[IMP] hr_payroll: implemented the feature worked_days.WORK100.number_of_hours + improved worked_days.sum() method

bzr revid: qdp-launchpad@openerp.com-20110512161628-wc8zvq62nqldc5jt
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Quentin (OpenERP) 2011-05-12 18:16:28 +02:00
parent 8ff806bea3
commit f595581803
1 changed files with 44 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -476,6 +476,47 @@ class hr_payslip(osv.osv):
localdict['categories'][category.code] = category.code in localdict['categories'] and localdict['categories'][category.code] + amount or amount
return localdict
class InputLine(object):
"""a class that will be used into the python code, mainly for usability purposes"""
def __init__(self, pool, cr, uid, employee_id, dict):
self.pool = pool
self.cr = cr
self.uid = uid
self.employee_id = employee_id
self.dict = dict
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self.dict.__getitem__(attr)
def sum(self, code, from_date, to_date=None):
if to_date is None:
to_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
result = 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(quantity) as sum\
FROM hr_payslip as hp, hr_payslip_input as pi \
WHERE hp.employee_id = %s AND hp.state in ('confirm','done') \
AND hp.date_from >= %s AND hp.date_to <= %s AND hp.id = pi.payslip_id AND pi.code = %s",
(self.employee_id, from_date, to_date, code))
res = self.cr.fetchone()[0]
return res or 0.0
class WorkedDays(InputLine):
"""a class that will be used into the python code, mainly for usability purposes"""
def _sum(self, code, from_date, to_date=None):
if to_date is None:
to_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
result = 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(number_of_days) as number_of_days, sum(number_of_hours) as number_of_hours\
FROM hr_payslip as hp, hr_payslip_worked_days as pi \
WHERE hp.employee_id = %s AND hp.state in ('confirm','done') \
AND hp.date_from >= %s AND hp.date_to <= %s AND hp.id = pi.payslip_id AND pi.code = %s",
(self.employee_id, from_date, to_date, code))
return self.cr.fetchone()
def sum(self, code, from_date, to_date=None):
res = self._sum(code, from_date, to_date)
return res and res[0] or 0.0
def sum_hours(self, code, from_date, to_date=None):
res = self._sum(code, from_date, to_date, )
return res and res[1] or 0.0
#we keep a dict with the result because a value can be overwritten by another rule with the same code
result_dict = {}
blacklist = []
@ -489,7 +530,9 @@ class hr_payslip(osv.osv):
inputs = {}
for input_line in payslip.input_line_ids:
inputs[input_line.code] = input_line
localdict = {'categories': {}, 'payslip': payslip, 'worked_days': worked_days, 'inputs': inputs, 'payslip_obj': payslip_obj, 'inputs_obj':inputs_obj}
input_obj = InputLine(self.pool, cr, uid, payslip.employee_id.id, inputs)
worked_days_obj = WorkedDays(self.pool, cr, uid, payslip.employee_id.id,worked_days)
localdict = {'categories': {}, 'payslip': payslip, 'worked_days': worked_days_obj, 'inputs': input_obj, 'payslip_obj': payslip_obj}
#get the ids of the structures on the contracts and their parent id as well
structure_ids = self.pool.get('hr.contract').get_all_structures(cr, uid, contract_ids, context=context)
#get the rules of the structure and thier children
@ -671,35 +714,6 @@ class hr_payslip_worked_days(osv.osv):
_defaults = {
'sequence': 10,
def __init__(self, pool, cr):
super(hr_payslip_worked_days, self).__init__(pool, cr)
self.cr = cr
def sum(self, code, field, from_date, to_date=None, employee=False, context=None):
if not employee:
return 0.0
if to_date is None:
to_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
result = 0.0
cr = pooler.get_db(self.cr.dbname).cursor()
cr.execute("SELECT pi.id\
FROM hr_payslip as hp, hr_payslip_worked_days as pi \
WHERE hp.employee_id = %s AND hp.state in ('confirm','done') \
AND hp.date_from >= %s AND hp.date_to <= %s AND hp.id = pi.payslip_id AND pi.code = %s",
(employee, from_date, to_date, code))
input_ids = [r[0] for r in cr.fetchall()]
if len(input_ids) == 1:
input_ids = tuple(input_ids[0],)
input_ids = tuple(input_ids)
# input_data = self.read(cr, uid, input_ids, [field], context=context)
cr = pooler.get_db(self.cr.dbname).cursor()
cr.execute("select %s from hr_payslip_worked_days as wd where wd.id in %s"%(field, input_ids))
input_data = cr.dictfetchall()
for input in input_data:
result += input.get(field)
return result
class hr_payslip_input(osv.osv):