"
# Convert a field's data into a displayable string
ticks = {}
def _convert_key(field, data):
if fields[field]['type']=='many2one':
data = data and data[0]
return data
def _convert(field, data, tick=True):
if fields[field]['type']=='many2one':
data = data and data[1]
elif (fields[field]['type']=='selection') and (type(fields[field]['selection']) in (list, tuple)):
d = dict(fields[field]['selection'])
data = d[data]
if tick:
return ticks.setdefault(data, len(ticks))
return data or 0
def _orientation(x, y):
if not orientation:
return (x,y)
return (y,x)
result = []
if mode=="pie":
res = obj.read_group(domain, yaxis+[xaxis[0]], [xaxis[0]], context=context)
for record in res:
result.append( {
'data': [(_convert(xaxis[0], record[xaxis[0]]), record[yaxis[0]])],
'label': _convert(xaxis[0], record[xaxis[0]], tick=False)
elif (not stacked) or (len(xaxis)<2):
for x in xaxis:
res = obj.read_group(domain, yaxis+[x], [x], context=context)
result.append( {
'data': map(lambda record: _orientation(_convert(x, record[x]), record[yaxis[0]] or 0), res),
'label': fields[x]['string']
axis = obj.read_group(domain, yaxis+xaxis[0:1], xaxis[0:1], context=context)
for x in axis:
key = x[xaxis[0]]
res = obj.read_group(domain+[(xaxis[0],'=',_convert_key(xaxis[0], key))], yaxis+xaxis[1:2], xaxis[1:2], context=context)
result.append( {
'data': map(lambda record: _orientation(_convert(xaxis[1], record[xaxis[1]]), record[yaxis[0]] or 0), res),
'label': _convert(xaxis[0], key, tick=False)
res = {
'data': result,
'ticks': map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), ticks.items())
return res

View File

@ -228,15 +228,151 @@ instance.web_graph.GraphView = instance.web.View.extend({
graph_get_data: function () {
return this.rpc('/web_graph/graph/data_get', {
model: this.dataset.model,
domain: this.domain,
context: this.context,
group_by: this.group_by,
view_id: this.view_id,
mode: this.mode,
orientation: this.orientation,
stacked: this.stacked
var model = this.dataset.model,
domain = new instance.web.CompoundDomain(this.domain),
context = new instance.web.CompoundContext(this.context),
group_by = this.group_by,
view_id = this.view_id,
mode = this.mode,
orientation = this.orientation,
stacked = this.stacked;
var obj = new instance.web.Model(model);
var view_get;
var fields;
var result = [];
var ticks = {};
return obj.call("fields_view_get", [view_id, 'graph']).pipe(function(tmp) {
view_get = tmp;
fields = view_get['fields'];
var toload = _.select(group_by, function(x) { return fields[x] === undefined });
if (toload.length >= 1)
return obj.call("fields_get", [toload, context]);
return $.when([]);
}).pipe(function (fields_to_add) {
_.extend(fields, fields_to_add);
var tree = $($.parseXML(view_get['arch']));
var pos = 0;
var xaxis = group_by || [];
var yaxis = [];
tree.find("field").each(function() {
var field = $(this);
if (! field.attr("name"))
if ((! group_by) && ((! pos) || field.attr('group'))) {
if (pos && ! field.attr('group')) {
pos += 1;
if (xaxis.length === 0)
throw new Error("No field for the X axis!");
if (yaxis.length === 0)
throw new Error("No field for the Y axis!");
// Convert a field's data into a displayable string
function _convert_key(field, data) {
if (fields[field]['type'] === 'many2one')
data = data && data[0];
return data;
function _convert(field, data, tick) {
tick = tick === undefined ? true : false;
if (fields[field]['type'] === 'many2one') {
data = data && data[1];
} else if ((fields[field]['type'] === 'selection') && (fields[field]['selection'] instanceof Array)) {
var d = {};
_.each(fields[field]['selection'], function(el) {
d[el[0]] = el[1];
data = d[data];
if (tick) {
if (ticks[data] === undefined)
ticks[data] = _.size(ticks);
return ticks[data];
return data || 0;
function _orientation(x, y) {
if (! orientation)
return [x, y]
return [y, x]
if (mode === "pie") {
return obj.call("read_group", [domain, yaxis+[xaxis[0]], [xaxis[0]]], {context: context}).pipe(function(res) {
_.each(res, function(record) {
'data': [[_convert(xaxis[0], record[xaxis[0]]), record[yaxis[0]]]],
'label': _convert(xaxis[0], record[xaxis[0]], false)
} else if ((! stacked) || (xaxis.length < 2)) {
var defs = [];
_.each(xaxis, function(x) {
defs.push(obj.call("read_group", [domain, yaxis+[x], [x]], {context: context}).pipe(function(res) {
return [x, res];
return $.when.apply($, defs).pipe(function() {
_.each(_.toArray(arguments), function(res) {
// TODO: must convert res
var x = res[0];
res = res[1];
'data': _.map(res, function(record) {
return _orientation(_convert(x, record[x]), record[yaxis[0]] || 0);
'label': fields[x]['string']
} else {
return obj.call("read_group", [domain, yaxis + xaxis.slice(0, 1), xaxis.slice(0, 1)], {context: context}).pipe(function(axis) {
var defs = [];
_.each(axis, function(x) {
var key = x[xaxis[0]]
defs.push(obj.call("read_group", [domain+[(xaxis[0],'=',_convert_key(xaxis[0], key))], yaxis + xaxis.slice(1, 2), xaxis.slice(1, 2)],
{context: context}).pipe(function(res) {
return [x, key, res];
return $.when.apply($, defs).pipe(function(res) {
// TODO: must convert res
var x = res[0];
var key = res[1];
res = res[2];
'data': _.map(res, function(record) {
return _orientation(_convert(xaxis[1], record[xaxis[1]]), record[yaxis[0]] or 0);
'label': _convert(xaxis[0], key, false)
}).pipe(function() {
var res = {
'data': result,
'ticks': _.map(ticks, function(el, key) { return [el, key] })
return res;